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How Eva Roberts gained her education
Louisa Thurston
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Saturday, March 13th, 1875
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March 13th, 1875
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Louisa Thurston
How Eva Roberts gained her education
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Of Whom Procured:
H. C. Marsh
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+Book Record +Transaction History (9) Users with Javascript disabled currently have a limitation of 1000 results per record type. To view the full set of results, please select the 'Download Results' option.
Transaction Date Original Document Acc. # Title Borrower Name Pat # Listed Patron Name Transaction Comments 19000910 Monday, September 10th, 1900View Page 01169 1169 How Eva Roberts gained her education. How Eva Roberts gained her education. Mrs. Louis Foldrich 5457 5457 Mrs. Louis C Foldrich Mrs. Louis C Foldrich 18920524 Tuesday, May 24th, 1892View Page 01169 1169 How Eva Roberts gained her education. How Eva Roberts gained her education. Mamie Martin 3047 3047 Miss. Mamie Martin Miss. Mamie Martin 18920506 Friday, May 6th, 1892View Page 01169 1169 How Eva Roberts gained her education. How Eva Roberts gained her education. Rubie Guthie 2693 2693 Cora Trent Cora Trent 18920502 Monday, May 2nd, 1892View Page 01169 1169 How Eva Roberts gained her education. How Eva Roberts gained her education. Lulu Warrick 3019 3019 Lula Warrick Lula Warrick 18920421 Thursday, April 21st, 1892View Page 01169 1169 How Eva Roberts gained her education. How Eva Roberts gained her education. J.B. Farmer 2916 2916 J. B. Farmer J. B. Farmer this transaction recorded twice, looks as though first entry was partially erased 18920215 Monday, February 15th, 1892View Page 01169 1169 How Eva Roberts gained her education. How Eva Roberts gained her education. Mamie Kennedy 2868 2868 Mamie Kennedy Mamie Kennedy 18920208 Monday, February 8th, 1892View Page 01169 1169 How Eva Roberts gained her education. How Eva Roberts gained her education. Winnie Bell 2791 2791 Winnie Bell Winnie Bell 18920204 Thursday, February 4th, 1892View Page 01169 1169 How Eva Roberts gained her education. How Eva Roberts gained her education. Stella Ball 2682 2682 Stella Ball Stella Ball 18911228 Monday, December 28th, 1891View Page 01169 1169 How Eva Roberts gained her education. How Eva Roberts gained her education. Leotta Hudson 2939 2939 Leotha Hudson Leotha Hudson