Accession # 13072 Title: Daughter of the Elm Author: Hall, _ Granville Davisson Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 2 Page # 32
Accession # 13072
Accession Date Standardized Date: Monday, November 18th, 1901
Written Text: Nov 18
Discard Date Standardized Date: Thursday, November 1st, 1923
Written Text: Nov. 1923
Book Information Author: Hall, _ Granville Davisson
Title: Daughter of the Elm
Where Published: Chicago, Ill Publisher: Mayer & Miller When Published: 1899 # Vols: Size: 12 # Pages: 326 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: Geo. A. Ball gift Cost: Nature of Origin: Additional Info:

+Book Record

Author Hall, Granville Davisson, 1837-1934. Pen Name:
Title: Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the war
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Mayer & Miller Where Published: Chicago, IL
Additional Info:

+Transaction History (23)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19021118Tuesday, November 18th, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warHelen Hunt38253825Helen HuntHelen Hunt
19021022Wednesday, October 22nd, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warMarguerite Lyons56345634Marguerite LyonsMarguerite Lyons
19020927Saturday, September 27th, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warAda Williams48854885Ada WilliamsAda Williams
19020908Monday, September 8th, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDr. A.J. Phinney11031103A. J. PhinneyA. J. Phinney
19020719Saturday, July 19th, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warMable Hagadorn13041304Mabel HagadornMabel Hagadorn
19020705Saturday, July 5th, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warMrs. Clara Cowing52355235Clara CowingClara Cowing
19020621Saturday, June 21st, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warMrs. Minie Winter55725572Minnie WestfallMinnie Westfall
19020614Saturday, June 14th, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warMaude Hagadorn26152615Eddie HagadornEddie Hagadorn
19020607Saturday, June 7th, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warMrs. Hasty Wilson58465846Mr. Hasty WilsonMr. Hasty Wilson
19020602Monday, June 2nd, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warMrs. Madye McCullough58485848Madye McCulloughMadye McCullough
19020303Monday, March 3rd, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warFlorence Williston57945794Florence WillistonFlorence Williston
19020222Saturday, February 22nd, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDr. Vol Bower18021802Vollie BowerVollie Bowerfixed borrower's name (orig. "Bowers")
19020214Friday, February 14th, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warMrs. Wm Reed58115811Mrs. Wm ReedMrs. Wm Reed
19020208Saturday, February 8th, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warJohn F. Wildman59495949J. F. WildmanJ. F. Wildman
19020206Thursday, February 6th, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warW.S. Dragoo51525152Wm. S. DragooWm. S. Dragoo
19020131Friday, January 31st, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warW.R. Snyder20872087W R SnyderW R Snyder
19020117Friday, January 17th, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warClara Elrad55785578Clara ElrodClara Elrod
19020111Saturday, January 11th, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warLucy Vance57015701Miss. Lucy VanceMiss. Lucy Vance
19020104Saturday, January 4th, 1902View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warNora Spurgeon58105810Nora SpurgeonNora Spurgeon
19011231Tuesday, December 31st, 1901View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warJ.W. Oxley26132613J. W. OxleyJ. W. Oxley
19011223Monday, December 23rd, 1901View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warMrs. M. Leonard43164316Mrs. Mary LeonardMrs. Mary Leonard
19011211Wednesday, December 11th, 1901View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warMrs. John Carey32563256Mrs. John CaseyMrs. John Casey
19010725Thursday, July 25th, 1901View Page1307213072Daughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warDaughter of the elm : a tale of western Virginia before the warJamie Templer40144014E. R. TemplerE. R. Templer