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+Book (871)

Accession DateAcc. #Original
TitleAuthor# Times
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889065716571View PageLittle Lord Fauntleroy.Little Lord Fauntleroy.Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 1849-1924.06565
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889065726572View PageSara Crewe; or, What happened at Miss Minchin's.Sara Crewe; or, What happened at Miss Minchin's.Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 1849-1924.121121
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889065796579View PageBoots and saddles; or, Life in Dakota with General Custer.Boots and saddles; or, Life in Dakota with General Custer.Custer, Elizabeth Bacon, 1842-1933.04848
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889065816581View PageMan and wife : a novel.Man and wife : a novel.Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889.09292
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889065856585View PageIn the Tennessee mountains.In the Tennessee mountains.Murfree, Mary Noailles, 1850-1922.04242
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889065866586View PageThe prophet of the Great Smoky mountains.The prophet of the Great Smoky mountains.Murfree, Mary Noailles, 1850-1922.03030
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889065876587View PageIn the clouds.In the clouds.Murfree, Mary Noailles, 1850-1922.0099
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889065896589View PageDonald and Dorothy.Donald and Dorothy.Dodge, Mary Mapes, 1830-1905.128128
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889065906590View PageThe last war trail.The last war trail.Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916.172172
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889065916591View PageThe hunters of the Ozark.The hunters of the Ozark.Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916.126126
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889065926592View PageThe camp in the mountains.The camp in the mountains.Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916.150150
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889065956595View PageMiddlemarch : a study of provincial life.Middlemarch : a study of provincial life.Cross, Marian Evans, 1819-1880.05757
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066076607View PageLes mise ables.Les mise ables.Hugo, Victor, 1802-1885.04040
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066136613View PageThe English governess at the Siamese court : being recollections of six years in the royal palace at Bangkok.The English governess at the Siamese court : being recollections of six years in the royal palace at Bangkok.Leonowens, Anna Harriette, 1834-1914.01010
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066156615View PageWhat's mine's mine.What's mine's mine.MacDonald, George, 1824-1905.05151
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066186618View PageThe little moorland princess.The little moorland princess.John, Eugenie, 1825-1887.173173
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066196619View PageThe old mam'selle's secret.The old mam'selle's secret.John, Eugenie, 1825-1887.160160
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066246624View PageThe children of the abbey : a tale.The children of the abbey : a tale.Roche, Regina Maria, 1764?-1845.03939
18980908Thursday, September 8th,18981085710857View PageStories by American authors : number 1.Stories by American authors : number 1.Bayard Taylor01919
18980908Thursday, September 8th,18981085810858View PageStories by American authors : number 2.Stories by American authors : number 2.F.R. Stockton02222
18980908Thursday, September 8th,18981085910859View PageStories by American authors : number 3.Stories by American authors : number 3.F.H. Burnett. &c01818
18980908Thursday, September 8th,18981086010860View PageStories by American authors : number 4.Stories by American authors : number 4.C.F. Woolson &c.01515
18980908Thursday, September 8th,18981086110861View PageStories by American authors : number 5.Stories by American authors : number 5.Henry James &c0088
18980908Thursday, September 8th,18981086210862View PageStories by American authors : number 6.Stories by American authors : number 6.C.H. White-01616
18980908Thursday, September 8th,18981086310863View PageStories by American authors : number 7.Stories by American authors : number 7.Octave Thanet-0088
18980908Thursday, September 8th,18981086410864View PageStories by American authors : number 8.Stories by American authors : number 8.J.W. De Forest0044
18980908Thursday, September 8th,18981086510865View PageStories by American authors : number 9.Stories by American authors : number 9.Thos _ N. Page &c0088
18980908Thursday, September 8th,18981086610866View PageStories by American authors : number 10.Stories by American authors : number 10.T A Janvier0044
18981023Sunday, October 23rd,18981087110871View PageMrs. Skaggs's husbands : and other sketches.Mrs. Skaggs's husbands : and other sketches.Harte, Bret, 1836-1902.01212
18981023Sunday, October 23rd,18981087310873View PageOld Creole days.Old Creole days.Cable, George Washington, 1844-1925.05252
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066606660View PageLittle men : life at Plumfield with Jo's boys.Little men : life at Plumfield with Jo's boys.Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888.144144
18981023Sunday, October 23rd,18981088310883View PageThe homes of the New world : impressions of America.The homes of the New world : impressions of America.Bremer, Fredrika, 1801-1865.0011
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066656665View PageAn old-fashioned girl.An old-fashioned girl.Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888.154154
18750220Saturday, February 20th,187500145145View PageRiches have wings, or, A tale for the rich and poor. Riches have wings, or, A tale for the rich and poor. Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885.0077
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066666666View PageJo's boys, and how they turned out : a sequel to "Little men".Jo's boys, and how they turned out : a sequel to "Little men".Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888.09292
18750220Saturday, February 20th,187500147147View PageThe story of the peasant-boy philosopher, or, "A child gathering pebbles on the sea-shore."The story of the peasant-boy philosopher, or, "A child gathering pebbles on the sea-shore."Mayhew, Henry, 1812-1887.0055
18750220Saturday, February 20th,187500148148View PageMarcus; or, The boy-tamer.Marcus; or, The boy-tamer.Aimwell, Walter, 1822-1859.01010
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066756675View PageFaith Gartney's girlhood.Faith Gartney's girlhood.Whitney, A. D. T. (Adeline Dutton Train), 1824-1906.113113
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066776677View PagePatience Strong's outings.Patience Strong's outings.Whitney, A. D. T. (Adeline Dutton Train), 1824-1906.01414
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066786678View PageA summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life.A summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life.Whitney, A. D. T. (Adeline Dutton Train), 1824-1906.07474
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066826682View PageAnne : a novel.Anne : a novel.Woolson, Constance Fenimore, 1840-1894.116116
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066836683View PageReal folks.Real folks.Whitney, A. D. T. (Adeline Dutton Train), 1824-1906.05959
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066846684View PageOdd, or even?Odd, or even?Whitney, A. D. T. (Adeline Dutton Train), 1824-1906.06565
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066876687View PageBonnyborough.Bonnyborough.Whitney, A. D. T. (Adeline Dutton Train), 1824-1906.04848
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066886688View PageBoys at Chequasset, or, "A little leaven".Boys at Chequasset, or, "A little leaven".Whitney, A. D. T. (Adeline Dutton Train), 1824-1906.01616
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066896689View PageThe other girls.The other girls.Whitney, A. D. T. (Adeline Dutton Train), 1824-1906.06969
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066926692View PageFarm ballads.Farm ballads.Carleton, Will, 1845-1912.02828
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889066936693View PageCity ballads.City ballads.Carleton, Will, 1845-1912.02020
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889070057005View PageMusic study in Germany.Music study in Germany.Fay, Amy, 1844-1928.0077
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889070157015View PageVenetian life.Venetian life.Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920.01313
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981092410924View PageThe red patriot : a story of the American revolution.The red patriot : a story of the American revolution.Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925.0011
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981094010940View PageThe Durket sperret : a novel.The Durket sperret : a novel.Elliott, Sarah Barnwell, 1848-1928.04747
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981094310943View PageThe lady of the forest.The lady of the forest.Meade, L. T., 1854-1914.105105
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981095010950View PageUncle Lisha's outing.Uncle Lisha's outing.Robinson, Rowland Evans, 1833-1900.03232
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981095210952View PageThe Kentuckians : a novel.The Kentuckians : a novel.Fox, John, 1863-1919.08989
18891110Sunday, November 10th,18891096210962View PageThe fast mail : the story of a train boy.The fast mail : the story of a train boy.Drysdale, William, 1852-1901.141141
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981096810968View PageYankee ships and Yankee sailors : tales of 1812.Yankee ships and Yankee sailors : tales of 1812.Barnes, James, 1866-1936.05555
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981098510985View PageBeing a boy.Being a boy.Warner, Charles Dudley, 1829-1900.02727
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981098910989View PageThe electrical boy, or, The career of Greatman and Greatthings.The electrical boy, or, The career of Greatman and Greatthings.Trowbridge, John, 1843-1923.06565
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981099810998View PageWorkingmen's insurance.Workingmen's insurance.Willoughby, William F. (William Franklin), b. 1867.0000
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981100911009View PageSelf-culture, physical, intellectual, moral, and spiritual : a course of lectures.Self-culture, physical, intellectual, moral, and spiritual : a course of lectures.Clarke, James Freeman, 1810-1888.0044
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981101211012View PageSue Orcutt : a sequel to "The Orcutt girls".Sue Orcutt : a sequel to "The Orcutt girls".Vaile, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Marion), 1852-1902.08080
18781016Wednesday, October 16th,1878032473247View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0011
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981103111031View PageThe ideal life : addresses hitherto unpublished.The ideal life : addresses hitherto unpublished.Drummond, Henry, 1851-1897.0088
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981104011040View PageInfelice : a novel.Infelice : a novel.Evans, Augusta J. (Augusta Jane), 1835-1909.100100
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981104111041View PageAdam Bede.Adam Bede.Cross, Marian Evans, 1819-1880.02828
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971033210332View PageA child-world.A child-world.Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916.02020
18760310Friday, March 10th,1876024882488View PageHeaven and hell : also, the intermediate state, or world of spirits : a relation of things heard and seen.Heaven and hell : also, the intermediate state, or world of spirits : a relation of things heard and seen.Swedenborg, Emanuel, 1688-1772.0055
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981104511045View PageDaisy.Daisy.Warner, Susan, 1819-1885.03535
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981104911049View PageTwo years before the mast : a personal narrative of a sailor's life at sea.Two years before the mast : a personal narrative of a sailor's life at sea.Dana, Richard Henry, 1815-1882.04545
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896095609560View PageLittle knights and ladies : verses for young people.Little knights and ladies : verses for young people.Sangster, Margaret Elizabeth Munson, 1838-1912.0055
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981105111051View PageThe vicar of Wakefield.The vicar of Wakefield.Goldsmith, Oliver, 1730?-1774.02626
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896095619561View PageThe garden behind the moon : a real story of the moon angel.The garden behind the moon : a real story of the moon angel.Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911.07979
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981105511055View PageIn the Rocky Mountains : a tale of adventure.In the Rocky Mountains : a tale of adventure.Kingston, W. H. G. (William Henry Giles), 1814-1880.0066
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971034610346View PageThe swordmaker's son.The swordmaker's son.Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925.07979
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971034710347View PageMarm Lisa.Marm Lisa.Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith, 1856-1923.03434
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981106211062View PageThe exiles : and other stories.The exiles : and other stories.Davis, Richard Harding, 1864-1916.04141
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981106311063View PageFlute and violin and other Kentucky tales and romances.Flute and violin and other Kentucky tales and romances.Allen, James Lane, 1849-1925.06363
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981106411064View PageThe blue-grass region of Kentucky : and other Kentucky articles.The blue-grass region of Kentucky : and other Kentucky articles.Allen, James Lane, 1849-1925.04040
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896095639563View PageThe tiger of Mysore : a story of the war with Tippoo Saib.The tiger of Mysore : a story of the war with Tippoo Saib.Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902.08383
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896095649564View PageAunt Diana.Aunt Diana.Carey, Rosa Nouchette, 1840-1909.175175
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896095679567View PageCousin Mona : a story for girls.Cousin Mona : a story for girls.Carey, Rosa Nouchette, 1840-1909.182182
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896095689568View PageJerry's family : a story of a street waif of New York.Jerry's family : a story of a street waif of New York.Otis, James, 1848-1912.09595
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896095749574View PageJoel : a boy of Galilee.Joel : a boy of Galilee.Johnston, Annie F. (Annie Fellows), 1863-1931.02323
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981107311073View PageThe Great streets of the world.The Great streets of the world.Davis, Richard Harding, 1864-1916.01313
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981107511075View PageThe crystal hunters : a boy's adventures in the higher Alps.The crystal hunters : a boy's adventures in the higher Alps.Fenn, George Manville, 1831-1909.05050
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896095799579View PageChumley's post : a story of the Pawnee trail.Chumley's post : a story of the Pawnee trail.Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925.126126
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981107711077View PageThe blue-grass region of Kentucky : and other Kentucky articles.The blue-grass region of Kentucky : and other Kentucky articles.Allen, James Lane, 1849-1925.0022
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981107811078View PageMoriah's mourning : and other half-hour sketches.Moriah's mourning : and other half-hour sketches.Stuart, Ruth McEnery, 1856-1917.03939
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981107911079View PageTrif and Trixy : a story of a dreadfully delightful little girl and her adoring and tormented parents, relations and friends.Trif and Trixy : a story of a dreadfully delightful little girl and her adoring and tormented parents, relations and friends.Habberton, John, 1842-1921.06262
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981108311083View PageMiss Ayr of Virginia : & other stories.Miss Ayr of Virginia : & other stories.Magruder, Julia, 1854-1907.000I0 (Indeterminate)
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896095869586View PageTwo little pilgrims' progress : a story of the city beautiful.Two little pilgrims' progress : a story of the city beautiful.Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 1849-1924.107107
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896095889588View PageThe pot of gold : and other stories.The pot of gold : and other stories.Freeman, Mary Eleanor Wilkins, 1852-1930.06060
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896095909590View PageSilent Pete, or, The stowaways.Silent Pete, or, The stowaways.Otis, James, 1848-1912.07373
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896095959595View PageSevenoaks : a story of to-day.Sevenoaks : a story of to-day.Holland, J. G. (Josiah Gilbert), 1819-1881.05757
18781116Saturday, November 16th,1878032693269View PageThe Edinburgh review.The Edinburgh review.0000
18781116Saturday, November 16th,1878032703270View PageThe Edinburgh review.The Edinburgh review.0000
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896096009600View PageCadet days : a story of West Point.Cadet days : a story of West Point.King, Charles, 1844-1933.214214
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981108411084View PageThe fur-seal's tooth : a story of Alaskan adventure.The fur-seal's tooth : a story of Alaskan adventure.Munroe, Kirk, 1850-1930.09494
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896096019601View PageCaptain Close, and Sergeant Croesus : two novels.Captain Close, and Sergeant Croesus : two novels.King, Charles, 1844-1933.0011
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981109611096View PageAs in a mirror.As in a mirror.Alden, Isabella Macdonald, 1841-1930.06767
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981109911099View PageOverruled.Overruled.Alden, Isabella Macdonald, 1841-1930.07676
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896096069606View PageA boy of the First Empire.A boy of the First Empire.Brooks, Elbridge Streeter, 1846-1902.06767
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981200112001View PageThe young step-mother.The young step-mother.Yonge, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary), 1823-1901.08383
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981200212002View PageSocial life in old Virginia before the war.Social life in old Virginia before the war.Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853-1922.01919
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896096089608View PageThe Kanter girls.The Kanter girls.Branch, Mary Lydia, 1840-1922.116116
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981200612006View PageThe golden age.The golden age.Grahame, Kenneth, 1859-1932.0055
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981200812008View PageChantry House.Chantry House.Yonge, Charlotte Mary, 1823-1901.0011
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896096099609View PageThe boys' book of sports and outdoor life.The boys' book of sports and outdoor life.Thompson, Maurice, 1844-1901.06969
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896096119611View PageRoger the ranger : a story of border life among the Indians.Roger the ranger : a story of border life among the Indians.Pollard, Eliza F., d. 1911.135135
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896096139613View PageMr. Kris Kringle : a Christmas tale.Mr. Kris Kringle : a Christmas tale.Mitchell, S. Weir (Silas Weir), 1829-1914.01818
18761026Thursday, October 26th,1876025142514View PageMarco Paul's travels and adventures in pursuit of knowledge.Marco Paul's travels and adventures in pursuit of knowledge.Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879.0022
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896096199619View PageMr. Stubb's brother : a sequel to "Toby Tyler"Mr. Stubb's brother : a sequel to "Toby Tyler"Otis, James, 1848-1912.04646
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896096219621View PageThe palace beautiful : a story for girls.The palace beautiful : a story for girls.Meade, L. T., 1854-1914.141141
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981201312013View PageSnow-shoes and sledges.Snow-shoes and sledges.Munroe, Kirk, 1850-1930.08080
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981201512015View PageThe people of our neighborhood.The people of our neighborhood.Freeman, Mary Eleanor Wilkins, 1852-1930.01212
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896096319631View PageWith trumpet and drum.With trumpet and drum.Field, Eugene, 1850-189502727
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981202012020View PageThe army mule and other war sketches.The army mule and other war sketches.Castle, Henry A. (Henry Anson), 1841-1916.03737
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896096349634View PageThe days of auld lang syne.The days of auld lang syne.Watson, John, 1850-1907.04343
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981202612026View PageThe recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn.The recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn.Kingsley, Henry, 1830-1876.01616
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981202712027View PageThe recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn.The recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn.Kingsley, Henry, 1830-1876.01111
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981203112031View PageTrials of a staff-officer.Trials of a staff-officer.King, Charles, 1844-1933.05353
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981204012040View PageThe lion of the north : a tale of the times of Gustavus Adolphus and the wars of religion.The lion of the north : a tale of the times of Gustavus Adolphus and the wars of religion.Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902.07676
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875010821082View PagePartingtonian patchwork.Partingtonian patchwork.Shillaber, B. P. (Benjamin Penhallow), 1814-1890.0077
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875010831083View PageBorder beagles : a tale of Mississippi.Border beagles : a tale of Mississippi.Simms, William Gilmore, 1806-1870.0099
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875010881088View PageWay down East; or, Portraitures of Yankee life.Way down East; or, Portraitures of Yankee life.Smith, Seba, 1792-1868.0022
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981205912059View PageStem to stern, or, Building the boat.Stem to stern, or, Building the boat.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.0000
18900623Monday, June 23rd,1890072027202View PageMary Osborne.Mary Osborne.Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879.01818
18770205Monday, February 5th,1877025402540View PageTom Brown's school days.Tom Brown's school days.Hughes, Thomas, 1822-1896.0000
18770205Monday, February 5th,1877025412541View PageHarry Heathcote of Gangoil : a tale of Australian bush life.Harry Heathcote of Gangoil : a tale of Australian bush life.Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882.0000
18900623Monday, June 23rd,1890072067206View PageAfter dark.After dark.Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889.05858
18900623Monday, June 23rd,1890072097209View PageThe mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.01717
18900623Monday, June 23rd,1890072107210View PageThe mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.01919
18790110Friday, January 10th,1879033083308View PageLittle people, in picture and story.Little people, in picture and story.Alden, Isabella Macdonald, 1841-1930.0000
18790110Friday, January 10th,1879033093309View PageThe Swiss family Robinson, or, adventure of a shipwrecked family on a desolate island.The Swiss family Robinson, or, adventure of a shipwrecked family on a desolate island.Wyss, Johann David, 1743-1818.0011
18790110Friday, January 10th,1879033103310View PageA day in the woods.A day in the woods.0011
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971037010370View PageThe gingham bag : the tale of an heirloom.The gingham bag : the tale of an heirloom.Sidney, Margaret, 1844-1924.101101
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971037110371View PageThe boys of Clovernook : the story of five boys on a farm.The boys of Clovernook : the story of five boys on a farm.Beal, Mary Barnes02121
18900623Monday, June 23rd,1890072217221View PageThe motherless children.The motherless children.Baker, Harriette Newell Woods, 1815-1893.02525
18790110Friday, January 10th,1879033163316View PageHow to be a lady.How to be a lady.Newcomb, Harvey, 1803-1863.0022
18840522Thursday, May 22nd,1884048814881View PageTen little girls.Ten little girls.01717
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981207312073View PageWhat are you doing here? : a consideration of the meaning and aims of life.What are you doing here? : a consideration of the meaning and aims of life.Conklin, Abram.0055
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981208512085View PageMammy Tittleback and her family : a true story of seventeen cats.Mammy Tittleback and her family : a true story of seventeen cats.Jackson, Helen Hunt, 1830-1885.01919
18900623Monday, June 23rd,1890072387238View PageBrazil and the Brazilians : portrayed in historical and descriptive sketches.Brazil and the Brazilians : portrayed in historical and descriptive sketches.Kidder, Daniel P. (Daniel Parish), 1815-1891.01414
18900623Monday, June 23rd,1890072397239View PageThe Oregon trail : sketches of prairie and Rocky-mountain life.The Oregon trail : sketches of prairie and Rocky-mountain life.Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893.02929
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981209612096View PageTales of the home folks in peace and war.Tales of the home folks in peace and war.Harris, Joel Chandler, 1848-1908.02222
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981110511105View PageWith Crockett and Bowie, or, Fighting for the Lone-star flag : a tale of Texas.With Crockett and Bowie, or, Fighting for the Lone-star flag : a tale of Texas.Munroe, Kirk, 1850-1930.09191
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981110711107View PageA desert drama : being the tragedy of the Korosko.A desert drama : being the tragedy of the Korosko.Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930.07979
18750406Tuesday, April 6th,1875018211821View PageThe story of a bad boy.The story of a bad boy.Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907.0022
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981111811118View PageThe exploits of Myles Standish.The exploits of Myles Standish.Johnson, Henry.01717
18750406Tuesday, April 6th,1875018241824View PageShirley, a novel.Shirley, a novel.Brontë, Charlotte, 1816-1855.08686
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971037610376View PageLena-Wingo, the Mohawk.Lena-Wingo, the Mohawk.Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916.09292
18770205Monday, February 5th,1877025592559View PageChristmas stories.Christmas stories.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.0000
18770205Monday, February 5th,1877025612561View PageSermons out of church.Sermons out of church.Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock, 1826-1887.0000
18770205Monday, February 5th,1877025632563View PageRunning the blockade, or, U.S. secret service adventures.Running the blockade, or, U.S. secret service adventures.Thomes, William Henry, 1824-1895.0000
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971038310383View PageNelly's silver mine.Nelly's silver mine.Jackson, Helen Hunt, 1830-1885.114114
18750406Tuesday, April 6th,1875018271827View PageThe personal history of David Copperfield.The personal history of David Copperfield.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.0011
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981112211122View PagePe e Goriot.Pe e Goriot.Balzac, Honoré de, 1799-1850.03939
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981112311123View PageOur gold mine at Hollyhurst : a prize story of Massachusetts.Our gold mine at Hollyhurst : a prize story of Massachusetts.Bray, Mary Matthews, 1837-03737
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981113111131View PageRanch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919.07878
18750406Tuesday, April 6th,1875018291829View PageThe luck of Roaring Camp.The luck of Roaring Camp.Harte, Bret, 1836-1902.0000
18750220Saturday, February 20th,187500396396View PageTitcomb's letters to young people, single and married.Titcomb's letters to young people, single and married.Holland, J. G. (Josiah Gilbert), 1819-1881.0000
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971039210392View PageBoy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Clark, H. H. (Henry Howard)06363
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971039610396View PageA loyal little red-coat.A loyal little red-coat.Ogden, Ruth, 1853-1927.06464
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896096489648View PageTenting on the plains : or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas.Tenting on the plains : or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas.Custer, Elizabeth Bacon, 1842-1933.03535
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896096499649View PageThe land of pluck : stories and sketches for young folk.The land of pluck : stories and sketches for young folk.Dodge, Mary Mapes, 1830-1905.07777
18770205Monday, February 5th,1877025822582View PageRab and his friends.Rab and his friends.Brown, John, 1810-1882.0000
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896096509650View PageThe story of Babette : a little Creole girl.The story of Babette : a little Creole girl.Stuart, Ruth McEnery, 1856-1917.08686
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896096519651View PageThe mammoth hunters.The mammoth hunters.Allen, Willis Boyd, 1855-1938.08080
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896096529652View PageThe story of Jack Ballister's fortunes.The story of Jack Ballister's fortunes.Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911.0033
18750220Saturday, February 20th,187500405405View PageKind words for children : to guide them in the path of peace.Kind words for children : to guide them in the path of peace.Newcomb, Harvey, 1803-1863.0011
18960122Wednesday, January 22nd,1896096569656View PageThe wizard king : a story of the last Moslem invasion of Europe.The wizard king : a story of the last Moslem invasion of Europe.Ker, David, 1842-1914.03737
18960204Tuesday, February 4th,1896096629662View PageA knight of the White Cross : a tale of the siege of Rhodes.A knight of the White Cross : a tale of the siege of Rhodes.Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902.101101
18960204Tuesday, February 4th,1896096649664View PageFroebel's gifts.Froebel's gifts.Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith, 1856-1923.02525
18750406Tuesday, April 6th,1875018401840View PageOldtown folks.Oldtown folks.Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896.0011
18900701Tuesday, July 1st,1890072997299View PageThe Edinburgh review.The Edinburgh review.0000
18900701Tuesday, July 1st,1890073007300View PageThe Edinburgh review.The Edinburgh review.0000
18900701Tuesday, July 1st,1890073017301View PageThe Edinburgh review.The Edinburgh review.0000
18900701Tuesday, July 1st,1890073027302View PageThe Edinburgh review.The Edinburgh review.0000
18750220Saturday, February 20th,187500416416View PageMercantile morals, or, Thoughts for young men entering mercantile life.Mercantile morals, or, Thoughts for young men entering mercantile life.Van Doren, W. H. (William Howard), 1810-1882.0011
18750406Tuesday, April 6th,1875018451845View PagePatience Strong's outings.Patience Strong's outings.Whitney, A. D. T. (Adeline Dutton Train), 1824-1906.01818
18750406Tuesday, April 6th,1875018461846View PageWe girls : a home story.We girls : a home story.Whitney, A. D. T. (Adeline Dutton Train), 1824-1906.0011
18750406Tuesday, April 6th,1875018481848View PageMerrie England : travels, descriptions, tales and historical sketchesMerrie England : travels, descriptions, tales and historical sketchesGreenwood, Grace, 1823-1904.0066
18960304Wednesday, March 4th,1896096889688View PageThe morning of joy : being a sequel to The night of weeping.The morning of joy : being a sequel to The night of weeping.Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889.0000
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971039810398View PageThe white conquerors : a tale of Toltec and Aztec.The white conquerors : a tale of Toltec and Aztec.Munroe, Kirk, 1850-1930.111111
18750406Tuesday, April 6th,1875018811881View PageCountry living and country thinking.Country living and country thinking.Dodge, Mary Abigail, 1833-1896.0011
18750406Tuesday, April 6th,1875018851885View PageTitcomb's letters to young people, single and married.Titcomb's letters to young people, single and married.Holland, J. G. (Josiah Gilbert), 1819-1881.0011
18750406Tuesday, April 6th,1875018901890View PageSelf-help : with illustrations of character, conduct, and perseverance.Self-help : with illustrations of character, conduct, and perseverance.Smiles, Samuel, 1812-1904.0011
18770205Monday, February 5th,1877025882588View PageThe two destinies.The two destinies.Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889.0000
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971040910409View PageWitch Winnie in Holland.Witch Winnie in Holland.Champney, Elizabeth W. (Elizabeth Williams), 1850-1922.02828
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971041310413View PageThe hermit princes : a tale of adventure in Japan.The hermit princes : a tale of adventure in Japan.Stredder, Eleanor.01010
18900711Friday, July 11th,1890074277427View Page"I say no" : or, The love-letter answered."I say no" : or, The love-letter answered.Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889.02121
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971041510415View PageThe parson's proxy.The parson's proxy.Hamilton, Kate W. (Kate Waterman), 1841-1934.08989
18920105Tuesday, January 5th,1892080738073View PageThe farm and the fireside : or, The romance of agriculture. Being half hour sketches of life in the country.The farm and the fireside : or, The romance of agriculture. Being half hour sketches of life in the country.Blake, John Lauris, 1788-1857.0044
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971041610416View PageOn the plantation : a story of a Georgia boy's adventures during the war.On the plantation : a story of a Georgia boy's adventures during the war.Harris, Joel Chandler, 1848-1908.04444
18900711Friday, July 11th,1890074287428View PageColonel Quaritch : a tale of country life.Colonel Quaritch : a tale of country life.Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider), 1856-1925.0000
18990708Saturday, July 8th,18991130511305View PageHome life in colonial days.Home life in colonial days.Earle, Alice Morse, 1851-1911.01515
18990721Friday, July 21st,18991130611306View PageThe cruise of the Cachalot : round the world after sperm whales.The cruise of the Cachalot : round the world after sperm whales.Bullen, Frank Thomas, 1857-1915.03030
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500520520View PageJuno and Georgie.Juno and Georgie.Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500521521View PageMary Osborne.Mary Osborne.Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500524524View PageThe sailor boy : or, Jack Somers in the navy : a story of the great rebellion.The sailor boy : or, Jack Somers in the navy : a story of the great rebellion.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500528528View PageThe Boat club ; or, The bunkers of Rippleton : a tale for boys.The Boat club ; or, The bunkers of Rippleton : a tale for boys.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500529529View PageAll aboard, or, Life on the lake : a sequel to The boat club.All aboard, or, Life on the lake : a sequel to The boat club.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500530530View PageLittle by little.Little by little.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.0022
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500533533View PagePoor and proud; or, The fortunes of Katy Redburn, a story for young folks.Poor and proud; or, The fortunes of Katy Redburn, a story for young folks.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500534534View PageThrough by daylight, or, The young engineer of the Lake Shore Railroad.Through by daylight, or, The young engineer of the Lake Shore Railroad.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.155155
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500536536View PageSwitch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500537537View PageBrake up ; or, The young peacemakers.Brake up ; or, The young peacemakers.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.01919
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500538538View PageBear and forbear, or, The young skipper of Lake Ucayga.Bear and forbear, or, The young skipper of Lake Ucayga.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500539539View PageThe starry flag, or, The young fisherman of Cape Ann.The starry flag, or, The young fisherman of Cape Ann.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500540540View PageRich and humble : or, The mission of Bertha Grant : a story for young people.Rich and humble : or, The mission of Bertha Grant : a story for young people.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.01717
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500541541View PageIn school and out, or, The conquest of Richard Grant : a story for young people.In school and out, or, The conquest of Richard Grant : a story for young people.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875011091109View PageThe prince of darkness : a romance of the Blue Ridge.The prince of darkness : a romance of the Blue Ridge.Southworth, Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte, 1819-1899.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500542542View PageWatch and wait : or, The young fugitives : a story for young people.Watch and wait : or, The young fugitives : a story for young people.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500543543View PageWork and win, or, Noddy Newman on a cruise : a story for young people.Work and win, or, Noddy Newman on a cruise : a story for young people.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500546546View PageShamrock and thistle, or, Young America in Ireland and Scotland : a story of travel and adventure.Shamrock and thistle, or, Young America in Ireland and Scotland : a story of travel and adventure.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500548548View PageDikes and ditches, or, Young America in Holland and Belgium : a story of travel and adventure.Dikes and ditches, or, Young America in Holland and Belgium : a story of travel and adventure.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.07070
