19021122Saturday, November 22nd, 1902 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Mamie Lash | 54115411 | Mannie LoshMannie Losh | |
19020311Tuesday, March 11th, 1902 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Harry McVay | 58765876 | Haley McVayHaley McVay | |
19011102Saturday, November 2nd, 1901 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Margaret Kennedy | 58275827 | Margaret KennedyMargaret Kennedy | |
19010611Tuesday, June 11th, 1901 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Mrs. S. A. Weaver | 47784778 | Mrs. S. A. WeaverMrs. S. A. Weaver | |
19010215Friday, February 15th, 1901 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Warren Hutsell | 49914991 | Warren HutsellWarren Hutsell | |
19000629Friday, June 29th, 1900 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Edmund C. Kirby | 30123012 | Edward KirbyEdward Kirby | |
19000329Thursday, March 29th, 1900 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Ola Heckenberg | 37103710 | Olie HockenberryOlie Hockenberry | |
18990923Saturday, September 23rd, 1899 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Mrs. D. F. Orr | 50575057 | Edith RussellEdith Russell | |
18990902Saturday, September 2nd, 1899 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Gloe Sumption | 50755075 | Gloria SumptionGloria Sumption | |
18990708Saturday, July 8th, 1899 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Mrs. D. W. Stewart | 26492649 | Helen HickmanHelen Hickman | |
18980829Monday, August 29th, 1898 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Mrs. Theo. Hough | 45544554 | Theo A. HoughTheo A. Hough | |
18971113Saturday, November 13th, 1897 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Mrs John Carey | 32563256 | Mrs. John CaseyMrs. John Casey | |
18971027Wednesday, October 27th, 1897 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Mrs. Sarah Miller | 36863686 | Sarah MillerSarah Miller | |
18970717Saturday, July 17th, 1897 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Edith Jackson | 30803080 | Edith JacksonEdith Jackson | |
18970617Thursday, June 17th, 1897 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Margaret Flaherty | 36603660 | Margaret FlahertyMargaret Flaherty | |
18970329Monday, March 29th, 1897 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Louis Icerman | 32093209 | Louis IcermanLouis Icerman | |
18961111Wednesday, November 11th, 1896 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Mrs Lucy Larimore | 40404040 | Mrs. Thos. LarimoreMrs. Thos. Larimore | |
18960929Tuesday, September 29th, 1896 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | John Cramer | 44744474 | John CramerJohn Cramer | |
18960408Wednesday, April 8th, 1896 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Mrs Lida Donson | 30513051 | Mrs. Lida DonsonMrs. Lida Donson | |
18960330Monday, March 30th, 1896 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Mrs Lida Donson | 30513051 | Mrs. Lida DonsonMrs. Lida Donson | |
18960314Saturday, March 14th, 1896 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Rosa Burmaster | 31893189 | Rosa BurmasterRosa Burmaster | |
18960229Saturday, February 29th, 1896 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Rosa Burmaster | 31893189 | Rosa BurmasterRosa Burmaster | |
18951113Wednesday, November 13th, 1895 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Turner McKinney | 16101610 | Y McKinneyY McKinney | |
18950708Monday, July 8th, 1895 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | M. J. Boland | 27992799 | M J BolandM J Boland | |
18950610Monday, June 10th, 1895 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | John Cramer | 44744474 | John CramerJohn Cramer | "53" written after patron's name |
18950510Friday, May 10th, 1895 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Mr. F. R. Bader | 31663166 | F. R. BaderF. R. Bader | |
18950409Tuesday, April 9th, 1895 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Laura Aldstell | 30993099 | Loma AldstadtLoma Aldstadt | |
18950309Saturday, March 9th, 1895 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Mrs H F Beardsley | 31213121 | Harriet F BeardsleyHarriet F Beardsley | Pages 88-89 are out of order; according to dates (March 7-8) they should be the last pages in ledger, but were written by librarian upside down in middle of ledger, between January 8-9. Librarian did mark "Last Page" at top of page 88. |
18950228Thursday, February 28th, 1895 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Nellie Jensen | 41024102 | Nellie JensenNellie Jensen | |
18950209Saturday, February 9th, 1895 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Kenneth Shuttleworth | 46474647 | Kenneth ShuttleworthKenneth Shuttleworth | |
18950205Tuesday, February 5th, 1895 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Gertrude Hale | 43954395 | Gertrude HaleGertrude Hale | |
18950116Wednesday, January 16th, 1895 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Annie Shaw | 29172917 | Amie ShawAmie Shaw | |
18950109Wednesday, January 9th, 1895 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Charles Brennon | 46644664 | Charles BrennonCharles Brennon | |
18950105Saturday, January 5th, 1895 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | J. C. Bacon | 0329329 | Joshua C BaconJoshua C Bacon | |
18941130Friday, November 30th, 1894 | View Page | 089888988 | The adventures of Oliver Twist.The adventures of Oliver Twist. | Jean Bradbury | 12061206 | Jeannie BradburyJeannie Bradbury | |