Accession # 11131 Title: Ranch Life & Hunting Trail Author: Roosevelt, Theo. Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 235
Accession # 11131
Accession Date Standardized Date: Thursday, November 10th, 1898
Written Text: Nov 10, 1898
Discard Date Standardized Date:
Written Text:
Book Information Author: Roosevelt, Theo.
Title: Ranch Life & Hunting Trail
Where Published: N. York Publisher: Century Co. When Published: 1897 # Vols: Size: 4 # Pages: 186 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: Century Co. Cost: $1.59 Nature of Origin: Additional Info: Publisher information found in "Of Whom Procured" column.

+Book Record

Author Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919. Pen Name:
Title: Ranch life and the hunting-trail.
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Century Co. Where Published: New York, NY
Additional Info:

+Transaction History (78)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19021122Saturday, November 22nd, 1902View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ray Tyler59415941Roy TylerRoy Tyler
19021006Monday, October 6th, 1902View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Robert Hayler58005800Robert HaylerRobert Hayler
19020920Saturday, September 20th, 1902View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Mrs. Ella Earp53835383Mrs. E. G. EarpMrs. E. G. Earp
19020822Friday, August 22nd, 1902View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Mrs. Emma Sawyer37243724Paul WhitePaul White
19020707Monday, July 7th, 1902View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Frank Brown61316131Frank BrownFrank Brown
19020526Monday, May 26th, 1902View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Clifford Loder60826082W. C. CliffordW. C. Clifford
19020328Friday, March 28th, 1902View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Edgar Driscoll59595959Edgar DriscollEdgar Driscoll
19020314Friday, March 14th, 1902View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Herbert Rickard56975697Herbert RickardHerbert RickardNumber 76 written after patron's name
19020308Saturday, March 8th, 1902View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Mrs. W.R. Brauenll56385638W. R. BraunellW. R. Braunell
19020210Monday, February 10th, 1902View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.John Bennington60346034John BenningtonJohn Bennington
19020118Saturday, January 18th, 1902View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Joseph C. Long50075007J C LongJ C Long
19011126Tuesday, November 26th, 1901View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Robert Briner38883888Robert BrinerRobert Briner
19011115Friday, November 15th, 1901View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Walter Worfel59255925Walter WorfelWalter Worfel
19011113Wednesday, November 13th, 1901View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Roscoe Smith59395939Roscoe SmithRoscoe Smith
19011101Friday, November 1st, 1901View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Mrs. Ella Earp53835383Mrs. E. G. EarpMrs. E. G. Earp
19011030Wednesday, October 30th, 1901View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Lester Dorse56155615Lester DorseLester Dorse
19011011Friday, October 11th, 1901View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Rodney Hayler50495049Rodney HaylerRodney Hayler
19010907Saturday, September 7th, 1901View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Chas Hanley55025502Chas HanleyChas Hanley
19010720Saturday, July 20th, 1901View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Raymond Hottinger56875687Rymnd HottingerRymnd Hottinger
19010605Wednesday, June 5th, 1901View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Simon Heinfeld54025402Reba HooverReba Hoover
19010520Monday, May 20th, 1901View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Mrs Sarah Somers55745574Mrs. Sarah SummersMrs. Sarah Summers
19010429Monday, April 29th, 1901View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Walter S. Vance50385038Walter S. VanceWalter S. Vance
19010223Saturday, February 23rd, 1901View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Kenneth Spurgeon53645364Kenneth SpurgeonKenneth Spurgeon
19010201Friday, February 1st, 1901View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Mrs Wm Marsh38543854Mrs. W. M. MarshMrs. W. M. Marsh
19001213Thursday, December 13th, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Lewis McCoy55895589Lewis McCoyLewis McCoy
19001205Wednesday, December 5th, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Clarence Cobb56275627Clarence CobbClarence Cobb
19001126Monday, November 26th, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Marle Poslat53475347Merl PostalMerl Postal
19001101Thursday, November 1st, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.L.L. Watson15641564L L WatsonL L WatsonAn "X" is written to the right of borrower name//fixed patron number (orig. 1764)// fixed borrower's name (orig. "W.M.")
19001008Monday, October 8th, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Carl Proctor54605460Carl ProctorCarl Proctor
19000823Thursday, August 23rd, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Carl Proctor54605460Carl ProctorCarl Proctor
19000820Monday, August 20th, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Frank Leon53755375Frank LeonFrank Leon
19000731Tuesday, July 31st, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Leroy Weaver36433643Leroy WeaverLeroy Weaver
19000615Friday, June 15th, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Arthur Dill53955395Arthur DillArthur Dill
19000530Wednesday, May 30th, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Lloyd Carver41264126Lloyd CarverLloyd Carverfixed borrower's name (orig. Conner)
19000519Saturday, May 19th, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Herbert Houze34943494Herbert HouzeHerbert Houze