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971043110431View PageFort Frayne.Fort Frayne.King, Charles, 1844-1933.09595
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971043210432View PageA garrison tangle.A garrison tangle.King, Charles, 1844-1933.135135
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500551551View PageEdgar Clifton, or, Right and wrong : a story of school life.Edgar Clifton, or, Right and wrong : a story of school life.Adams, C. (Charlotte)02121
18920107Thursday, January 7th,1892080848084View PageThe voyage of life : a journey from the cradle to the grave.The voyage of life : a journey from the cradle to the grave.Louis, S. L.01616
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875011301130View PageCamping out : as recorded by "Kit".Camping out : as recorded by "Kit".Stephens, C. A. (Charles Asbury), 1844-1931.08585
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500557557View PageAn old-fashioned girl.An old-fashioned girl.Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500558558View PageAn old-fashioned girl.An old-fashioned girl.Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888.0000
18920107Thursday, January 7th,1892080918091View PageThe three eras of a woman's life : or, the maiden, the wife and the mother.The three eras of a woman's life : or, the maiden, the wife and the mother.Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885.03030
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875011391139View PageLittle foxes.Little foxes.Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896.0044
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500561561View PageThe story of a bad boy.The story of a bad boy.Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907.0000
18901014Tuesday, October 14th,1890074847484View PageForest and stream.Forest and stream.0000
18901014Tuesday, October 14th,1890074857485View PageForest and stream.Forest and stream.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500563563View PagePaul Prescott's charge : a story for boys.Paul Prescott's charge : a story for boys.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500564564View PageLuck and pluck, or, John Oakley's inheritance.Luck and pluck, or, John Oakley's inheritance.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500565565View PageSink or swim, or, Harry Raymond's resolve.Sink or swim, or, Harry Raymond's resolve.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500566566View PageStrong and steady, or, Paddle your own canoe.Strong and steady, or, Paddle your own canoe.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500567567View PageStrive and succeed, or, The progress of Walter Conrad.Strive and succeed, or, The progress of Walter Conrad.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500568568View PageRagged Dick, or, Street life in New York with the boot-blacks.Ragged Dick, or, Street life in New York with the boot-blacks.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.02323
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500569569View PageFame and fortune, or, The progress of Richard Hunter.Fame and fortune, or, The progress of Richard Hunter.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500570570View PageMark, the match boy, or, Richard Hunter's ward.Mark, the match boy, or, Richard Hunter's ward.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.0000
18920114Thursday, January 14th,1892080988098View PageContributions to North American ethnology.Contributions to North American ethnology.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500571571View PageRough and ready, or, Life among the New York newsboys.Rough and ready, or, Life among the New York newsboys.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500572572View PageBen, the luggage boy, or, Among the wharves.Ben, the luggage boy, or, Among the wharves.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500575575View PagePaul the peddler, or, The adventures of a young street merchant.Paul the peddler, or, The adventures of a young street merchant.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.0000
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971043610436View PageThe colonial cavalier : or, Southern life before the Revolution.The colonial cavalier : or, Southern life before the Revolution.Goodwin, Maud Wilder, 1856-1935.03434
18991120Monday, November 20th,18991136811368View PageNo. 5 John street.No. 5 John street.Whiteing, Richard, 1840-1928.06060
18901014Tuesday, October 14th,1890075317531View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
18901014Tuesday, October 14th,1890075327532View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
18901014Tuesday, October 14th,1890075337533View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
18901014Tuesday, October 14th,1890075347534View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
18901014Tuesday, October 14th,1890075357535View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0011
18901014Tuesday, October 14th,1890075367536View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
18991120Monday, November 20th,18991137011370View PageCrumbs swept up.Crumbs swept up.Talmage, T. De Witt (Thomas De Witt), 1832-1902.0033
18901014Tuesday, October 14th,1890075377537View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
18901014Tuesday, October 14th,1890075387538View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
18901014Tuesday, October 14th,1890075397539View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
18901014Tuesday, October 14th,1890075407540View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
18901014Tuesday, October 14th,1890075417541View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
18901014Tuesday, October 14th,1890075427542View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
18991207Thursday, December 7th,18991137211372View PageSanta Claus's partner.Santa Claus's partner.Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853-1922.03535
18901014Tuesday, October 14th,1890075437543View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971044110441View PageSlain by the Doones, and other stories.Slain by the Doones, and other stories.Blackmore, R. D. (Richard Doddridge), 1825-1900.03232
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971044210442View PageThe cloister and the hearth : or, Maid, wife, and widow; a matter-of-fact romance.The cloister and the hearth : or, Maid, wife, and widow; a matter-of-fact romance.Reade, Charles, 1814-188408383
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500591591View PageHeart-histories and life pictures.Heart-histories and life pictures.Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500592592View PageLight on shadowed paths.Light on shadowed paths.Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885.0011
18750517Monday, May 17th,1875019601960View PageSartor resartus : the life and opinions of Herr Teufelsdro kh.Sartor resartus : the life and opinions of Herr Teufelsdro kh.Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881.0099
18750517Monday, May 17th,1875019621962View PageJournal of a tour and residence in Great Britain, during the years 1810 and 1811.Journal of a tour and residence in Great Britain, during the years 1810 and 1811.Simond, L. (Louis), 1767-1831.0011
18750517Monday, May 17th,1875019631963View PageJournal of a tour and residence in Great Britain, during the years 1810 and 1811.Journal of a tour and residence in Great Britain, during the years 1810 and 1811.Simond, L. (Louis), 1767-1831.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500598598View PageBlack forest village stories.Black forest village stories.Auerbach, Berthold, 1812-1882.01010
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500601601View PageSense and sensibility.Sense and sensibility.Austen, Jane, 1775-1817.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875011411141View PageOldtown folks.Oldtown folks.Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500608608View PageThe Red Eric, or, The whaler's last cruise : a tale.The Red Eric, or, The whaler's last cruise : a tale.Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael), 1825-1894.02727
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875011421142View PagePink and white tyranny : a society novel.Pink and white tyranny : a society novel.Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896.0000
18991208Friday, December 8th,18991140211402View PageAutobiography of Rev. James B. Finley : or, Pioneer life in the West.Autobiography of Rev. James B. Finley : or, Pioneer life in the West.Strickland, W. P. (William Peter), 1809-1884.0011
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971046710467View PageThe expedition of Humphry Clinker.The expedition of Humphry Clinker.Smollett, T. (Tobias), 1721-1771.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500619619View PageThe pampas and Andes : a thousand miles' walk across South America.The pampas and Andes : a thousand miles' walk across South America.Bishop, Nathaniel H. (Nathaniel Holmes), 1837-1902.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500621621View PageSeaside and fireside fairies.Seaside and fireside fairies.Blum, George.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500623623View PageThe boy voyagers, or, Pirates of the East.The boy voyagers, or, Pirates of the East.Bowman, Anne.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500625625View PageThe young yachtsmen : or, The wreck of the Gipsy.The young yachtsmen : or, The wreck of the Gipsy.Bowman, Anne.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875011551155View PageThe four Georges, The English humorists, Roundabout papers, etc., etc.The four Georges, The English humorists, Roundabout papers, etc., etc.Thackeray, William Makepeace, 1811-1863.01212
18920115Friday, January 15th,1892081228122View PageContributions to North American ethnology.Contributions to North American ethnology.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875011641164View PageGaunt Gurley, or, The trappers of Umbagog : a tale of border life.Gaunt Gurley, or, The trappers of Umbagog : a tale of border life.Thompson, Daniel P. (Daniel Pierce), 1795-1868.01515
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500633633View PageVillette.Villette.Brontë, Charlotte, 1816-1855.0022
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500637637View PageArtemus Ward in London, and other papers.Artemus Ward in London, and other papers.Ward, Artemus, 1834-1867.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875011681168View PageThe children of Amity court.The children of Amity court.Thurston, Louise M. (Louise Millicent), b. 1842.0011
19000103Wednesday, January 3rd,19001141711417View PageThe little minister.The little minister.Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew), 1860-1937.07171
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875011691169View PageHow Eva Roberts gained her education.How Eva Roberts gained her education.Thurston, Louise M. (Louise Millicent), b. 1842.0099
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500646646View PageThe pilgrim's progress, from this world to that which is to come, delivered under the similitude of a dream.The pilgrim's progress, from this world to that which is to come, delivered under the similitude of a dream.Bunyan, John, 1628-1688.0000
19000126Friday, January 26th,19001142311423View PageDonovan : a modern Englishman.Donovan : a modern Englishman.Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903.03434
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875011761176View PageAn American girl abroad.An American girl abroad.Trafton, Adeline, b. 1845.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875011781178View PageThe struggles of Brown, Jones and Robinson : by one of the firm.The struggles of Brown, Jones and Robinson : by one of the firm.Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882.0000
18840717Thursday, July 17th,1884050085008View PageOld Greek life.Old Greek life.Mahaffy, J. P. (John Pentland), 1839-1919.0088
19000126Friday, January 26th,19001143311433View PageTom Brown's school days.Tom Brown's school days.Hughes, Thomas, 1822-1896.04040
18840522Thursday, May 22nd,1884048764876View PageHoliday tales.Holiday tales.Wilford, Florence, b. 1836.01111
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875019861986View PageThe Dorcas club; or, our girls afloat.The Dorcas club; or, our girls afloat.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.0000
19000126Friday, January 26th,19001144111441View PageThe cabin on the prairie.The cabin on the prairie.Pearson, C. H. (Charles H.)01515
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875019871987View PageBound to rise : or, Harry Walton's motto.Bound to rise : or, Harry Walton's motto.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.0000
18840522Thursday, May 22nd,1884048824882View PageTen little boys.Ten little boys.0088
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875019891989View PageThe floating light of the Goodwin sands.The floating light of the Goodwin sands.Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael), 1825-1894.0000
18840522Thursday, May 22nd,1884048834883View PagePlay room book.Play room book.0044
18910401Wednesday, April 1st,1891076217621View PageWallace : a Franconia story.Wallace : a Franconia story.Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879.05353
19000126Friday, January 26th,19001144311443View PageAbbé Constantine.Abbé Constantine.Hale y, Ludovic, 1834-1908.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875011791179View PageDoctor Thorne.Doctor Thorne.Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882.0055
18910401Wednesday, April 1st,1891076247624View PageBeechnut : a Franconia story.Beechnut : a Franconia story.Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879.0099
18910401Wednesday, April 1st,1891076287628View PageCaroline : a Franconia story.Caroline : a Franconia story.Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879.02020
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875011811181View PageRalph the heir : a novel.Ralph the heir : a novel.Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882.01616
18840522Thursday, May 22nd,1884048914891View PageZigzag journeys in the Occident : the Atlantic to the Pacific : a summer trip of the Zigzag club from Boston to the Golden Gate.Zigzag journeys in the Occident : the Atlantic to the Pacific : a summer trip of the Zigzag club from Boston to the Golden Gate.Butterworth, Hezekiah, 1839-1905.0000
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875019921992View PageFreaks on the fells : or, three months' rustication. And why I did not become a sailor.Freaks on the fells : or, three months' rustication. And why I did not become a sailor.Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael), 1825-1894.02525
18750427Tuesday, April 27th,1875019931993View PageShifting winds : a story of the sea.Shifting winds : a story of the sea.Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael), 1825-1894.02323
19000126Friday, January 26th,19001145511455View PageCranford.Cranford.Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 1810-1865.01010
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500654654View PageFrank in the woods.Frank in the woods.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500655655View PageFrank on the prairie.Frank on the prairie.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500656656View PageFrank on a gun-boat.Frank on a gun-boat.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500659659View PageFrank at Don Carlos' rancho.Frank at Don Carlos' rancho.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500660660View PageFrank in the mountains.Frank in the mountains.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500661661View PageAdventures of Don Quixote de la Mancha.Adventures of Don Quixote de la Mancha.Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500666666View PageDotty Dimple at her grandmother's.Dotty Dimple at her grandmother's.May, Sophie, 1833-1906.0033
19000130Tuesday, January 30th,19001145611456View PageGreifensteinGreifensteinCrawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909.06868
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875011881188View PageHebrew heroes : a tale founded on Jewish history.Hebrew heroes : a tale founded on Jewish history.Tucker, Charlotte Maria, 1821-1893.03333
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875011901190View PageBraggadocio : a book for boys and girls.Braggadocio : a book for boys and girls.Tuthill, Louisa C. (Louisa Caroline), 1798-1879.0011
19000205Monday, February 5th,19001145911459View PageWabeno the magician : the sequel to "Tommy-Anne and the three hearts"Wabeno the magician : the sequel to "Tommy-Anne and the three hearts"Wright, Mabel Osgood, 1859-1934.01212
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875011911191View PageEdith, the backwoods girl : a book for girls.Edith, the backwoods girl : a book for girls.Tuthill, Louisa C. (Louisa Caroline), 1798-1879.0033
19000205Monday, February 5th,19001146111461View PageDorothy Deane : a children's story.Dorothy Deane : a children's story.Kirk, Ellen Olney, 1842-1928.05252
19000205Monday, February 5th,19001146411464View PageBetty Leicester : a story for girls.Betty Leicester : a story for girls.Jewett, Sarah Orne, 1849-1909.01919
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875020032003View PageDavid Copperfield.David Copperfield.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.07979
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875011961196View PageMary and Florence at sixteen.Mary and Florence at sixteen.Tytler, Ann Fraser.0011
18770315Thursday, March 15th,1877026412641View PageThe Edinburgh review.The Edinburgh review.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500667667View PageDotty Dimple at home.Dotty Dimple at home.Clarke, Rebecca Sophia, 1833-1906.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500668668View PageDotty Dimple out west.Dotty Dimple out west.Clarke, Rebecca Sophia, 1833-1906.0022
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500669669View PageDotty Dimple at play.Dotty Dimple at play.Clarke, Rebecca Sophia, 1833-1906.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500670670View PageDottie Dimple at school.Dottie Dimple at school.Clarke, Rebecca Sophia, 1833-1906.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500671671View PageDotty Dimple's flyaway.Dotty Dimple's flyaway.Clarke, Rebecca Sophia, 1833-1906.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500672672View PageLittle Prudy.Little Prudy.Clarke, Rebecca Sophia, 1833-1906.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500673673View PageSister Susy.Sister Susy.Clarke, Rebecca Sophia, 1833-1906.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500675675View PageCousin Grace.Cousin Grace.Clarke, Rebecca Sophia, 1833-1906.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500676676View PageFairy book.Fairy book.Clarke, Rebecca Sophia, 1833-1906.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500677677View PageDotty Dimple.Dotty Dimple.Clarke, Rebecca Sophia, 1833-1906.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500680680View PageGoing on a mission.Going on a mission.Cobden, Paul.0022
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500681681View PageThe turning wheel.The turning wheel.Cobden, Paul.01111
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500682682View PageWho will win?Who will win?Cobden, Paul.03333
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500685685View PageAfter dark.After dark.Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889.0011
19000212Monday, February 12th,19001147011470View PageBracebridge Hall, or The humorists : a medley.Bracebridge Hall, or The humorists : a medley.Irving, Washington, 1783-1859.0022
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875011971197View PageMary and Florence; or, Grave and gay.Mary and Florence; or, Grave and gay.Tytler, Ann Fraser.0000
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875020052005View PageDombey and son.Dombey and son.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.02626
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875020072007View PageGreat expectations.Great expectations.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.01616
19000220Tuesday, February 20th,19001147511475View PageSleepy-time stories.Sleepy-time stories.Booth, Maud Ballington, 1865-1948.02222
19000220Tuesday, February 20th,19001147811478View PageThe white beaver.The white beaver.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.07979
19000220Tuesday, February 20th,19001148011480View PageDorsey the young inventor.Dorsey the young inventor.Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916.08080
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875020112011View PageLittle Dorrit.Little Dorrit.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.0000
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875020132013View PageOur mutual friend.Our mutual friend.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.02626
19000220Tuesday, February 20th,19001148211482View PageSub-coelum : a sky-built human world.Sub-coelum : a sky-built human world.Russell, A. P. (Addison Peale), 1826-1912.0011
18790901Monday, September 1st,1879034543454View PageEngland and the English.England and the English.Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron, 1803-1873.0000
19000220Tuesday, February 20th,19001148511485View Page"Forward march" : a tale of the Spanish-American war."Forward march" : a tale of the Spanish-American war.Munroe, Kirk, 1850-1930.05353
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875012051205View PageDollars and cents.Dollars and cents.Warner, Anna Bartlett, 1824-1915.01414
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875012061206View PageDaisy.Daisy.Warner, Susan, 1819-1885.03131
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875012081208View PageThe hills of the Shatemuc.The hills of the Shatemuc.Warner, Susan, 1819-1885.0000
18770323Friday, March 23rd,1877026592659View PageJohn Whopper the newsboy.John Whopper the newsboy.Clark, Thomas M. (Thomas March), 1812-1903.02222
18770323Friday, March 23rd,1877026602660View PageFlaxie Frizzle.Flaxie Frizzle.Clarke, Rebecca Sophia, 1833-1906.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500696696View PageAfloat and ashore : a sea tale.Afloat and ashore : a sea tale.Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500698698View PageThe deerslayer, or, The first war-path : a tale.The deerslayer, or, The first war-path : a tale.Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851.01010
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500704704View PageThe prairie : a tale.The prairie : a tale.Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851.01313
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500710710View PageThe Sparrowgrass papers; or, Living in the country.The Sparrowgrass papers; or, Living in the country.Cozzens, Frederic S. (Frederic Swartwout), 1818-1869.0000
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875020162016View PageThe Pickwick papers.The Pickwick papers.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.0077
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875020172017View PageSketches by Boz.Sketches by Boz.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.0055
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875020192019View PageLittle folk life.Little folk life.Dodge, Mary Abigail, 1833-1896.0000
19000313Tuesday, March 13th,19001150011500View PageThrough by daylight; or, The young engineer of the Lake shore railroad.Through by daylight; or, The young engineer of the Lake shore railroad.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.06666
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875020202020View PageLittle folk life.Little folk life.Dodge, Mary Abigail, 1833-1896.0066
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875020212021View PageLolly Dinks's doings.Lolly Dinks's doings.Stoddard, Elizabeth, 1823-1902.0000
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875020232023View PageThe schoolmaster's stories, for boys and girls.The schoolmaster's stories, for boys and girls.Eggleston, Edward, 1837-1902.02323
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875012091209View PageMelbourne House.Melbourne House.Warner, Susan, 1819-1885.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875012111211View PageThe wide, wide world.The wide, wide world.Warner, Susan, 1819-1885.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875012121212View PageThe story of the White-Rock Cove : with illustrations.The story of the White-Rock Cove : with illustrations.01919
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875012141214View PageFaith Gartney's girlhood.Faith Gartney's girlhood.Whitney, A. D. T. (Adeline Dutton Train), 1824-1906.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500718718View PageA life for a life.A life for a life.Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock, 1826-1887.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500725725View PageThe lamplighter.The lamplighter.Cummins, Maria S. (Maria Susanna), 1827-18660000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500728728View PagePatty Gray's journey : from Baltimore to Washington.Patty Gray's journey : from Baltimore to Washington.Dall, Caroline Wells Healey, 1822-1912.0000
19000316Friday, March 16th,19001155011550View PageThe hunchback of Notre Dame.The hunchback of Notre Dame.Hugo, Victor, 1802-1885.03131
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875020292029View PageHarry Blount : passages in a boy's life on land and sea.Harry Blount : passages in a boy's life on land and sea.Hamerton, Philip Gilbert, 1834-1894.0000
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875020302030View PageFar from the madding crowd.Far from the madding crowd.Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928.05151
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875012171217View PagePatience Strong's outings.Patience Strong's outings.Whitney, A. D. T. (Adeline Dutton Train), 1824-1906.0099
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875012181218View PageReal folks.Real folks.Whitney, A. D. T. (Adeline Dutton Train), 1824-1906.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875012191219View PageA summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life.A summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life.Whitney, A. D. T. (Adeline Dutton Train), 1824-1906.0011
18840820Wednesday, August 20th,1884050605060View PageWalter in Damascus.Walter in Damascus.Eddy, Daniel C. (Daniel Clarke), 1823-1896.0066
18840820Wednesday, August 20th,1884050615061View PageWalter in Constantinople.Walter in Constantinople.Eddy, Daniel C. (Daniel Clarke), 1823-1896.0077
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500735735View PageThe history of Sandford and Merton.The history of Sandford and Merton.Day, Thomas, 1748-1789.0044
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500739739View PageBoys of Grand Pré school.Boys of Grand Pré school.De Mille, James, 1833-1880.03333
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891076887688View PageA start in life : a story of the Genesee country.A start in life : a story of the Genesee country.Trowbridge, J. T. (John Townsend), 1827-1916.03131
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891076897689View PageThe Hoosier school-master : a novel.The Hoosier school-master : a novel.Eggleston, Edward, 1837-1902.120120
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500746746View PageThe house on wheels, or, The stolen child.The house on wheels, or, The stolen child.Stolz, Mme. de.0000
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891076907690View PageThe Tinkham brothers' tide-mill.The Tinkham brothers' tide-mill.Trowbridge, J. T. (John Townsend), 1827-1916.09898
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500753753View PageThe life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.The life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.03232
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500754754View PageSketches by Boz : illustrative of every-day life and every-day people.Sketches by Boz : illustrative of every-day life and every-day people.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.04242
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891076967696View PageQueechy.Queechy.Warner, Susan, 1819-1885.111111
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891077007700View PageSanta Claus on a lark : and other Christmas stories.Santa Claus on a lark : and other Christmas stories.Gladden, Washington, 1836-1918.07171
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891077017701View PageThe little ladies.The little ladies.Crofton, Helen Rose Anne Milman, 1857-112112
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891077027702View PageLittle Lord Fauntleroy.Little Lord Fauntleroy.Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 1849-1924.112112
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891077037703View PageLittle Saint Elizabeth : and other stories.Little Saint Elizabeth : and other stories.Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 1849-1924.120120
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891077107710View PageFrank in the mountains.Frank in the mountains.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.199199
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891077117711View PageFrank among the rancheros.Frank among the rancheros.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.244244
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891077127712View PageFrank at Don Carlos' rancho.Frank at Don Carlos' rancho.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.220220
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891077137713View PageGeorge at the wheel, or, Life in the pilot-houseGeorge at the wheel, or, Life in the pilot-houseFosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.237237
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891077147714View PageGeorge at the fort, or, Life among the soldiers.George at the fort, or, Life among the soldiers.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.274274
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891077187718View PageThe mail carrier.The mail carrier.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.186186
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875020562056View PageAmerican notes ; and, the uncommercial traveler.American notes ; and, the uncommercial traveler.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.0044
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500763763View PageLife sketches from common paths : a series of American tales.Life sketches from common paths : a series of American tales.Dumont, Julia L. (Julia Louisa), 1794-1857.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500767767View PageHand and glove : a novel.Hand and glove : a novel.Edwards, Amelia Ann Blanford, 1831-1892.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875012341234View PageFriarswood post-office.Friarswood post-office.Yonge, Charlotte Mary, 1823-1901.01111
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500776776View PageThe Hoosier school-master : a novel.The Hoosier school-master : a novel.Eggleston, Edward, 1837-1902.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500779779View PageMiddlemarch : a study of provincial life.Middlemarch : a study of provincial life.Cross, Marian Evans, 1819-1880.0066
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891077207720View PageTattered Tom, or, The story of a street Arab.Tattered Tom, or, The story of a street Arab.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.286286
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891077297729View PageMark, the match boy : or, Richard Hunter's ward.Mark, the match boy : or, Richard Hunter's ward.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.118118
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891077307730View PageRough and ready, or, Life among the New York newsboys.Rough and ready, or, Life among the New York newsboys.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.201201
18800729Thursday, July 29th,1880034773477View PageHelen's babies : with some account of their ways innocent, crafty, angelic, impish, witching, and repulsive : also, a partial record of their actions during ten days of their existence.Helen's babies : with some account of their ways innocent, crafty, angelic, impish, witching, and repulsive : also, a partial record of their actions during ten days of their existence.Habberton, John, 1842-1921.08080
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891077327732View PageRufus and Rose, or, The fortunes of Rough and Ready.Rufus and Rose, or, The fortunes of Rough and Ready.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.04040
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891077347734View PageStorm Mountain.Storm Mountain.Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916.270270
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891077357735View PageThe cabin in the clearing : a tale of the frontier.The cabin in the clearing : a tale of the frontier.Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916.173173
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891077367736View PageCamp-fire and wigwam.Camp-fire and wigwam.Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916.143143
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875012451245View PageCrusoe's island : a ramble in the footsteps of Alexander Selkirk : with sketches of adventure in California and Washoe.Crusoe's island : a ramble in the footsteps of Alexander Selkirk : with sketches of adventure in California and Washoe.Browne, J. Ross (John Ross), 1821-1875.01313
18911230Wednesday, December 30th,1891077387738View PageThe last war trail.The last war trail.Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916.177177
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500799799View PageNorth and southNorth and southGaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 1810-186503030
18770323Friday, March 23rd,1877026612661View PageThe child's country book : in words of two syllables.The child's country book : in words of two syllables.Miller, Thomas, 1807-1874.0022
18770323Friday, March 23rd,1877026622662View PageThe holiday album : for boys.The holiday album : for boys.Loring, Laurie.0000
19000327Tuesday, March 27th,19001167511675View PageChristie's Christmas.Christie's Christmas.Alden, Isabella Macdonald, 1841-1930.04747
19000330Friday, March 30th,19001167811678View PageA tale of a lonely parish.A tale of a lonely parish.Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909.06060
19000420Friday, April 20th,19001168911689View PageA Jersey boy in the revolution.A Jersey boy in the revolution.Tomlinson, Everett T. (Everett Titsworth), 1859-1931.05252
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500805805View PageThe vicar of Wakefield : a tale.The vicar of Wakefield : a tale.Goldsmith, Oliver, 1730?-1774.02929
19000425Wednesday, April 25th,19001169511695View PageThe young master of Hyson Hall.The young master of Hyson Hall.Stockton, Frank Richard, 1834-1902.02828
19000425Wednesday, April 25th,19001169711697View PageOff Santiago with Sampson.Off Santiago with Sampson.Otis, James, 1848-1912.02626
19000425Wednesday, April 25th,19001169911699View PageThe battle of New York : a story for all young people.The battle of New York : a story for all young people.Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925.04646
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500811811View PageA little boy's story : Me oires d'un petit garc n.A little boy's story : Me oires d'un petit garc n.Gouraud, Julie, b. ca. 1830.0000
18770503Thursday, May 3rd,1877026842684View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875012571257View PageAmerican notes for general circulation.American notes for general circulation.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.0011
18770503Thursday, May 3rd,1877026852685View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
18971004Monday, October 4th,18971051910519View PagePhronsie Pepper : the last of the "Five little Peppers"Phronsie Pepper : the last of the "Five little Peppers"Sidney, Margaret, 1844-1924.09292
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500813813View PageCushions and corners : or Holidays at old orchard.Cushions and corners : or Holidays at old orchard.Greene, Mrs. (Louisa Lilias), 1833-1891.0099
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875012631263View PageBrazil and the Brazilians : portrayed in historical and descriptive sketches.Brazil and the Brazilians : portrayed in historical and descriptive sketches.Fletcher, James C. (James Cooley), 1823-1901.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500818818View PageIf, yes, and perhaps : four possibilities and six exaggerations, with some bits of fact.If, yes, and perhaps : four possibilities and six exaggerations, with some bits of fact.Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909.0011
18960413Monday, April 13th,1896098209820View PageAll sorts and conditions of men : an impossible story.All sorts and conditions of men : an impossible story.Besant, Walter, Sir, 1836-1901.06767
18920105Tuesday, January 5th,1892077717771View PageHistoric incidents and life in India.Historic incidents and life in India.Wright, Caleb, d. 1869.01515
19001022Monday, October 22nd,19001218512185View PageEben Holden : a tale of the north country.Eben Holden : a tale of the north country.Bacheller, Irving, 1859-1950.06464
18971004Monday, October 4th,18971052710527View PageThe house-boat boys.The house-boat boys.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.159159
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500848848View PageMarcus Warland; or, The long moss spring : a tale of the South.Marcus Warland; or, The long moss spring : a tale of the South.Hentz, Caroline Lee, 1800-1856.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500849849View PageThe planter's daughter : a tale of Louisiana.The planter's daughter : a tale of Louisiana.Dupuy, Eliza A. (Eliza Ann), 1814-1881.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500850850View PageRobert Graham. : a sequel to "Linda."Robert Graham. : a sequel to "Linda."Hentz, Caroline Lee, 1800-1856.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500869869View PageTom Brown's school days.Tom Brown's school days.Hughes, Thomas, 1822-1896.0044
