Patron # 3145 Patron Name: Warner, Everett Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 46 Date Joined Saturday, March 9th,1895 Patron # 3145
Patron Information Name Everett Warner Nickname Residence 1336 - E. Jackson
Guarantor Information Name Robbin Norris Residence 1336 - E. Jackson
Relationship to patron
Additional Info

+Supplemental Data

City Directory Name Address Occupation Directory Year
Additional Info no listing
Census Data Name Everett Warner
Background Information Race White Sex Male Marital Status Single # Years Married
Origin Info Birthplace Indiana Year of Birth 1882
Birthplace of Father Indiana Birthplace of Mother Indiana
Naturalization Status Year of Immigration
Residence Info Residential Status # Boarders # Servants
Occupation Info Occupation At School
Occupation Note son of Rollin Warner (HoH), attorney
at law

Occupation Group White Collar Occupational Rank High White Collar
Additional Info

+Transaction History (51)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19021111Tuesday, November 11th, 1902View Page1110411104Gondola days.Gondola days.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
19020303Monday, March 3rd, 1902View Page1131311313The adventures of Franc is : foundling, thief, juggler, and fencing master, during the French revolution.The adventures of Franc is : foundling, thief, juggler, and fencing master, during the French revolution.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
19020217Monday, February 17th, 1902View Page1149911499Red pottage.Red pottage.Emmett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
19020122Wednesday, January 22nd, 1902View Page1141711417The little minister.The little minister.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
19020111Saturday, January 11th, 1902View Page091089108Barabbas : a dream of the world's tragedy.Barabbas : a dream of the world's tragedy.Everet Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
19011210Tuesday, December 10th, 1901View Page1302013020D'ri and I : a tale of daring deeds in the second war with the British. Being the memoirs of Colonel Ramon Bell, U.S.A.D'ri and I : a tale of daring deeds in the second war with the British. Being the memoirs of Colonel Ramon Bell, U.S.A.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
19011007Monday, October 7th, 1901View Page050445044Rollo on the Atlantic.Rollo on the Atlantic.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
19000502Wednesday, May 2nd, 1900View Page015111511Star papers : or, experiences of art and nature.Star papers : or, experiences of art and nature.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
19000406Friday, April 6th, 1900View PageEdith Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
19000301Thursday, March 1st, 1900View Page061006100The heroes, or, Greek fairy tales for my children.The heroes, or, Greek fairy tales for my children.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18990909Saturday, September 9th, 1899View Page1010810108A romance of two worlds.A romance of two worlds.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18990826Saturday, August 26th, 1899View Page1010810108A romance of two worlds.A romance of two worlds.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18990811Friday, August 11th, 1899View Page1025910259Tommy-Anne and the three hearts.Tommy-Anne and the three hearts.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18990728Friday, July 28th, 1899View Page091089108Barabbas : a dream of the world's tragedy.Barabbas : a dream of the world's tragedy.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18990714Friday, July 14th, 1899View Page1204112041The marble faun : or, The romance of Monte Beni.The marble faun : or, The romance of Monte Beni.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18990630Friday, June 30th, 1899View PageEverett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warnerbook ID partially illegible: ??41
18990501Monday, May 1st, 1899View Page084878487Barriers burned away.Barriers burned away.Everett Lyman31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner"+" marked next to patron's name
18980805Friday, August 5th, 1898View Page084878487Barriers burned away.Barriers burned away.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett WarnerNumber 34 is before the Patron ID
18980802Tuesday, August 2nd, 1898View Page096469646A singular life.A singular life.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18980630Thursday, June 30th, 1898View Page066426642Benjamin Franklin as a man of letters.Benjamin Franklin as a man of letters.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18980618Saturday, June 18th, 1898View Page065976597St. Elmo.St. Elmo.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18980614Tuesday, June 14th, 1898View Page096459645Sweet clover : a romance of the white city.Sweet clover : a romance of the white city.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18971127Saturday, November 27th, 1897View Page1033710337George Washington.George Washington.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18971116Tuesday, November 16th, 1897View Page1033810338George Washington.George Washington.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18971113Saturday, November 13th, 1897View Page00160160History of Mary queen of Scots.History of Mary queen of Scots.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18970614Monday, June 14th, 1897View Page084348434The sportsman's club afloat.The sportsman's club afloat.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18970605Saturday, June 5th, 1897View Page084318431Joe Wayring at home, or, The adventures of a fly-rod.Joe Wayring at home, or, The adventures of a fly-rod.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18970601Tuesday, June 1st, 1897View Page084328432The sportsman's club : in the saddle.The sportsman's club : in the saddle.Evertt Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett WarnerNumber 63 marked after patron's name
