19021029Wednesday, October 29th, 1902 | View Page | 031473147 | The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria.The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria. | W.S. Reid | 61236123 | W S ReidW S Reid | |
19021015Wednesday, October 15th, 1902 | View Page | 031473147 | The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria.The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria. | W.S. Reed | 61236123 | W S ReidW S Reid | |
19020822Friday, August 22nd, 1902 | View Page | 031473147 | The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria.The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria. | Jean Bradbury | 12061206 | Jeannie BradburyJeannie Bradbury | fixed borrower's name (orig. "Joan Bradley") |
19010507Tuesday, May 7th, 1901 | View Page | 031473147 | The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria.The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria. | Geo M Fletcher | 49194919 | Geo. M. FletcherGeo. M. Fletcher | fixed patron number (orig. 4419) |
19010423Tuesday, April 23rd, 1901 | View Page | 031473147 | The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria.The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria. | Geo M Fletcher | 49194919 | Geo. M. FletcherGeo. M. Fletcher | |
18981108Tuesday, November 8th, 1898 | View Page | 031473147 | The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria.The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria. | Mrs Wm Gill | 30963096 | Mrs. Wm. F. GillMrs. Wm. F. Gill | |
18961130Monday, November 30th, 1896 | View Page | 031473147 | The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria.The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria. | Mrs Lucy E. Davis | 34563456 | L. E. DavisL. E. Davis | |
18961116Monday, November 16th, 1896 | View Page | 031473147 | The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria.The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria. | Mrs Lucy E. Davis | 34563456 | L. E. DavisL. E. Davis | |
18960428Tuesday, April 28th, 1896 | View Page | 031473147 | The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria.The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria. | Emily Martin | 21132113 | Emily MartinEmily Martin | |
18960328Saturday, March 28th, 1896 | View Page | 031473147 | The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria.The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria. | Chester Evans | 29222922 | Ray WadeRay Wade | |
18960314Saturday, March 14th, 1896 | View Page | 031473147 | The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria.The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria. | Chester Evans | 29222922 | Ray WadeRay Wade | |
18960305Thursday, March 5th, 1896 | View Page | 031473147 | The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria.The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria. | Mrs W H Palmer | 41424142 | Mrs. W. H. PalmerMrs. W. H. Palmer | |
18951123Saturday, November 23rd, 1895 | View Page | 031473147 | The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria.The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria. | Mrs Pearl Zimmerman | 31263126 | Ella UptgraftElla Uptgraft | |
18951102Saturday, November 2nd, 1895 | View Page | 031473147 | The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria.The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria. | Margaret Young | 45164516 | Margaret YoungMargaret Young | fixed borrower's name (orig. Tuhey) |
18950513Monday, May 13th, 1895 | View Page | 031473147 | The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria.The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria. | Jeannie Smith | 11661166 | Jeannie W SmithJeannie W Smith | fixed borrower's name (orig. "Jeanie") |
18920411Monday, April 11th, 1892 | View Page | 031473147 | The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria.The history of England from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria. | Dr L. York | 28642864 | L. YorkL. York | |