18920105Tuesday, January 5th,1892077797779View PagePeck's boss book.Peck's boss book.Peck, George W. (George Wilbur), 1840-1916.146146
19000512Saturday, May 12th,19001175511755View PageThe Stickit Minister : and some common men.The Stickit Minister : and some common men.Crockett, S. R. (Samuel Rutherford), 1860-1914.02525
19000512Saturday, May 12th,19001175811758View PageAs in a mirror.As in a mirror.Alden, Isabella Macdonald, 1841-1930.02424
18960506Wednesday, May 6th,1896098449844View PageTom the ready, or, Up from the lowest.Tom the ready, or, Up from the lowest.Hill, Randolph.134134
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875012701270View PageVenetian life.Venetian life.Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920.0077
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500873873View PageA sister's bye-hours.A sister's bye-hours.Ingelow, Jean, 1820-1897.0077
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500875875View PageStories told to a child.Stories told to a child.Ingelow, Jean, 1820-1897.0022
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500893893View PageMadeleine : a tale of Auvergne, founded on fact.Madeleine : a tale of Auvergne, founded on fact.Kavanagh, Julia, 1824-1877.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875012871287View PageKeel and saddle : a retrospect of forty years of military and naval service.Keel and saddle : a retrospect of forty years of military and naval service.Revere, Joseph W. (Joseph Warren), 1812-1880.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875012881288View PageBeyond the Mississippi : from the great river to the great ocean : life and adventure on the prairies, mountains, and Pacific coast : with more than two hundred illustrations ... of the new states and territories, 1857-1867.Beyond the Mississippi : from the great river to the great ocean : life and adventure on the prairies, mountains, and Pacific coast : with more than two hundred illustrations ... of the new states and territories, 1857-1867.Richardson, Albert D. (Albert Deane), 1833-1869.0055
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875012891289View PageBeyond the Mississippi : from the great river to the great ocean : life and adventure on the prairies, mountains, and Pacific coast : with more than two hundred illustrations ... of the new states and territories, 1857-1867.Beyond the Mississippi : from the great river to the great ocean : life and adventure on the prairies, mountains, and Pacific coast : with more than two hundred illustrations ... of the new states and territories, 1857-1867.Richardson, Albert D. (Albert Deane), 1833-1869.0011
19000512Saturday, May 12th,19001177711777View PageA trooper Galahad.A trooper Galahad.King, Charles, 1844-1933.05151
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500898898View PageLion Ben of Elm Island.Lion Ben of Elm Island.Kellogg, Elijah, 1813-1901.04141
19000512Saturday, May 12th,19001179311793View PageOld Chester tales.Old Chester tales.Deland, Margaret Wade Campbell, 1857-1945.03535
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500900900View PageThe boy farmers of Elm Island.The boy farmers of Elm Island.Kellogg, Elijah, 1813-1901.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500901901View PageThe young ship-builders of Elm Island.The young ship-builders of Elm Island.Kellogg, Elijah, 1813-1901.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500902902View PageThe hard-scrabble of Elm Island.The hard-scrabble of Elm Island.Kellogg, Elijah, 1813-1901.08686
18971007Thursday, October 7th,18971055310553View PageNick of the woods, or, The Jibbenainosay : a tale of Kentucky.Nick of the woods, or, The Jibbenainosay : a tale of Kentucky.Bird, Robert Montgomery, 1806-1854.02424
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500912912View PageThe water-babies : a fairy tale for a land-baby.The water-babies : a fairy tale for a land-baby.Kingsley, Charles, 1819-1875.0000
18940727Friday, July 27th,1894089838983View PageDonovan : a novel.Donovan : a novel.Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903.06060
18971007Thursday, October 7th,18971055410554View PageBoy life in the United States Navy.Boy life in the United States Navy.Clark, H. H. (Henry Howard)08484
18971007Thursday, October 7th,18971055510555View PageCity boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.Wells, Henry P. (Henry Parkhurst), 1842-1904.03737
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500917917View PageSchoolboy days.Schoolboy days.Kingston, William Henry Giles, 1814-1880.04141
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500919919View PageThe house by the church-yard : a novel.The house by the church-yard : a novel.Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan, 1814-1873.0000
18940727Friday, July 27th,1894089878987View PageSant' Ilario.Sant' Ilario.Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909.08787
18940727Friday, July 27th,1894089888988View PageThe adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.03535
18940727Friday, July 27th,1894089898989View PagePerlycross : a novel.Perlycross : a novel.Blackmore, R. D. (Richard Doddridge), 1825-1900.08282
19000518Friday, May 18th,19001181211812View PageDeacon Bradbury : a novel.Deacon Bradbury : a novel.Dix, Edwin Asa, 1860-1911.105105
19000518Friday, May 18th,19001181311813View PageM. M. C. : a story of the great Rockies.M. M. C. : a story of the great Rockies.Vaile, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Marion), 1852-1902.01515
19000518Friday, May 18th,19001181511815View PageA son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.Brooks, Elbridge Streeter, 1846-1902.03838
19000518Friday, May 18th,19001181711817View PageSeraph : the little violiniste.Seraph : the little violiniste.Jamison, C. V. (Cecilia Viets), 1837?-1909.04747
19000518Friday, May 18th,19001181911819View PageA girl of '76.A girl of '76.Blanchard, Amy Ella, 1856-1926.05151
19000604Monday, June 4th,19001182311823View PageThe treasure ship : a tale of Sir William Phipps, the regicides, and the inter-charter period in Massachusetts.The treasure ship : a tale of Sir William Phipps, the regicides, and the inter-charter period in Massachusetts.Butterworth, Hezekiah, 1839-1905.04848
19000604Monday, June 4th,19001182511825View PageThe despatch boat of the Whistle : a story of Santiago.The despatch boat of the Whistle : a story of Santiago.Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925.06767
19000608Friday, June 8th,19001183111831View PageFive Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Sidney, Margaret, 1844-1924.04343
18971007Thursday, October 7th,18971055610556View PageLife on the Mississippi.Life on the Mississippi.Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910.04040
18940727Friday, July 27th,1894089978997View PageKenilworth : St. Ronan's well.Kenilworth : St. Ronan's well.Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771-1832.07878
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500926926View PageMr. Wynyard's ward : a novel.Mr. Wynyard's ward : a novel.Lee, Holme, 1828-1900.02525
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500928928View PagePlay and study.Play and study.Baker, Harriette Newell Woods, 1815-1893.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500929929View PageThe motherless children.The motherless children.Baker, Harriette Newell Woods, 1815-1893.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500936936View PageHandy Andy.Handy Andy.Lover, Samuel, 1797-1868.0000
18971007Thursday, October 7th,18971056010560View PageWinning his way.Winning his way.Coffin, Charles Carleton, 1823-1896.02727
19000518Friday, May 18th,19001183411834View PageEight cousins, or, The aunt-hill.Eight cousins, or, The aunt-hill.Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888.0011
19000518Friday, May 18th,19001183511835View PageLittle men : life at Plumfield with Jo's boys.Little men : life at Plumfield with Jo's boys.Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888.03434
19000518Friday, May 18th,19001183711837View PageLittle women or, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy.Little women or, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy.Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888.04343
19000608Friday, June 8th,19001183811838View PageRose in bloom : a sequel to "Eight cousins".Rose in bloom : a sequel to "Eight cousins".Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888.05252
19000622Friday, June 22nd,19001184911849View PageFrank in the woods.Frank in the woods.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.104104
18980605Sunday, June 5th,1898098749874View PageBeside the bonnie brier bush.Beside the bonnie brier bush.Watson, John, 1850-1907.05555
18971007Thursday, October 7th,18971056410564View PageDan of Millbrook : a story of American life.Dan of Millbrook : a story of American life.Coffin, Charles Carleton, 1823-1896.05656
18971007Thursday, October 7th,18971056510565View PageCanoemates : a story of the Florida Reef and Everglades.Canoemates : a story of the Florida Reef and Everglades.Munroe, Kirk, 1850-1930.06060
19000622Friday, June 22nd,19001185411854View PageRodney the partisan.Rodney the partisan.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.04242
19000622Friday, June 22nd,19001185511855View PageThe signal boys of '75 : a tale of Boston during the siege.The signal boys of '75 : a tale of Boston during the siege.Otis, James, 1848-1912.02525
18971007Thursday, October 7th,18971056710567View PageGuy Harris, the runaway.Guy Harris, the runaway.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.158158
19000622Friday, June 22nd,19001186011860View PageSarah Dillard's ride : a story of the Carolinas in 1780.Sarah Dillard's ride : a story of the Carolinas in 1780.Otis, James, 1848-1912.03535
18971007Thursday, October 7th,18971057010570View PageDown the bay, or, Joe and I on salt water.Down the bay, or, Joe and I on salt water.Stanley, Wallace P.02424
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500938938View PageYarns of an old mariner.Yarns of an old mariner.Clarke, Mary Cowden, 1809-1898.03434
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500939939View PagePlanting the wilderness, or, The pioneer boys : a story of frontier life.Planting the wilderness, or, The pioneer boys : a story of frontier life.McCabe, James Dabney, 1842-1883.0066
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500943943View PageDavid Elginbrod.David Elginbrod.MacDonald, George, 1824-1905.01414
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500947947View PageRanald Bannerman's boyhood.Ranald Bannerman's boyhood.Macdonald, George, 1824-1905.0077
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500961961View PageJacob faithful, or, The adventures of a waterman.Jacob faithful, or, The adventures of a waterman.Marryat, Frederick, 1792-1848.0011
19000622Friday, June 22nd,19001186711867View PageGeorge at the fort, or, Life among the soldiers.George at the fort, or, Life among the soldiers.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.07575
19000622Friday, June 22nd,19001186811868View PageGeorge at the wheel, or, Life in the pilot-house.George at the wheel, or, Life in the pilot-house.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.05151
18971007Thursday, October 7th,18971057310573View PageThe pioneers, or, The sources of the Susquehanna : a descriptive tale.The pioneers, or, The sources of the Susquehanna : a descriptive tale.Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851.04040
19000709Monday, July 9th,19001187811878View PageThe train boy.The train boy.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.211211
19000709Monday, July 9th,19001187911879View PageTony, the hero : or, a brave boy's adventures with a tramp.Tony, the hero : or, a brave boy's adventures with a tramp.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.106106
19000709Monday, July 9th,19001188611886View PageThe boys with Old Hickory.The boys with Old Hickory.Tomlinson, Everett T. (Everett Titsworth), 1859-1931.03535
19000709Monday, July 9th,19001188711887View PageWashington's young aids : a story of the New Jersey campaign, 1776-1777.Washington's young aids : a story of the New Jersey campaign, 1776-1777.Tomlinson, Everett T. (Everett Titsworth), 1859-1931.06060
19001024Wednesday, October 24th,19001219312193View PageTommy and Grizel.Tommy and Grizel.Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew), 1860-1937.03636
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500971971View PageLouis' school days: : a story for boys.Louis' school days: : a story for boys.May, E. J. (Edith J.)0088
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500972972View PageMortimer's college life.Mortimer's college life.May, E. J. (Edith J.)01111
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500976976View PageTypee : a peep at Polynesian life during a four months residence in a valley of the Marquesas.Typee : a peep at Polynesian life during a four months residence in a valley of the Marquesas.Melville, Herman, 1819-1891.0055
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500980980View PageA tale of old England.A tale of old England.Miller, Thomas, 1807-1874.0022
18920105Tuesday, January 5th,1892080448044View PageHurrah for the holidays! or, The pleasures and pains of freedom.Hurrah for the holidays! or, The pleasures and pains of freedom.Stein, Abraham.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500982982View PageMy farm of Edgewood : a country book.My farm of Edgewood : a country book.Mitchell, Donald Grant, 1822-1908.0066
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500983983View PageRural studies, with hints for country places.Rural studies, with hints for country places.Mitchell, Donald Grant, 1822-1908.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500984984View PageOur village: sketches of rural character and scenery.Our village: sketches of rural character and scenery.Mitford, Mary Russell, 1787-1855.0011
19000709Monday, July 9th,19001189011890View PageTom Thatcher's fortune.Tom Thatcher's fortune.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.08686
19000709Monday, July 9th,19001189111891View PageCharlie Codman's cruise : a story for boys.Charlie Codman's cruise : a story for boys.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.09696
19000709Monday, July 9th,19001189311893View PageFrank's campaign, or, The farm and the camp.Frank's campaign, or, The farm and the camp.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.08080
19000709Monday, July 9th,19001189711897View PageRoy Gilbert's search : a tale of the Great Lakes.Roy Gilbert's search : a tale of the Great Lakes.Chipman, William P. (William Pendleton), 1854-1937.06161
19000709Monday, July 9th,19001190111901View PageThe treasure-finders : a boy's adventures in Nicaragua.The treasure-finders : a boy's adventures in Nicaragua.Otis, James, 1848-1912.06060
19000709Monday, July 9th,19001190211902View PageWith Lafayette at Yorktown : the story of how two boys joined the Continental Army.With Lafayette at Yorktown : the story of how two boys joined the Continental Army.Otis, James, 1848-1912.03838
19000709Monday, July 9th,19001191111911View PageMonsieur Beaucaire.Monsieur Beaucaire.Tarkington, Booth, 1869-1946.09898
19000709Monday, July 9th,19001191211912View PageTom the ready, or, Up from the lowest.Tom the ready, or, Up from the lowest.Hill, Randolph.03636
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875021532153View PagePolitics for young Americans.Politics for young Americans.Nordhoff, Charles, 1830-1901.0033
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500985985View PageOur village : sketches of rural character and scenery.Our village : sketches of rural character and scenery.Mitford, Mary Russell, 1787-1855.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500986986View PageEagle Pass, or, Life on the border.Eagle Pass, or, Life on the border.Montgomery, Cora, 1807-1878.01616
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500994994View PageMadonna Mary.Madonna Mary.Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret), 1828-1897.01212
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500999999View PageThree people.Three people.Alden, Isabella Macdonald, 1841-1930.0033
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875010001000View PageEster Ried : asleep and awake.Ester Ried : asleep and awake.Alden, Isabella Macdonald, 1841-1930.08686
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875010041004View PageThe cabin on the prairie.The cabin on the prairie.Pearson, C. H. (Charles H.)0022
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875021552155View PageThe organization of labor in accordance with custom and the law of the decalogue : with a summary of comparative observations upon good and evil in the regime of labor, the causes of evils existing at the present time, and the means required to effect reform; with objections and answers, difficulties and solutions.The organization of labor in accordance with custom and the law of the decalogue : with a summary of comparative observations upon good and evil in the regime of labor, the causes of evils existing at the present time, and the means required to effect reform; with objections and answers, difficulties and solutions.Le Play, Fre e ic, 1806-1882.0077
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875021652165View PageThe works of Lord Chesterfield : including his letters to his son, etc.The works of Lord Chesterfield : including his letters to his son, etc.Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773.0000
19000720Friday, July 20th,19001192111921View PageMen and manners of the eighteenth century.Men and manners of the eighteenth century.Hale, Susan, 1833-1910.0022
19000720Friday, July 20th,19001192311923View PageFrench traits : an essay in comparative criticism.French traits : an essay in comparative criticism.Brownell, W. C. (William Crary), 1851-1928.0033
19000720Friday, July 20th,19001192511925View PageRoman life in Pliny's time.Roman life in Pliny's time.Pellisson, Maurice, 1850-1915.0011
19000727Friday, July 27th,19001192811928View PageWard Hill at Weston : a story of American school life.Ward Hill at Weston : a story of American school life.Tomlinson, Everett T. (Everett Titsworth), 1859-1931.02828
19000727Friday, July 27th,19001193011930View PagePopular misconceptions as to Christian faith and life.Popular misconceptions as to Christian faith and life.Lee, Frank T. (Frank Theodosius), 1847-1934.0055
19000731Tuesday, July 31st,19001193511935View PageA missing million : or, The adventures of Louis Belgrave.A missing million : or, The adventures of Louis Belgrave.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.04444
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875010061006View PageHedged in.Hedged in.Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, 1844-1911.0000
19000801Wednesday, August 1st,19001194111941View PageThe Hoosier schoolmaster : a novel.The Hoosier schoolmaster : a novel.Eggleston, Edward, 1837-1902.03535
19000809Thursday, August 9th,19001194611946View PageThe beach patrol : a story of the life-saving service.The beach patrol : a story of the life-saving service.Drysdale, William, 1852-1901.06262
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875010171017View PageAunt Jane's hero.Aunt Jane's hero.Prentiss, E. (Elizabeth), 1818-1878.0022
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875010181018View PageThe Percys.The Percys.Prentiss, E. (Elizabeth), 1818-1878.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875010201020View PageThe amber gods, and other stories.The amber gods, and other stories.Spofford, Harriet Elizabeth Prescott, 1835-1921.0066
19000801Wednesday, August 1st,19001194711947View PageThe young supercargo : a story of the Merchant marine.The young supercargo : a story of the Merchant marine.Drysdale, William, 1852-1901.07373
19000801Wednesday, August 1st,19001195311953View PageThe man that corrupted Hadleyburg and other stories and essays.The man that corrupted Hadleyburg and other stories and essays.Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910.04141
19000801Wednesday, August 1st,19001195611956View PageA successful venture.A successful venture.Deland, Ellen Douglas, 1860-1923.04343
19000801Wednesday, August 1st,19001195711957View PageBashful fifteenBashful fifteenMeade, L. T., 1854-1914.06262
18800729Thursday, July 29th,1880035563556View PageThe Edinburgh review.The Edinburgh review.0000
18800729Thursday, July 29th,1880035573557View PageThe Edinburgh review.The Edinburgh review.0000
19000809Thursday, August 9th,19001196411964View PageJack and Jill : a village storyJack and Jill : a village storyAlcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888.03030
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875010351035View PageJanet's love and service.Janet's love and service.Robertson, Margaret M. (Margaret Murray), 1821-1897.0022
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875010361036View PageThe children of the abbey : a tale.The children of the abbey : a tale.Roche, Regina Maria, 1764?-1845.0011
18971208Wednesday, December 8th,18971059710597View PageMaster Skylark : a story of Shakespeare's time.Master Skylark : a story of Shakespeare's time.Bennett, John, 1865-1956.06868
19001231Monday, December 31st,19001261012610View PageThe story of a mineThe story of a mineHarte, Bret, 1836-1902.01414
19001231Monday, December 31st,19001261212612View PageThe greater inclinationThe greater inclinationWharton, Edith, 1862-1937.02525
19001231Monday, December 31st,19001261312613View PageEben Holden : a tale of the north countryEben Holden : a tale of the north countryBacheller, Irving, 1859-1950.06767
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875010561056View PageThe antiquary : a romanceThe antiquary : a romanceScott, Walter, Sir, 1771-1832.0011
19001231Monday, December 31st,19001261812618View PageNorthern Georgia sketchesNorthern Georgia sketchesHarben, Will N. (Will Nathaniel), 1858-1919.02020
19001231Monday, December 31st,19001262012620View PageTommy and GrizelTommy and GrizelBarrie, J. M. (James Matthew), 1860-1937.02929
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875021742174View PageEnigmas of life.Enigmas of life.Greg, William R. (William Rathbone), 1809-1881.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875010621062View PageThe monastery.The monastery.Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771-1832.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875010681068View PageSt. Roman's well.St. Roman's well.Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771-1832.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875010711071View PageDream children.Dream children.Scudder, Horace Elisha, 1838-1902.01313
19010104Friday, January 4th,19011262912629View PageA woman tenderfootA woman tenderfootSeton-Thompson, Grace Gallatin.03737
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875010721072View PageSeven little people and their friends.Seven little people and their friends.Scudder, Horace Elisha, 1838-1902.0044
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875013411341View PageThe private life of an eastern king, compiled for a member of the household of His late Majesty, Nussir-u-Deen, King of Oude.The private life of an eastern king, compiled for a member of the household of His late Majesty, Nussir-u-Deen, King of Oude.Knighton, W. (William), d. 1900.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875010731073View PageStories from my attic.Stories from my attic.Scudder, Horace Elisha, 1838-1902.0044
19010104Friday, January 4th,19011263212632View PageTeddy: her book; a story of sweet sixteenTeddy: her book; a story of sweet sixteenRay, Anna Chapin, 1865-1945.04040
19010612Wednesday, June 12th,19011280612806View PageAdam Bede.Adam Bede.Cross, Marian Evans, 1819-1880.0000
19010612Wednesday, June 12th,19011280912809View PageMiddlemarchMiddlemarchCross, Marian Evans, 1819-1880.01313
18940821Tuesday, August 21st,1894090289028View PageLife's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928.06161
19000906Thursday, September 6th,19001214212142View PageJoan of the Sword HandJoan of the Sword HandCrockett, S. R. (Samuel Rutherford), 1860-1914.05959
19000910Monday, September 10th,19001214612146View PageThe love of Parson Lord, and other storiesThe love of Parson Lord, and other storiesFreeman, Mary Eleanor Wilkins, 1852-1930.04545
19000910Monday, September 10th,19001215112151View PageThe booming of Acre Hill, and other reminiscences of urban and suburban lifeThe booming of Acre Hill, and other reminiscences of urban and suburban lifeBangs, John Kendrick, 1862-1922.01717
18940821Tuesday, August 21st,1894090419041View PageA capillary crime and other stories.A capillary crime and other stories.Millet, Francis Davis, 1846-1912.0077
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083278327View PageThe yacht club, or, The young boat-builder.The yacht club, or, The young boat-builder.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.100100
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083298329View PageA summer in a canyon : a California story.A summer in a canyon : a California story.Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith, 1856-1923.05454
18940912Wednesday, September 12th,1894090999099View PageVan Bibber and others.Van Bibber and others.Davis, Richard Harding, 1864-1916.05858
18940912Wednesday, September 12th,1894091039103View PageHorace Chase : a novel.Horace Chase : a novel.Woolson, Constance Fenimore, 1840-1894.114114
18940912Wednesday, September 12th,1894091099109View Page"Short sixes" : stories to be read while the candle burns."Short sixes" : stories to be read while the candle burns.Bunner, H. C. (Henry Cuyler), 1855-1896.01616
19010307Thursday, March 7th,19011272612726View PageEastover Court House : a novelEastover Court House : a novelBoone, Henry Burnham, b. 1872.06060
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083328332View PageOn time, or, The young captain of the Ucayga steamer.On time, or, The young captain of the Ucayga steamer.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.207207
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083338333View PageSwitch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.201201
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083358335View PageThe boy farmers of Elm Island.The boy farmers of Elm Island.Kellogg, Elijah, 1813-1901.01717
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083348334View PageThe starry flag : or, The young fisherman of Cape Ann.The starry flag : or, The young fisherman of Cape Ann.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.150150
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083478347View PageThe story of Patsy.The story of Patsy.Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith, 1856-1923.05151
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083568356View PageThe American girls handy book : how to amuse yourself and others.The American girls handy book : how to amuse yourself and others.Beard, Lina.02929
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083578357View PageTrue blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.Kingston, William Henry Giles, 1814-1880.05151
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083628362View PageThe colonel's daughter, or Winning his spurs.The colonel's daughter, or Winning his spurs.King, Charles, 1844-1933.187187
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083638363View PageMarion's faith.Marion's faith.King, Charles, 1844-1933.125125
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083658365View PageElsie Dinsmore.Elsie Dinsmore.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.237237
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083668366View PageElsie's children.Elsie's children.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.142142
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083678367View PageElsie's widowhood : a sequel to "Elsie's children".Elsie's widowhood : a sequel to "Elsie's children".Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.164164
18750603Thursday, June 3rd,1875022702270View PageThe medical adviser in life assurance.The medical adviser in life assurance.Sieveking, Edward H. (Edward Henry), 1816-1904.0000
19010429Monday, April 29th,19011276712767View PageMaryland manor : a novel of plantation aristocracy and its fallMaryland manor : a novel of plantation aristocracy and its fallEmory, Frederic, 1853-1908.05858
19010711Thursday, July 11th,19011289112891View PageA knight of the nineteenth centuryA knight of the nineteenth centuryRoe, Edward Payson, 1838-188803232
19010711Thursday, July 11th,19011289212892View PageOpening a chestnut burr.Opening a chestnut burr.Roe, Edward Payson, 1838-188806767
19010711Thursday, July 11th,19011289512895View PageDriven back to EdenDriven back to EdenRoe, Edward Payson, 1838-188803131
19010718Thursday, July 18th,19011289912899View PageSant' IlarioSant' IlarioCrawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-19090044
19010719Friday, July 19th,19011290212902View PageSnarleyyow : or The dog fiendSnarleyyow : or The dog fiendMarryat, Frederick, 1792-18480044
19010119Saturday, January 19th,19011290312903View PageThe phantom ship.The phantom ship.Marryat, Frederick, 1792-184801111
19010718Thursday, July 18th,19011291412914View PageUnder fire.Under fire.King, Charles, 1844-193302323
19010718Thursday, July 18th,19011291812918View PageThe story of a country townThe story of a country townHowe, E. W. (Edgar Watson), 1853-193701818
19010718Thursday, July 18th,19011292412924View PageSix to sixteen : a story for girlsSix to sixteen : a story for girlsEwing, Juliana Horatia Gatty, 1841-18850022
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083688368View PageHolidays at Roselands : with some after scenes in Elsie's life ; being a sequel to Elsie Dinsmore.Holidays at Roselands : with some after scenes in Elsie's life ; being a sequel to Elsie Dinsmore.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.178178
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083698369View PageElsie's motherhood : a sequel to "Elsie's womanhood".Elsie's motherhood : a sequel to "Elsie's womanhood".Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.169169
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083708370View PageElsie's womanhood : a sequel to "Elsie's girlhood".Elsie's womanhood : a sequel to "Elsie's girlhood".Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.141141
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083718371View PageGrandmother Elsie : a sequel to Elsie's widowhood.Grandmother Elsie : a sequel to Elsie's widowhood.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.114114
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083728372View PageElsie's girlhood.Elsie's girlhood.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.168168
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083738373View PageElsie's new relations : what they did and how they fared at Ion.Elsie's new relations : what they did and how they fared at Ion.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.143143
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083748374View PageNed in the block-house : a tale of early days in the West.Ned in the block-house : a tale of early days in the West.Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916.257257
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083758375View PageNed in the woods : a tale of the early days in the west.Ned in the woods : a tale of the early days in the west.Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916.210210
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083768376View PageNed on the river.Ned on the river.Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916.205205
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083798379View PageDoing his best.Doing his best.Trowbridge, J. T. (John Townsend), 1827-1916.125125
19010718Thursday, July 18th,19011293712937View PageThe greater inclinationThe greater inclinationWharton, Edith, 1862-19370077
19010718Thursday, July 18th,19011294112941View PageAtherstone priory.Atherstone priory.Comyn, L. N.01818
19010718Thursday, July 18th,19011300913009View PageThe desert home, or, The adventures of a lost family in the wildernessThe desert home, or, The adventures of a lost family in the wildernessReid, Mayne, 1818-1883.0011
19010718Thursday, July 18th,19011294912949View PageStudies for stories.Studies for stories.Ingelow, Jean, 1820-18970000
19010718Thursday, July 18th,19011295812958View PageMisunderstoodMisunderstoodMontgomery, Florence02222
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892083938393View PageA life for a life.A life for a life.Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock, 1826-1887.117117
19011010Thursday, October 10th,19011303913039View PageMonsieur BeaucaireMonsieur BeaucaireTarkington, Booth, 1869-1946.03535
19010718Thursday, July 18th,19011297612976View PageA master of craftA master of craftJacobs, W. W. (William Wymark), 1863-194303636
18940926Wednesday, September 26th,1894091409140View PageNorthern lands : or, Young America in Russia and Prussia : a story of travel and adventure.Northern lands : or, Young America in Russia and Prussia : a story of travel and adventure.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.06565
19011029Tuesday, October 29th,19011305113051View PageTo Nazareth or Tarsus?To Nazareth or Tarsus?Southworth, Horatio Woodburn, 1839-0000
18940926Wednesday, September 26th,1894091439143View PageCross and crescent, or, Young America in Turkey and Greece : A story of travel and adventure.Cross and crescent, or, Young America in Turkey and Greece : A story of travel and adventure.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.06464
18940926Wednesday, September 26th,1894091469146View PageBear and forbear : or, The young skipper of Lake Ucayga.Bear and forbear : or, The young skipper of Lake Ucayga.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.167167
18940926Wednesday, September 26th,1894091529152View PageA victorious union.A victorious union.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.153153
18940926Wednesday, September 26th,1894091559155View PageBashful fifteen.Bashful fifteen.Meade, L. T., 1854-1914.0022
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084058405View PageThe cabin on the prairie.The cabin on the prairie.Pearson, C. H. (Charles Henry), 1824-1906.03838
18941002Tuesday, October 2nd,1894091659165View PageJohn Boyd's adventures : merchant sailor, man-of-war's-man, privateersman, pirate, and algerine slave.John Boyd's adventures : merchant sailor, man-of-war's-man, privateersman, pirate, and algerine slave.Knox, Thomas Wallace, 1835-1896.114114
18941002Tuesday, October 2nd,1894091679167View PageLittle Miss Muffet.Little Miss Muffet.Carey, Rosa Nouchette, 1840-1909.132132
19011118Monday, November 18th,19011306413064View PageThe indiscretion of the duchess : being a story concerning two ladies, a nobleman, and a necklace.The indiscretion of the duchess : being a story concerning two ladies, a nobleman, and a necklace.Hawkins, Anthony Hope, 1863-1933.01313
19011118Monday, November 18th,19011307013070View PageTony Drum : a cockney boyTony Drum : a cockney boyPugh, Edwin, 1874-1930.0066
19011118Monday, November 18th,19011307213072View PageDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warHall, Granville Davisson, 1837-1934.02323
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084108410View PageA hazard of new fortunes : a novel.A hazard of new fortunes : a novel.Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920.03030
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084118411View PageA hazard of new fortunes : a novel.A hazard of new fortunes : a novel.Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920.02020
19010718Thursday, July 18th,19011299912999View PageEdith Prescot, or, Lessons of love : being Aunt Bertha's visit to the elms : a story for childrenEdith Prescot, or, Lessons of love : being Aunt Bertha's visit to the elms : a story for childrenMarshall, Emma, 1830-18990055
19011202Monday, December 2nd,19011308613086View PageLem, a New England village boy : his adventures and his mishapsLem, a New England village boy : his adventures and his mishapsBrooks, Noah, 1830-1903.0011
19010718Thursday, July 18th,19011300713007View PageThe prairie Crusoe, or, Adventures in the far West : a story for boys : illustrated.The prairie Crusoe, or, Adventures in the far West : a story for boys : illustrated.0033
18941002Tuesday, October 2nd,1894091729172View PageLittle Marjorie's love-story.Little Marjorie's love-story.Bouvet, Marguerite, 1865-1915.120120
18941002Tuesday, October 2nd,1894091739173View PageMargaret Davis, tutor.Margaret Davis, tutor.Ray, Anna Chapin, 1865-1945.08787
18941002Tuesday, October 2nd,1894091749174View PagePrince Tip-Top : a fairy tale.Prince Tip-Top : a fairy tale.Bouvet, Marguerite, 1865-1915.08686
18941002Tuesday, October 2nd,1894091779177View PageThe Barberry bush : and eight other stories about girls for girls.The Barberry bush : and eight other stories about girls for girls.Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905.154154
18941002Tuesday, October 2nd,1894091789178View PageJust sixteen.Just sixteen.Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905.0011
19011204Wednesday, December 4th,19011310113101View PageThe old mam'selle's secret.The old mam'selle's secret.John, Eugenie, 1825-1887.01717
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015091509View PageThe essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626.02222
19011204Wednesday, December 4th,19011310413104View PageThe bears of Blue RiverThe bears of Blue RiverMajor, Charles, 1856-1913.01414
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084258425View PageFrank Nelson in the forecastle, or, The sportsman's club among the whalers.Frank Nelson in the forecastle, or, The sportsman's club among the whalers.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.112112
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015131513View PageRecreations of a country parson.Recreations of a country parson.Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison, 1825-1899.0077
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015141514View PageThe Recreations of a country parson.The Recreations of a country parson.Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison, 1825-1899.0022
18941002Tuesday, October 2nd,1894091849184View PageThrough thick and thin, or, School days at St. Egbert's.Through thick and thin, or, School days at St. Egbert's.Francis, Laurence H.05252
18941002Tuesday, October 2nd,1894091899189View PageOpening a chestnut burr.Opening a chestnut burr.Roe, Edward Payson, 1838-1888.188188
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894091969196View PageElsie Dinsmore.Elsie Dinsmore.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.184184
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894091989198View PageElsie's womanhood.Elsie's womanhood.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.186186
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894091999199View PageElsie's children : a sequel to "Elsie's motherhood."Elsie's children : a sequel to "Elsie's motherhood."Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.102102
