Patron # 2864 Patron Name: York, L. Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 175 Date Joined Wednesday, July 1st,1891 Patron # 2864
Patron Information Name L. York Nickname Residence 217 W. Gilbert st.
Guarantor Information Name W.N. Jackson Residence 1100 E. Main
Relationship to patron
Additional Info

+Supplemental Data

City Directory Name Address Occupation Directory Year 1893
Additional Info indeterminate
Census Data Name
Background Information Race Sex Marital Status # Years Married
Origin Info Birthplace Year of Birth
Birthplace of Father Birthplace of Mother
Naturalization Status Year of Immigration
Residence Info Residential Status # Boarders # Servants
Occupation Info Occupation
Occupation Note
Occupation Group Occupational Rank
Additional Info indeterminate

+Transaction History (5)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
18920527Friday, May 27th, 1892View Page072117211A tale of two cities.A tale of two cities.Dr L. York28642864L. YorkL. York
18920512Thursday, May 12th, 1892View Page065956595Middlemarch : a study of provincial life.Middlemarch : a study of provincial life.W.L. York28642864L. YorkL. York
18920428Thursday, April 28th, 1892View Page072157215Felix Holt, the radical.Felix Holt, the radical.Dr L. York28642864L. YorkL. York
18920422Friday, April 22nd, 1892View Page020222022The circuit rider : a tale of the heroic age.The circuit rider : a tale of the heroic age.Dr L. York28642864L. YorkL. York
18920411Monday, April 11th, 1892View Page031473147The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria.The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria.Dr L. York28642864L. YorkL. York