19000219Monday, February 19th, 1900 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Emilia Prevost | 32623262 | Emilia PrerotEmilia Prerot | |
19000209Friday, February 9th, 1900 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Ray Wiley | 52035203 | Roy WileyRoy Wiley | |
19000120Saturday, January 20th, 1900 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mable Perkins | 52205220 | Mabel PerdieuMabel Perdieu | |
19000103Wednesday, January 3rd, 1900 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Otto Gunckel | 52115211 | Otto GunckelOtto Gunckel | |
18991209Saturday, December 9th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Ernest Shuttleworth | 43984398 | E. H. ShuttleworthE. H. Shuttleworth | |
18991118Saturday, November 18th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Eliza Wilson | 52145214 | Eliza NelsonEliza Nelson | |
18991104Saturday, November 4th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Eliza Wilson | 52145214 | Eliza NelsonEliza Nelson | |
18991028Saturday, October 28th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Grace Buckles | 50165016 | Grace BucklesGrace Buckles | |
18991016Monday, October 16th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Arthur Montgomery | 51775177 | Arthur MontgomeryArthur Montgomery | |
18990929Friday, September 29th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Cliffie Newman | 49354935 | Cliffie NewmanCliffie Newman | |
18990916Saturday, September 16th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Cliffie Newman | 49354935 | Cliffie NewmanCliffie Newman | |
18990904Monday, September 4th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Anne Kerin | 51215121 | Anna KerinsAnna Kerins | |
18990826Saturday, August 26th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Abbie Kelly | 33453345 | Abbie KellyAbbie Kelly | |
18990815Tuesday, August 15th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs. Leo Medsker | 47404740 | Mrs. Leo MedskerMrs. Leo Medsker | |
18990803Thursday, August 3rd, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Edith Jones | 37723772 | Edith JonesEdith Jones | |
18990615Thursday, June 15th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Jessie Palmer | 36283628 | Jessie PalmerJessie Palmer | |
18990522Monday, May 22nd, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Ida F Lake | 50335033 | Ila T. LakeIla T. Lake | |
18990508Monday, May 8th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Ida F Lake | 50335033 | Ila T. LakeIla T. Lake | |
18990418Tuesday, April 18th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Alma Budd | 42494249 | Alma BuddAlma Budd | |
18990404Tuesday, April 4th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Alma Budd | 42494249 | Alma BuddAlma Budd | |
18990324Friday, March 24th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Margaret McCoy | 50095009 | Mar McCoyMar McCoy | |
18990316Thursday, March 16th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs India Cecil | 37113711 | India A. CecilIndia A. Cecil | |
18990224Friday, February 24th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Austin Spence | 44444444 | Austia SpenceAustia Spence | |
18990211Saturday, February 11th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Elizabeth Elrod | 37303730 | Elizabeth ElrodElizabeth Elrod | |
18990128Saturday, January 28th, 1899 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs Herman Bowles | 49604960 | Mrs. H S BowlesMrs. H S Bowles | |
18981228Wednesday, December 28th, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Blanche Stanton | 39523952 | L. Blanche StantonL. Blanche Stanton | |
18981216Friday, December 16th, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Margie Wilhelm | 35343534 | Margie WilhelmMargie Wilhelm | |
18981212Monday, December 12th, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mary B. Craig | 33863386 | Mary CraigMary Craig | Number 75 written next to patron's name |
18981128Monday, November 28th, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mary Craig | 33863386 | Mary CraigMary Craig | |
18981118Friday, November 18th, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Edith Jones | 37723772 | Edith JonesEdith Jones | |
18981031Monday, October 31st, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs Hattie Gray | 47234723 | Maude GrayMaude Gray | |
18981024Monday, October 24th, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Maude Hammers | 47944794 | Maude HammersMaude Hammers | |
18981008Saturday, October 8th, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs Mathew Eden | 42504250 | Mrs. Mathew EdenMrs. Mathew Eden | |
18980922Thursday, September 22nd, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs L. Heath | 19721972 | Lollie BennettLollie Bennett | |
18980903Saturday, September 3rd, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs Leo Medsker | 47404740 | Mrs. Leo MedskerMrs. Leo Medsker | |
18980718Monday, July 18th, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Gertrude Batey | 30753075 | Gertrude BateyGertrude Batey | |
18980702Saturday, July 2nd, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mary B. Craig | 33863386 | Mary CraigMary Craig | |
18980620Monday, June 20th, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mary B. Craig | 38863886 | A M SanvamA M Sanvam | |
18980611Saturday, June 11th, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs J. V. Crenshaw | 31783178 | Mrs. J. V. CrenshawMrs. J. V. Crenshaw | |