19020625Wednesday, June 25th,19021333113331View PageA young mutineerA young mutineerMeade, L. T., 1854-191401010
19020625Wednesday, June 25th,19021333213332View PageThe children's pilgrimageThe children's pilgrimageMeade, L. T., 1854-19140044
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015181518View PageThe great metropolis, a mirror of New York.The great metropolis, a mirror of New York.Browne, Junius Henri, 1833-1902.0011
19011204Wednesday, December 4th,19011311413114View PageA brave little Quakeress : and other storiesA brave little Quakeress : and other storiesRoe, Edward Payson, 1838-1888.01616
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084388438View PageThe king's daughter.The king's daughter.Alden, Isabella Macdonald, 1841-1930.128128
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084398439View PageFour girls at Chautauqua.Four girls at Chautauqua.Alden, Isabella Macdonald, 1841-1930.102102
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084408440View PageChristie's Christmas.Christie's Christmas.Alden, Isabella Macdonald, 1841-1930.108108
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084418441View PageEster Ried yet speaking.Ester Ried yet speaking.Alden, Isabella Macdonald, 1841-1930.06464
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084428442View PageThree people.Three people.Alden, Isabella Macdonald, 1841-1930.149149
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084438443View PageThe young outlaw, or, Adrift in the streets.The young outlaw, or, Adrift in the streets.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.146146
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894092009200View PageElsie's MotherhoodElsie's MotherhoodFinley, Martha, 1828-1909.165165
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894092019201View PageElsie's Widowhood : a sequel to "Elsie's children".Elsie's Widowhood : a sequel to "Elsie's children".Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.100100
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894092029202View PageGrandmother Elsie : a sequel to Elsie's widowhood.Grandmother Elsie : a sequel to Elsie's widowhood.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.122122
18940915Saturday, September 15th,1894092039203View PageElsie's new relations : what they did and how they fared at Ion : a sequel to Grandmother Elsie.Elsie's new relations : what they did and how they fared at Ion : a sequel to Grandmother Elsie.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.109109
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894092049204View PageElsie at Nantucket : a sequel to "Elsie's new relations.Elsie at Nantucket : a sequel to "Elsie's new relations.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.126126
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894092059205View PageElsie at Nantucket : a sequel to "Elsie's new relations.Elsie at Nantucket : a sequel to "Elsie's new relations.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.09898
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894092079207View PageThe two Elsies.The two Elsies.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.111111
19011210Tuesday, December 10th,19011311913119View PageEben Holden; a tale of the north countryEben Holden; a tale of the north countryBacheller, Irving, 1859-1950.03535
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894092089208View PageElsie's kith and kin.Elsie's kith and kin.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.103103
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894092099209View PageElsie's kith and kin.Elsie's kith and kin.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.109109
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894092109210View PageElsie's friends at Woodburn.Elsie's friends at Woodburn.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.09898
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894092119211View PageElsie's friends at Woodburn.Elsie's friends at Woodburn.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.102102
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894092179217View PageElsie yachting with the Raymonds.Elsie yachting with the Raymonds.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.09494
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894092169216View PageElsie yachting with the Raymonds.Elsie yachting with the Raymonds.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.09797
19020625Wednesday, June 25th,19021333713337View PageThe battlegroundThe battlegroundGlasgow, Ellen Anderson Gholson, 1873-194501818
19011202Monday, December 2nd,19011313513135View PageHigh school days in HarbortownHigh school days in HarbortownWesselhoeft, Lily F., 1840-1919.01010
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015231523View PageThe gentleman.The gentleman.Calvert, George Henry, 1803-1889.0011
18830406Friday, April 6th,1883037633763View PageYoung Rick.Young Rick.Eastman, Julia A. (Julia Arabella), 1837-1911.01111
18830406Friday, April 6th,1883037643764View PageGood-for-nothing Polly.Good-for-nothing Polly.Farman, Ella.02323
18830406Friday, April 6th,1883037653765View PageHelen in Switzerland : a tale for young people.Helen in Switzerland : a tale for young people.Bethell, Augusta, d. 1931.01515
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015311531View PageCountry living and country thinking.Country living and country thinking.Dodge, Mary Abigail, 1833-1896.000I0 (Indeterminate)
19011202Monday, December 2nd,19011314413144View PageYoung barbarians.Young barbarians.Watson, John, 1850-1907.0077
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015341534View PageThe Rise and progress of religion in the soul : illustrated in a course of serious and practical addresses suited to persons of every character and circumstance, with a devout meditation, or prayer, subjoined to each chapter.The Rise and progress of religion in the soul : illustrated in a course of serious and practical addresses suited to persons of every character and circumstance, with a devout meditation, or prayer, subjoined to each chapter.Doddridge, Philip, 1702-1751.0011
18750603Thursday, June 3rd,1875023412341View PageWhite, red, black : sketches of American Society in the United States during the visit of their guests [Louis Kossuth].White, red, black : sketches of American Society in the United States during the visit of their guests [Louis Kossuth].Pulszky, Ferencz Aurelius, 1814-1897.0000
18750603Thursday, June 3rd,1875023422342View PageWhite, red, black : sketches of American Society in the United States during the visit of their guests [Louis Kossuth].White, red, black : sketches of American Society in the United States during the visit of their guests [Louis Kossuth].Pulszky, Ferencz Aurelius, 1814-18970000
18830406Friday, April 6th,1883037683768View PageAn old-fashioned girl.An old-fashioned girl.Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888.0044
18830406Friday, April 6th,1883037693769View PageLittle men : life at Plumfield with Jo's boys.Little men : life at Plumfield with Jo's boys.Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888.0000
18830406Friday, April 6th,1883037713771View PageJack and Jill : a village story.Jack and Jill : a village story.Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888.0000
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894092189218View PageElsie's vacation and after events.Elsie's vacation and after events.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.07979
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894092199219View PageElsie's vacation and after events.Elsie's vacation and after events.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.09292
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894092239223View PageElsie at Ion.Elsie at Ion.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.122122
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894092249224View PageUp and Down the Nile.Up and Down the Nile.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.06969
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894092279227View PageA round dozen.A round dozen.Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905.07878
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084458445View PageJulius : or, The street boy out West.Julius : or, The street boy out West.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.131131
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015411541View PageThe family Sabbath-day miscellany : comprising over three hundred religious tales and anecdotes, original and select with occasional reflections ; adapted to the use of families on the Lord's day.The family Sabbath-day miscellany : comprising over three hundred religious tales and anecdotes, original and select with occasional reflections ; adapted to the use of families on the Lord's day.Goodrich, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1790-1862.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015421542View PageThe habits of good society : a handbook for ladies and gentlemen.The habits of good society : a handbook for ladies and gentlemen.0000
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084498449View PageStrong and steady : or, Paddle your own canoe.Strong and steady : or, Paddle your own canoe.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.176176
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084518451View PageTry and trust, or, the story of a bound boy.Try and trust, or, the story of a bound boy.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.273273
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015451545View PageFriends in council : a series of readings and discourse theoreon.Friends in council : a series of readings and discourse theoreon.Helps, Arthur, Sir, 1813-1875.0022
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015461546View PageFriends in council : a series of readings and discourse theoreon.Friends in council : a series of readings and discourse theoreon.Helps, Arthur, Sir, 1813-18750022
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084508450View PageStrive and succeed, or, The progress of Walter Conrad.Strive and succeed, or, The progress of Walter Conrad.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.199199
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084528452View PageBound to rise : or, Harry Walton's motto.Bound to rise : or, Harry Walton's motto.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.221221
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084538453View PageRisen from the ranks : or, Harry Walton's success.Risen from the ranks : or, Harry Walton's success.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.07979
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084548454View PageHerbert Carter's legacy, or, The inventor's son.Herbert Carter's legacy, or, The inventor's son.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.217217
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084558455View PageBrave and bold, or, The fortunes of a factory boy.Brave and bold, or, The fortunes of a factory boy.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.121121
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084568456View PageJack's ward, or, The boy guardian.Jack's ward, or, The boy guardian.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.190190
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015471547View PageCompanions of my solitude.Companions of my solitude.Helps, Arthur, Sir, 1813-1875.0077
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084578457View PageShifting for himself : or, Gilbert Greyson's fortunes.Shifting for himself : or, Gilbert Greyson's fortunes.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.148148
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015481548View PageLessons in life : a series of familiar essays.Lessons in life : a series of familiar essays.Holland, J. G. (Josiah Gilbert), 1819-1881.0099
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084588458View PageWait and hope, or, Ben Bradford's motto.Wait and hope, or, Ben Bradford's motto.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.216216
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084598459View PageRodney the partisan.Rodney the partisan.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.09191
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015491549View PagePlain talks on familiar subjects : a series of popular lectures.Plain talks on familiar subjects : a series of popular lectures.Holland, J. G. (Josiah Gilbert), 1819-1881.0055
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084618461View PageTrue to his colors.True to his colors.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.183183
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015511551View PageTitcomb's letters to young people, single and married.Titcomb's letters to young people, single and married.Holland, J. G. (Josiah Gilbert), 1819-1881.0000
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084638463View PageJan of the windmill : a story of the plains.Jan of the windmill : a story of the plains.Ewing, Juliana Horatia Gatty, 1841-1885.03232
18750603Thursday, June 3rd,1875023462346View PageHeaven : or, an earnest and scriptural inquiry into the abode of the sainted dead.Heaven : or, an earnest and scriptural inquiry into the abode of the sainted dead.Harbaugh, Henry, 1817-1867.0000
18941018Thursday, October 18th,1894092309230View PageGuert Ten Eyck : a hero story.Guert Ten Eyck : a hero story.Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925.09999
18750625Friday, June 25th,1875023512351View PageFighting the whales, or, doings and dangers on a fishing cruise.Fighting the whales, or, doings and dangers on a fishing cruise.Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael), 1825-1894.0033
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084648464View PageJackanapes, and other tales.Jackanapes, and other tales.Ewing, Juliana Horatia Gatty, 1841-188501515
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084658465View PageWe and the world : a book for boys.We and the world : a book for boys.Ewing, Juliana Horatia Gatty, 1841-1885.01919
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084688468View PageA great emergency, and other tales.A great emergency, and other tales.Ewing, Juliana Horatia Gatty, 1841-1885.01616
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084698469View PageLob Lie-by-the-fire : The brownies, and other talese.Lob Lie-by-the-fire : The brownies, and other talese.Ewing, Juliana Horatia Gatty, 1841-1885.02828
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084718471View PageMelchior's dream ; Brothers of pity : and other tales.Melchior's dream ; Brothers of pity : and other tales.Ewing, Juliana Horatia Gatty, 1841-1885.0033
18941015Monday, October 15th,1894092069206View PageThe two Elsies.The two Elsies.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.119119
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015651565View PageTales of a traveler.Tales of a traveler.Irving, Washington, 1783-1859.02222
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015661566View PageMrs. Caudle's curtain lectures.Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures.Jerrold, Douglas William, 1803-1857.0044
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084768476View PageHector's inheritance, or, The boys of Smith Institute.Hector's inheritance, or, The boys of Smith Institute.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.01212
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084798479View PageHelping himself, or, Grant Thornton's ambition.Helping himself, or, Grant Thornton's ambition.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.152152
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084808480View PageWhat Katy did : a story.What Katy did : a story.Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905.161161
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084828482View PageWhat Katy did next.What Katy did next.Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905.127127
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015851585View PageThe debatable land between this world and the next : with illustrative narrations.The debatable land between this world and the next : with illustrative narrations.Owen, Robert Dale, 1801-1877.0055
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015981598View PageSelf-help : with illustrations of character, conduct, and perseverance.Self-help : with illustrations of character, conduct, and perseverance.Smiles, Samuel, 1812-1904.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015991599View PageJohn Ploughman's talk and pictures : or plain advice for plain people.John Ploughman's talk and pictures : or plain advice for plain people.Spurgeon, C. H. (Charles Haddon), 1834-1892.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875016021602View PageHoly living and dying : with prayers.Holy living and dying : with prayers.Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875016031603View PageWalden.Walden.Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-1862.0022
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875016131613View PageThe young man's counsellor : or, Sketches and illustrations of the duties and dangers of young men.The young man's counsellor : or, Sketches and illustrations of the duties and dangers of young men.Wise, Daniel, 1813-1898.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875016141614View PageServing our generation and God's guidance in youth : two sermons preached in the College Chapel, Yale College.Serving our generation and God's guidance in youth : two sermons preached in the College Chapel, Yale College.Woolsey, Theodore Dwight, 1801-1889.0000
18970201Monday, February 1st,18971011310113View PageThe firm of Girdlestone.The firm of Girdlestone.Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930.01717
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084848484View PageClover.Clover.Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905.120120
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084858485View PageEyebright : a story.Eyebright : a story.Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905.166166
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084918491View PageDriven back to Eden.Driven back to Eden.Roe, Edward Payson, 1838-1888.154154
18941206Thursday, December 6th,1894093019301View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.Harper Bros.0000
18941206Thursday, December 6th,1894093029302View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.Harper Bros.0000
18941206Thursday, December 6th,1894093039303View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.Harper Bros.0000
18941206Thursday, December 6th,1894093049304View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.Harper Bros.0000
18750719Monday, July 19th,1875023572357View PagePrairie and Rocky Mountain life--The Oregon trail : sketches of prairie and Rocky-Mountain life.Prairie and Rocky Mountain life--The Oregon trail : sketches of prairie and Rocky-Mountain life.Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893.0000
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892085128512View PageLinda; or, The young pilot of the Belle Creole.Linda; or, The young pilot of the Belle Creole.Hentz, Caroline Lee, 1800-1856.106106
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892085138513View PageThe planter's northern bride : or, Scenes from Mrs. Hentz's childhood.The planter's northern bride : or, Scenes from Mrs. Hentz's childhood.Hentz, Caroline Lee, 1800-1856.284284
19020716Wednesday, July 16th,19021339813398View PageThe Strand magazineThe Strand magazine0000
19001026Friday, October 26th,19001235012350View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
19020716Wednesday, July 16th,19021339913399View PageThe Strand magazineThe Strand magazine0000
19001026Friday, October 26th,19001235112351View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
19001026Friday, October 26th,19001235212352View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0011
19001026Friday, October 26th,19001235312353View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
19010416Tuesday, April 16th,19011324513245View PageThe house with the green shuttersThe house with the green shuttersBrown, George Douglas, 1869-1902.000I0 (Indeterminate)
19001026Friday, October 26th,19001235412354View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
19001026Friday, October 26th,19001235512355View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
19001026Friday, October 26th,19001235612356View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
19001026Friday, October 26th,19001235712357View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
19001026Friday, October 26th,19001235812358View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
19001026Friday, October 26th,19001235912359View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
19001026Friday, October 26th,19001236012360View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
19001026Friday, October 26th,19001236112361View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
18750806Friday, August 6th,1875023772377View PageThe Christian life, social and individual.The Christian life, social and individual.Bayne, Peter, 1830-1896.0000
19010501Wednesday, May 1st,19011326413264View PageDorothy Vernon of Haddon HallDorothy Vernon of Haddon HallMajor, Charles, 1856-1913.000I0 (Indeterminate)
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892085248524View PageThe hills of the Shatemuc.The hills of the Shatemuc.Warner, Susan, 1819-1885.06363
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892085288528View PageEditha's burglar : a story for children.Editha's burglar : a story for children.Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 1849-1924.08686
18980726Tuesday, July 26th,18981081210812View PageThe celebrity : an episode.The celebrity : an episode.Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947.131131
18751108Monday, November 8th,1875023882388View PageSeven lectures to young men : on various important subjects; delivered before the young men of Indianapolis, Indiana, during the winter of 1843-4.Seven lectures to young men : on various important subjects; delivered before the young men of Indianapolis, Indiana, during the winter of 1843-4.Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887.0033
18970201Monday, February 1st,18971013610136View PageThe wide, wide world.The wide, wide world.Warner, Susan, 1819-1885.01616
18751130Tuesday, November 30th,1875023942394View PageThe young man from home.The young man from home.James, John Angell, 1785-1859.0011
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892085498549View PageSchool stories : or, Some coats that fit.School stories : or, Some coats that fit.Phelps, Phoebe Harris.0011
18770521Monday, May 21st,1877029752975View PageOld Greek life.Old Greek life.Mahaffy, J. P. (John Pentland), 1839-1919.0022
18770529Tuesday, May 29th,1877029942994View PageBracebridge Hall, or the humorists : a medley.Bracebridge Hall, or the humorists : a medley.Irving, Washington, 1783-1859.0088
19020805Tuesday, August 5th,19021359513595View PageInfelice : a novelInfelice : a novelEvans, Augusta J. (Augusta Jane), 1835-1909.01212
18970201Monday, February 1st,18971014310143View PageThe old mam'selle's secret.The old mam'selle's secret.John, Eugenie, 1825-1887.03636
18921114Monday, November 14th,1892085798579View PageBeyond the gates.Beyond the gates.Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, 1844-1911.02727
18831120Tuesday, November 20th,1883039133913View PageThe vicar of Wakefield.The vicar of Wakefield.Goldsmith, Oliver, 1730?-1774.0022
18921114Monday, November 14th,1892085958595View PageBetween the lines : a story of the war.Between the lines : a story of the war.King, Charles, 1844-1933.130130
19021013Monday, October 13th,19021364813648View PageLittle stories of married lifeLittle stories of married lifeCutting, Mary Stewart Doubleday, 1851-1924.01111
19021013Monday, October 13th,19021364913649View PageAbner Daniel; a novelAbner Daniel; a novelHarben, Will N. (Will Nathaniel), 1858-1919.0088
19021013Monday, October 13th,19021365013650View PageThe flight of Pony Baker : a boy's town storyThe flight of Pony Baker : a boy's town storyHowells, William Dean, 1837-1920.0077
18841120Thursday, November 20th,1884039183918View PageIsabel's difficulties, or, Light on the daily path.Isabel's difficulties, or, Light on the daily path.Carey, M. R.0000
19021013Monday, October 13th,19021365113651View PageBeautiful Joe's paradise, or, The island of brotherly love : a sequel to 'Beautiful Joe'Beautiful Joe's paradise, or, The island of brotherly love : a sequel to 'Beautiful Joe'Saunders, Marshall, 1861-1947.0022
18831120Tuesday, November 20th,1883039223922View PageTrue Blue : or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True Blue : or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.Kingston, William Henry Giles, 1814-1880.0000
18831120Tuesday, November 20th,1883039233923View PageTravel, war, and shipwreck.Travel, war, and shipwreck.Gillmore, Parker.0022
18840110Thursday, January 10th,1884039263926View PageAmerican history. Vol. I. Aboriginal America.American history. Vol. I. Aboriginal America.Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879.0000
19020814Thursday, August 14th,19021361813618View PageEditha's burglarEditha's burglarBurnett, Frances Hodgson, 1849-1924.0044
18970514Friday, May 14th,18971019010190View PageElsie's Santa Claus.Elsie's Santa Claus.Mathews, Joanna H. (Joanna Hooe), 1849-1901.0000
19020814Thursday, August 14th,19021362013620View PageGeoffrey StrongGeoffrey StrongRichards, Laura Elizabeth Howe, 1850-1943.01414
18970703Saturday, July 3rd,18971020110201View PageElsie's girlhood.Elsie's girlhood.Finley, Martha, 1828-1909.147147
19020925Thursday, September 25th,19021363313633View PageDorothy Vernon of Haddon HallDorothy Vernon of Haddon HallMajor, Charles, 1856-1913.0099
18930222Wednesday, February 22nd,1893086258625View PageThe deerslayer, or, The first war-path : a tale.The deerslayer, or, The first war-path : a tale.Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851.0000
18930222Wednesday, February 22nd,1893086348634View PageThe pathfinder; or, The inland sea.The pathfinder; or, The inland sea.Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851.01313
19021203Wednesday, December 3rd,19021372313723View PageEmmy Lou : her book & heartEmmy Lou : her book & heartMartin, George Madden, 1866-19360000
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971022010220View PageThe cruise of the Canoe club.The cruise of the Canoe club.Alden, W. L. (William Livingston), 1837-1908.107107
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971022110221View PageFrank Hunter's peril.Frank Hunter's peril.Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899.140140
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971022610226View PageAll adrift, or, The Goldwing Club.All adrift, or, The Goldwing Club.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.149149
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971022710227View PageSnug Harbor, or, The Champlain mechanics.Snug Harbor, or, The Champlain mechanics.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.104104
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971022910229View PageAll taut, or, Rigging the boat.All taut, or, Rigging the boat.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.103103
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971023010230View PageReady about, or, Sailing the boat.Ready about, or, Sailing the boat.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.07575
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971023110231View PagePierrette.Pierrette.Bouvet, Marguerite, 1865-1915.03232
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971023910239View PageThe Black Tor : a tale of the reign of James I.The Black Tor : a tale of the reign of James I.Fenn, George Manville, 1831-1909.08383
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971024010240View PageTrumpeter Fred : a story of the plains.Trumpeter Fred : a story of the plains.King, Charles, 1844-1933.102102
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971024110241View PageThe land of the kangaroo : adventures of two youths in a journey through the great island continent.The land of the kangaroo : adventures of two youths in a journey through the great island continent.Knox, Thomas Wallace, 1835-1896.04141
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971024210242View PageHow the children raised the wind.How the children raised the wind.Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903.02828
18760105Wednesday, January 5th,1876024252425View PageThe Sunday magazine.The Sunday magazine.Thomas Guthrie Editor0022
18930223Thursday, February 23rd,1893086648664View PageMelbourne House.Melbourne House.Warner, Susan, 1819-1885.08383
18951016Wednesday, October 16th,1895095319531View PageThe frozen pirate.The frozen pirate.Russell, William Clark, 1844-1911.02929
18770915Saturday, September 15th,1877030803080View PageFar from the madding crowd.Far from the madding crowd.Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928.0000
18771010Wednesday, October 10th,1877030833083View PageMiddlemarch : a study of provincial life.Middlemarch : a study of provincial life.Cross, Marian Evans, 1819-1880.0000
18771010Wednesday, October 10th,1877030843084View PageMiddlemarch : a study of provincial life.Middlemarch : a study of provincial life.Cross, Marian Evans, 1819-1880.0000
18771010Wednesday, October 10th,1877030853085View PageMiddlemarch : a study of provincial life.Middlemarch : a study of provincial life.Cross, Marian Evans, 1819-1880.0000
18930525Thursday, May 25th,1893086888688View PageThat boy.That boy.Davis, Caroline E. Kelly, b. 1831.0088
18780118Friday, January 18th,1878031123112View PageThe last of the Mohicans, a narrative of 1757.The last of the Mohicans, a narrative of 1757.Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851.0000
18780118Friday, January 18th,1878031143114View PageThe pioneers; or The sources of the Susquehanna : a descriptive tale.The pioneers; or The sources of the Susquehanna : a descriptive tale.Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851.0022
18760105Wednesday, January 5th,1876024342434View PageThe Edinburgh review.The Edinburgh review.0033
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971024510245View PageCanoemates : a story of the Florida Reef and Everglades.Canoemates : a story of the Florida Reef and Everglades.Munroe, Kirk, 1850-1930.119119
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971024610246View PageCampmates : a story of the plains.Campmates : a story of the plains.Munroe, Kirk, 1850-1930.149149
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971024710247View PageChasing a yacht, or, The theft of the "Gem".Chasing a yacht, or, The theft of the "Gem".Otis, James, 1848-1912.108108
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971024810248View PageBe e ; or, Two little wooden shoes.Be e ; or, Two little wooden shoes.Ouida, 1839-1908.04343
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971024910249View PageMen of iron.Men of iron.Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911.06060
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971025110251View PageThe red mustang : a story of the Mexican border.The red mustang : a story of the Mexican border.Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925.120120
19021111Tuesday, November 11th,19021369513695View PageWith the British legion : a story of the Carlist warsWith the British legion : a story of the Carlist warsHenty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902.0011
19021111Tuesday, November 11th,19021369613696View PageThe treasure of the Incas : a tale of adventure in PeruThe treasure of the Incas : a tale of adventure in PeruHenty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902.0022
19021111Tuesday, November 11th,19021369713697View PageWith Kitchener in the Soudan : a story of Atbara and OmdurmanWith Kitchener in the Soudan : a story of Atbara and OmdurmanHenty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902.0000
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971025410254View PageSweetheart travellers : a child's book for children, for women, and for men.Sweetheart travellers : a child's book for children, for women, and for men.Crockett, S. R. (Samuel Rutherford), 1860-1914.0044
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971025510255View PageFour young explorers, or, Sight-seeing in the tropics.Four young explorers, or, Sight-seeing in the tropics.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.119119
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971025710257View PageThree little daughters of the Revolution.Three little daughters of the Revolution.Perry, Nora, 1831-1896.06060
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971025910259View PageTommy-Anne and the three hearts.Tommy-Anne and the three hearts.Wright, Mabel Osgood, 1859-1934.03636
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971026910269View PageZiska : the problem of a wicked soul.Ziska : the problem of a wicked soul.Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924.0033
19021203Wednesday, December 3rd,19021373013730View PageThe little colonelThe little colonelJohnston, Annie F. (Annie Fellows), 1863-19310000
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971028010280View PageWith the procession : a novel.With the procession : a novel.Fuller, Henry Blake, 1857-1929.06969
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971028310283View PageMrs. Albert Grundy : observations in Philistia.Mrs. Albert Grundy : observations in Philistia.Frederic, Harold, 1856-1898.05757
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971028610286View PageThe day of their wedding : a novel.The day of their wedding : a novel.Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920.106106
18780219Tuesday, February 19th,1878031233123View PageBehind the scenes in Washington : being a complete and graphic account of the Credit mobilier investigation, the congressional rings, political intrigues, workings of the lobbies, etc. ... with sketches of the leading senators, congressmen, government officials, etc., and an accurate description of the splendid public buildings of the federal capital.Behind the scenes in Washington : being a complete and graphic account of the Credit mobilier investigation, the congressional rings, political intrigues, workings of the lobbies, etc. ... with sketches of the leading senators, congressmen, government officials, etc., and an accurate description of the splendid public buildings of the federal capital.McCabe, James Dabney, 1842-1883.0099
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971029410294View PageKate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Watson, John, 1850-1907.08484
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971031410314View PageSentimental Tommy : the story of his boyhood.Sentimental Tommy : the story of his boyhood.Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew), 1860-1937.119119
18780513Monday, May 13th,1878031453145View PageMan and wife : a novel.Man and wife : a novel.Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889.0000
19020716Wednesday, July 16th,19021348813488View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
19020716Wednesday, July 16th,19021348913489View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
19020716Wednesday, July 16th,19021349013490View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
19020716Wednesday, July 16th,19021349113491View PageHarper's weekly.Harper's weekly.0000
19021121Friday, November 21st,19021371413714View PageLittle rivers : a book of essays in profitable idlenessLittle rivers : a book of essays in profitable idlenessVan Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933.0022
18760212Saturday, February 12th,1876024602460View PageThe Edinburgh review.The Edinburgh review.0000
19021222Monday, December 22nd,19021374513745View PagePickett's Gap : [a novel]Pickett's Gap : [a novel]Greene, Homer, 1853-19400000
18950919Thursday, September 19th,1895095119511View Page11th Census of the United States, 1890 : census reports.11th Census of the United States, 1890 : census reports.United States. Census Office.0000
19021203Wednesday, December 3rd,19021371813718View PageThe little white bird, or, Adventures in Kensington GardensThe little white bird, or, Adventures in Kensington GardensBarrie, J. M. (James Matthew), 1860-1937.0000
19021230Tuesday, December 30th,19021375413754View PageThe hoosiersThe hoosiersNicholson, Meredith, 1866-19470000
19021230Tuesday, December 30th,19021375513755View PageGabriel Tolliver : a story of reconstructionGabriel Tolliver : a story of reconstructionHarris, Joel Chandler, 1848-19080000
18780822Thursday, August 22nd,1878031873187View PageAb-sa-ra-ka, land of massacre.Ab-sa-ra-ka, land of massacre.Carrington, Margaret Irvin, 1831-1870.0033
19001220Thursday, December 20th,19001254712547View PagePhebe, her profession : a sequel to Teddy, her book.Phebe, her profession : a sequel to Teddy, her book.Ray, Anna Chapin, 1865-1945.03131
19001220Thursday, December 20th,19001254912549View PageBeck's Fortune.Beck's Fortune.Thompson, Adele E. (Adele Eugenia), 1849-04343
19001220Thursday, December 20th,19001255412554View PageUnder the Great Bear.Under the Great Bear.Munroe, Kirk, 1850-1930.02525
19001220Thursday, December 20th,19001255512555View PageBlazing Arrow : a tale of the frontier.Blazing Arrow : a tale of the frontier.Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916.03535
19001220Thursday, December 20th,19001255612556View PageTecumseh's young braves : a story of the Creek War.Tecumseh's young braves : a story of the Creek War.Tomlinson, Everett T. (Everett Titsworth), 1859-1931.000I0 (Indeterminate)
19021230Tuesday, December 30th,19021377313773View PageMemories of a hundred yearsMemories of a hundred yearsHale, Edward Everett, 1822-19090000
19021230Tuesday, December 30th,19021377413774View PageMemories of a hundred yearsMemories of a hundred yearsHale, Edward Everett, 1822-19090000
19001231Monday, December 31st,19001257612576View PageSnow-bound, and other autobiographic poems.Snow-bound, and other autobiographic poems.Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892.0022
19001231Monday, December 31st,19001257912579View PageWith hoops of steel.With hoops of steel.Kelly, Florence Finch, 1858-1939.06868
19001231Monday, December 31st,19001259412594View PageHiram Golf's religion.Hiram Golf's religion.Hepworth, George H. (George Hughes), 1833-1902.0000
19001231Monday, December 31st,19001259512595View PageHiram Golf's religion.Hiram Golf's religion.Hepworth, George H. (George Hughes), 1833-1902.0011

+Patron (3184)

Patron #Original
Date JoinedNameResidence
28902890View Page18911104Wednesday, November 4th, 1891Jas. LindsayJas. LindsayNot listed
27142714View Page18901027Monday, October 27th, 1890Wilbur SuttonWilbur SuttonWest Gilbert
28912891View Page18911106Friday, November 6th, 1891Roy MartinRoy Martincor Main + Cherry
28852885View Page18911031Saturday, October 31st, 1891Orville SpurgeonOrville Spurgeon115 s Council St.