19000504Friday, May 4th, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Harold buck51655165Howard BeckHoward Beck
19000416Monday, April 16th, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Raymond Rahrborn48664866R. RahrbornR. Rahrborn
19000331Saturday, March 31st, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Willie Brown52435243Willie BrannonWillie Brannon
19000317Saturday, March 17th, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Homer Fordyce52515251Homer L. FordyceHomer L. Fordyce
19000312Monday, March 12th, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Harry Ritter50285028Harry RitterHarry RitterOriginal transaction lists patron # as 5228, but this was likely an error and has been changed to reflect Harry Ritter's actual patron # 5028.
19000301Thursday, March 1st, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Daniel Cohen29142914Dan CohenDan Cohen
19000131Wednesday, January 31st, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Mrs Mary Louick0957957Mary J. LuickMary J. Luick
19000111Thursday, January 11th, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Earl Wmson46794679Earl WilliamsonEarl Williamson
19000105Friday, January 5th, 1900View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Lester Baldwin52645264Earl Lister BaldwinEarl Lister Baldwin
18991226Tuesday, December 26th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Harry Turner52545254Harry TurnerHarry Turner
18991220Wednesday, December 20th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ray Spradling32243224Roy SpradlingRoy Spradling
18991106Monday, November 6th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Harry Ritter50285028Harry RitterHarry Ritter
18991019Thursday, October 19th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Leslie Miller31713171Harvey KoontzHarvey Koontz
18991009Monday, October 9th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Walter Heffner33133313Walter HeffnerWalter Heffner"48" written above patron's name
18991002Monday, October 2nd, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Mrs. L. Buzby30503050Pearl HarrisPearl Harris
18990905Tuesday, September 5th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Chas McLain37053705Charles McLainCharles McLain
18990819Saturday, August 19th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Lawrence Hart51075107Lawrence HartLawrence Hart
18990814Monday, August 14th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ray E. Leonard39513951R. LeonardR. Leonard
18990726Wednesday, July 26th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Warren Sample33903390Warren SampleWarren Sample
18990715Saturday, July 15th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Anna Peterson48954895Anna PetersonAnna Peterson
18990627Tuesday, June 27th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ed Marspatron ID partially illegible: 44??
18990620Tuesday, June 20th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Will Crawford28122812Willie CrawfordWillie Crawford
18990616Friday, June 16th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Fred Bunch47754775Fred BunchFred Bunch
18990531Wednesday, May 31st, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.John Oliver39233923John OliverJohn Oliver
18990524Wednesday, May 24th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Guy Tweedy33083308Guy TweedyGuy Tweedy
18990510Wednesday, May 10th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ray Bard48384838Roy BardRoy Bard
18990429Saturday, April 29th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Austin Claypool36893689Charles ReeceCharles Reece
18990405Wednesday, April 5th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Amos Whitely50135013Amos Whiteley Jr.Amos Whiteley Jr.
18990328Tuesday, March 28th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Fred Boehm37803780Fred BochmFred Bochm
18990313Monday, March 13th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Roscoe Lorentz39273927Roscoe LorentzRoscoe Lorentz
18990306Monday, March 6th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.James Lightbody37513751James LightbodyJames Lightbody
18990220Monday, February 20th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Orice Clevenger49214921Arice ClevengerArice Clevenger
18990214Tuesday, February 14th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Kemper Harrold48514851Kemper HerreldKemper HerreldNumber 85 written next to patron's name//fixed patron number (orig. 4751)
18990211Saturday, February 11th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Carl Reed36983698Carl ReedCarl Reed
18990203Friday, February 3rd, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Mrs George M Fletcher48924892Mrs. G. M. FletcherMrs. G. M. Fletcher
18990131Tuesday, January 31st, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Landess Bloom45884588Landess BloomLandess Bloom
18990119Thursday, January 19th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Bertie Wmson40024002Bertie WilliamsonBertie Williamson
18990113Friday, January 13th, 1899View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Reuben Lloyd32213221Reuben C LoydReuben C Loyd
18981227Tuesday, December 27th, 1898View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Norman Boomer43174317Norman BoomerNorman Boomer
18981217Saturday, December 17th, 1898View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Jamie Templer40744074Louise ThomasLouise Thomas
18981214Wednesday, December 14th, 1898View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Frank E Freeman39913991Frank E. FreemanFrank E. Freeman
18981129Tuesday, November 29th, 1898View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.George Sutton31153115Mrs. Mary NealMrs. Mary Neal
18981122Tuesday, November 22nd, 1898View Page1113111131Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Ranch life and the hunting-trail.Earl Swain47434743Earl SwainEarl Swain