18961214Monday, December 14th, 1896View PageEverett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warnerbook ID partially illegible: [?]079
18961130Monday, November 30th, 1896View Page080798079Corporal Si Klegg and his "pard" : how they lived and talked, and what they did and suffered, while fighting for the flag.Corporal Si Klegg and his "pard" : how they lived and talked, and what they did and suffered, while fighting for the flag.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18960402Thursday, April 2nd, 1896View Page084268426Tom Newcombe : or, The boy of bad habits.Tom Newcombe : or, The boy of bad habits.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18960330Monday, March 30th, 1896View Page084558455Brave and bold, or, The fortunes of a factory boy.Brave and bold, or, The fortunes of a factory boy.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18960327Friday, March 27th, 1896View Page084528452Bound to rise : or, Harry Walton's motto.Bound to rise : or, Harry Walton's motto.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18960127Monday, January 27th, 1896View Page083378337The gorilla hunters : a tale of the wilds of Africa.The gorilla hunters : a tale of the wilds of Africa.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18960113Monday, January 13th, 1896View Page082558255Under the lilacs.Under the lilacs.Everet Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18960111Saturday, January 11th, 1896View PageEveret Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warnerbook ID partially illegible: ?448
18951218Wednesday, December 18th, 1895View Page077107710Frank in the mountains.Frank in the mountains.Everet Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18951211Wednesday, December 11th, 1895View Page084238423The boy traders : or, The sportsman's club among the Boers.The boy traders : or, The sportsman's club among the Boers.Everet Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18951207Saturday, December 7th, 1895View Page084478447Luck and pluck; or, John Oakley's inheritance.Luck and pluck; or, John Oakley's inheritance.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18951203Tuesday, December 3rd, 1895View Page083748374Ned in the block-house : a tale of early days in the West.Ned in the block-house : a tale of early days in the West.Everet Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18951130Saturday, November 30th, 1895View Page083228322Wild life under the equator : narrated for young people.Wild life under the equator : narrated for young people.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18951127Wednesday, November 27th, 1895View Page00550550Down the Rhine, or, Young America in Germany : a story of travel and adventure.Down the Rhine, or, Young America in Germany : a story of travel and adventure.Everet Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18951118Monday, November 18th, 1895View Page00549549Palace and cottage, or, Young America in France and Switzerland : a story of travel and adventure.Palace and cottage, or, Young America in France and Switzerland : a story of travel and adventure.Everet Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18951104Monday, November 4th, 1895View Page00548548Dikes and ditches, or, Young America in Holland and Belgium : a story of travel and adventure.Dikes and ditches, or, Young America in Holland and Belgium : a story of travel and adventure.Everet Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner"Oct 4" actually written at top of page, but should be Nov 4
18951019Saturday, October 19th, 1895View Page091389138Red cross : or, Young America in England and Wales: a story of travel and adventure.Red cross : or, Young America in England and Wales: a story of travel and adventure.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18951007Monday, October 7th, 1895View Page091379137Shamrock and thistle; or, Young America in Ireland and Scotland : a story of travel and adventure.Shamrock and thistle; or, Young America in Ireland and Scotland : a story of travel and adventure.Everet Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18950923Monday, September 23rd, 1895View Page00545545Outward bound, or, Young America afloat : a story of travel and adventure.Outward bound, or, Young America afloat : a story of travel and adventure.Everet Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18950525Saturday, May 25th, 1895View Page020992099The household book of poetry.The household book of poetry.Everet Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18950330Saturday, March 30th, 1895View Page077247724The young explorer : or, Among the Sierras.The young explorer : or, Among the Sierras.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18950316Saturday, March 16th, 1895View Page082558255Under the lilacs.Under the lilacs.Evertt Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner
18941110Saturday, November 10th, 1894View Page084508450Strive and succeed, or, The progress of Walter Conrad.Strive and succeed, or, The progress of Walter Conrad.Everett Warner31453145Everett WarnerEverett Warner