Accession # 10294 Title: Kate Carnegie Author: Maclaren Ian Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 211
Accession # 10294
Accession Date Standardized Date: Thursday, August 12th, 1897
Written Text: Aug 12 1897
Discard Date Standardized Date:
Written Text:
Book Information Author: Maclaren Ian
Title: Kate Carnegie
Where Published: N. York Publisher: When Published: 1896 # Vols: Size: 12 # Pages: 358 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: Bowen & Merrill Indps. Cost: $0.96 Nature of Origin: Additional Info:

+Book Record

Author Watson, John, 1850-1907. Pen Name: Maclaren, Ian.
Title: Kate Carnegie.
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Where Published: New York, NY
Additional Info:

+Transaction History (84)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19021030Thursday, October 30th, 1902View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs. Clara Harrison56885688Clara HarrisonClara Harrison
19020124Friday, January 24th, 1902View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Oscar Hedger53175317Oscar HedgerOscar Hedger
19020113Monday, January 13th, 1902View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs. Shiloh Langford58185818Shiloh P. LangfordShiloh P. Langford
19011023Wednesday, October 23rd, 1901View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Gary Luick0132132Mary C. KlineMary C. KlinePatron ID of Mary Klein
19010921Saturday, September 21st, 1901View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Anna Minnick56685668Anna MinnickAnna Minnick
19010816Friday, August 16th, 1901View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Daisy Scott47324732Daisy ScottDaisy Scott
19010520Monday, May 20th, 1901View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Arthur B. Cassady23992399Arthur B. CassadyArthur B. Cassady
19010401Monday, April 1st, 1901View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Newton Peterson35783578Newton PetersonNewton Peterson
19010301Friday, March 1st, 1901View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.J Kirkpatrick37353735J. W. KirkpatrickJ. W. Kirkpatrick
19001103Saturday, November 3rd, 1900View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mary Snider44624462Mary SniderMary Snider
19001012Friday, October 12th, 1900View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.George Louick0132132Mary C. KlineMary C. Kline
19000924Monday, September 24th, 1900View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs. L. K. Richman31973197Mrs. L. K. RichardsonMrs. L. K. Richardson
19000905Wednesday, September 5th, 1900View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Hazel Shirrett39713971Hazel SherittHazel Sheritt
19000811Saturday, August 11th, 1900View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs. W. K. Hale54075407Mrs. W. V. HaleMrs. W. V. Hale
19000324Saturday, March 24th, 1900View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Robbie Knowlton0715715Addie KnowltonAddie Knowlton
19000310Saturday, March 10th, 1900View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mary Bryant40894089Mary BryantMary BryantNumber 163 marked after patron's name//fixed patron number (orig. 4083)
19000227Tuesday, February 27th, 1900View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs L S Leith50055005Mrs. L S LeithMrs. L S Leith
19000224Saturday, February 24th, 1900View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.A H Gleason48674867A. H. GleasonA. H. Gleasonfixed patron number (orig. 4868)
18991212Tuesday, December 12th, 1899View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.H L Kinert38763876H. L. KinertH. L. Kinert
18991204Monday, December 4th, 1899View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs Kate Seldomridge52265226Mrs. Katie SeldomridgeMrs. Katie Seldomridge
18991009Monday, October 9th, 1899View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Rev. HM Denslow34763476H. M. DenslowH. M. Denslow
18990930Saturday, September 30th, 1899View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Emma Neely42834283Emma NeelyEmma Neely
18990918Monday, September 18th, 1899View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Virgina Claypool29282928Virginia ClaypoolVirginia Claypool
18990831Thursday, August 31st, 1899View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs. Jessie Bower38273827Mrs. D. V. BowerMrs. D. V. Bower
18990710Monday, July 10th, 1899View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.H. L. Kinert38763876H. L. KinertH. L. Kinert
18990630Friday, June 30th, 1899View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Joe McDonald38393839Earl MurtonEarl Murton
18990317Friday, March 17th, 1899View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs Bertha Gillian49684968Mrs. Bertha GilliamMrs. Bertha Gilliam
18990225Saturday, February 25th, 1899View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs M Hageman40484048Mrs. M. L. HagemanMrs. M. L. Hageman
18990214Tuesday, February 14th, 1899View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs Will Topps49674967Mrs. Will ToppMrs. Will Toppfixed patron number (orig. 4966)
18990127Friday, January 27th, 1899View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs Carrie Miller49694969Mrs. Carrie MillerMrs. Carrie Miller
18990127Friday, January 27th, 1899View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Frank Everett0175175Frank EverettFrank Everett
18990114Saturday, January 14th, 1899View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.S.B. Garrett27122712S. B. GarrettS. B. Garrett
18990109Monday, January 9th, 1899View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Seymour Cohn36943694Pearl CocranPearl Cocran
18981227Tuesday, December 27th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.L.E. Williams46394639L. E. WilliamsL. E. Williams
18981216Friday, December 16th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Kittie Smith47484748kittie smithkittie smith
18981128Monday, November 28th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs Della Sample24402440Della SampleDella Sample
18981119Saturday, November 19th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs. D.A. Auter47804780D. A. AuterD. A. Auter
18981104Friday, November 4th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs J.C. Leatherman43584358Mrs. J. C. LeathermanMrs. J. C. Leatherman
18981021Friday, October 21st, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Hallie Darnall46854685Hallie DarnallHallie Darnall
