Patron # 4249 Patron Name: Budd, Alma Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 200 Date Joined Thursday, May 18th,1893 Patron # 4249
Patron Information Name Alma Budd Nickname Residence 518 E. Main
Guarantor Information Name C.A. Budd Residence 518 E. Main
Relationship to patron
Additional Info

+Supplemental Data

City Directory Name Address Occupation Directory Year 1894-1895
Additional Info no listing
Census Data Name
Background Information Race Sex Female Marital Status # Years Married
Origin Info Birthplace Year of Birth
Birthplace of Father Birthplace of Mother
Naturalization Status Year of Immigration
Residence Info Residential Status # Boarders # Servants
Occupation Info Occupation
Occupation Note
Occupation Group Occupational Rank
Additional Info no listing

+Transaction History (62)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19020607Saturday, June 7th, 1902View Page1303613036The right of way : a novelThe right of way : a novelAlma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19020524Saturday, May 24th, 1902View Page1200412004The battle of the strong : a romance of two kingdoms.The battle of the strong : a romance of two kingdoms.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19020510Saturday, May 10th, 1902View Page1200412004The battle of the strong : a romance of two kingdoms.The battle of the strong : a romance of two kingdoms.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19020303Monday, March 3rd, 1902View Page018471847An American family in Germany.An American family in Germany.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19020225Tuesday, February 25th, 1902View Page1231912319The Review of reviews.The Review of reviews.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19011129Friday, November 29th, 1901View Page1126511265Prisoners of hope : a tale of colonial Virginia.Prisoners of hope : a tale of colonial Virginia.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19011113Wednesday, November 13th, 1901View Page1278612786The ChristianThe ChristianAlma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19011030Wednesday, October 30th, 1901View Page1264112641Alice of old VincennesAlice of old VincennesAlma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19011019Saturday, October 19th, 1901View Page1031110311The choir invisible.The choir invisible.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19011005Saturday, October 5th, 1901View Page1097310973Sir Gibbie.Sir Gibbie.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19010923Monday, September 23rd, 1901View Page1258612586Stringtown on the pike : a tale of northernmost Kentucky.Stringtown on the pike : a tale of northernmost Kentucky.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19001115Thursday, November 15th, 1900View Page1096310963A fascinating traitor : an Anglo-Indian story.A fascinating traitor : an Anglo-Indian story.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19000423Monday, April 23rd, 1900View Page066836683Real folks.Real folks.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19000330Friday, March 30th, 1900View Page066396639Washington Irving.Washington Irving.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19000315Thursday, March 15th, 1900View Page066346634The story of Spain.The story of Spain.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19000301Thursday, March 1st, 1900View Page085868586In the golden days.In the golden days.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19000220Tuesday, February 20th, 1900View Page1038210382Doreen : the story of a singer.Doreen : the story of a singer.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19000215Thursday, February 15th, 1900View Page1130511305Home life in colonial days.Home life in colonial days.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd". . . Home Life" marked after book ID
19000209Friday, February 9th, 1900View Page1142911429The prisoner of Zenda.The prisoner of Zenda.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19000127Saturday, January 27th, 1900View Page083988398Won by waiting : a novel.Won by waiting : a novel.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19000113Saturday, January 13th, 1900View Page050185018Grecian and Roman mythology.Grecian and Roman mythology.Anna Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
19000103Wednesday, January 3rd, 1900View PageAlma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma BuddBook ID partially illegible: ??893
18990418Tuesday, April 18th, 1899View Page066596659Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18990404Tuesday, April 4th, 1899View Page066596659Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18990228Tuesday, February 28th, 1899View Page066446644Alexander Hamilton.Alexander Hamilton.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18990211Saturday, February 11th, 1899View Page066446644Alexander Hamilton.Alexander Hamilton.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18990204Saturday, February 4th, 1899View Page00271271The history of the United States of America.The history of the United States of America.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18990121Saturday, January 21st, 1899View Page1102411024Brook Farm : historic and personal memoirs.Brook Farm : historic and personal memoirs.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18981227Tuesday, December 27th, 1898View Page1097710977Titus : a comrade of the cross : a tale of the Christ for the Christmas-tide.Titus : a comrade of the cross : a tale of the Christ for the Christmas-tide.