25632563View Page18890927Friday, September 27th, 1889Ruby PerkinsRuby Perkins518 East Jackson
28922892View Page18911107Saturday, November 7th, 1891K. M. BaronK. M. Baron715 Jackson
28252825View Page18910317Tuesday, March 17th, 1891Dennis HoytDennis Hoyt505 E. Ebnight
29162916View Page18910901Tuesday, September 1st, 1891J. B. FarmerJ. B. Farmer508 Jackson
29152915View Page18910829Saturday, August 29th, 1891Mrs. Thomas WinsorMrs. Thomas Winsor506 W. Adams
27162716View Page18901101Saturday, November 1st, 1890Maude CaseMaude Case617 Berlin St.
0169169View Page18750721Wednesday, July 21st, 1875William LynnWilliam LynnWashington St.
28262826View Page18910318Wednesday, March 18th, 1891Alfred DavisAlfred Davis805 W Main
29252925View Page18911007Wednesday, October 7th, 1891Fred W. ShidelerFred W. Shideler411 -- E. Washington
28802880View Page18911021Wednesday, October 21st, 1891Max BishopMax Bishop322 Main St.
25782578View Page18891104Monday, November 4th, 1889Clarence LaceyClarence Laceye Gilbert St.
24032403View Page18870221Monday, February 21st, 1887Mrs. Leota DavenportMrs. Leota DavenportSouth Jefferson
28672867View Page18910715Wednesday, July 15th, 1891Alice LeonardAlice Leonard827 Leomaur + Hackley
29232923View Page18911007Wednesday, October 7th, 1891Arther McKinleyArther McKinleyDinner St.
26542654View Page18900714Monday, July 14th, 1890Merrill LeonardMerrill Leonard601 Robert St.
0590590View Page18770310Saturday, March 10th, 1877C. TynerC. Tyner606 E. Jackson
28822882View Page18911022Thursday, October 22nd, 1891Lela KernLela Kern316 W. Gilbert
26372637View Page18900509Friday, May 9th, 1890Ida B. MeekerIda B. MeekerE. Jackson
27132713View Page18901027Monday, October 27th, 1890Jas. T. NelsonJas. T. NelsonNorth Plum
29282928View Page18911012Monday, October 12th, 1891Virginia ClaypoolVirginia ClaypoolEast of City
24362436View Page18871017Monday, October 17th, 1887Nora McCreightNora McCreightEast Jackson st.
27942794View Page18910207Saturday, February 7th, 1891Alfred KilgoreAlfred Kilgore417 W. Main
29142914View Page18910826Wednesday, August 26th, 1891Dan CohenDan Cohen613 Jackson
29262926View Page18911008Thursday, October 8th, 1891Susie HayesSusie Hayes802 S. Walnut
24132413View Page18870427Wednesday, April 27th, 1887Alice HamiltonAlice HamiltonWest Charles
0416416View Page18760707Friday, July 7th, 1876Minnie ParsonsMinnie ParsonsSouth High St.
18841884View Page18820217Friday, February 17th, 1882Ella MillerElla MillerEast Main St
27952795View Page18910207Saturday, February 7th, 1891Katie HottingerKatie Hottinger223 N Plum
27442744View Page18901204Thursday, December 4th, 1890A. L. FallisA. L. FallisEast Adams
29012901View Page18911116Monday, November 16th, 1891Louise TaylorLouise Taylor214. E. Gilbert
0123123View Page18750619Saturday, June 19th, 1875C. G. BlackburnC. G. BlackburnJackson Street
29032903View Page18911116Monday, November 16th, 1891Bertha DupreeBertha Dupree2018 W. Washington
28102810View Page18910221Saturday, February 21st, 1891Mrs. G. W. MikerellMrs. G. W. Mikerell115 S. Mulberry st.
0373373View Page18760315Wednesday, March 15th, 1876W. J. CarsonW. J. CarsonNo 3 South High St.
10151015View Page18780305Tuesday, March 5th, 1878Alonzie JacksonAlonzie JacksonCor Jackson and Walnut
28602860View Page18910613Saturday, June 13th, 1891Ethel BradyEthel Brady201 w Willard
28662866View Page18910709Thursday, July 9th, 1891Mrs. J. A. WeissenbornMrs. J. A. WeissenbornHoward st.
26532653View Page18900714Monday, July 14th, 1890T. Y. RichardsT. Y. Richards1320 Kirby Ave
28482848View Page18910506Wednesday, May 6th, 1891Mrs. C. E. McKibbenMrs. C. E. McKibben519 S. Jefferson
27802780View Page18910117Saturday, January 17th, 1891Carolin CalvertCarolin Calvert219 Cor. High + Jackson
25432543View Page18890720Saturday, July 20th, 1889Gertie HortacherGertie Hortacher116 S High St.
12761276View Page18790830Saturday, August 30th, 1879C J BradyC J BradyE Washington
27432743View Page18901201Monday, December 1st, 1890Lola ChildsLola ChildsNot listed
0957957View Page18780112Saturday, January 12th, 1878Mary J. LuickMary J. LuickCor Charles & Franklin
28022802View Page18910211Wednesday, February 11th, 1891Frank BenningtonFrank BenningtonOmer Ave.
27772777View Page18910114Wednesday, January 14th, 1891Mrs. L. HermanMrs. L. HermanE Main St.
21802180View Page18840321Friday, March 21st, 1884Edith E KirbyEdith E KirbyEast Jackson
0745745View Page18770515Tuesday, May 15th, 1877Luther ErvinLuther ErvinNorth Elm
28392839View Page18910406Monday, April 6th, 1891Mamie HinkleMamie Hinkle123 Willard st.
16921692View Page18810209Wednesday, February 9th, 1881Rosie Perm WylieRosie Perm Wylie703 West Adams
27522752View Page18901212Friday, December 12th, 1890Mary PowersMary Powers417 Boyce Ave
29072907View Page18911123Monday, November 23rd, 1891Carl TuheyCarl Tuhey215 Wall st.
27012701View Page18901004Saturday, October 4th, 1890Homer NeeleyHomer Neeley504 S Beacon
29022902View Page18911116Monday, November 16th, 1891Rollie BunchRollie BunchNot listed
26922692View Page18900923Tuesday, September 23rd, 1890Walter BrownWalter BrownNew Southern
28862886View Page18911102Monday, November 2nd, 1891Fremont MillerFremont MillerCharles st.
14231423View Page18800625Friday, June 25th, 1880Lulu WillsLulu WillsSouth High St
16251625View Page18810202Wednesday, February 2nd, 1881Linnie MarshLinnie MarshCor Douglas & Liberty
26932693View Page18900924Wednesday, September 24th, 1890Cora TrentCora Trent403 e Main
28792879View Page18911021Wednesday, October 21st, 1891Kate BrattonKate Bratton217 North
27982798View Page18910209Monday, February 9th, 1891Ashley HemingrayAshley HemingrayNot listed
26462646View Page18900630Monday, June 30th, 1890Lillian WilseyLillian Wilsey121 S High st
29182918View Page18910921Monday, September 21st, 1891Agnes HoweAgnes Howe318 E. Jackson
28152815View Page18910307Saturday, March 7th, 1891Mabel NeffMabel Neff234 N. Vine
29322932View Page18911205Saturday, December 5th, 1891Waren W. ReesWaren W. Rees5 mi. new Burlington Pike
0833833View Page18770717Tuesday, July 17th, 1877Jae FeymeyerJae FeymeyerSouth Monroe
27592759View Page18901220Saturday, December 20th, 1890Earl GibsonEarl Gibson308 Wysor
27002700View Page18901004Saturday, October 4th, 1890Wm. BoleWm. Bole206 E. Chas.
24172417View Page18870506Friday, May 6th, 1887Miriam CaseMiriam CaseSouth Liberty
22912291View Page18850613Saturday, June 13th, 1885Myron MedskerMyron MedskerCor Wash & Monroe
28882888View Page18911103Tuesday, November 3rd, 1891Myrtle ThomasMyrtle Thomas801 cor. Seymor + Plum
26832683View Page18900916Tuesday, September 16th, 1890Laura KiserLaura KiserNorth Vine
28282828View Page18910319Thursday, March 19th, 1891Homer ShawHomer Shaw318 W. Mulberry
27912791View Page18910204Wednesday, February 4th, 1891Winnie BellWinnie Bell171 Kilgore Ave.
12171217View Page18790405Saturday, April 5th, 1879R. W. MonroeR. W. MonroeWest Main
28692869View Page18910720Monday, July 20th, 1891Amy KendallAmy Kendall315 W. Jackson
15261526View Page18801214Tuesday, December 14th, 1880M. R. MasonM. R. MasonBethel Pike 3 Miles NW of Muncie
25912591View Page18891218Wednesday, December 18th, 1889Clara LeonardClara Leonard601 Roberts st.
0206206View Page18750818Wednesday, August 18th, 1875Flora L. JackFlora L. JackCorner Washington & Mulberry
24842484View Page18880918Tuesday, September 18th, 1888Frak RiegleFrak RiegleEast Jackson and Mul
0579579View Page18770306Tuesday, March 6th, 1877Mary E. LittleMary E. LittleNorth Mulberry
28972897View Page18911114Saturday, November 14th, 1891Mr. Moses CohenMr. Moses Cohen613. W. Jackson
23992399View Page18870128Friday, January 28th, 1887Arthur B. CassadyArthur B. CassadyWest Washington st
28492849View Page18910506Wednesday, May 6th, 1891Geo. A. BrownleeGeo. A. Brownlee1301 E. Willard st
24352435View Page18871015Saturday, October 15th, 1887Tena GreelyTena GreelyCherry and Maine
29352935View Page18911209Wednesday, December 9th, 1891Volney PaytonVolney PaytonNot listed
28192819View Page18910307Saturday, March 7th, 1891Oscar LockwoodOscar LockwoodNot listed
29132913View Page18910824Monday, August 24th, 1891Mark P. HelmMark P. HelmCor. Main + Cherry
25072507View Page18890206Wednesday, February 6th, 1889Maggie BruckMaggie BruckEast Washington
21872187View Page18840404Friday, April 4th, 1884Lewis HurstLewis HurstFranklin & Douglas
28502850View Page18910513Wednesday, May 13th, 1891Theo. H. JohnsonTheo. H. Johnson108 N. Monroe
0978978View Page18780201Friday, February 1st, 1878Charles LynnCharles LynnEast Washington
28682868View Page18910717Friday, July 17th, 1891Mamie KennedyMamie Kennedy813 W. Main
28752875View Page18911017Saturday, October 17th, 1891C.S. S. BaronC.S. S. Baron715 E. Jackson
29002900View Page18911116Monday, November 16th, 1891H. HartleyH. Hartley325 W. Willard
0147147View Page18750705Monday, July 5th, 1875Annie IrelandAnnie IrelandMain St
27122712View Page18901026Sunday, October 26th, 1890S. B. GarrettS. B. GarrettW. Wash
15501550View Page18801231Friday, December 31st, 1880Bessie WilliamsBessie WilliamsE Adams
16361636View Page18810203Thursday, February 3rd, 1881Mamie WilsonMamie WilsonWillow St.
28812881View Page18911021Wednesday, October 21st, 1891Harry HartleyHarry Hartley335 E Adams
28722872View Page18910729Wednesday, July 29th, 1891May BaldwinMay Baldwin518 E. Jackson
0803803View Page18770609Saturday, June 9th, 1877Lon M. NeelyLon M. NeelyCor Main +&Monroe
29392939View Page18911215Tuesday, December 15th, 1891Leotha HudsonLeotha HudsonNot listed
0588588View Page18770310Saturday, March 10th, 1877Eliza HeffnerEliza HeffnerCor. Charles & Franklin
29432943View Page18911229Tuesday, December 29th, 1891Wattia MarchWattia MarchEast of Chase + and Hoyt
27892789View Page18910203Tuesday, February 3rd, 1891Mrs. J. E. MurrayMrs. J. E. Murray120 N Cherry
27922792View Page18910205Thursday, February 5th, 1891Willie ShelbyWillie Shelby312 N Mulberry
29402940View Page18911215Tuesday, December 15th, 1891Orville ShawOrville Shaw209 E. Wash.
25182518View Page18890302Saturday, March 2nd, 1889Jesse CarmichaelJesse CarmichaelKilgore Av.
25232523View Page18890318Monday, March 18th, 1889Maggie KaltenbachMaggie KaltenbachCor. 3rd and Jefferson St.
27342734View Page18901118Tuesday, November 18th, 1890Ray CaseRay CaseNot listed
29422942View Page18911229Tuesday, December 29th, 1891Homer DowellHomer Dowell500 S Liberty
28842884View Page18911022Thursday, October 22nd, 1891Mrs. Carrie SnyderMrs. Carrie SnyderNew South in Hobt.
0262262View Page18751115Monday, November 15th, 1875Mattie WilcoxonMattie Wilcoxon94 Cor High Dumont
26892689View Page18900919Friday, September 19th, 1890Frank HinkleFrank Hinkle(West Point Cadet_1902)
28992899View Page18911114Saturday, November 14th, 1891Ora MillerOra Miller1006 S. Walnut
27532753View Page18901215Monday, December 15th, 1890Charlie LangdonCharlie LangdonHill & Ash
11441144View Page18781230Monday, December 30th, 1878Katie GarstKatie GarstCor 2nd and Jefferson
25772577View Page18891030Wednesday, October 30th, 1889Carrie FloydCarrie FloydKilgore Avenue
29452945View Page18920102Saturday, January 2nd, 1892Harry KuhnHarry Kuhn219 N. Mul.
29332933View Page18911208Tuesday, December 8th, 1891Merton HamiltonMerton Hamilton622 Vine Adams
28982898View Page18911114Saturday, November 14th, 1891Jennie MillerJennie Miller1006 S. Walnut
28432843View Page18910406Monday, April 6th, 1891D. D. PerdieuD. D. Perdieu721 Vine st.
25922592View Page18891226Thursday, December 26th, 1889Perry GribbenPerry Gribben201 West Gilbert st.
27072707View Page18901015Wednesday, October 15th, 1890Norwood CarnesNorwood Carness Kilgore Ave
14211421View Page18800624Thursday, June 24th, 1880Wm A SpurgeonWm A SpurgeonFranklin St
28952895View Page18911110Tuesday, November 10th, 1891Richard KirkeRichard Kirke214 Wysor st.
11031103View Page18781030Wednesday, October 30th, 1878A. J. PhinneyA. J. PhinneyCor. Main + Mulberry
27352735View Page18901119Wednesday, November 19th, 1890Carl ChildsCarl ChildsJackson
0654654View Page18770412Thursday, April 12th, 1877Jacob FergusonJacob Ferguson216 South Walnut
26992699View Page18901001Wednesday, October 1st, 1890Lew CarnesLew Carnes408 North St.
29482948View Page18920106Wednesday, January 6th, 1892Virlie CatesVirlie CatesNorth st.
29462946View Page18920104Monday, January 4th, 1892Charlie KiserCharlie Kiser219. N. Vine
25012501View Page18890112Saturday, January 12th, 1889Mrs. A. K. NicholsMrs. A. K. NicholsWest Washington St
25342534View Page18890531Friday, May 31st, 1889Allie L. McMillanAllie L. McMillan703 w Adams St
16091609View Page18810127Thursday, January 27th, 1881Albert PettyAlbert Petty397 East Adams
25262526View Page18890402Tuesday, April 2nd, 1889Winton HawkWinton Hawk508 S Hackley
25492549View Page18890817Saturday, August 17th, 1889Rena GillRena Gill608 West Main St.
18581858View Page18811207Wednesday, December 7th, 1881Levi MillerLevi MillerNorth Mulberry
29372937View Page18911212Saturday, December 12th, 1891Harry SniderHarry SniderNot listed
27672767View Page18910105Monday, January 5th, 1891Philip SmellPhilip Smell314 W. Jackson
14621462View Page18801019Tuesday, October 19th, 1880W. W. StuartW. W. StuartFire Department
18151815View Page18810806Saturday, August 6th, 1881Ella BleaseElla BleaseEast Charles
18891889View Page18820221Tuesday, February 21st, 1882Hal C KimbroughHal C KimbroughEast Jackson St
26062606View Page18900205Wednesday, February 5th, 1890Willie ThompsonWillie Thompson508 East Jackson
25642564View Page18891003Thursday, October 3rd, 1889Mary A WykoffMary A Wykoff703 East Jackson
24122412View Page18870418Monday, April 18th, 1887Harry NationHarry NationWest Jackson
28082808View Page18910221Saturday, February 21st, 1891Willie HedrickWillie HedrickWest-Howard
26732673View Page18900827Wednesday, August 27th, 1890A. C. JonesA. C. Jones416 W Jackson
26852685View Page18900917Wednesday, September 17th, 1890Estella McClillanEstella McClillanRiverside
29412941View Page18911222Tuesday, December 22nd, 1891George A. SnyderGeorge A. Snyder1144 E. Washington
27932793View Page18910207Saturday, February 7th, 1891Blanche AydlottBlanche Aydlott114 S Cherry
26822682View Page18900915Monday, September 15th, 1890Stella BallStella BallW. Charles
26682668View Page18900816Saturday, August 16th, 1890Jeannette LoveJeannette LoveCentral Blk
28612861View Page18910613Saturday, June 13th, 1891Carl SheppCarl Shepp214 E. Jackson
21042104View Page18831119Monday, November 19th, 1883Eddie LynnEddie Lynn287 Washington
23442344View Page18851231Thursday, December 31st, 1885Vida CassadyVida CassadyWest Washington
26032603View Page18900124Friday, January 24th, 1890Fred KleinFred KleinJackson and Liberty
27402740View Page18901124Monday, November 24th, 1890Walter T. BowmanWalter T. Bowman777 E. Adams
28042804View Page18910211Wednesday, February 11th, 1891Herbert SmellHerbert Smell314 W. Jackson
10651065View Page18780727Saturday, July 27th, 1878Laura HowellLaura Howell310 East Adams
29062906View Page18911123Monday, November 23rd, 1891Gussie DambosGussie DambosE. Main st.
0431431View Page18760814Monday, August 14th, 1876Jennie BradyJennie BradyN. Monroe St.
27712771View Page18910110Saturday, January 10th, 1891Arthur LeonardArthur Leonard601 Robert st.
29532953View Page18920116Saturday, January 16th, 1892Maggie McColmMaggie McColmW. Wast. st.
21422142View Page18840114Monday, January 14th, 1884Mallie MaddyMallie MaddyMulberry & Adams
0102102View Page18750612Saturday, June 12th, 1875Carrie AndrewsCarrie Andrews282 High St
27992799View Page18910210Tuesday, February 10th, 1891M J BolandM J Bolandcor Michigan and Madison
29552955View Page18920120Wednesday, January 20th, 1892Ashley HemingrayAshley Hemingray311 E. Jackson
26072607View Page18900206Thursday, February 6th, 1890Katie KuechmannKatie KuechmannWest Adams
29082908View Page18911123Monday, November 23rd, 1891Julia WilsonJulia WilsonNorth High
29572957View Page18920123Saturday, January 23rd, 1892George BurtGeorge Burt230 N. Vine St.
16021602View Page18810126Wednesday, January 26th, 1881Hattie GibsonHattie GibsonCor. Washington & Elm
003636View Page18750603Thursday, June 3rd, 1875H. E. ToddH. E. ToddCor. Jackson + Liberty
15671567View Page18810112Wednesday, January 12th, 1881Maggie CaseyMaggie CaseyKirby House
29602960View Page18920126Tuesday, January 26th, 1892Flora HarperFlora Harper311 W. Adams
29612961View Page18920126Tuesday, January 26th, 1892A. C. SpencerA. C. Spencer311 W. Adams
29622962View Page18920127Wednesday, January 27th, 1892Inez KoernerInez Koerner321 North st.
29542954View Page18920119Tuesday, January 19th, 1892Lloyd KimbroughLloyd Kimbrough311 E. Jackson
0132132View Page18750626Saturday, June 26th, 1875Mary C. KlineMary C. KlineCor Jackson and Jefferson
29632963View Page18920128Thursday, January 28th, 1892James ElrodJames Elrod615 S. Council
26112611View Page18900213Thursday, February 13th, 1890Mrs. E.S. L. ThompsonMrs. E.S. L. Thompson508 East Jackson st.
27832783View Page18910123Friday, January 23rd, 1891Earl NuttingEarl Nutting315 w Adams
22012201View Page18840531Saturday, May 31st, 1884Susie CraigheadSusie CraigheadSouth High.
26412641View Page18900614Saturday, June 14th, 1890Mrs. D. W. StewartMrs. D. W. Stewart710 E. Jackson
29672967View Page18920130Saturday, January 30th, 1892J. H. KehlenbeckJ. H. KehlenbeckHome Chas's Ave
29642964View Page18920128Thursday, January 28th, 1892Julius T. KirbyJulius T. Kirby406 E. Jackson
28892889View Page18911104Wednesday, November 4th, 1891Morris WolffMorris Wolff117 W. Main
26352635View Page18900506Tuesday, May 6th, 1890Clara RyanClara Ryan1210 E. Main
29502950View Page18920109Saturday, January 9th, 1892Herbert JohnstonHerbert Johnston231 Vine St.
23292329View Page18851118Wednesday, November 18th, 1885Nellie RussellNellie RussellCor Adams & Plum
10711071View Page18780805Monday, August 5th, 1878R L PattersonR L Patterson1087 E Adams St
27082708View Page18901015Wednesday, October 15th, 1890Arthur D. KingArthur D. King216 W. Washington st.
29732973View Page18920203Wednesday, February 3rd, 1892Max MartinMax Martin225 W Gilbert
29752975View Page18920204Thursday, February 4th, 1892Jasper PoorJasper Poor210 N. Walnut
29102910View Page18910814Friday, August 14th, 1891Arthur KelleyArthur Kelley686 S. Walnut
25872587View Page18891129Friday, November 29th, 1889Miss. Bertha HusseyMiss. Bertha Hussey407 S. Franklin
28782878View Page18911020Tuesday, October 20th, 1891Clyde LeagerClyde Leager707 E Jackson
25402540View Page18890611Tuesday, June 11th, 1889May MorelandMay Moreland316 W Adams
29782978View Page18920206Saturday, February 6th, 1892John P. WeisseJohn P. WeisseTurner St.
20662066View Page18830706Friday, July 6th, 1883Hattie JohnsonHattie Johnsoncor Chas & Mulber
29092909View Page18911128Saturday, November 28th, 1891Price CrandallPrice Crandall706 E. Jackson
17471747View Page18810305Saturday, March 5th, 1881Taylor MooreTaylor MooreWest Charles
29522952View Page18920111Monday, January 11th, 1892Rollin BakerRollin BakerWashington st.
29802980View Page18920210Wednesday, February 10th, 1892Ada CumminsAda Cummins1201 E. Main
29562956View Page18920122Friday, January 22nd, 1892Loyd CarverLoyd CarverOhmer Ave.
29492949View Page18920108Friday, January 8th, 1892Morris LeechMorris LeechAdams st.
21122112View Page18831201Saturday, December 1st, 1883Abbie KuechmannAbbie Kuechmann128 E Main St
29702970View Page18920203Wednesday, February 3rd, 1892Louis BloomLouis Bloom319 Michigan St.
28462846View Page18910504Monday, May 4th, 1891Ethel PerdieuEthel PerdieuCor Charles + Vine
002727View Page18750601Tuesday, June 1st, 1875H. M. WinansH. M. Winans72 E. Adams
28012801View Page18910210Tuesday, February 10th, 1891Lola HarringtonLola HarringtonNot listed
25602560View Page18890918Wednesday, September 18th, 1889Chas. KimbroughChas. Kimbrough311 East Jackson
23092309View Page18850820Thursday, August 20th, 1885Dora ParkerDora ParkerWest Washington
24082408View Page18870318Friday, March 18th, 1887Allie SnellAllie Snellcor e Chestnut Ave
0128128View Page18750622Tuesday, June 22nd, 1875[illegible] Case[illegible] CaseWashington [...] 156
26612661View Page18900726Saturday, July 26th, 1890Edwin R. HaisleyEdwin R. Haisley607 S. Council
20632063View Page18830626Tuesday, June 26th, 1883Arthur CaseArthur CaseCor Jackson Elm
27692769View Page18910108Thursday, January 8th, 1891Bruce DonaldsonBruce DonaldsonNot listed
29762976View Page18920205Friday, February 5th, 1892Charle SturdevantCharle Sturdevant616 W Adams
23522352View Page18860123Saturday, January 23rd, 1886Earnest BloomEarnest BloomSouth Mulberry
15641564View Page18810111Tuesday, January 11th, 1881L L WatsonL L WatsonCor Adams & Madison
28532853View Page18910516Saturday, May 16th, 1891Lizzie BanksLizzie Banks323 Willard St.
11311131View Page18781213Friday, December 13th, 1878Alice MoonAlice Moon487 East Charles
29862986View Page18920220Saturday, February 20th, 1892Robbie ScottRobbie Scott606 E. Jackson
14641464View Page18801022Friday, October 22nd, 1880Kate KesslerKate KesslerWest Main St
18381838View Page18811112Saturday, November 12th, 1881Elsie BishopElsie BishopWest Jackson
27112711View Page18901025Saturday, October 25th, 1890May RicheyMay Richey313 Hoyt Ave
29902990View Page18920224Wednesday, February 24th, 1892George HottingerGeorge Hottinger223 N Plum
27662766View Page18910105Monday, January 5th, 1891Jessie ClevengerJessie Clevenger1415 E. Elm
24072407View Page18870317Thursday, March 17th, 1887Fanny MacEwenFanny MacEwenJackson and Monroe
15691569View Page18810112Wednesday, January 12th, 1881Parry HainesParry HainesNo 81 Main St
29872987View Page18920220Saturday, February 20th, 1892Annie CunningtonAnnie Cunnington601 S Walnut
28652865View Page18910707Tuesday, July 7th, 1891Mrs. Frank ThompsonMrs. Frank Thompson430 E. Charles
27752775View Page18910113Tuesday, January 13th, 1891Maggie WindsorMaggie Windsor402 Main
29842984View Page18920215Monday, February 15th, 1892Maud HineMaud Hine306 E. Gilbert
13921392View Page18800318Thursday, March 18th, 1880G W WatsonG W WatsonCor Adams & Madison
0144144View Page18750702Friday, July 2nd, 1875N. F. EthellN. F. EthellCor Chas + Jefferson
29922992View Page18920224Wednesday, February 24th, 1892George McCreightGeorge McCreight216 S. Walnut
26912691View Page18900923Tuesday, September 23rd, 1890Emory SeldomridgeEmory SeldomridgeNot listed
29712971View Page18920203Wednesday, February 3rd, 1892Mrs. T. H. BartonMrs. T. H. Barton601 w Main
21112111View Page18831201Saturday, December 1st, 1883Park M GrahamPark M GrahamJackson and Vine
15331533View Page18801218Saturday, December 18th, 1880Genevieve CampbellGenevieve CampbellFlorence St
29682968View Page18920130Saturday, January 30th, 1892Pearl MartinPearl Martin325 W. Gilbert
24232423View Page18870622Wednesday, June 22nd, 1887Freda SmithFreda SmithWest Charles
24712471View Page18880609Saturday, June 9th, 1888Louisa KoernerLouisa KoernerNorth St.
19481948View Page18820821Monday, August 21st, 1882J S RileyJ S RileyJefferson St
28032803View Page18910211Wednesday, February 11th, 1891Nellie SingletonNellie Singleton1110 E. Main
29172917View Page18910919Saturday, September 19th, 1891Amie ShawAmie Shaw320 e Jackson
27852785View Page18910127Tuesday, January 27th, 1891Chester A. EvansChester A. Evans310 W. Adams
14991499View Page18801130Tuesday, November 30th, 1880Harry FoxHarry FoxNorth of North
26492649View Page18900707Monday, July 7th, 1890Helen HickmanHelen Hickman304 W. Gilbert
30013001View Page18920312Saturday, March 12th, 1892Clara YoungmanClara YoungmanNot entered
29652965View Page18920128Thursday, January 28th, 1892Emma LaceyEmma Lacey316 E. Gilbert
24622462View Page18880227Monday, February 27th, 1888Alton HastingsAlton HastingsEast Main
30023002View Page18920312Saturday, March 12th, 1892Campbell KeirsteadCampbell Keirstead902. E. Main
30083008View Page18920317Thursday, March 17th, 1892Jessie MoffatJessie Moffat511 S. Walnut
30003000View Page18920305Saturday, March 5th, 1892D. K. FreemanD. K. Freeman516 S. Liberty
0591591View Page18770310Saturday, March 10th, 1877Katie H. WilsonKatie H. WilsonCor Washington and Jeff
29122912View Page18910815Saturday, August 15th, 1891Laura FenwickLaura Fenwick407 W. Main st.
007878View Page18750605Saturday, June 5th, 1875Kate WilsonKate WilsonWashington St.
005151View Page18750603Thursday, June 3rd, 1875Mary E. MooreMary E. MooreCor Washington & Mulberry
29832983View Page18920213Saturday, February 13th, 1892Bertha BestBertha Best414 E. Gilbert
26132613View Page18900222Saturday, February 22nd, 1890J. W. OxleyJ. W. Oxley429 1st St.
26552655View Page18900715Tuesday, July 15th, 1890Anna MeekerAnna MeekerE. Main
0981981View Page18780206Wednesday, February 6th, 1878E. K. KuechmannE. K. KuechmannEast Main St.
28962896View Page18911113Friday, November 13th, 1891Mrs. C. E. CronewellMrs. C. E. Cronewell706 E. Jackson
006666View Page18750605Saturday, June 5th, 1875Julia RicheyJulia RicheyCor Adams & Libert St
26392639View Page18900517Saturday, May 17th, 1890B. Lee ReidB. Lee Reid222 n Monroe
27602760View Page18901222Monday, December 22nd, 1890Nella KinertNella KinertNot listed
29932993View Page18920227Saturday, February 27th, 1892Harry McCombHarry McCombSouth Walnut
29882988View Page18920220Saturday, February 20th, 1892Frank PhillipsFrank Phillips1004 E. Jackson
30143014View Page18920326Saturday, March 26th, 1892Walter J. HoweWalter J. Howe1118 E. Jackson
30113011View Page18920319Saturday, March 19th, 1892Geo. F. HamiltonGeo. F. Hamilton317 S. Council
30033003View Page18920314Monday, March 14th, 1892Agnes HallerAgnes HallerOhmer Ave.
0266266View Page18751119Friday, November 19th, 1875Mrs. W. J. BoydenMrs. W. J. BoydenE Washington Street
29812981View Page18920210Wednesday, February 10th, 1892Winnie SwainWinnie SwainNot listed
29342934View Page18911205Saturday, December 5th, 1891Louise MaddyLouise Maddy222 1/2 S. Walnut st.