18980528Saturday, May 28th, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Hazel Budd | 35863586 | Hazel BuddHazel Budd | |
18980514Saturday, May 14th, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Hazel Budd | 35863586 | Hazel BuddHazel Budd | |
18980430Saturday, April 30th, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs. C. A. Kitts | 45674567 | Mrs. C. A. KittsMrs. C. A. Kitts | |
18980405Tuesday, April 5th, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | W. A. Vandegrift | 25532553 | W. H. VandegriftW. H. Vandegrift | Original transaction lists patron # as 2503, but this was likely an error and has been changed to reflect W.A. Vandegrift's actual patron #2553. |
18980321Monday, March 21st, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs Laura S. Brown | 0635635 | Laura StifflerLaura Stiffler | |
18980312Saturday, March 12th, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Elizabeth Scott | 38433843 | Elizabeth ScottElizabeth Scott | |
18980215Tuesday, February 15th, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Paul Blair | 37763776 | Paul BlairPaul Blair | |
18980128Friday, January 28th, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | J. D. Morton | 34123412 | J. D. MartinJ. D. Martin | |
18980117Monday, January 17th, 1898 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Iva Buckley | 38233823 | Iva BuckleyIva Buckley | |
18971229Wednesday, December 29th, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mable Hartman | 33803380 | Mable HartmanMable Hartman | |
18971206Monday, December 6th, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Ms Jessie Richey | 42534253 | Earl TuheyEarl Tuhey | Patron ID of Earl Tuhey |
18971127Saturday, November 27th, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Marie Ludwig | 38293829 | Marie LudwigMarie Ludwig | |
18971119Friday, November 19th, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Ms Chas Kilgore | 43444344 | Mrs. Chas. KilgoreMrs. Chas. Kilgore | |
18971110Wednesday, November 10th, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Lizzie Vanstrein | 37973797 | Lizzie VanstrienLizzie Vanstrien | |
18971023Saturday, October 23rd, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Dr. W. A. Spurgeon | 14211421 | Wm A SpurgeonWm A Spurgeon | |
18971008Friday, October 8th, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Ms. Belle Irvin | 26222622 | Bell FriornBell Friorn | Patron ID of Bell Friorn |
18970920Monday, September 20th, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Helen Hickman | 26492649 | Helen HickmanHelen Hickman | |
18970816Monday, August 16th, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs. India Cecil | 37113711 | India A. CecilIndia A. Cecil | |
18970803Tuesday, August 3rd, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Merrill Skinner | 43804380 | Merril SkinnerMerril Skinner | |
18970702Friday, July 2nd, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Gertrude Robbins | 37143714 | Gertrude RobbinsGertrude Robbins | |
18970612Saturday, June 12th, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs T L Zook | 44734473 | Mrs. T L ZookMrs. T L Zook | |
18970525Tuesday, May 25th, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Oscar Weaver | 35173517 | Mrs. Maggie EmersonMrs. Maggie Emerson | |
18970410Saturday, April 10th, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs. Mamie Case | 16361636 | Mamie WilsonMamie Wilson | fixed borrower's name (orig. "Mane") |
18970401Thursday, April 1st, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Edna Hoover | 45014501 | Edna HooverEdna Hoover | |
18970306Saturday, March 6th, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Alma Budd | 42494249 | Alma BuddAlma Budd | fixed borrower's name (orig. Beald) |
18970217Wednesday, February 17th, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | E. W. Younce | 36473647 | E. W. YounceE. W. Younce | |
18970213Saturday, February 13th, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs. Ay Mock | 32113211 | Mrs. Aug. MaickMrs. Aug. Maick | |
18970116Saturday, January 16th, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Herbert Neal | 35393539 | Herbert NealHerbert Neal | |
18970102Saturday, January 2nd, 1897 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Walter Nelson | 35053505 | Walter NelsonWalter Nelson | |
18961209Wednesday, December 9th, 1896 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | H T Sarver | 34503450 | H. T. SarverH. T. Sarver | |
18961201Tuesday, December 1st, 1896 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Lola Harringston | 28012801 | Lola HarringtonLola Harrington | |
18961118Wednesday, November 18th, 1896 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Aneda Walling | 31953195 | Anita WalkingAnita Walking | |
18961103Tuesday, November 3rd, 1896 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs. Geo. Winters | 16171617 | E [illeg]E [illeg] | |
18961022Thursday, October 22nd, 1896 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | George Winton | 46174617 | Geo. W. WintonGeo. W. Winton | |
18961010Saturday, October 10th, 1896 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Frank Burt | 40554055 | Frank E. BurtFrank E. Burt | |
18960929Tuesday, September 29th, 1896 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Vera Stinson | 44664466 | Vera StinsonVera Stinson | |
18960812Wednesday, August 12th, 1896 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Bertha Hart | 34883488 | Berha HartBerha Hart | |
