Todd Vandenbark's page
Legally known as "Roy Todd Vandenbark," I am a graduate student at Indiana University's School of Library and Information Science, Indianapolis campus (also known as IUPUI). I am working on my Masters of Library Science degree, with an emphasis on (and additional courses in) Technology Management. I am serving as a Special Project Developer in the Library Data and Discovery Solutions department at Bracken Library at Ball State University.
Current projects
- Public Technology Marketing Project: working as part of a team that is developing an improved web presence promoting the University Libraries' public access information technology services.
- Funded by a $7,800 LSTA grant, collaborating in the improvement of "Digital Library Collections Access through hand Held Mobile Devices."
- Greek Study Log: co-developing a system to assist members of Greek organizations in tracking hours studied at the library.
- My Library: co-developing a personal web portal for BSU students providing course-specific resources.
- Developing a feedback module that can be put on a variety of library technology resources that invites users to comment on their use.
- Dashboard project: collaboration with the Dean's office to identify valuable business metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) which represent the performance of fundamental business programs and services of the University Libraries, and to develop a dynamic dashboard application and custom reporting that provides library managers and administrators with real-time online access to these important measures.
- Writing monthly articles for the Library Insider newsletter.
Recent accomplishments
- Primary author in successful attempt to obtain LSTA grant funding to update and enhance library services through next-generation mobile devices (such as iPhone and Blackberry).
- Web Lab: launched site to showcase projects and proposed additions to the Ball State University Libraries web environment.
- Installed the Archivists' Toolkit software package for the Archives and Special Collections department. Available for ongoing support as needed.
- OPAC 2.0: evaluation of 9 commercial and open-source library OPACs for accessibility and "Catalog 2.0" features such as faceting, true basic search field, tagging, etc.
- Mobile-friendly library apps: added list of helpful, library-related applications to our current BSU Libraries mobile web site.
- Evaluated whether a CMS system, Adobe Contribute, or a wiki will better facilitate allowing non-technical staff to add regular content to the library's intranet. Recommended a protected wiki accessible only via staff/employee login credentials.
- Accessibility: evaluation of BSU Libraries' new "Student Virtual Library" web page for accessibility.
Links of interest