10371037View Page18780511Saturday, May 11th, 1878Martha J IvinsMartha J IvinsGilbert St
29952995View Page18920301Tuesday, March 1st, 1892Mary ShawMary ShawNot listed
30123012View Page18920322Tuesday, March 22nd, 1892Edward KirbyEdward Kirby408 E. Jackson
24522452View Page18880128Saturday, January 28th, 1888Omer MitchellOmer MitchellSouth Walnut
29822982View Page18920210Wednesday, February 10th, 1892Auburey NihartAuburey Nihart316 W. A.
0455455View Page18761107Tuesday, November 7th, 1876Mrs. J BlountMrs. J BlountEast Adams
29772977View Page18920206Saturday, February 6th, 1892Mrs. ArthurholtMrs. Arthurholt211 S. Walnut
0323323View Page18760129Saturday, January 29th, 1876Willie R. BrothertonWillie R. BrothertonE. Adams St
19811981View Page18821206Wednesday, December 6th, 1882Nannie WilkinsonNannie WilkinsonJeff + Chas
30183018View Page18920406Wednesday, April 6th, 1892Ernest SmithErnest Smith122 1/2 E. Main
30103010View Page18920318Friday, March 18th, 1892Katie KernKatie Kern626 W. Main
11881188View Page18790224Monday, February 24th, 1879Burt BradburyBurt BradburyEast Jackson
30193019View Page18920412Tuesday, April 12th, 1892Lula WarrickLula Warrick424 E. Charles
30043004View Page18920314Monday, March 14th, 1892Geo. HallerGeo. HallerOhmer Ave
30233023View Page18920413Wednesday, April 13th, 1892Miss. L. VorheesMiss. L. VorheesGharky st.
27022702View Page18901011Saturday, October 11th, 1890Susan CecilSusan CecilE. Jackson
29312931View Page18911203Thursday, December 3rd, 1891H. A. GarnsyH. A. GarnsyKirby House
28372837View Page18910331Tuesday, March 31st, 1891May FullhartMay Fullhart1/2 mile east of town
28002800View Page18910210Tuesday, February 10th, 1891Minnie SingletonMinnie SingletonNo. 1110 - E. Main
22782278View Page18850515Friday, May 15th, 1885Howard CoffeenHoward CoffeenEast Main St.
29362936View Page18911212Saturday, December 12th, 1891Sarah B. BradburySarah B. BradburyNot listed
30153015View Page18920328Monday, March 28th, 1892Laura WilsonLaura Wilson300 North st.
30253025View Page18920415Friday, April 15th, 1892Campbell KeirsteadCampbell Keirstead902 E. Maine
30163016View Page18920330Wednesday, March 30th, 1892Miss. Sue StevensonMiss. Sue Stevenson122 E. Adams
30323032View Page18920421Thursday, April 21st, 1892Harry GreerHarry Greers Walnut
22892289View Page18850611Thursday, June 11th, 1885Lonnie GuthrieLonnie GuthrieSouth Hackley
28932893View Page18911109Monday, November 9th, 1891John L. MorinJohn L. Morin416 E. Jackson
30363036View Page18920426Tuesday, April 26th, 1892Ronnie DowRonnie Dow441 Howard
30213021View Page18920413Wednesday, April 13th, 1892Mrs. J. T. CrossMrs. J. T. Cross219 S. Walnut
30313031View Page18920421Thursday, April 21st, 1892Luella WineburgLuella Wineburg501 Proud st.
29512951View Page18920111Monday, January 11th, 1892Minnie FullerMinnie Fuller409 W. Was.
24402440View Page18871112Saturday, November 12th, 1887Della SampleDella SampleCor Mulberry + Howard
30333033View Page18920422Friday, April 22nd, 1892E. MarchartE. Marchart418 N. Jefferson
30053005View Page18920314Monday, March 14th, 1892Mr. Val LubbsMr. Val Lubbs203 North st
30383038View Page18920430Saturday, April 30th, 1892Kate KusickKate Kusick244 Kilgore
29912991View Page18920224Wednesday, February 24th, 1892Joe BoehmJoe Boehm211 East Main st.
29692969View Page18920202Tuesday, February 2nd, 1892George RussellGeorge Russellcor Park Ave. and Willard St.
28402840View Page18910406Monday, April 6th, 1891Edith McCreaEdith McCrea607 E. Charles
28202820View Page18910309Monday, March 9th, 1891Ada GilmanAda GilmanW. Washington
28732873View Page18910730Thursday, July 30th, 1891Geo. ThompsonGeo. ThompsonCor. Florence + Shipley st.
30593059View Page18920519Thursday, May 19th, 1892Chas. VenemanChas. Veneman417 West 13th st.
30473047View Page18920507Saturday, May 7th, 1892Miss. Mamie MartinMiss. Mamie Martin223 w Washington
28642864View Page18910701Wednesday, July 1st, 1891L. YorkL. York217 W. Gilbert st.
30523052View Page18920513Friday, May 13th, 1892A. M. ShackletonA. M. Shackleton109 E. 15.
30533053View Page18920513Friday, May 13th, 1892Anna E. BairAnna E. Bair515 1/2 S. Walnut
23432343View Page18851229Tuesday, December 29th, 1885Mrs. David BourMrs. David BourWysor Street
30443044View Page18920506Friday, May 6th, 1892S. B. SampsonS. B. Sampson116 E. Adams
30413041View Page18920504Wednesday, May 4th, 1892Ralph GarstRalph Garst611 W. 16.
30483048View Page18920509Monday, May 9th, 1892Chas. StuckyChas. Stucky708 E. Wash.
30503050View Page18920511Wednesday, May 11th, 1892Pearl HarrisPearl Harris410 East 17th
23242324View Page18851102Monday, November 2nd, 1885Jacob VogtJacob VogtNorth Mulberry
30453045View Page18920507Saturday, May 7th, 1892Frank GarnerFrank Garner704 E. Main
30393039View Page18920430Saturday, April 30th, 1892Lizzie KusickLizzie Kusick244 Kilgore
30243024View Page18920414Thursday, April 14th, 1892E. S. PlumbE. S. Plumb5 Little Blved
30353035View Page18920426Tuesday, April 26th, 1892Ruth CramptonRuth Crampton2024 N 11th st.
0704704View Page18770508Tuesday, May 8th, 1877Ida M BrownIda M Brown299 East Main
30603060View Page18920524Tuesday, May 24th, 1892Earl TeverbaughEarl Teverbaugh702 E. Jackson
29042904View Page18911117Tuesday, November 17th, 1891Charlie K. MitchellCharlie K. MitchellKirby Ave.
30583058View Page18920519Thursday, May 19th, 1892Roy WhitneyRoy Whitney115 1/2 Central Bk.
43224322View Page18940113Saturday, January 13th, 1894Miss. Pearl RusseyMiss. Pearl Russey304 Boyce Ave
45464546View Page18940825Saturday, August 25th, 1894Mrs. J. F. HallMrs. J. F. Hall317 E. Jackson
45324532View Page18940730Monday, July 30th, 1894Mrs. S. W. DyeMrs. S. W. Dye1210 E. Main St.
30513051View Page18920512Thursday, May 12th, 1892Mrs. Lida DonsonMrs. Lida Donson211 N High
43344334View Page18940120Saturday, January 20th, 1894Clara ShuttleworthClara ShuttleworthMerryweather Ave.
43984398View Page18940224Saturday, February 24th, 1894E. H. ShuttleworthE. H. ShuttleworthMerryweather Ave
44794479View Page18940531Thursday, May 31st, 1894Roscoe JonesRoscoe JonesOak St.
13041304View Page18791121Friday, November 21st, 1879Mabel HagadornMabel Hagadorn600 South Jefferson
44524452View Page18940428Saturday, April 28th, 1894Caddie RicheyCaddie Richey313. Hoyt Ave
45884588View Page18941023Tuesday, October 23rd, 1894Landess BloomLandess Bloom313 Michigan St.
28832883View Page18911022Thursday, October 22nd, 1891Rosa MartinRosa MartinCor Main + Cherry
43944394View Page18940222Thursday, February 22nd, 1894Fred SnyderFred Snyder317 Wysor St.
44964496View Page18940621Thursday, June 21st, 1894Mrs. E WilliamsMrs. E Williams115 N Monroe
40344034View Page18921101Tuesday, November 1st, 1892Ray CaseRay CasePowers St.
26812681View Page18900913Saturday, September 13th, 1890Josie JonesJosie Jones416 W. Jackson
45644564View Page18940927Thursday, September 27th, 1894Esther M. JohnsonEsther M. Johnson121 1/2 S Mulberry St.
41994199View Page18930307Tuesday, March 7th, 1893Howard DudleyHoward DudleyWhitely
45224522View Page18940723Monday, July 23rd, 1894Mr. E. W. EllisMr. E. W. Ellis522 E. Main
43384338View Page18940120Saturday, January 20th, 1894Fred CecilFred Cecil1523 S. Franklin
30973097View Page18920924Saturday, September 24th, 1892Bernice BriggsBernice Briggs523 E. Adams
29222922View Page18910929Tuesday, September 29th, 1891Ray WadeRay Wade217 S. High
43174317View Page18940111Thursday, January 11th, 1894Norman BoomerNorman Boomer185 Kilgore Ave
44464446View Page18940413Friday, April 13th, 1894Mr. M. D. GarrettMr. M. D. Garrett304 1/2 S. Walnut
30963096View Page18920924Saturday, September 24th, 1892Mrs. Wm. F. GillMrs. Wm. F. Gill613 West Charles
40544054View Page18921112Saturday, November 12th, 1892Mrs. W. C. DickieMrs. W. C. Dickie402. E. Adams
40204020View Page18921017Monday, October 17th, 1892Luis WildermuthLuis WildermuthMulberry
43824382View Page18940215Thursday, February 15th, 1894Grant FrazierGrant Frazier822 e Main
43884388View Page18940220Tuesday, February 20th, 1894Mrs. Newton EarleMrs. Newton Earlecor Fremont + Lennon St.
45534553View Page18940914Friday, September 14th, 1894Letcher DayLetcher Day410 South Liberty
46104610View Page18941110Saturday, November 10th, 1894Nellie PerkinsNellie Perkins522 E. Jackson
42214221View Page18930329Wednesday, March 29th, 1893Mrs. EverettMrs. Everett516 E. Gilbert
31453145View Page18950309Saturday, March 9th, 1895Everett WarnerEverett Warner1336 - E. Jackson
45004500View Page18940628Thursday, June 28th, 1894Nellie JerrettNellie Jerrett232 Kilgore Ave
26322632View Page18900421Monday, April 21st, 1890Lily SnyderLily Snyder319 W. Adams
45554555View Page18940915Saturday, September 15th, 1894Emma HelvieEmma Helvie820. E. Adams
45374537View Page18940803Friday, August 3rd, 1894John KellyJohn Kelly409 North St.
43144314View Page18940106Saturday, January 6th, 1894Edna SmithEdna Smith602. E. Charles
13321332View Page18800113Tuesday, January 13th, 1880Arthur L ShidelerArthur L ShidelerNorth Elm St
31463146View Page18950309Saturday, March 9th, 1895Nellie GallivanNellie GallivanE. Charles - 927
46874687View Page18950114Monday, January 14th, 1895Carrie VickeryCarrie Vickery504 e Main St.
44824482View Page18940605Tuesday, June 5th, 1894D. F. AultD. F. Ault302 W. Gilbert
44474447View Page18940414Saturday, April 14th, 1894Mrs. Jennie HillMrs. Jennie Hill1018 e Main St.
21592159View Page18840207Thursday, February 7th, 1884John MorinJohn Morine Main
45134513View Page18940711Wednesday, July 11th, 1894Ralph WintersRalph Winters216 W. Adams
44034403View Page18940226Monday, February 26th, 1894Ralph HuffRalph Huff801 Chas & Plum
40474047View Page18921108Tuesday, November 8th, 1892Harry OrrHarry Orr609 E Main
44704470View Page18940522Tuesday, May 22nd, 1894Maggie McBreenMaggie McBreen816 W Adams
44294429View Page18940317Saturday, March 17th, 1894Vida StacyVida Stacy108 S. Madison
002424View Page18750531Monday, May 31st, 1875G H AndrewsG H AndrewsJackson St
43704370View Page18940209Friday, February 9th, 1894Mary KinertMary Kinert924. E. Main
28182818View Page18910307Saturday, March 7th, 1891Gertrude HagadornGertrude Hagadornnot entered
41024102View Page18921219Monday, December 19th, 1892Nellie JensenNellie Jensen1207 E Jackson
18481848View Page18811125Friday, November 25th, 1881A. M. DeCampA. M. DeCampWalnut & Charles
42224222View Page18930329Wednesday, March 29th, 1893Ada KarnlyAda KarnlyNot listed
29272927View Page18911009Friday, October 9th, 1891Cora PattersonCora Patterson725 E Jackson
45544554View Page18940915Saturday, September 15th, 1894Theo A. HoughTheo A. Hough313 S. Franklin
15071507View Page18801204Saturday, December 4th, 1880Wilson CarmichaelWilson CarmichaelWest Adams
41734173View Page18930218Saturday, February 18th, 1893Jimmy RossJimmy Ross206 Wysor St
45034503View Page18940702Monday, July 2nd, 1894Miss. Emma KoulpMiss. Emma Koulp831 Second + Hackley
41084108View Page18921230Friday, December 30th, 1892Mrs. F G BrownellMrs. F G Brownell710 E Main
40624062View Page18921118Friday, November 18th, 1892Isadore KuhnIsadore KuhnNorth High
43724372View Page18940210Saturday, February 10th, 1894Samuel HiggittSamuel HiggittPearl + Anthony St.
29962996View Page18920302Wednesday, March 2nd, 1892Arthur JohnsonArthur Johnson216. S. High
21962196View Page18840507Wednesday, May 7th, 1884Albert RicheyAlbert RicheyWest Adams
44674467View Page18940515Tuesday, May 15th, 1894Mary L. CoxMary L. Cox335 Michigan St.
43444344View Page18940126Friday, January 26th, 1894Mrs. Chas. KilgoreMrs. Chas. Kilgore417 W. Main St.
43804380View Page18940214Wednesday, February 14th, 1894Merril SkinnerMerril Skinner425 W. Adams
43284328View Page18940115Monday, January 15th, 1894Charles JonesCharles Jones1114 East Jackson
43294329View Page18940115Monday, January 15th, 1894Earl PaceyEarl Pacey1123 East Jackson
44584458View Page18940505Saturday, May 5th, 1894Ed W GilbertEd W Gilbert219 S. Franklin
43584358View Page18940203Saturday, February 3rd, 1894Mrs. J. C. LeathermanMrs. J. C. Leatherman302 N Monroe
24102410View Page18870328Monday, March 28th, 1887Delbert SeldomridgeDelbert SeldomridgeEast Main
44354435View Page18940327Tuesday, March 27th, 1894Ethel KnappEthel Knapp214 W J--
30373037View Page18920430Saturday, April 30th, 1892Mrs. C. H. ChurchMrs. C. H. Church904. 15th
45154515View Page18940714Saturday, July 14th, 1894Bessie LambertBessie Lambert210. E. Washington
44104410View Page18940303Saturday, March 3rd, 1894Winlock TurnerWinlock TurnerChas. + Jeff. St.
42504250View Page18930520Saturday, May 20th, 1893Mrs. Mathew EdenMrs. Mathew EdenMeriweather Ave.
42334233View Page18930429Saturday, April 29th, 1893Miss. Edna BeardMiss. Edna Beard225 Wysor St
40604060View Page18921116Wednesday, November 16th, 1892Mrs. C. TynerMrs. C. Tyner509 E Adams
45984598View Page18941101Thursday, November 1st, 1894Gertrude EvansGertrude Evans500. S Hackley
43994399View Page18940224Saturday, February 24th, 1894Willie A. EvansWillie A. Evans318 E. Fremont
41584158View Page18930207Tuesday, February 7th, 1893Frank AbramsFrank Abrams822, St Monroe St
45854585View Page18941020Saturday, October 20th, 1894Mrs. Charles HigginsMrs. Charles Higgins614 Monroe St.
45764576View Page18941011Thursday, October 11th, 1894Will TruittWill Truitt2 1/2 Miles E. City
44444444View Page18940412Thursday, April 12th, 1894Austia SpenceAustia SpenceCor Michigan + Perkins
46194619View Page18941115Thursday, November 15th, 1894Charles A RoweCharles A Rowe1806 E. Adams
46204620View Page18941115Thursday, November 15th, 1894Letha KnappLetha Knapp316 N Walnut
42434243View Page18930515Monday, May 15th, 1893Rayburn McKimmeyRayburn McKimmey613 E Charles
46094609View Page18941108Thursday, November 8th, 1894Clarence LeagerClarence Leager716 E. Jackson
44564456View Page18940502Wednesday, May 2nd, 1894Frank R. HulettFrank R. Hulett220 North Walnut
41054105View Page18921228Wednesday, December 28th, 1892Mrs. A. C. JonesMrs. A. C. JonesCor Char. & Plumb
45384538View Page18940807Tuesday, August 7th, 1894Mrs. Milton GrayMrs. Milton Gray408 S. High
40144014View Page18921011Tuesday, October 11th, 1892E. R. TemplerE. R. Templer214 W. Jackson
43034303View Page18940102Tuesday, January 2nd, 1894Garfield OlinGarfield Olincor Harriett + Delaware
42644264View Page18930603Saturday, June 3rd, 1893Geo. HickokGeo. Hickok309 E. Jackson St.
44424442View Page18940407Saturday, April 7th, 1894Mae HickokMae Hickok309 E Jackson St.
40044004View Page18921001Saturday, October 1st, 1892Ohle GillOhle Gill613 W. Charles St.
46024602View Page18941103Saturday, November 3rd, 1894Frank G. JacksonFrank G. JacksonMerriweather Ave
43114311View Page18940105Friday, January 5th, 1894G. Edw. HillG. Edw. Hill217 S. High
43574357View Page18940203Saturday, February 3rd, 1894Mina GuthrieMina Guthrie1224 E Adams St.
42074207View Page18930317Friday, March 17th, 1893Mrs. Anna JohnsonMrs. Anna Johnson1013 Madison St
30713071View Page18920711Monday, July 11th, 1892Cecil KeirsteadCecil Keirstead902 E Main
0365365View Page18760309Thursday, March 9th, 1876Sue S. MongSue S. MongMuncie
44434443View Page18940410Tuesday, April 10th, 1894Murray GuynnMurray GuynnWest Powers St
43164316View Page18940110Wednesday, January 10th, 1894Mrs. Mary LeonardMrs. Mary Leonard1203 Kirby Ave.
46014601View Page18941103Saturday, November 3rd, 1894Mrs. Jas. PixleyMrs. Jas. Pixley823 W. Adams
45834583View Page18941019Friday, October 19th, 1894Adah MohlerAdah Mohler410 North St
0918918View Page18771124Saturday, November 24th, 1877Rose ShawRose ShawFranklin St.
45094509View Page18940709Monday, July 9th, 1894Claudia SmithClaudia Smith228 N Monroe
45924592View Page18941027Saturday, October 27th, 1894Jack CampbellJack CampbellFremont St.
45934593View Page18941027Saturday, October 27th, 1894Jeanette M. ShortJeanette M. Short1000 E Adams
12501250View Page18790616Monday, June 16th, 1879Mrs. E CammackMrs. E CammackEast Adams
45594559View Page18940918Tuesday, September 18th, 1894Arthur BellArthur BellWhitely
0172172View Page18750723Friday, July 23rd, 1875W. W. OrrW. W. OrrMain St
42884288View Page18930717Monday, July 17th, 1893Mrs. Martha CarverMrs. Martha CarverOhmer Ave.
44664466View Page18940514Monday, May 14th, 1894Vera StinsonVera Stinson1001 E. Adams
42724272View Page18930621Wednesday, June 21st, 1893Flossie GregoryFlossie Gregory314 East Washington St.
45694569View Page18941002Tuesday, October 2nd, 1894Ralph HyerRalph Hyer1110 Virginia
46314631View Page18941119Monday, November 19th, 1894Eugene L. BoyceEugene L. Boyce309 1/2 So. Walnut St.
42954295View Page18930810Thursday, August 10th, 1893Angie D. ShieldsAngie D. Shields413 S. Liberty
46334633View Page18941120Tuesday, November 20th, 1894Elizabeth GableElizabeth Gable217 S. Monroe
42444244View Page18930516Tuesday, May 16th, 1893Clara ElrodClara Elrod619 S. Council
0258258View Page18751110Wednesday, November 10th, 1875Chas. WilcoxonChas. Wilcoxon94 N Dumont st.
30743074View Page18920801Monday, August 1st, 1892Enos BaldwinEnos Baldwin310 Gilbert St.
44504450View Page18940420Friday, April 20th, 1894Edith ShaferEdith Shafer1345 E Main
44954495View Page18940621Thursday, June 21st, 1894Mr. A. WilliamsMr. A. Williams115 N Monroe
46224622View Page18941117Saturday, November 17th, 1894James GuthrieJames Guthrie516 S. Franklin
45504550View Page18940906Thursday, September 6th, 1894Harry MillerHarry Miller115 1/2 Lorph Blvd.
43494349View Page18940128Sunday, January 28th, 1894Octavie ZellersOctavie ZellersOakland + Vermont St.
45344534View Page18940731Tuesday, July 31st, 1894Roy PalmerRoy Palmer214 North Vine
0173173View Page18750723Friday, July 23rd, 1875Mrs. Minnie L. OrrMrs. Minnie L. OrrMain St.
0103103View Page18750612Saturday, June 12th, 1875Clara MaddyClara MaddyWash St
41244124View Page18930110Tuesday, January 10th, 1893Harry HanikaHarry HanikaWest Howard
45194519View Page18940719Thursday, July 19th, 1894S. Gilbert JumpS. Gilbert Jump219 S. Franklin St
44694469View Page18940519Saturday, May 19th, 1894Mrs. B F. AmmonMrs. B F. Ammon511 Proud St.
40834083View Page18921208Thursday, December 8th, 1892Ora BloorOra Bloor511 E. Main St.
45754575View Page18941010Wednesday, October 10th, 1894Mrs. Chas KoontzMrs. Chas Koontz423 W Jackson St
40314031View Page18921029Saturday, October 29th, 1892Mrs. Alice VickeryMrs. Alice Vickery504 E Main St.
12061206View Page18790324Monday, March 24th, 1879Jeannie BradburyJeannie BradburyEast Jackson
45994599View Page18941101Thursday, November 1st, 1894Martha CorbettMartha Corbett823 E. Jackson
43014301View Page18940102Tuesday, January 2nd, 1894Edward B DuffyEdward B DuffyCor Willard + Blaine
43464346View Page18940127Saturday, January 27th, 1894Lizzie M ReidLizzie M Reid415 Ohio Av
19491949View Page18820821Monday, August 21st, 1882Meville WoodMeville WoodWest Charles
45904590View Page18941026Friday, October 26th, 1894Charlie DyeCharlie Dye1210 E. Main St.
40244024View Page18921021Friday, October 21st, 1892Suzette HockettSuzette Hockett215 E Gilbert
45294529View Page18940728Saturday, July 28th, 1894Mrs. J. A. CraigheadMrs. J. A. Craighead509 S. Franklin
44044404View Page18940227Tuesday, February 27th, 1894Blaine SmithBlaine Smith1209 E Adams St
42034203View Page18930309Thursday, March 9th, 1893Mrs. A. J. WilliamsMrs. A. J. Williams819 E Adams St
41434143View Page18930124Tuesday, January 24th, 1893Mrs. J H HaydenMrs. J H Hayden1043 S. Hackley
41184118View Page18930107Saturday, January 7th, 1893Geo. HarbertGeo. Harbert713 Grant
45284528View Page18940728Saturday, July 28th, 1894Maggie SmithMaggie Smith504 E. 2nd St
30873087View Page18920827Saturday, August 27th, 1892Jimmie BaldwinJimmie Baldwin310 Gilbert St.
25422542View Page18890709Tuesday, July 9th, 1889Erna EilerErna Eiler403 Charles and Liberty
45844584View Page18941019Friday, October 19th, 1894Ida PhillipsIda Phillips904 E Main
40434043View Page18921104Friday, November 4th, 1892Mrs. Dr. GreenMrs. Dr. Green223 North Elm
44944494View Page18940620Wednesday, June 20th, 1894Will CraigWill Craig910 E Washington
46324632View Page18941119Monday, November 19th, 1894Fred A VawterFred A Vawter608 So. Walnut
42264226View Page18930406Thursday, April 6th, 1893Edna KeltnerEdna KeltnerNot listed
42244224View Page18930405Wednesday, April 5th, 1893Harry KeltnerHarry KeltnerWestside
40384038View Page18921102Wednesday, November 2nd, 1892Mary V. HillMary V. HillNot listed
41914191View Page18930302Thursday, March 2nd, 1893Mrs. G. W. SheppMrs. G. W. Shepp309 E. Jackson
40364036View Page18921101Tuesday, November 1st, 1892Mrs. R. C. HemingrayMrs. R. C. HemingrayNot listed
43454345View Page18940126Friday, January 26th, 1894Fannie JamesFannie James310 N. Jackson
27192719View Page18901106Thursday, November 6th, 1890Ralph GromannRalph Gromann211 E Washington
40254025View Page18921022Saturday, October 22nd, 1892Linnie CoffeenLinnie Coffeen522 E. Charles
42364236View Page18930506Saturday, May 6th, 1893Nora McLainNora McLain212 East 2nd
43864386View Page18940217Saturday, February 17th, 1894B. L. HobbsB. L. Hobbs1013 So Madison
41034103View Page18921221Wednesday, December 21st, 1892Clark MunnClark Munn412 Liberty
30843084View Page18920822Monday, August 22nd, 1892Dora TicknorDora Ticknor507. S. Jefferson
41134113View Page18930103Tuesday, January 3rd, 1893Helen SmithHelen Smith702 E. Adams
46404640View Page18941126Monday, November 26th, 1894Ralph SteeleRalph Steele313 e Main
45084508View Page18940709Monday, July 9th, 1894Everett BoorEverett Boor217 W Gilbert
46414641View Page18941126Monday, November 26th, 1894Pansy GontnerPansy Gontner303-North
26742674View Page18900829Friday, August 29th, 1890Jessie FordJessie Ford817 W. Main
46384638View Page18941126Monday, November 26th, 1894Grace MillerGrace Miller118 Grant St.
45974597View Page18941030Tuesday, October 30th, 1894C. M. DevoreC. M. DevoreSouth Gharkey
44264426View Page18940316Friday, March 16th, 1894Chas. M. StreeterChas. M. Streeter114 1/2 W. Wash. St.
40704070View Page18921123Wednesday, November 23rd, 1892Mrs. G. H. GilpatrickMrs. G. H. Gilpatrick600 E Jackson
26152615View Page18900224Monday, February 24th, 1890Eddie HagadornEddie HagadornSouth Franklin
45254525View Page18940726Thursday, July 26th, 1894Mrs. John W WilsonMrs. John W Wilson320 S Beacon
45524552View Page18940913Thursday, September 13th, 1894Charlie StoughCharlie Stough437 Howard St.
44594459View Page18940507Monday, May 7th, 1894Nancy ShortNancy Short817 E. Adams
42194219View Page18930328Tuesday, March 28th, 1893Ira BrackinIra Brackin1237 Kirby Ave.
46254625View Page18941117Saturday, November 17th, 1894A. BrinkmanA. Brinkman206 1/2 Main
27972797View Page18910209Monday, February 9th, 1891Jean PettyJean PettyRiverside
45784578View Page18941013Saturday, October 13th, 1894Miss. Nellie WeaverMiss. Nellie Weaver437 Howard St.
45124512View Page18940710Tuesday, July 10th, 1894Katie SullivanKatie Sullivan812 W. Adams
0488488View Page18761230Saturday, December 30th, 1876Mark J. ToppMark J. Topp193 South Liberty
43544354View Page18940202Friday, February 2nd, 1894Willie C. EmersonWillie C. Emerson1328 E Jackson
40334033View Page18921101Tuesday, November 1st, 1892Perry A. LangdonPerry A. LangdonHill + Ash
008080View Page18750605Saturday, June 5th, 1875Clayton ReidClayton ReidE. Adams St.
0522522View Page18770216Friday, February 16th, 1877Mary E. MonroeMary E. MonroeEast Third St.
44194419View Page18940310Saturday, March 10th, 1894Flora KingFlora King819 E. Adams
40054005View Page18921001Saturday, October 1st, 1892Laura RossLaura RossWysor St.
45874587View Page18941023Tuesday, October 23rd, 1894Jamie DuncanJamie Duncan306 W. Main St.
42894289View Page18930725Tuesday, July 25th, 1893Anna D. HostetterAnna D. Hostetter215 So Franklin St
43974397View Page18940224Saturday, February 24th, 1894J. F. BrewerJ. F. Brewer728 W. Jackson
45684568View Page18940929Saturday, September 29th, 1894Lizzie LongonLizzie Longon302 Anthony St
16371637View Page18810203Thursday, February 3rd, 1881H C HainesH C HainesJefferson St
23302330View Page18851121Saturday, November 21st, 1885Coreta ShumanCoreta ShumanWest Charles
30423042View Page18920505Thursday, May 5th, 1892Edwin UnksEdwin Unkscor. Willard + Mock
15281528View Page18801214Tuesday, December 14th, 1880Sadie C MartinSadie C MartinCor Jackson & Howard
17081708View Page18810215Tuesday, February 15th, 1881Charles ScottCharles Scottcor Mulberry + Adams
44614461View Page18940509Wednesday, May 9th, 1894Stanton JanneyStanton Janneycor Jeff and Race St
46444644View Page18941203Monday, December 3rd, 1894Clarence PerkinsClarence Perkins522 E. Jackson
42854285View Page18930717Monday, July 17th, 1893Katie SullivanKatie Sullivan905 S Penn
40564056View Page18921112Saturday, November 12th, 1892Oscar BlackOscar Black817 E. Adams St.
40454045View Page18921105Saturday, November 5th, 1892Mrs. Emma MolesMrs. Emma MolesMerryweather Ave
40424042View Page18921104Friday, November 4th, 1892Mamie BeckMamie Beck236 Kilgore South
46214621View Page18941116Friday, November 16th, 1894Grover DavisGrover DavisCor Main + Kilgore Ave
42934293View Page18930805Saturday, August 5th, 1893Clyde ThornburgClyde ThornburgKirby ave
30703070View Page18920707Thursday, July 7th, 1892Leslie SpornhauerLeslie SpornhauerNot listed
25952595View Page18900104Saturday, January 4th, 1890Jone HayworthJone HayworthSouth Franklin
42254225View Page18930405Wednesday, April 5th, 1893Velma KeltnerVelma KeltnerWestside
40464046View Page18921107Monday, November 7th, 1892Edward NuttingEdward Nutting315 W. Adams
40494049View Page18921111Friday, November 11th, 1892Caddie WhiteCaddie WhiteE. Main st.