18960730Thursday, July 30th, 1896 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs W H Sumption | 34683468 | Gertie FoormanGertie Foorman | |
18960714Tuesday, July 14th, 1896 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Alma McDowell | 40994099 | Alma McDowellAlma McDowell | |
18960630Tuesday, June 30th, 1896 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Alma McDowell | 40994099 | Alma McDowellAlma McDowell | |
18960620Saturday, June 20th, 1896 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Sara Wysor | 34633463 | Sara WysorSara Wysor | |
18960611Thursday, June 11th, 1896 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs O W McLain | 26232623 | O.W. M. LairnO.W. M. Lairn | |
18960525Monday, May 25th, 1896 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Anna Jones | 34483448 | Annie JonesAnnie Jones | |
18960512Tuesday, May 12th, 1896 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mary Caldwell | 34103410 | Miss. May CaldwellMiss. May Caldwell | |
18950912Thursday, September 12th, 1895 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Gertrude Clark | 23292329 | Nellie RussellNellie Russell | |
18950830Friday, August 30th, 1895 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs E.H. Thompson | 32283228 | Mrs. E. H. ThompsonMrs. E. H. Thompson | |
18950727Saturday, July 27th, 1895 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Cora Dowden | 32263226 | Cora DowdenCora Dowden | |
18950710Wednesday, July 10th, 1895 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Erma Personett | 31323132 | Erma PersonettErma Personett | |
18950626Wednesday, June 26th, 1895 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Emma Personett | 31323132 | Erma PersonettErma Personett | |
18950614Friday, June 14th, 1895 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Harry White | 46374637 | Harry WhiteHarry White | |
18950523Thursday, May 23rd, 1895 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Austin Spence | 44444444 | Austia SpenceAustia Spence | |
18950521Tuesday, May 21st, 1895 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Omer Mitchell | 24522452 | Omer MitchellOmer Mitchell | |
18950509Thursday, May 9th, 1895 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Dwight Green | 29422942 | Homer DowellHomer Dowell | |
18950425Thursday, April 25th, 1895 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Jean Long | 31503150 | Jean LongJean Long | |
18950411Thursday, April 11th, 1895 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Jean Long | 31503150 | Jean LongJean Long | |
18950404Thursday, April 4th, 1895 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Webb Powers | 45614561 | Webb PowersWebb Powers | |
18950325Monday, March 25th, 1895 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Katie A. Sullivan | 42854285 | Katie SullivanKatie Sullivan | |
18950321Thursday, March 21st, 1895 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Annie Jenkins | 46934693 | Annie JenkinsAnnie Jenkins | |
18950216Saturday, February 16th, 1895 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Virginia Claypool | 29282928 | Virginia ClaypoolVirginia Claypool | |
18950129Tuesday, January 29th, 1895 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Atlanta Carey | 45954595 | Alonzo CareyAlonzo Carey | |
18950118Friday, January 18th, 1895 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Atlanta Carey | 45954595 | Alonzo CareyAlonzo Carey | |
18950105Saturday, January 5th, 1895 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs Lillian Thomas | 45864586 | Mrs. Lillian ThomasMrs. Lillian Thomas | |
18941223Sunday, December 23rd, 1894 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Idelle Martin | 28912891 | Roy MartinRoy Martin | |
18941208Saturday, December 8th, 1894 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Idelle Martin | 28912891 | Roy MartinRoy Martin | |
18941124Saturday, November 24th, 1894 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mr G M Bard | 41824182 | Helen Norwood BardHelen Norwood Bard | |
18941116Friday, November 16th, 1894 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Katie Sullivan | 45124512 | Katie SullivanKatie Sullivan | |
18941110Saturday, November 10th, 1894 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Willie Manning | 46704670 | Nellie ManningNellie Manning | |
18920523Monday, May 23rd, 1892 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Caroline Calvert | 27802780 | Carolin CalvertCarolin Calvert | |
18920509Monday, May 9th, 1892 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Maude Johnson | 20662066 | Hattie JohnsonHattie Johnson | |
18920425Monday, April 25th, 1892 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Collin George | 30203020 | Callie GeorgeCallie George | this transaction crossed out |
18920412Tuesday, April 12th, 1892 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Collie George | 30203020 | Callie GeorgeCallie George | |
18920406Wednesday, April 6th, 1892 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Anna Davis | 30173017 | Anna DavisAnna Davis | |
18911124Tuesday, November 24th, 1891 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs. A. E. Lyman | 28412841 | Mrs. A. E. LymanMrs. A. E. Lyman | |
18911114Saturday, November 14th, 1891 | View Page | 066596659 | Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. | Mrs. Frank Thompson | 28652865 | Mrs. Frank ThompsonMrs. Frank Thompson | |