


Public Tech Marketing Project

Library Mobile Initiatives

I.R. software


Study Log

Web Lab



OPAC 2.0


Fireside Librarian

MyLibrary project page


My Library demo site, opens in new window.This proposed implementation of the My Library concept would provide students with a personalized web portal page linked to the library's web site. After logging-in for the first time, students are asked to list the courses and/or subjects they are taking. They would then be presented with course-specific resources from Ball State Libraries gathered from our LibGuides database via an XML feed. Each student's My Library page will also have the option to be personalized; they can add RSS feeds, widgets, and other content.

Our current test site is only available to users with a valid Ball State username and password. Anyone is welcome to view the MyLibrary "concept" site. Feedback is welcome and encouraged; just drop me a line at rtvandenbark AT bsu DOT edu (address presented this way to prevent spam).

MyLibrary demo

Project summary, 6/29/09

Status Updates

Update for 3/4/09

Proposed text for login page

What is this place?

My Library @ BSU is a customizable library web portal page for students, inspired by iGoogle and MyYahoo. It is designed to organize and present the excellent resources provided by University Libraries based upon the courses you are taking. Simply log-in using your Ball State user ID and password, select from the drop-down menu three subjects you are taking, and My Library will do the rest. You can personalize your site by adding a favorite widget, or track your favorite blog via RSS feed on the “My Stuff” tab.

Proposed text for  My Stuff tab

What is a widget?

A widget is a portable snippet of code that can be used in any web page, where it provides on-screen tools, information or entertainment. Tools can include calculators, converters, or telephone directories. Information provided by widgets might include a stock-market ticker, auction tracking, airline flight tracking, or daily weather. Entertainment widgets can be almost anything – games, quizzes, even virtual pets.

What is a library module?

Ball State University Libraries offers many useful online tools for academic and personal use. MyLibrary @ BSU has created widget-like modules of some of these tools, and made them available to you at the click of your mouse button. They include an assignment calculator, a video search tool, and a WorldCat search box.

What is an RSS feed?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, and is a way of publishing frequently updated works (such as news, blog entries, and video) in a standardized format. It can also be used to regularly and automatically search databases (such as EBSCO) for new publications on any given topic.

Update for 2/11-13/09

Update for 2/5/09

Update for 1/30/09

Proposed interface for adding to "My Stuff" tab

Add widgets dialog boxes.

Update for 12/12/08

Update for 11/21/08

Developed proposed process for adding user content to the "My Stuff" page, and adding content to subject tabs

Flowchart for adding user content to My Stuff page.

Flowchart of process for populating tabs.Update for 11/14/08

Update for 11/7/08

Presentation moved to December's PPA meeting. Test site now has limit of 6 tabs, and capability to delete tabs. Resolved permissions problem where index page causes Dreamweaver to freeze up.
Eric Lease Morgan asked me to post something to his MyLibrary blog; can I prepare a summary statement, get your approval, and then submit it?

Earlier work>>

MyLibrary development site