44924492View Page18940620Wednesday, June 20th, 1894Ola CourtneyOla Courtneycor Powers & Berlin
45244524View Page18940726Thursday, July 26th, 1894Wysor MarshWysor Marsh222 e Adams
26312631View Page18900416Wednesday, April 16th, 1890Hasty WilsonHasty WilsonCor. High + Charles
42464246View Page18930517Wednesday, May 17th, 1893Georgia ColeGeorgia ColeWysor St.
45734573View Page18941006Saturday, October 6th, 1894F. R. MerrellF. R. Merrell301 N Monroe
44874487View Page18940615Friday, June 15th, 1894Maude ShellerMaude Sheller671 Berlin St
45364536View Page18940803Friday, August 3rd, 1894Estella McClellandEstella McClelland624 W. Jackson
29382938View Page18911215Tuesday, December 15th, 1891M. MarkM. Mark422 Howard St.
29212921View Page18910929Tuesday, September 29th, 1891Laura StevensLaura Stevens1114 Kirby Ave.
14471447View Page18800807Saturday, August 7th, 1880Lizzie HainesLizzie Haines303 East Charles
46374637View Page18941124Saturday, November 24th, 1894Harry WhiteHarry WhiteCor. Seymour Ebnight
40854085View Page18921208Thursday, December 8th, 1892Claud ClarkClaud Clark255 Kilgore Ave.
40784078View Page18921203Saturday, December 3rd, 1892Frank HainesFrank Haines513 S. Jefferson st.
46154615View Page18941113Tuesday, November 13th, 1894Elmira B. EllisElmira B. Ellis416 W M delaware st
29662966View Page18920128Thursday, January 28th, 1892Heinrich PfitznerHeinrich PfitznerKilgore Ave.
27652765View Page18910105Monday, January 5th, 1891Charlie Kougel Jr.Charlie Kougel Jr.Not listed
27182718View Page18901103Monday, November 3rd, 1890Nick MuehlbarkNick MuehlbarkNot listed
23272327View Page18851117Tuesday, November 17th, 1885Pearl StorerPearl StorerWest Charles
44154415View Page18940307Wednesday, March 7th, 1894Harry WardHarry Ward608 E Jackson St
42784278View Page18930717Monday, July 17th, 1893Nathalia BrickerNathalia Bricker622 E. Main
45424542View Page18940816Thursday, August 16th, 1894Bessie HinesBessie Hines703 E Jackson
46054605View Page18941105Monday, November 5th, 1894Horace RiggsHorace Riggs110 West Main St
44204420View Page18940310Saturday, March 10th, 1894N. JensenN. Jensen509 E. Monroe
44654465View Page18940512Saturday, May 12th, 1894Geo. N. PetersonGeo. N. PetersonE. Willard St.
46484648View Page18941208Saturday, December 8th, 1894Mrs. Minnie HigginsMrs. Minnie Higgins614 Monroe
29192919View Page18910921Monday, September 21st, 1891Carl ToppCarl Topp319 S. Liberty
34893489View Page18960805Wednesday, August 5th, 1896Sarah GoodinSarah Goodin808 E Adams
45804580View Page18941015Monday, October 15th, 1894Mrs. Mabel FlemingMrs. Mabel FlemingNorth Elm
46564656View Page18941218Tuesday, December 18th, 1894Mrs. Ada BrownMrs. Ada Brown123 N. Cherry
45334533View Page18940730Monday, July 30th, 1894Mabel ReigleMabel Reigle1008 E Charles
46594659View Page18941221Friday, December 21st, 1894F. E. HigginsF. E. Higgins614 Monroe St.
46124612View Page18941110Saturday, November 10th, 1894Clara MillerClara Miller908 E. Willard
42414241View Page18930510Wednesday, May 10th, 1893Mrs. Frank JewettMrs. Frank JewettCor. Plum. St + Kirby Av
44724472View Page18940522Tuesday, May 22nd, 1894Robert SheaRobert Shea703 S Chestnut
19291929View Page18820523Tuesday, May 23rd, 1882Harry ReamHarry Ream312 South High
26622662View Page18900726Saturday, July 26th, 1890Minnie HaisleyMinnie Haisley607 S. Council
45494549View Page18940901Saturday, September 1st, 1894Mrs. C. F GaraghtyMrs. C. F Garaghty807 E. Jackson
46604660View Page18941222Saturday, December 22nd, 1894Dottie FonsherDottie Fonsher611 - S. Madison
16101610View Page18810127Thursday, January 27th, 1881Y McKinneyY McKinneyCor Gilbert & Monroe
24192419View Page18870519Thursday, May 19th, 1887B F BarboB F BarboCor. Madison and 2nd.
30623062View Page18920528Saturday, May 28th, 1892Inez BanksInez Banks323 W Willard
0383383View Page18760412Wednesday, April 12th, 1876Ellen E. SmithEllen E. SmithAdams St.
43624362View Page18940205Monday, February 5th, 1894Mrs. G. F. HartleyMrs. G. F. Hartley336 E. Adams
18281828View Page18811022Saturday, October 22nd, 1881Mrs. Alice JesseeMrs. Alice JesseeWest Jackson
43124312View Page18940105Friday, January 5th, 1894Mrs. L. HerrmannMrs. L. Herrmann120 E. Main
42834283View Page18930717Monday, July 17th, 1893Emma NeelyEmma Neely409 E. Jackson
44074407View Page18940302Friday, March 2nd, 1894Frank RusseyFrank Russey320 Grant St.
45814581View Page18941016Tuesday, October 16th, 1894Mrs. W. G. DiniusMrs. W. G. Dinius308 First St.
40964096View Page18921214Wednesday, December 14th, 1892Helen GarnerHelen Garner704 E. Main
45514551View Page18940912Wednesday, September 12th, 1894Mr. W J HausMr. W J Haus912 South Plum
46654665View Page18941228Friday, December 28th, 1894Charles K. MitchellCharles K. Mitchell723 Kirby Ave.
46634663View Page18941227Thursday, December 27th, 1894Arthur D MastersArthur D Masters432 Proud St.
45024502View Page18940630Saturday, June 30th, 1894Mrs. Blanche TurnerMrs. Blanche Turner516 S Jefferson
30673067View Page18920621Tuesday, June 21st, 1892Laura M RossLaura M Ross215 S. Franklin st.
45304530View Page18940728Saturday, July 28th, 1894I. N. TrentI. N. Trent424 E. Charles St.
46694669View Page18941231Monday, December 31st, 1894Gertrude SandersGertrude Sanders514 2nd St.
46174617View Page18941114Wednesday, November 14th, 1894Geo. W. WintonGeo. W. Winton702 W. Main
41484148View Page18930128Saturday, January 28th, 1893Phila S. RidgleyPhila S. RidgleyCor. Monroe & Heekin
46664666View Page18941228Friday, December 28th, 1894John W. SmithJohn W. Smith504 E. 2nd St.
46624662View Page18941226Wednesday, December 26th, 1894Katie McDowellKatie McDowell510 E. Wash.
46284628View Page18941119Monday, November 19th, 1894Bertha DunfeeBertha Dunfee1118 East Main St.
28292829View Page18910320Friday, March 20th, 1891Mrs. Frank KoppMrs. Frank Kopp913 S. Plum
29052905View Page18911117Tuesday, November 17th, 1891Eva HagemanEva Hageman662 E. Wash.
44994499View Page18940626Tuesday, June 26th, 1894Mrs. Kate HopleyMrs. Kate Hopley1103 E. Adams
46234623View Page18941117Saturday, November 17th, 1894D. T. LlewelynD. T. LlewelynFremont + Perkins
41664166View Page18930211Saturday, February 11th, 1893Rev. Hans ZumsteinRev. Hans Zumstein808 S Monroe St.
24652465View Page18880320Tuesday, March 20th, 1888B C BowmanB C BowmanEast Adams
45204520View Page18940721Saturday, July 21st, 1894Mamie RyanMamie Ryan614 Kirby Avenue
44984498View Page18940622Friday, June 22nd, 1894Clara B HorlacherClara B Horlacher707 Chestnut St
46744674View Page18950105Saturday, January 5th, 1895Maude DotsonMaude Dotson515 - 2nd St.
0329329View Page18760202Wednesday, February 2nd, 1876Joshua C BaconJoshua C BaconAdams St.
19641964View Page18821018Wednesday, October 18th, 1882Willie WatsonWillie WatsonMadison & Chas
40234023View Page18921019Wednesday, October 19th, 1892Roy HarringtonRoy HarringtonNot listed
27362736View Page18901122Saturday, November 22nd, 1890Nellie RussellNellie Russell1211 E Main
15401540View Page18801221Tuesday, December 21st, 1880D. C. MitchellD. C. MitchellCorner Jeferson + Wall
46244624View Page18941117Saturday, November 17th, 1894Bertha StephensonBertha Stephenson725 E. Jackson
46644664View Page18941228Friday, December 28th, 1894Charles BrennonCharles Brennon422 -E. Jackson
43854385View Page18940217Saturday, February 17th, 1894Emma BrewerEmma Brewer728 W. Jackson
46044604View Page18941105Monday, November 5th, 1894Nettie WellmanNettie Wellman416 W. Washington
46704670View Page18941231Monday, December 31st, 1894Nellie ManningNellie Manning716 Lurne + Mobin
46754675View Page18950107Monday, January 7th, 1895Pearl SniderPearl Snider419 Wysor St.
45914591View Page18941027Saturday, October 27th, 1894Blanche HaffnerBlanche Haffner315 North Madison
25052505View Page18890205Tuesday, February 5th, 1889David F. RichardsDavid F. RichardsWest Jackson st 516
40174017View Page18921015Saturday, October 15th, 1892Myron GrayMyron Gray408 S. High
28412841View Page18910406Monday, April 6th, 1891Mrs. A. E. LymanMrs. A. E. LymanEast Jackson
46834683View Page18950110Thursday, January 10th, 1895Mr. William WarrMr. William Warr518 3rd - St
0247247View Page18751029Friday, October 29th, 1875Ida P LudlowIda P Ludlow600 Sth Jefferson St
41814181View Page18930225Saturday, February 25th, 1893Clyde ThornburgClyde ThornburgBoyce Ave.
43084308View Page18940104Thursday, January 4th, 1894Minnie ThomasMinnie Thomas300 North Monroe
45864586View Page18941020Saturday, October 20th, 1894Mrs. Lillian ThomasMrs. Lillian ThomasOhmer Ave.
46844684View Page18950112Saturday, January 12th, 1895Erville RainierErville RainierOhmer Ave.
18971897View Page18820311Saturday, March 11th, 1882Ada ShuttleworthAda ShuttleworthEast Washington
20872087View Page18831020Saturday, October 20th, 1883W R SnyderW R SnyderMadison St
24432443View Page18871208Thursday, December 8th, 1887Geo. R. GreenGeo. R. GreenElm & Gilbert
46424642View Page18941201Saturday, December 1st, 1894Cora MerrellCora Merrell301-North Monroe
16991699View Page18810211Friday, February 11th, 1881Willie BeckWillie BeckWest Main
28632863View Page18910624Wednesday, June 24th, 1891Miss. Edith LeeMiss. Edith Lee114 n Liberty
30893089View Page18920830Tuesday, August 30th, 1892E. J. GainerE. J. Gainer905 S Grant
26472647View Page18900630Monday, June 30th, 1890Katie FayKatie Fay410 W. Chas.
43424342View Page18940126Friday, January 26th, 1894Mrs. Rose BowersMrs. Rose BowersMacedonia + Ohio
46804680View Page18950108Tuesday, January 8th, 1895Harry FordHarry Ford817 W. Main
46894689View Page18950114Monday, January 14th, 1895Miss. Bella MoinMiss. Bella Moin606 E. Jackson
41824182View Page18930225Saturday, February 25th, 1893Helen Norwood BardHelen Norwood BardNot listed
42114211View Page18930321Tuesday, March 21st, 1893Walter RoofWalter Roof437 Elliot st.
43954395View Page18940223Friday, February 23rd, 1894Gertrude HaleGertrude Hale554 Howard
26122612View Page18900219Wednesday, February 19th, 1890John TuricchiJohn Turicchi614 South Walnut
46954695View Page18950117Thursday, January 17th, 1895Carl CecilCarl Cecil710 - E. Jackson
46794679View Page18950108Tuesday, January 8th, 1895Earl WilliamsonEarl Williamson307 E Jackson
0613613View Page18770323Friday, March 23rd, 1877Hattie EverettHattie EverettWest Gilbert
46964696View Page18950118Friday, January 18th, 1895Willie RileyWillie Riley214 E. Wysor
44644464View Page18940511Friday, May 11th, 1894Ethel StarrEthel Starr925 e Jackson
46994699View Page18950119Saturday, January 19th, 1895Walter SmithWalter SmithN. Elm & Race
46764676View Page18950107Monday, January 7th, 1895Mrs. Jas BinghamMrs. Jas Bingham1018 East Main St.
43554355View Page18940202Friday, February 2nd, 1894Stephen DoermanStephen Doerman377 Elliott St.
44544454View Page18940428Saturday, April 28th, 1894Frank MorganFrank MorganMacedonia + Webster
44234423View Page18940313Tuesday, March 13th, 1894Mrs. W. E. McCaudlessMrs. W. E. McCaudless608 Willow St.
43314331View Page18940119Friday, January 19th, 1894Herbert DwyerHerbert Dwyere Elliott and Shoemaker
47064706View Page18950119Saturday, January 19th, 1895Charlie FordCharlie Ford817 W. Main
27052705View Page18901013Monday, October 13th, 1890C. BrotlierloinC. Brotlierloin1201 E Jackson
46934693View Page18950116Wednesday, January 16th, 1895Annie JenkinsAnnie Jenkins1202 Ohmer Ave
47034703View Page18950119Saturday, January 19th, 1895Minnie GainorMinnie Gainorcor Blaine + Heekin
40614061View Page18921118Friday, November 18th, 1892Herschel GreerHerschel Greer507/2 s Walnut
41474147View Page18930126Thursday, January 26th, 1893Edward TurnerEdward Turner613 S. Monroe
41524152View Page18930131Tuesday, January 31st, 1893Max ThompsonMax Thompson508 E. Jackson
44744474View Page18940525Friday, May 25th, 1894John CramerJohn Cramer808 E Jackson
40994099View Page18921216Friday, December 16th, 1892Alma McDowellAlma McDowell403 Wysor st
44854485View Page18940609Saturday, June 9th, 1894Pearl GettysPearl Gettys807 S. Vine St.
44364436View Page18940330Friday, March 30th, 1894Harry MockHarry Mock1295 e Kirby
30073007View Page18920316Wednesday, March 16th, 1892Alfred AbbottAlfred Abbott823 S. Council st.
46354635View Page18941122Thursday, November 22nd, 1894May HarveyMay Harvey414 S. Madison
44684468View Page18940518Friday, May 18th, 1894Edward LawlerEdward Lawler701 S Mulberry
0213213View Page18750828Saturday, August 28th, 1875G. L. KurtzG. L. KurtzCouncil
46984698View Page18950119Saturday, January 19th, 1895Bessie WestlakeBessie WestlakeCor. Blaine & Seymore
22042204View Page18840624Tuesday, June 24th, 1884S. M. JordanS. M. Jordancor Plum & Adams
46774677View Page18950107Monday, January 7th, 1895Mrs. Ella StarrMrs. Ella Starr306 - E. Jackson
0651651View Page18770412Thursday, April 12th, 1877Emma J. WellsEmma J. WellsCor High & Howard
31013101View Page18950126Saturday, January 26th, 1895Harry SeitzHarry Seitz819 S. Penn
47124712View Page18950123Wednesday, January 23rd, 1895Grace EilerGrace Eiler1229 E. Jackson
43054305View Page18940103Wednesday, January 3rd, 1894Elliott BaylessElliott Bayless228. N. Vine
46904690View Page18950115Tuesday, January 15th, 1895Mr. J. D. WaldoMr. J. D. Waldo915 - S Madison
46824682View Page18950109Wednesday, January 9th, 1895Mrs. Della L. StuveMrs. Della L. Stuvecor Pane & Willard
46264626View Page18941117Saturday, November 17th, 1894Mrs. H. E. MaggsMrs. H. E. Maggs708 E. Adams
42494249View Page18930518Thursday, May 18th, 1893Alma BuddAlma Budd518 E. Main
31093109View Page18950129Tuesday, January 29th, 1895Mrs. Myrtle HollowellMrs. Myrtle Hollowell503 S. Ebright St
41684168View Page18930213Monday, February 13th, 1893Rudolph BloomRudolph Bloom313 W Michigan
46884688View Page18950114Monday, January 14th, 1895Daisy May ElliotDaisy May ElliotPark St
28172817View Page18910307Saturday, March 7th, 1891Lizzy ConeyLizzy Coney400 E. Adams
46914691View Page18950116Wednesday, January 16th, 1895Ora TweedyOra Tweedy1113 Kirby Ave.
45014501View Page18940628Thursday, June 28th, 1894Edna HooverEdna Hoover517 W. Main St
43324332View Page18940119Friday, January 19th, 1894Mr. A. W. CareyMr. A. W. CareySouth Mound
47044704View Page18950119Saturday, January 19th, 1895Katie DohertyKatie Doherty604 - S. Walnut
42534253View Page18930523Tuesday, May 23rd, 1893Earl TuheyEarl Tuhey1121 S Walnut
43514351View Page18940131Wednesday, January 31st, 1894J. A. BuckJ. A. Buckcor. Fremont & Harriett St.
29992999View Page18920303Thursday, March 3rd, 1892Gulia CatesGulia Cates802 E. Washington
31003100View Page18950126Saturday, January 26th, 1895Arthur DunganArthur Dungan328 E Gilbert
40894089View Page18921210Saturday, December 10th, 1892Mary BryantMary Bryant618 s Council
47094709View Page18950121Monday, January 21st, 1895Ernest DunganErnest Dungan328 E. Gilbert
42694269View Page18930617Saturday, June 17th, 1893Mr. T. H. KirbyMr. T. H. Kirby408. E. Jackson
31103110View Page18950129Tuesday, January 29th, 1895Wayman AdamsWayman Adams1314 e Adams
41804180View Page18930224Friday, February 24th, 1893Thad WilsonThad Wilson1 1/2 Miles Yorktown Pike
43244324View Page18940115Monday, January 15th, 1894H. P. KrullH. P. Krull620 Monroe St.
47004700View Page18950119Saturday, January 19th, 1895Alice WoodardAlice Woodard425 - Howard St.
31043104View Page18950128Monday, January 28th, 1895Mrs. J. W. OxleyMrs. J. W. Oxley429 Kirby Ave
42704270View Page18930619Monday, June 19th, 1893Bessie G. BunchBessie G. Bunch1333 E. Jackson
43184318View Page18940111Thursday, January 11th, 1894Myrtie L. ShoemakerMyrtie L. Shoemaker214 N. Vine
28142814View Page18910307Saturday, March 7th, 1891Bobbie KnowltonBobbie Knowlton503 E. Main
40824082View Page18921207Wednesday, December 7th, 1892Harley B. HockettHarley B. Hockett302 North St
31203120View Page18950205Tuesday, February 5th, 1895Horace HagenlockerHorace HagenlockerWillard St.
46004600View Page18941103Saturday, November 3rd, 1894Jay BullardJay BullardCor Lennon + Howard
20802080View Page18830929Saturday, September 29th, 1883Mrs. S. P. WildmanMrs. S. P. WildmanEast Washington
43894389View Page18940221Wednesday, February 21st, 1894Mrs. E. M. WhiteMrs. E. M. White813 W. Main St.
31213121View Page18950209Saturday, February 9th, 1895Harriet F BeardsleyHarriet F Beardsley414 North St
31263126View Page18950212Tuesday, February 12th, 1895Ella UptgraftElla Uptgraft1407 - E. Gilbert
46474647View Page18941206Thursday, December 6th, 1894Kenneth ShuttleworthKenneth ShuttleworthShiply + Michigan
45954595View Page18941030Tuesday, October 30th, 1894Alonzo CareyAlonzo Carey615 S. Mound
46614661View Page18941226Wednesday, December 26th, 1894G. B. HamiltonG. B. Hamilton622 E. Adams
42514251View Page18930520Saturday, May 20th, 1893Mrs. George HickokMrs. George Hickok310 E. Jackson st.
21012101View Page18831117Saturday, November 17th, 1883Maggie GessellMaggie GessellEast Main
42914291View Page18930727Thursday, July 27th, 1893Earl LockwoodEarl Lockwood115 S. Liberty
46304630View Page18941119Monday, November 19th, 1894Lillian SchaufelbergerLillian Schaufelberger316 S Council St
40844084View Page18921208Thursday, December 8th, 1892Dan McAberDan McAber517 Walnut st
42944294View Page18930809Wednesday, August 9th, 1893Mrs. Jennie EvansMrs. Jennie Evans310 W. Adams
47104710View Page18950122Tuesday, January 22nd, 1895Mrs. Bess McCartyMrs. Bess McCarty703 South Chestnut
18011801View Page18810604Saturday, June 4th, 1881Ida BrownIda BrownWalnut St.
31193119View Page18950205Tuesday, February 5th, 1895Rollie BunchRollie BunchCor. Mull, Wall
11151115View Page18781123Saturday, November 23rd, 1878A. J. WilsonA. J. WilsonCor. High and Charles
002121View Page18750531Monday, May 31st, 1875A. C. MellettA. C. MellettJack[son] St
45944594View Page18941027Saturday, October 27th, 1894William DohertyWilliam DohertyN.E. Seymour + H
31063106View Page18950129Tuesday, January 29th, 1895Vertie McAlisterVertie McAlister220 1/2 S. Walnut
42874287View Page18930717Monday, July 17th, 1893Flora RusseyFlora Russey316 W. Gilbert
31163116View Page18950202Saturday, February 2nd, 1895Mrs. Jas. RossMrs. Jas. Ross206 Wysor St.
13491349View Page18800126Monday, January 26th, 1880Fannie DarracottFannie DarracottKirby Avenue
31343134View Page18950216Saturday, February 16th, 1895Caroline D. ReidCaroline D. Reid1332 E. Jackson St.
46394639View Page18941126Monday, November 26th, 1894L. E. WilliamsL. E. Williams1210 E. Adams St
31353135View Page18950218Monday, February 18th, 1895Mabel NeffMabel NeffRiverside
31323132View Page18950216Saturday, February 16th, 1895Erma PersonettErma PersonettMichigan St.
40714071View Page18921126Saturday, November 26th, 1892Robert CrabbsRobert CrabbsLiberty + Howard
47084708View Page18950121Monday, January 21st, 1895Jacob HuberJacob Huber710 - S. Monroe
31123112View Page18950130Wednesday, January 30th, 1895Mary CaseyMary Casey808 W. Adams
40404040View Page18921103Thursday, November 3rd, 1892Mrs. Thos. LarimoreMrs. Thos. Larimore703 E Jackson
46134613View Page18941112Monday, November 12th, 1894Frank T. GilpinFrank T. Gilpin619 Powers St
31233123View Page18950209Saturday, February 9th, 1895Clarence PowersClarence Powers325 North St
46464646View Page18941205Wednesday, December 5th, 1894Mary BeemerMary Beemer410 W. Main St.
31223122View Page18950209Saturday, February 9th, 1895Austin CaryAustin CaryS. Penn
31363136View Page18950219Tuesday, February 19th, 1895May GillMay Gill906 E. Washington
40324032View Page18921031Monday, October 31st, 1892Mrs. Lida NevilleMrs. Lida Neville916 E. Main
46684668View Page18941229Saturday, December 29th, 1894H. E. StewartH. E. Stewart1020 E. Jackson
45624562View Page18940922Saturday, September 22nd, 1894Lizzie DiermillerLizzie Diermiller510 East Charles
29592959View Page18920126Tuesday, January 26th, 1892Andrew S. DavisAndrew S. Davis422 W. Adams
47054705View Page18950119Saturday, January 19th, 1895C. H. BeardsleyC. H. Beardsley332 North St.
42404240View Page18930510Wednesday, May 10th, 1893Mrs. Willie SandersMrs. Willie Sanders120 S. High
30993099View Page18920928Wednesday, September 28th, 1892Loma AldstadtLoma Aldstadt916 E Washington
41204120View Page18930107Saturday, January 7th, 1893Lilly EadesLilly Eades808 Vine st.
24762476View Page18880721Saturday, July 21st, 1888Anna BehymerAnna BehymerWest Main st
31143114View Page18950131Thursday, January 31st, 1895George SuttonGeorge Sutton320 W. Gilbert
31333133View Page18950216Saturday, February 16th, 1895Wilbur PersonettWilbur PersonettFlorence St.
46854685View Page18950112Saturday, January 12th, 1895Hallie DarnallHallie Darnall506 s Mulberry
47024702View Page18950119Saturday, January 19th, 1895Minnie O'NealMinnie O'Neal1303 Virginia St.
40484048View Page18921111Friday, November 11th, 1892Mrs. M. L. HagemanMrs. M. L. HagemanVine St.
46944694View Page18950117Thursday, January 17th, 1895Lonnie BraggLonnie Bragg1111 E. Adams
26422642View Page18900618Wednesday, June 18th, 1890Frances JonesFrances Jones121 S. Cherry
43484348View Page18940128Sunday, January 28th, 1894Mrs. N. G. FrancisMrs. N. G. Francis810 S. Madison
31403140View Page18950222Friday, February 22nd, 1895Walter BartlettWalter BartlettRiverside
42544254View Page18930523Tuesday, May 23rd, 1893Anna M BestAnna M Best414 E. Gilbert
46434643View Page18941201Saturday, December 1st, 1894Wm t. ReidWm t. Reid#5 Little Block
47114711View Page18950123Wednesday, January 23rd, 1895Mrs. Maggie WardMrs. Maggie WardFlorence St.
41574157View Page18930207Tuesday, February 7th, 1893Frank CohenFrank Cohen613 W Jackson
31033103View Page18950128Monday, January 28th, 1895Charlie ZuberCharlie Zuber816 - W. Main
25562556View Page18890914Saturday, September 14th, 1889John GlasscockJohn Glasscock1009 East Adams st.
31393139View Page18950221Thursday, February 21st, 1895Mary GeigerMary Geiger223 Nt. St.
42864286View Page18930717Monday, July 17th, 1893Hattie RussellHattie Russell1211 E. Main
43194319View Page18940111Thursday, January 11th, 1894Ulric HurrleUlric Hurrle808 E. Wash.
31133113View Page18950130Wednesday, January 30th, 1895J Micheal CaseyJ Micheal Casey808 W. Adams
26202620View Page18900308Saturday, March 8th, 1890Maude BrownellMaude BrownellNational Hotel
40294029View Page18921025Tuesday, October 25th, 1892E. J. DavisE. J. Davis222 W. Adams St.
31483148View Page18950311Monday, March 11th, 1895Mr. J. E. MurrayMr. J. E. Murray402 E. Main St.
31413141View Page18950223Saturday, February 23rd, 1895Lizzie HerronLizzie HerronCor. Grant + Sullivan
0259259View Page18751113Saturday, November 13th, 1875Mrs. B. WilliamsMrs. B. WilliamsAdams St
46454645View Page18941205Wednesday, December 5th, 1894Lena TurnerLena TurnerCor. Charles + Jeff.
31473147View Page18950311Monday, March 11th, 1895Mrs. W. G. WhitedMrs. W. G. Whited513 S. Jefferson
31153115View Page18950201Friday, February 1st, 1895Mrs. Mary NealMrs. Mary Neal322 W. Adams
21382138View Page18840111Friday, January 11th, 1884Miss. Bertha WoodMiss. Bertha WoodMadison & Gilbert
42774277View Page18930713Thursday, July 13th, 1893Mrs. J. E. EthellMrs. J. E. Ethell1025 E. Adams
31493149View Page18950311Monday, March 11th, 1895Herbert H. SmithHerbert H. Smith1279 E. Main St.
42744274View Page18930630Friday, June 30th, 1893Mae ThomasMae ThomasNorth Monroe St.
31273127View Page18950214Thursday, February 14th, 1895Charles McDonaldCharles McDonaldcor Willard & Penn
45474547View Page18940825Saturday, August 25th, 1894J F HallJ F Hall317 E. Jackson
23882388View Page18861106Saturday, November 6th, 1886Fred PutnamFred PutnamJackson & Mulberry
16081608View Page18810127Thursday, January 27th, 1881Lizzie KuhnLizzie KuhnEast Jackson
31083108View Page18950129Tuesday, January 29th, 1895Clifford BrownClifford BrownKilgore Ave
31533153View Page18950320Wednesday, March 20th, 1895Mrs. M. E. GertieMrs. M. E. Gertie318 E. Jackson
41624162View Page18930209Thursday, February 9th, 1893Maude ClarkMaude Clark254 Kilgore Ave.
45654565View Page18940928Friday, September 28th, 1894E. A. EdwardsE. A. Edwards314 S Jefferson
23852385View Page18861019Tuesday, October 19th, 1886Chas RyanChas RyanWest Washington
44454445View Page18940413Friday, April 13th, 1894Chas W FletcherChas W Fletchercor Freemont and Lennnore
12011201View Page18790317Monday, March 17th, 1879Charles BeardslyCharles BeardslySouth Madison
31423142View Page18950223Saturday, February 23rd, 1895Bertha KirschnerBertha KirschnerMacedonia
45064506View Page18940707Saturday, July 7th, 1894Libbie FosterLibbie Foster521 S. Grant st.
31503150View Page18950314Thursday, March 14th, 1895Jean LongJean Long111 N. Cherry
46734673View Page18950105Saturday, January 5th, 1895Fern MitchellFern Mitchell419 Jeff St.
41924192View Page18930303Friday, March 3rd, 1893Nora HawkNora Hawk503 Hackley
44974497View Page18940622Friday, June 22nd, 1894Mrs. Mary TalbottMrs. Mary Talbott216 Wysor St
44224422View Page18940313Tuesday, March 13th, 1894Minnie PalmerMinnie Palmer616 South Hackley
31583158View Page18950327Wednesday, March 27th, 1895John BantaJohn Banta506 E Main St
31513151View Page18950316Saturday, March 16th, 1895Harry JohnsonHarry Johnson720 West Jackson St
43234323View Page18940113Saturday, January 13th, 1894Mrs. Bertha BrownMrs. Bertha Brown463 Florence St.
