Patron # 522 Patron Name: Monroe, Mary Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 15 Date Joined Friday, February 16th,1877 Patron # 522
Patron Information Name Mary E. Monroe Nickname Residence East Third St.
Guarantor Information Name Geo W. Monroe Residence East Third St.
Relationship to patron
Additional Info

+Supplemental Data

City Directory Name Address Occupation Directory Year
Additional Info No listing
Census Data Name
Background Information Race Sex Male Marital Status # Years Married
Origin Info Birthplace Year of Birth
Birthplace of Father Birthplace of Mother
Naturalization Status Year of Immigration
Residence Info Residential Status # Boarders # Servants
Occupation Info Occupation
Occupation Note
Occupation Group Occupational Rank
Additional Info Indeterminate

+Transaction History (35)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
18980716Saturday, July 16th, 1898View Page091739173Margaret Davis, tutor.Margaret Davis, tutor.Mrs. Mary Lemon0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroepatron ID of Mary E. Monroe
18980412Tuesday, April 12th, 1898View Page1235812358Harper's weekly.Harper's weekly.Mrs. Mary Leoman0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe"Jan 1898 Harper" listed as book ID
18980405Tuesday, April 5th, 1898View Page1235812358Harper's weekly.Harper's weekly.Mrs Mary Lain0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe"Jan 1898 Harper" listed as book ID; patron ID of Mary E Monroe
18980323Wednesday, March 23rd, 1898View Page070147014An introduction to the study of Shakespeare.An introduction to the study of Shakespeare.Mrs Mary Lemon0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe
18980303Thursday, March 3rd, 1898View Page1051010510A bachelor's bridal.A bachelor's bridal.Mrs Mary Lemon0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe
18980220Sunday, February 20th, 1898View Page00808808Marjorie's quest.Marjorie's quest.Mary Monroe0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe
18980121Friday, January 21st, 1898View Page1059610596A dog of Constantinople.A dog of Constantinople.Mrs. Mary Lemon0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. MonroePatron ID of Mary Monroe
18980107Friday, January 7th, 1898View Page085108510An Egyptian princess : an historical novel.An Egyptian princess : an historical novel.Mrs Mary Lemon0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe
18971230Thursday, December 30th, 1897View Page1026810268The sorrows of Satan : or, The strange experience of one Geoffrey Tempest, millionaire.The sorrows of Satan : or, The strange experience of one Geoffrey Tempest, millionaire.Ms. Mary M Levman0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe
18971210Friday, December 10th, 1897View Page098739873Law of psychic phenomena : a working hypothesis for the systematic study of hypnotism, spiritism, mental therapeutics, etc.Law of psychic phenomena : a working hypothesis for the systematic study of hypnotism, spiritism, mental therapeutics, etc.Mrs. Mary Lemon0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. MonroePatron ID of Mary E. Monroe
18950802Friday, August 2nd, 1895View Page021602160The morality of prohibitory liquor laws : an essay.The morality of prohibitory liquor laws : an essay.Mary M[...]0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe
18950726Friday, July 26th, 1895View Page1002610026Current literature.Current literature.Mary Monroe0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe"July 1895 Cur Lit" recorded as book ID number 35 noted after patron name
18950701Monday, July 1st, 1895View Page1002510025Current literature.Current literature.Mary Monroe0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe"June 1895 Cur Lit" listed as book ID
18950628Friday, June 28th, 1895View Page086198619Maid Marian ad other stories.Maid Marian ad other stories.Miss Mary Manor0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe
18950615Saturday, June 15th, 1895View Page093449344Harper's new monthly magazine.Harper's new monthly magazine.Mary Manor0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe
18950608Saturday, June 8th, 1895View Page1002510025Current literature.Current literature.Mary Monroe0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe"Apl. 1895 Cur Lit" listed as book ID
18950601Saturday, June 1st, 1895View Page1002510025Current literature.Current literature.Miss M. Monroe0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe"Jan 1895 Cur Lit" listed as book ID
18950429Monday, April 29th, 1895View Page010701070Woodstock.Woodstock.Miss Mary Monroe0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe
18950413Saturday, April 13th, 1895View Page010701070Woodstock.Woodstock.Mary Manor0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe
18950404Thursday, April 4th, 1895View Page1010010100Lippincott's monthly magazine.Lippincott's monthly magazine.Mary Monroe0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe"March 1895 Lip" listed as book ID
18950330Saturday, March 30th, 1895View Page1002510025Current literature.Current literature.Mary Manor0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe"Feb. 1895 Cur Lit" listed as book ID
18950326Tuesday, March 26th, 1895View Page065946594Felix Holt, the radical.Felix Holt, the radical.Mary Manor0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe
18950119Saturday, January 19th, 1895View Page1002410024Current literature.Current literature.Mary Manor0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe"Dec 1894 Cur Lit" listed as book ID
18950114Monday, January 14th, 1895View Page099799979Harper's new monthly magazine.Harper's new monthly magazine.Mary Manor0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe"Aug 1894 Harper" listed as book ID
18950112Saturday, January 12th, 1895View Page099799979Harper's new monthly magazine.Harper's new monthly magazine.Mary Manor0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe"June 1894 Harper" listed as book ID
18950109Wednesday, January 9th, 1895View Page099789978Harper's new monthly magazine.Harper's new monthly magazine.Mary Manor0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe"Apl 1894 Harper" listed as book ID
18941227Thursday, December 27th, 1894View Page099799979Harper's new monthly magazine.Harper's new monthly magazine.Mary Manor0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe"Oct 1894 Harper" listed as book ID
18941226Wednesday, December 26th, 1894View Page1002410024Current literature.Current literature.Mary Mainor0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroewritten as book ID: "Nov 1894 Cur.Lit"
18941205Wednesday, December 5th, 1894View Page076847684Neighborly poems on friendship, grief and farm-life.Neighborly poems on friendship, grief and farm-life.Miss Mary Manor0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe
18941201Saturday, December 1st, 1894View Page091409140Northern lands : or, Young America in Russia and Prussia : a story of travel and adventure.Northern lands : or, Young America in Russia and Prussia : a story of travel and adventure.Miss Mary Manor0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe
18920419Tuesday, April 19th, 1892View Page013821382Kathrina : her life and mine, in a poem.Kathrina : her life and mine, in a poem.Mary Manor0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe
18920404Monday, April 4th, 1892View Page066306630Vanity fair : a novel without a hero.Vanity fair : a novel without a hero.Mary Manor0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe
18920321Monday, March 21st, 1892View Page066306630Vanity fair : a novel without a hero.Vanity fair : a novel without a hero.Mary Manor0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe
18920312Saturday, March 12th, 1892View Page013831383Bitter-sweet : a poem.Bitter-sweet : a poem.Mary Manor0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe
18920227Saturday, February 27th, 1892View Page013831383Bitter-sweet : a poem.Bitter-sweet : a poem.Mary Manor0522522Mary E. MonroeMary E. Monroe