Patron # 707 Patron Name: Knowlton, Bertha Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 20 Date Joined Wednesday, May 9th,1877 Patron # 707
Patron Information Name Bertha Knowlton Nickname Residence 405 East Main St.
Guarantor Information Name J.B. Knowlton Residence 405 East Main
Relationship to patron
Additional Info

+Supplemental Data

City Directory Name Address Occupation Directory Year
Additional Info No listing
Census Data Name
Background Information Race Sex Female Marital Status # Years Married
Origin Info Birthplace Year of Birth
Birthplace of Father Birthplace of Mother
Naturalization Status Year of Immigration
Residence Info Residential Status # Boarders # Servants
Occupation Info Occupation
Occupation Note
Occupation Group Occupational Rank
Additional Info No listing

+Transaction History (10)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
18950701Monday, July 1st, 1895View Page065906590The last war trail.The last war trail.Robbie Knowlton0707707Bertha KnowltonBertha Knowlton
18950629Saturday, June 29th, 1895View Page077077707Frank the young naturalistFrank the young naturalistRobbie Knowlton0707707Bertha KnowltonBertha Knowlton
18950627Thursday, June 27th, 1895View Page077117711Frank among the rancheros.Frank among the rancheros.Robbie Knowlton0707707Bertha KnowltonBertha Knowlton
18950625Tuesday, June 25th, 1895View Page077097709Frank on the prairie.Frank on the prairie.Robbie Knowlton0707707Bertha KnowltonBertha Knowlton
18950624Monday, June 24th, 1895View Page077147714George at the fort, or, Life among the soldiers.George at the fort, or, Life among the soldiers.Robbie Knowlton0707707Bertha KnowltonBertha Knowlton
18950622Saturday, June 22nd, 1895View Page084248424Snowed up : or, The sportsman's club in the mountains.Snowed up : or, The sportsman's club in the mountains.Robbie Knowlton0707707Bertha KnowltonBertha Knowlton
18950620Thursday, June 20th, 1895View Page082118211The book of the Indians of North America : illustrating their manners, customs, and present state.The book of the Indians of North America : illustrating their manners, customs, and present state.Robbie Knowlton0707707Bertha KnowltonBertha Knowlton
18950618Tuesday, June 18th, 1895View Page077137713George at the wheel, or, Life in the pilot-houseGeorge at the wheel, or, Life in the pilot-houseRobbie Knowlton0707707Bertha KnowltonBertha Knowlton
18950612Wednesday, June 12th, 1895View Page084758475The young circus rider, or, The mystery of Robert Rudd.The young circus rider, or, The mystery of Robert Rudd.Bertha Knowlton0707707Bertha KnowltonBertha Knowlton
18920322Tuesday, March 22nd, 1892View Page034493449The pictorial history of the world : embracing full and authentic accounts of every nation of ancient and modern times. Showing the causes of their prosperity and decline, and including a full and comprehensive history of the rise and fall of the Greek and Roman empires, the growth of the nations of modern Europe, the middle ages, the crusades, the feudal system, the reformation, the discovery and settlement of the new world, etc., etc.The pictorial history of the world : embracing full and authentic accounts of every nation of ancient and modern times. Showing the causes of their prosperity and decline, and including a full and comprehensive history of the rise and fall of the Greek and Roman empires, the growth of the nations of modern Europe, the middle ages, the crusades, the feudal system, the reformation, the discovery and settlement of the new world, etc., etc.Bertha Knowlton0707707Bertha KnowltonBertha Knowlton