19020128Tuesday, January 28th, 1902 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Mrs. W.A. Jones | 49634963 | Mr. W A JonesMr. W A Jones | |
19001208Saturday, December 8th, 1900 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Martha Robbins | 56305630 | Geo. F. ParkhurstGeo. F. Parkhurst | |
19000925Tuesday, September 25th, 1900 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Nellie Perkins | 46104610 | Nellie PerkinsNellie Perkins | |
19000317Saturday, March 17th, 1900 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Earl Nutting | 27832783 | Earl NuttingEarl Nutting | |
19000221Wednesday, February 21st, 1900 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Car Nottingham | 48684868 | C. A. NottinghamC. A. Nottingham | |
19000130Tuesday, January 30th, 1900 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Ernie Cammack | 25212521 | Ernie CammacErnie Cammac | |
18981224Saturday, December 24th, 1898 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | L.M. Doolittle | 48094809 | Lewis DoolittleLewis Doolittle | |
18981010Monday, October 10th, 1898 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | L.M. Doolittle | 48094809 | Lewis DoolittleLewis Doolittle | fixed patron number (orig. 4839) |
18980822Monday, August 22nd, 1898 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Jenna Milten | 28982898 | Jennie MillerJennie Miller | |
18980808Monday, August 8th, 1898 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Jennie Miller | 28982898 | Jennie MillerJennie Miller | |
18980422Friday, April 22nd, 1898 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Emory Seldomridge | 26912691 | Emory SeldomridgeEmory Seldomridge | |
18980226Saturday, February 26th, 1898 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | John Cramer | 44744474 | John CramerJohn Cramer | |
18970408Thursday, April 8th, 1897 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Loning Tyner | 0590590 | C. TynerC. Tyner | |
18960811Tuesday, August 11th, 1896 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Oscar Black | 40564056 | Oscar BlackOscar Black | |
18960706Monday, July 6th, 1896 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Warner H Richardson | 34693469 | Warren H RichardsonWarren H Richardson | |
18960525Monday, May 25th, 1896 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Mrs Dr J.F. Bowers | 44844484 | Mrs. Dr BowersMrs. Dr Bowers | |
18950816Friday, August 16th, 1895 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Campbell Keirstead | 30023002 | Campbell KeirsteadCampbell Keirstead | |
18950316Saturday, March 16th, 1895 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Mrs. C. F. Garaghty | 45494549 | Mrs. C. F GaraghtyMrs. C. F Garaghty | |
18950218Monday, February 18th, 1895 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Mrs C. F. Garaghty | 45494549 | Mrs. C. F GaraghtyMrs. C. F Garaghty | |
18941208Saturday, December 8th, 1894 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Estella McClelland | 45364536 | Estella McClellandEstella McClelland | |
18941121Wednesday, November 21st, 1894 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Mrs J. F. Hall | 45464546 | Mrs. J. F. HallMrs. J. F. Hall | |
18941106Tuesday, November 6th, 1894 | View Page | 015091509 | The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients.The essays: or, Counsels, civil and moral: and the wisdom of the ancients. | Mrs. J. F. Hall | 45464546 | Mrs. J. F. HallMrs. J. F. Hall | |