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18981212Monday, December 12th, 1898View Page00106106A history of the Italian republic.A history of the Italian republic.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18980618Saturday, June 18th, 1898View Page098739873Law of psychic phenomena : a working hypothesis for the systematic study of hypnotism, spiritism, mental therapeutics, etc.Law of psychic phenomena : a working hypothesis for the systematic study of hypnotism, spiritism, mental therapeutics, etc.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18980604Saturday, June 4th, 1898View Page098739873Law of psychic phenomena : a working hypothesis for the systematic study of hypnotism, spiritism, mental therapeutics, etc.Law of psychic phenomena : a working hypothesis for the systematic study of hypnotism, spiritism, mental therapeutics, etc.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18980518Wednesday, May 18th, 1898View Page00943943David Elginbrod.David Elginbrod.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18980504Wednesday, May 4th, 1898View Page096329632Arthur Bonnicastle, an American novel.Arthur Bonnicastle, an American novel.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18970306Saturday, March 6th, 1897View Page066596659Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Buddfixed borrower's name (orig. Beald)
18970220Saturday, February 20th, 1897View Page091939193The Red Mountain of Alaska.The Red Mountain of Alaska.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18970128Thursday, January 28th, 1897View Page096639663Thelma : a society novel.Thelma : a society novel.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Buddfixed borrower's name (orig. Build)
18970115Friday, January 15th, 1897View Page096639663Thelma : a society novel.Thelma : a society novel.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18961208Tuesday, December 8th, 1896View Page021562156A history of American currency : with chapters on the English bank restriction and Austrian paper money.A history of American currency : with chapters on the English bank restriction and Austrian paper money.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18961026Monday, October 26th, 1896View Page018261826Corinne : or, Italy.Corinne : or, Italy.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18960808Saturday, August 8th, 1896View Page084098409Only the governess : a novel.Only the governess : a novel.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18960727Monday, July 27th, 1896View Page083998399We two : a novel.We two : a novel.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18960720Monday, July 20th, 1896View Page065976597St. Elmo.St. Elmo.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18960706Monday, July 6th, 1896View Page091609160Merle's crusade : a novel.Merle's crusade : a novel.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18960624Wednesday, June 24th, 1896View Page091899189Opening a chestnut burr.Opening a chestnut burr.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18950831Saturday, August 31st, 1895View Page091709170Polly Oliver's problem : a story for girls.Polly Oliver's problem : a story for girls.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18950815Thursday, August 15th, 1895View Page091579157A sweet girl graduate.A sweet girl graduate.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18950809Friday, August 9th, 1895View Page084868486From jest to earnest.From jest to earnest.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18950729Monday, July 29th, 1895View Page091569156A world of girls : the story of a school.A world of girls : the story of a school.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18950722Monday, July 22nd, 1895View Page071677167The North American review.The North American review.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18950718Thursday, July 18th, 1895View Page091709170Polly Oliver's problem : a story for girls.Polly Oliver's problem : a story for girls.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18950713Saturday, July 13th, 1895View Page089838983Donovan : a novel.Donovan : a novel.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18950422Monday, April 22nd, 1895View Page092329232Alma, or, the story of a little music mistress.Alma, or, the story of a little music mistress.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18950410Wednesday, April 10th, 1895View Page091649164Sweet.Sweet.Alena Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18950401Monday, April 1st, 1895View Page089918991Marcella.Marcella.Alvin Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18950329Friday, March 29th, 1895View Page089908990Marcella.Marcella.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18950315Friday, March 15th, 1895View Page089908990Marcella.Marcella.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18950307Thursday, March 7th, 1895View Page091569156A world of girls : the story of a school.A world of girls : the story of a school.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18950228Thursday, February 28th, 1895View Page091589158Girl neighbors: or, the old fashion and the new.Girl neighbors: or, the old fashion and the new.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18950216Saturday, February 16th, 1895View Page091829182A ring of rubies.A ring of rubies.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18950129Tuesday, January 29th, 1895View Page092169216Elsie yachting with the Raymonds.Elsie yachting with the Raymonds.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd
18941214Friday, December 14th, 1894View Page092149214Elsie and the Raymonds.Elsie and the Raymonds.Alma Budd42494249Alma BuddAlma Budd