0187187View Page18750803Tuesday, August 3rd, 1875C. W. SampleC. W. SampleEast Main Street
40024002View Page18920929Thursday, September 29th, 1892Bertie WilliamsonBertie Williamson632 W Jackson
40004000View Page18920929Thursday, September 29th, 1892Ray ThornburgRay Thornburg1119 K. Ave.
30883088View Page18920827Saturday, August 27th, 1892Ada HannAda Hann511 S Walnut
40194019View Page18921017Monday, October 17th, 1892Mrs. J. L. JonesMrs. J. L. Jones209 1/2 E Main
42594259View Page18930527Saturday, May 27th, 1893Frank DohertyFrank DohertySeymour + Hackley
30913091View Page18920909Friday, September 9th, 1892Aggie KellyAggie Kelly4111 S. Walnut
31603160View Page18950330Saturday, March 30th, 1895Anna ShumanAnna Shuman438 Elliot St.
31623162View Page18950330Saturday, March 30th, 1895Charles CasterlineCharles Casterline508 e Main
22642264View Page18850223Monday, February 23rd, 1885Gertrude BeallGertrude BeallEast Main
25752575View Page18891026Saturday, October 26th, 1889Mrs. Dr. RossMrs. Dr. RossWest Chas St.
31433143View Page18950305Tuesday, March 5th, 1895Rosey PurcellRosey Purcell1228 E. Adams
24302430View Page18871001Saturday, October 1st, 1887Ola EmersonOla Emerson303 East Jackson
46514651View Page18941208Saturday, December 8th, 1894Fannie FisherFannie Fisher723 - E. Main
0182182View Page18750731Saturday, July 31st, 1875Dora ShickDora ShickAdams St
44054405View Page18940302Friday, March 2nd, 1894Charles JumpCharles Jump219 S. Franklin
31113111View Page18950130Wednesday, January 30th, 1895Goldie C. DunnGoldie C. Dunn311 W. Howard
30663066View Page18920618Saturday, June 18th, 1892Will HerrickWill Herrick415. W. 17th
12671267View Page18790726Saturday, July 26th, 1879Sarah J. MongSarah J. MongCor Liberty & Adams
31663166View Page18950412Friday, April 12th, 1895F. R. BaderF. R. Bader125 E. Jackson St.
46584658View Page18941219Wednesday, December 19th, 1894A. R. LounsburyA. R. LounsburyMuncie, East of City
26232623View Page18900314Friday, March 14th, 1890O.W. M. LairnO.W. M. Lairn829 Second st.
21132113View Page18831203Monday, December 3rd, 1883Emily MartinEmily MartinWest Main
30643064View Page18920610Friday, June 10th, 1892Mrs. N. H. BlountMrs. N. H. BlountBlount House
46144614View Page18941113Tuesday, November 13th, 1894Warren MockWarren Mock324 St Beacon St.
24672467View Page18880411Wednesday, April 11th, 1888Wm MorganWm MorganSouth Monroe
20652065View Page18830702Monday, July 2nd, 1883Carrie AndrewsCarrie AndrewsEast Washington
31543154View Page18950321Thursday, March 21st, 1895Lottie SnyderLottie Snyder317 Wysor St.
29982998View Page18920303Thursday, March 3rd, 1892D. R. GrimmesyD. R. Grimmesy816 E. Washington
26752675View Page18900830Saturday, August 30th, 1890Mrs. S. L. GoshornMrs. S. L. Goshorn216 S. Jefferson
31633163View Page18950404Thursday, April 4th, 1895Otto EberOtto Eber4 Miles Bethe Pike
43024302View Page18940102Tuesday, January 2nd, 1894A. H. OlinA. H. Olincor Harriett + Delaware
31443144View Page18950308Friday, March 8th, 1895Mrs. H. C. FloydMrs. H. C. FloydS. Vine
31683168View Page18950413Saturday, April 13th, 1895Orland DavisOrland Davis310 S. Beacon St.
40754075View Page18921129Tuesday, November 29th, 1892Clarence GreelyClarence Greely816 Chestnut
44624462View Page18940510Thursday, May 10th, 1894Mary SniderMary Snider613 S. Walnut
11661166View Page18790127Monday, January 27th, 1879Jeannie W SmithJeannie W SmithCor Jackson and Mulberry
31773177View Page18950508Wednesday, May 8th, 1895Charles MintonCharles MintonWysor Grand Jackson
31763176View Page18950504Saturday, May 4th, 1895Forest MorehartForest Morehart515 E. Main St.
43064306View Page18940103Wednesday, January 3rd, 1894Walter GregoryWalter GregoryWashington
31613161View Page18950330Saturday, March 30th, 1895Wm BallWm Ball909 Penn St.
42394239View Page18930509Tuesday, May 9th, 1893Mrs. Cora B. LingleMrs. Cora B. Lingle616 E 8th
31653165View Page18950408Monday, April 8th, 1895Dr. W. E. DriscollDr. W. E. Driscoll525 E. Main St.
0757757View Page18770516Wednesday, May 16th, 1877Emma SnyderEmma SnyderHigh Street
31563156View Page18950323Saturday, March 23rd, 1895T. A. McLainT. A. McLain319 S. Grant
30613061View Page18920528Saturday, May 28th, 1892Frank ShirkFrank Shirk722 e Main
24642464View Page18880312Monday, March 12th, 1888Bertha SmithBertha SmithWest Charles
45184518View Page18940717Tuesday, July 17th, 1894Rhoda WallingRhoda WallingOhio Ave
40764076View Page18921129Tuesday, November 29th, 1892F. B. MillerF. B. Miller1006 South Walnut st.
44754475View Page18940526Saturday, May 26th, 1894M. R. SpradlingM. R. Spradling515 W Jackson
31853185View Page18950601Saturday, June 1st, 1895W. S. StormontW. S. Stormont514 1/2 S. Walnut St.
22462246View Page18850106Tuesday, January 6th, 1885Nannie BlossNannie BlossWest Washington
42314231View Page18930421Friday, April 21st, 1893Robert MockRobert Mock114 Wall st.
31643164View Page18950406Saturday, April 6th, 1895Miss. Bertha WoodMiss. Bertha Wood106 - SE. Main
23122312View Page18850905Saturday, September 5th, 1885Emma WallingEmma WallingNorth Walnut
31903190View Page18950605Wednesday, June 5th, 1895Geneva UnksGeneva UnksOhio Ave & Shipley
30753075View Page18920729Friday, July 29th, 1892Gertrude BateyGertrude BateyE. Jackson
31383138View Page18950220Wednesday, February 20th, 1895Will RodmanWill RodmanPark + Michigan
45054505View Page18940707Saturday, July 7th, 1894Emily A HoweEmily A Howe318 E Washington
40134013View Page18921007Friday, October 7th, 1892Cora VogtCora Vogt207 e Main
0599599View Page18770316Friday, March 16th, 1877Thomas H. KirbyThomas H. Kirby108 Mulberry St
42964296View Page18930812Saturday, August 12th, 1893Mrs. Anna C. KirbyMrs. Anna C. Kirby408 E. Jackson
31923192View Page18950610Monday, June 10th, 1895Clancy GrayClancy Gray912 S. Monroe
31593159View Page18950328Thursday, March 28th, 1895Chas JenkinsChas Jenkins1202 Ohmer Ave.
31953195View Page18950611Tuesday, June 11th, 1895Anita WalkingAnita WalkingOhio Avenue
46674667View Page18941228Friday, December 28th, 1894Lois HobsonLois Hobson114 N. Mulbery St.
28062806View Page18910221Saturday, February 21st, 1891Lena MaddyLena Maddy223 N Walnut
0960960View Page18780112Saturday, January 12th, 1878Allie ErvinAllie ErvinElm Street
31983198View Page18950614Friday, June 14th, 1895Clifford F. WalkinsClifford F. WalkinsOhio Ave.
31183118View Page18950205Tuesday, February 5th, 1895Mrs. John ShanahanMrs. John Shanahan614 S Madison St.
31933193View Page18950610Monday, June 10th, 1895Mrs. G. C. JanneyMrs. G. C. Janney313 E. Charles
31883188View Page18950601Saturday, June 1st, 1895Anna G. TabbAnna G. Tabb313 E. Charles St.
31993199View Page18950620Thursday, June 20th, 1895Walter ZellerWalter Zeller1309 East Main St.
0707707View Page18770509Wednesday, May 9th, 1877Bertha KnowltonBertha Knowlton405 East Main St.
14121412View Page18800503Monday, May 3rd, 1880Sarah E BradburySarah E BradburyEast Adams St.
31833183View Page18950523Thursday, May 23rd, 1895Oliver W. WeaderOliver W. WeaderNot listed
26802680View Page18900912Friday, September 12th, 1890Pearl HowellPearl Howell702 W. Chas.
43914391View Page18940222Thursday, February 22nd, 1894L. M. HemingrayL. M. Hemingray411 Howard St.
32003200View Page18950621Friday, June 21st, 1895Earl WilliamsEarl Williams215 S. M.
32013201View Page18950621Friday, June 21st, 1895Mrs. H. ReynoldsMrs. H. Reynolds314 W. Seymour
42294229View Page18930414Friday, April 14th, 1893Fred D. RoseFred D. Rose405 S High
45454545View Page18940823Thursday, August 23rd, 1894Mrs. Will MeekerMrs. Will MeekerE. Jackson
41274127View Page18930112Thursday, January 12th, 1893Charlene WoodCharlene WoodNot listed
31943194View Page18950611Tuesday, June 11th, 1895Blanche WintersBlanche Winters216 W. Adams
31893189View Page18950601Saturday, June 1st, 1895Rosa BurmasterRosa Burmaster811 Seymour St.
21262126View Page18831228Friday, December 28th, 1883W S BakerW S BakerEast North
46574657View Page18941218Tuesday, December 18th, 1894Mrs. F. TaylorMrs. F. TaylorWebster Avenue
44814481View Page18940602Saturday, June 2nd, 1894Mrs. W L HolmesMrs. W L Holmes119 S Liberty
45704570View Page18941006Saturday, October 6th, 1894Mary G. BaldwinMary G. Baldwin416 W. Jackson St.
32323232View Page18950803Saturday, August 3rd, 1895J. M. SeitzJ. M. SeitzAbbott House, or the Saturday pink office
32043204View Page18950628Friday, June 28th, 1895Carl NafusCarl Nafus115/2 - Cement Block
31913191View Page18950606Thursday, June 6th, 1895Mrs. A. GoshornMrs. A. Goshorn416 N. Mulberry
31783178View Page18950508Wednesday, May 8th, 1895Mrs. J. V. CrenshawMrs. J. V. Crenshaw523 E. Main
32053205View Page18950629Saturday, June 29th, 1895Minnie HutchingsMinnie Hutchings1441 9th St.
32093209View Page18950706Saturday, July 6th, 1895Louis IcermanLouis Icerman511 w Main
27622762View Page18901229Monday, December 29th, 1890K.L. F. SmithK.L. F. SmithNot listed
32133213View Page18950708Monday, July 8th, 1895Clifford LangdonClifford Langdon910 S Mulberry
45774577View Page18941012Friday, October 12th, 1894Geo W. HarterGeo W. Harter262 Kilgore Ave
32143214View Page18950709Tuesday, July 9th, 1895Chas BleaseChas Blease500 Proud St
32163216View Page18950710Wednesday, July 10th, 1895Alta McMullenAlta McMullen425 15 St
32173217View Page18950710Wednesday, July 10th, 1895Ethel PetersonEthel Peterson623 S Council St
32193219View Page18950711Thursday, July 11th, 1895John M RusseyJohn M Russey120 S Mulberry
32213221View Page18950713Saturday, July 13th, 1895Reuben C LoydReuben C Loyd903 S Walnut
35383538View Page18961022Thursday, October 22nd, 1896Mrs. Mary WilliamsMrs. Mary WilliamsFlat C. Arcade, Main St.
31973197View Page18950613Thursday, June 13th, 1895Mrs. L. K. RichardsonMrs. L. K. Richardson702 s Jackson
49894989View Page18990201Wednesday, February 1st, 1899Rose MartinRose Martin419 S Franklin
31803180View Page18950513Monday, May 13th, 1895C. E. EveretC. E. Everet409 E. Jackson
42424242View Page18930513Saturday, May 13th, 1893Mrs. Dora MitchellMrs. Dora Mitchell613 e 3rd St.
45214521View Page18940721Saturday, July 21st, 1894Mrs. M MockMrs. M Mock1295 Kirby Ave
32063206View Page18950701Monday, July 1st, 1895Mrs. W H SumptionMrs. W H Sumption408 E Main St
31753175View Page18950504Saturday, May 4th, 1895Nellie HarroldNellie Harrold508 E. First St.
44604460View Page18940507Monday, May 7th, 1894Willie ArnoldWillie Arnold821 E Charles
41964196View Page18930304Saturday, March 4th, 1893Ida HarnIda Harn109 Kilgore Ave.
32253225View Page18950726Friday, July 26th, 1895Helen ShidelerHelen Shideler1702 E. Main St.
40554055View Page18921112Saturday, November 12th, 1892Frank E. BurtFrank E. Burt230 n Vine
0264264View Page18751118Thursday, November 18th, 1875Leroy MaxsanLeroy Maxsan1187 East Adams
30293029View Page18920419Tuesday, April 19th, 1892Mary JacobsMary Jacobs603 W Adams
32343234View Page18950805Monday, August 5th, 1895Carroll HemingrayCarroll Hemingray411 Howard St
10991099View Page18781016Wednesday, October 16th, 1878C A CalvertC A CalvertCor Jackosn and High
32293229View Page18950801Thursday, August 1st, 1895John CranorJohn Cranor523 S Council
32273227View Page18950729Monday, July 29th, 1895Ernest CharmanErnest Charman506 S High
0424424View Page18760729Saturday, July 29th, 1876Lettie L. GreenLettie L. Green703 Adams St.
27102710View Page18901023Thursday, October 23rd, 1890Ida CliffordIda CliffordGilbert
26102610View Page18900213Thursday, February 13th, 1890Mrs. J. E. DurhamMrs. J. E. Durham516 East Washington
32233223View Page18950722Monday, July 22nd, 1895Reba RicheyReba Richey403 w Adams St
32083208View Page18950705Friday, July 5th, 1895Stella FloraStella Flora1114 First St
32353235View Page18950806Tuesday, August 6th, 1895Bertha E. SmithBertha E. Smith114 n Monroe St.
32283228View Page18950731Wednesday, July 31st, 1895Mrs. E. H. ThompsonMrs. E. H. Thompson620 W Howard
32153215View Page18950709Tuesday, July 9th, 1895Ralph BardRalph Bard404 E Washington
44164416View Page18940308Thursday, March 8th, 1894Mary H. HowardMary H. Howard614 W. Jackson St.
32393239View Page18950819Monday, August 19th, 1895Clarence R AndrewsClarence R Andrews501 S Mulberry
32263226View Page18950727Saturday, July 27th, 1895Cora DowdenCora Dowden1126 E Main
45434543View Page18940817Friday, August 17th, 1894Mrs. John BowersMrs. John Bowers405 S Franklin
31843184View Page18950527Monday, May 27th, 1895Emma BryanEmma Bryan715 W. Adams
32403240View Page18950822Thursday, August 22nd, 1895Louise PhinneyLouise Phinney417 e Washington
28552855View Page18910516Saturday, May 16th, 1891A. A. CoerA. A. CoerEast Gilbert
006969View Page18750605Saturday, June 5th, 1875Sue H. MaddySue H. MaddyNo. 95 Washington Street
42154215View Page18930325Saturday, March 25th, 1893Orville FranklinOrville Franklin201 East 2nd
32443244View Page18950831Saturday, August 31st, 1895Ralph HyerRalph Hyer201 W Willard
45074507View Page18940709Monday, July 9th, 1894Eva WinchesterEva Winchester420 W. Howard
32113211View Page18950706Saturday, July 6th, 1895Mrs. Aug. MaickMrs. Aug. Maick311 e Main St
32423242View Page18950826Monday, August 26th, 1895Julia FowlerJulia Fowler703 w Adams
31743174View Page18950425Thursday, April 25th, 1895George McKinleyGeorge McKinley1405 Tenth St.
42994299View Page18930819Saturday, August 19th, 1893Mrs. M. H. GableMrs. M. H. Gable304 Wysor
32463246View Page18950914Saturday, September 14th, 1895Harriet MaggsHarriet Maggs708 E Adams St
41094109View Page18921230Friday, December 30th, 1892Mrs. F. H. HaysMrs. F. H. Hays315 S. Mulberry st.
32303230View Page18950801Thursday, August 1st, 1895Mr. B C BowmanMr. B C Bowman417 W Charles(scratched out) 320 S Jefferson(scratched out) 714 E Adams St
32333233View Page18950805Monday, August 5th, 1895Ella WoodElla Wood429 W Charles
47154715View Page18950123Wednesday, January 23rd, 1895Ed. M. CramerEd. M. Cramer1211 Sth. Monroe
45174517View Page18940716Monday, July 16th, 1894James BaileyJames Bailey1200 Ohmer Ave
32493249View Page18950924Tuesday, September 24th, 1895Lillian GibsonLillian GibsonN Elm St
31873187View Page18950601Saturday, June 1st, 1895Walter W. SotherlandWalter W. Sotherland507 S. Jefferson St
32513251View Page18950924Tuesday, September 24th, 1895Minnie IcermanMinnie Icerman511 West Main
36633663View Page18970306Saturday, March 6th, 1897Roland StreeterRoland Streeter523 e Washington
44884488View Page18940616Saturday, June 16th, 1894Fred C. WestFred C. West228 N. Monroe St.
0367367View Page18760311Saturday, March 11th, 1876Allie EmersonAllie Emerson303 East Jackson
40264026View Page18921022Saturday, October 22nd, 1892J. L. KingsburyJ. L. KingsburyS. Monroe
25542554View Page18890910Tuesday, September 10th, 1889Sallie K. GlasscockSallie K. GlasscockJefferson and Chas
0715715View Page18770511Friday, May 11th, 1877Addie KnowltonAddie Knowlton405 East Main
30803080View Page18920817Wednesday, August 17th, 1892Edith JacksonEdith Jackson800 East Main st.
0794794View Page18770604Monday, June 4th, 1877Joseph StifflerJoseph Stiffler798 East Adams
32613261View Page18951007Monday, October 7th, 1895Griffith WallaceGriffith Wallace616 Adams St
32433243View Page18950826Monday, August 26th, 1895Nellie LeGalleyNellie LeGalley119 Jackson
32183218View Page18950711Thursday, July 11th, 1895E. L. ChalfantE. L. Chalfant416 e Charles St
32633263View Page18951007Monday, October 7th, 1895Zoe WeryZoe Werycorner Vine St 6th St
32503250View Page18950924Tuesday, September 24th, 1895Harry WoodsHarry Woodscor Council and Power
32123212View Page18950708Monday, July 8th, 1895Mrs. J B OgleMrs. J B Ogle320 North St
32533253View Page18950927Friday, September 27th, 1895Mrs. W. E. H. MarshMrs. W. E. H. MarshNational Hotel
32653265View Page18951012Saturday, October 12th, 1895Mabel MeckerMabel Meckercor Jackson + Lincoln
32663266View Page18951012Saturday, October 12th, 1895Mrs. Frank DorrellMrs. Frank Dorrell317 Howard
32073207View Page18950705Friday, July 5th, 1895Rena McKeagRena McKeag321 E Jackson
25332533View Page18890524Friday, May 24th, 1889Mark CarvelMark CarvelSouth Council St.
32623262View Page18951007Monday, October 7th, 1895Emilia PrerotEmilia PrerotEast Ohio Ave
41064106View Page18921229Thursday, December 29th, 1892Hallie NeelyHallie Neely901 S. Walnut
30493049View Page18920509Monday, May 9th, 1892Frank H PorterFrank H PorterAbbott House
30653065View Page18920614Tuesday, June 14th, 1892Amos MorrisAmos Morris412 S. Liberty
32593259View Page18951005Saturday, October 5th, 1895Mrs. C. W. ThroopMrs. C. W. Throop815 n Main

+Transaction (36531)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat. #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
18911106Friday, November 6th, 1891View Page066076607Les mise ables.Les mise ables.Joseph Lindsey28902890Jas. LindsayJas. Lindsay
18911106Friday, November 6th, 1891View Page012451245Crusoe's island : a ramble in the footsteps of Alexander Selkirk : with sketches of adventure in California and Washoe.Crusoe's island : a ramble in the footsteps of Alexander Selkirk : with sketches of adventure in California and Washoe.Wilber Sutton27142714Wilbur SuttonWilbur Sutton
18911106Friday, November 6th, 1891View Page00548548Dikes and ditches, or, Young America in Holland and Belgium : a story of travel and adventure.Dikes and ditches, or, Young America in Holland and Belgium : a story of travel and adventure.Roy Martin28912891Roy MartinRoy Martin
18911106Friday, November 6th, 1891View Page066936693City ballads.City ballads.Orville Spurgeon28852885Orville SpurgeonOrville Spurgeon
18911107Saturday, November 7th, 1891View Page066926692Farm ballads.Farm ballads.Orville Spurgeon28852885Orville SpurgeonOrville Spurgeon
18911107Saturday, November 7th, 1891View Page018241824Shirley, a novel.Shirley, a novel.Ruby Perkins25632563Ruby PerkinsRuby Perkins
18911107Saturday, November 7th, 1891View Page066156615What's mine's mine.What's mine's mine.K.M. Baron28922892K. M. BaronK. M. Baron
18911107Saturday, November 7th, 1891View Page037653765Helen in Switzerland : a tale for young people.Helen in Switzerland : a tale for young people.Alma Hoyt28252825Dennis HoytDennis Hoytpatron ID of Dennis Hoyt
18911110Tuesday, November 10th, 1891View Page00943943David Elginbrod.David Elginbrod.J.B. Farmer29162916J. B. FarmerJ. B. Farmer
18911110Tuesday, November 10th, 1891View Page066876687Bonnyborough.Bonnyborough.Mrs. Thos Winsor29152915Mrs. Thomas WinsorMrs. Thomas Winsor
18911110Tuesday, November 10th, 1891View Page010001000Ester Ried : asleep and awake.Ester Ried : asleep and awake.Maude Case27162716Maude CaseMaude Case
18911110Tuesday, November 10th, 1891View Page066186618The little moorland princess.The little moorland princess.William Lynn Sr.0169169William LynnWilliam Lynn
18911110Tuesday, November 10th, 1891View Page065906590The last war trail.The last war trail.Arthur Keelor28262826Alfred DavisAlfred Davispatron ID of Alfred Davis
18911110Tuesday, November 10th, 1891View Page066606660Little men : life at Plumfield with Jo's boys.Little men : life at Plumfield with Jo's boys.Fred W. Shideler29252925Fred W. ShidelerFred W. Shideler
18911110Tuesday, November 10th, 1891View Page020232023The schoolmaster's stories, for boys and girls.The schoolmaster's stories, for boys and girls.Max Bishop28802880Max BishopMax Bishop
18911110Tuesday, November 10th, 1891View Page065916591The hunters of the Ozark.The hunters of the Ozark.Clarence Lacey25782578Clarence LaceyClarence Lacey
18911111Wednesday, November 11th, 1891View Page074277427"I say no" : or, The love-letter answered."I say no" : or, The love-letter answered.Leota Davenport24032403Mrs. Leota DavenportMrs. Leota Davenport
18911111Wednesday, November 11th, 1891View Page066836683Real folks.Real folks.Alice Leonard28672867Alice LeonardAlice Leonard
18911111Wednesday, November 11th, 1891View Page00902902The hard-scrabble of Elm Island.The hard-scrabble of Elm Island.Arthur McKinley29232923Arther McKinleyArther McKinley
18911112Thursday, November 12th, 1891View Page00537537Brake up ; or, The young peacemakers.Brake up ; or, The young peacemakers.Merrill Leonard26542654Merrill LeonardMerrill Leonard
18911112Thursday, November 12th, 1891View Page012881288Beyond the Mississippi : from the great river to the great ocean : life and adventure on the prairies, mountains, and Pacific coast : with more than two hundred illustrations ... of the new states and territories, 1857-1867.Beyond the Mississippi : from the great river to the great ocean : life and adventure on the prairies, mountains, and Pacific coast : with more than two hundred illustrations ... of the new states and territories, 1857-1867.C. Tyner0590590C. TynerC. Tyner
18911113Friday, November 13th, 1891View Page066656665An old-fashioned girl.An old-fashioned girl.Lela Kern28822882Lela KernLela Kern
18911113Friday, November 13th, 1891View Page00799799North and southNorth and southIda Meeker26372637Ida B. MeekerIda B. Meeker
18911113Friday, November 13th, 1891View Page00999999Three people.Three people.Jas T. Nelson27132713Jas. T. NelsonJas. T. Nelson
18911113Friday, November 13th, 1891View Page011391139Little foxes.Little foxes.Virginia Claypool29282928Virginia ClaypoolVirginia Claypool
18911113Friday, November 13th, 1891View Page018241824Shirley, a novel.Shirley, a novel.Nora McCreight24362436Nora McCreightNora McCreight
18911113Friday, November 13th, 1891View Page019921992Freaks on the fells : or, three months' rustication. And why I did not become a sailor.Freaks on the fells : or, three months' rustication. And why I did not become a sailor.Alfred Kilgore27942794Alfred KilgoreAlfred Kilgore
18911114Saturday, November 14th, 1891View Page00534534Through by daylight, or, The young engineer of the Lake Shore Railroad.Through by daylight, or, The young engineer of the Lake Shore Railroad.Daniel Cohen29142914Dan CohenDan Cohen
18911114Saturday, November 14th, 1891View Page010711071Dream children.Dream children.Nellie Roberts29262926Susie HayesSusie HayesPatron ID of Susie Hayes
18911114Saturday, November 14th, 1891View Page066786678A summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life.A summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life.Alice Hamilton24132413Alice HamiltonAlice Hamilton
18911114Saturday, November 14th, 1891View Page065796579Boots and saddles; or, Life in Dakota with General Custer.Boots and saddles; or, Life in Dakota with General Custer.Minnie Charman0416416Minnie ParsonsMinnie Parsons
18911114Saturday, November 14th, 1891View Page066196619The old mam'selle's secret.The old mam'selle's secret.K.M. Baron28922892K. M. BaronK. M. Baron
18911114Saturday, November 14th, 1891View Page00939939Planting the wilderness, or, The pioneer boys : a story of frontier life.Planting the wilderness, or, The pioneer boys : a story of frontier life.Max Bishop28802880Max BishopMax Bishop
18911114Saturday, November 14th, 1891View Page065896589Donald and Dorothy.Donald and Dorothy.Ella Miller18841884Ella MillerElla Miller
18911116Monday, November 16th, 1891View Page020232023The schoolmaster's stories, for boys and girls.The schoolmaster's stories, for boys and girls.Katie Hottinger27952795Katie HottingerKatie Hottinger
18911116Monday, November 16th, 1891View Page066936693City ballads.City ballads.A. L. Fallis27442744A. L. FallisA. L. Fallis
18911116Monday, November 16th, 1891View Page00633633Villette.Villette.Louise Taylor29012901Louise TaylorLouise Taylor
18911116Monday, November 16th, 1891View Page037643764Good-for-nothing Polly.Good-for-nothing Polly.May Hinkle0123123C. G. BlackburnC. G. Blackburn
18911116Monday, November 16th, 1891View Page076217621Wallace : a Franconia story.Wallace : a Franconia story.Alma Hoyt28252825Dennis HoytDennis HoytPatron ID of Dennis Hoyt
18911116Monday, November 16th, 1891View Page034773477Helen's babies : with some account of their ways innocent, crafty, angelic, impish, witching, and repulsive : also, a partial record of their actions during ten days of their existence.Helen's babies : with some account of their ways innocent, crafty, angelic, impish, witching, and repulsive : also, a partial record of their actions during ten days of their existence.Bertha Dupree29032903Bertha DupreeBertha Dupree
18911117Tuesday, November 17th, 1891View Page074277427"I say no" : or, The love-letter answered."I say no" : or, The love-letter answered.Mrs. G.W. Mikerell28102810Mrs. G. W. MikerellMrs. G. W. Mikerell
18911118Wednesday, November 18th, 1891View Page070057005Music study in Germany.Music study in Germany.W. J. Carson0373373W. J. CarsonW. J. Carson
18911118Wednesday, November 18th, 1891View Page00898898Lion Ben of Elm Island.Lion Ben of Elm Island.Mary Charles10151015Alonzie JacksonAlonzie JacksonPatron ID of Alonzie Jackson
18911118Wednesday, November 18th, 1891View Page072027202Mary Osborne.Mary Osborne.Ethel Brady28602860Ethel BradyEthel Brady
18911119Thursday, November 19th, 1891View Page072067206After dark.After dark.Mrs. J. A. Weissenborn28662866Mrs. J. A. WeissenbornMrs. J. A. Weissenborn
18911120Friday, November 20th, 1891View Page00551551Edgar Clifton, or, Right and wrong : a story of school life.Edgar Clifton, or, Right and wrong : a story of school life.Katie Hottinger27952795Katie HottingerKatie Hottinger
18911120Friday, November 20th, 1891View Page066076607Les mise ables.Les mise ables.Thos. Richards26532653T. Y. RichardsT. Y. Richards
18911120Friday, November 20th, 1891View Page066846684Odd, or even?Odd, or even?Mrs. Thos. Winsor29152915Mrs. Thomas WinsorMrs. Thomas Winsor
18911121Saturday, November 21st, 1891View Page066826682Anne : a novel.Anne : a novel.Mrs. C.E. McKibben28482848Mrs. C. E. McKibbenMrs. C. E. McKibben
18911121Saturday, November 21st, 1891View Page066186618The little moorland princess.The little moorland princess.Caroline Calvert27802780Carolin CalvertCarolin Calvert
18911124Tuesday, November 24th, 1891View Page00681681The turning wheel.The turning wheel.Gerty Hortacher25432543Gertie HortacherGertie HortacherThe original transaction listed the patron # as 2343, but this was likely an error and was changed to reflect Gertie Hortacher's actual patron #2543
18911125Wednesday, November 25th, 1891View Page020302030Far from the madding crowd.Far from the madding crowd.Mrs. Thos. Windsor29152915Mrs. Thomas WinsorMrs. Thomas Winsor
18911125Wednesday, November 25th, 1891