Patron # 4301 Patron Name: Duffy, Edward Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 203 Date Joined Tuesday, January 2nd,1894 Patron # 4301
Patron Information Name Edward B Duffy Nickname Residence Cor Willard + Blaine
Guarantor Information Name John Meehan Residence Cor Willard and Blaine
Relationship to patron
Additional Info

+Supplemental Data

City Directory Name Address s w cor Blaine and Willard Occupation Directory Year 1897-1898
Additional Info
Census Data Name Edward B. Duffy
Background Information Race White Sex Male Marital Status # Years Married
Origin Info Birthplace Pennsylvania Year of Birth 1876
Birthplace of Father Ireland Birthplace of Mother Ireland
Naturalization Status Year of Immigration
Residence Info Residential Status # Boarders # Servants
Occupation Info Occupation
Occupation Note
Occupation Group White Collar Occupational Rank Low White Collar
Additional Info Edward indeterminate in 1900 census. 1880 Edward's family lives in
Pennsylvania and Edward's father - also Edward - works at "Roll Mill".
1900 census, Edward's mother (Mary) and sister (Sarah E. Duffy) live
John Meehan, saloon keeper, Delaware Co.

+Transaction History (16)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
18950304Monday, March 4th, 1895View Page085618561Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey.Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey.Edward Duffy43014301Edward B DuffyEdward B Duffy
18950225Monday, February 25th, 1895View Page085358535A popular history of the United States of America : from the aboriginal times to the present day. Brought down to the year 1892.A popular history of the United States of America : from the aboriginal times to the present day. Brought down to the year 1892.Edward Duffy43014301Edward B DuffyEdward B Duffyfixed borrower's name (orig. Duffey)
18950218Monday, February 18th, 1895View Page013951395Lalla Rookh : an oriental romance.Lalla Rookh : an oriental romance.Edward Duffy43014301Edward B DuffyEdward B Duffy
18950211Monday, February 11th, 1895View Page072247224Sunset mountain.Sunset mountain.Edward Duffy43014301Edward B DuffyEdward B Duffy
18950131Thursday, January 31st, 1895View Page00647647The brothers' bet; or, within six weeks.The brothers' bet; or, within six weeks.Edward Duffy43014301Edward B DuffyEdward B DuffyNumber 83 marked after patron's name
18950123Wednesday, January 23rd, 1895View Page084228422Blue jackets of '76 : a history of the naval battles of the American revolution : together with a narrative of the war with Tripoli.Blue jackets of '76 : a history of the naval battles of the American revolution : together with a narrative of the war with Tripoli.Edward Duffy43014301Edward B DuffyEdward B Duffy
18950119Saturday, January 19th, 1895View Page011541154The Paris sketch book of Mr. M.A. Titmarsh; and the memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush ; The Irish sketch book; and Notes of a journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo.The Paris sketch book of Mr. M.A. Titmarsh; and the memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush ; The Irish sketch book; and Notes of a journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo.Edward Duffy43014301Edward B DuffyEdward B Duffy
18950114Monday, January 14th, 1895View Page091699169Jack the hunchback.Jack the hunchback.Edward Duffy43014301Edward B DuffyEdward B Duffy
18950112Saturday, January 12th, 1895View Page011131113Vivia : or, The secret of power.Vivia : or, The secret of power.Edward Duffy43014301Edward B DuffyEdward B DuffyNumber 125 marked after patron's name
18950105Saturday, January 5th, 1895View Page083528352Countess Gisela.Countess Gisela.Edward Duffy43014301Edward B DuffyEdward B Duffy
18941215Saturday, December 15th, 1894View Page00915915Peter the whaler : his early life and adventures in the arctic regions and other parts of the world.Peter the whaler : his early life and adventures in the arctic regions and other parts of the world.Edward Duffy43014301Edward B DuffyEdward B Duffyfixed borrower's name (orig. Duffey)
18941208Saturday, December 8th, 1894View Page00899899The ark of Elm Island.The ark of Elm Island.Edward Duffy43014301Edward B DuffyEdward B Duffy
18941128Wednesday, November 28th, 1894View Page00898898Lion Ben of Elm Island.Lion Ben of Elm Island.Edward Duffy43014301Edward B DuffyEdward B Duffy
18941123Friday, November 23rd, 1894View Page084598459Rodney the partisan.Rodney the partisan.Edward Duffy43014301Edward B DuffyEdward B Duffyfixed borrower's name (orig. Duffey)
18941116Friday, November 16th, 1894View Page084338433The sportsman's club among the trappers.The sportsman's club among the trappers.Edward Duffy43014301Edward B DuffyEdward B Duffyfixed borrower's name (orig. Duffey)
18941110Saturday, November 10th, 1894View Page00579579The sand-hills of Jutland.The sand-hills of Jutland.Edward Duffy43014301Edward B DuffyEdward B Duffyfixed borrower's name (orig. Duffey)