


Public Tech Marketing Project

Library Mobile Initiatives

I.R. software


Study Log

Web Lab



OPAC 2.0


Fireside Librarian

Public Tech Marketing Project

Link to demo site.The intent of this project is to improve public access technology awareness and promotion for the University Libraries.


For updating ArcGIS with new CAD drawings whenever computer configurations change:

  1. Salli (LDADS secretary) receives information from Kirk V. of changes to computer workstation locations or configurations, and updates the CAD drawings accordingly, including adding/updating pod numbers. She or a student assistant will use the software search management interface created by Tim Sprowl to update the MySQL database information to reflect the changes made by Kirk's group.
  2. CAD drawings are emailed to Angie Gibson in GRMC. She will update them, adding mapping information, and publish the revised pages through ArcGIS.

Mobile DMR interface:

Demo revised wireframe site

RSS Screensavers

Update for 6/30/09

I created an RSS screensaver for Mac that will read the feed from the test blog I created. To install, download the file, and drop it in the Screen Savers folder in the Library, usually located in the user's folder with the house icon. Then change the computer's settings so the screensaver runs when the computer goes to sleep. To change the RSS feed in the screensaver, open the "Bracken2.qtz" file in Quartz Composer (on a Mac), and you will see a series of boxes connected by hoses. This is a visual way of programming, which makes it easy to create items for the Mac. There will be a box with a blue heading; click on the dot next to URL, and a text box should pop up with the current feed. Simply type or paste in the new feed you want, hit the Enter key, then save the file. Now your screensaver will reflect the change.

Update for 6/17/09:

Update for 6/2/09:


Tried all from list, only 2 free ones that work on XP

Computer availability

We are currently developing a system to show patrons not only what computers are available, but where they are and what software they offer.

Computer hardware and software database created and linked to ArcGIS

As of 4/29/09, a MySQL database has been created that contains all the tables and data to provide information on hardware and software configurations, locations, etc. It has been linked to a database created in ArcGIS, and the results can be viewed on the prototype site (listed below).

Prototype site using ArcGIS created

Angie Gibson took a CAD drawing of the 2nd floor and put it into ArcGIS and created a prototype site.

Database and system design

Proposed Interfaces for Database

Click images to enlarge.

View of software add or update screen. View of workstation add or update screen. View of category add and update screen. View of package or group update screen. View of build add and update screen. View of software search screen.

Tables created


Table of software builds.

Software (opens in new window)

Workstation (opens in new window)

E-R diagram with flowcharts (enlarged view).