18981011Tuesday, October 11th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Rose Martin28832883Rosa MartinRosa MartinOriginal transaction lists patron # as 2885, but this was likely an error and has been changed to reflect Rosa Martin's actual patron # 2883.
18981003Monday, October 3rd, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Frank S Marts47934793Frank S MartsFrank S Marts
18980923Friday, September 23rd, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs W.R. Maddy45404540Mrs. W R MaddyMrs. W R Maddy
18980906Tuesday, September 6th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Gertrude Clark33993399Gertrude ClarkGertrude Clark
18980820Saturday, August 20th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Arthur Ramsey35393539Herbert NealHerbert Neal
18980806Saturday, August 6th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Arthur Ramey35393539Herbert NealHerbert Neal
18980803Wednesday, August 3rd, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Linnie Coffeen40254025Linnie CoffeenLinnie Coffeenfixed borrower's name (orig. "Luna Coffin")
18980730Saturday, July 30th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.James E. Dunham37673767J. E. DurhamJ. E. Durham
18980716Saturday, July 16th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Gertrude Sanders46694669Gertrude SandersGertrude Sanders
18980707Thursday, July 7th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Kate Garst11441144Katie GarstKatie Garst
18980701Friday, July 1st, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Willie Carey33843384Willie CareyWillie Carey
18980623Thursday, June 23rd, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs Louise Cassady37933793M. Louise CassadyM. Louise Cassady
18980617Friday, June 17th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Dr A J Phinney11031103A. J. PhinneyA. J. Phinney
18980610Friday, June 10th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Laura Payton39193919Laura PaytonLaura Paytonnumber 58 marked next to patron's name
18980527Friday, May 27th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs. Clara J. McGee39763976Mrs. Clara J. McGeeMrs. Clara J. McGee
18980512Thursday, May 12th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs Mary Glenn39563956Mary GlennMary Glenn
18980506Friday, May 6th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Emory Seldomridge26912691Emory SeldomridgeEmory Seldomridge
18980423Saturday, April 23rd, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs. S. C. Goshorn26752675Mrs. S. L. GoshornMrs. S. L. Goshorn
18980415Friday, April 15th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Ray Coffen23682368Roy. Coffeen.Roy. Coffeen.
18980408Friday, April 8th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs. T H Colton37793779Jessie E. KirkpatrickJessie E. Kirkpatrick
18980326Saturday, March 26th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Louise Anthony36733673Louise AnthonyLouise Anthony
18980319Saturday, March 19th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mable Hall36563656Mabel HallMabel Hall
18980307Monday, March 7th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs Mary Leonard43164316Mrs. Mary LeonardMrs. Mary Leonard
18980219Saturday, February 19th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Sallie Glasscock25542554Sallie K. GlasscockSallie K. Glasscock
18980210Thursday, February 10th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Chas Glasscock25572557C. O. GlasscockC. O. Glasscock
18980131Monday, January 31st, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Chas Glusscuk25572557C. O. GlasscockC. O. Glasscock
18980118Tuesday, January 18th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.R. R. Price33143314R. R. PriceR. R. Price
18980108Saturday, January 8th, 1898View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.J. F. Kiser38643864J. F. KiserJ. F. Kiser
18971231Friday, December 31st, 1897View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Ms. J. E. Durham26102610Mrs. J. E. DurhamMrs. J. E. Durham
18971218Saturday, December 18th, 1897View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.E. B. Tyler0951951Allie E TylerAllie E Tyler
18971211Saturday, December 11th, 1897View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Ms Lizzie Banks28532853Lizzie BanksLizzie Banks
18971127Saturday, November 27th, 1897View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Ms J. H. Jones38023802Mrs. J. H. JonesMrs. J. H. Jones
18971112Friday, November 12th, 1897View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Ms. J. H Jones38023802Mrs. J. H. JonesMrs. J. H. Jones
18971030Saturday, October 30th, 1897View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Ms. Carrie Burt0102102Carrie AndrewsCarrie Andrews
18971016Saturday, October 16th, 1897View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs. John Little35613561John W. LittleJohn W. Little
18971009Saturday, October 9th, 1897View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Lulu Wills14231423Lulu WillsLulu Wills
18970929Wednesday, September 29th, 1897View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Rollin Greely34133413Rollin GreelyRollin Greely
18970925Saturday, September 25th, 1897View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Gertrude Hagadorn28182818Gertrude HagadornGertrude Hagadorn
18970921Tuesday, September 21st, 1897View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Sarah J. Mong12671267Sarah J. MongSarah J. Mong
18970920Monday, September 20th, 1897View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Mrs. L. K. Richardson31973197Mrs. L. K. RichardsonMrs. L. K. Richardson
18970918Saturday, September 18th, 1897View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.J. L. Kingsbury40264026J. L. KingsburyJ. L. Kingsbury
18970910Friday, September 10th, 1897View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Gertrude Hagadorn28182818Gertrude HagadornGertrude Hagadorn
18970904Saturday, September 4th, 1897View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Damon FitzSimmon41594159Damon FitzSimmonsDamon FitzSimmons
18970828Saturday, August 28th, 1897View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Olen Emerson24302430Ola EmersonOla Emerson
18970814Saturday, August 14th, 1897View Page1029410294Kate Carnegie.Kate Carnegie.Bert Bradbury11881188Burt BradburyBurt Bradbury