Dashboard Project
Per Brad Faust, project team leader, the purpose of this project is to "identify valuable business metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) which represent the performance of fundamental business programs and services of the University Libraries and to develop a dynamic dashboard application and custom reporting that provides library managers and administrators with real-time online access to these important measures."
Major Project Tasks
- Identify KPIs and traditional metrics important to the University Libraries decision makers and external reporting agencies.
- Create a sample data metric for testing, demonstration, and evaluation purposes.
- Develop prototype dashboard elements for review and discussion.
- Identify an open source business intelligence (BI) solution to read library data source information and produce personalized dynamic dashboards and reports.
- Develop the business information data warehouse that will serve as a data source for dashboards and reports. (includes regularly aggregated numbers)
- Develop the transaction data warehouse that will serve as a data source for dashboards and reports.
My Contributions
Wrap up
Sources of data:
- Most came from the Excel file "BFaustUnivLibTechnologyBenchmarkMaster.xls" on the "Data Visualization Project" SharePoint site.
- Graphs: created in Excel, then copied and pasted into Photoshop for posting on the web. Similar, though less colorful, versions available through the LDADS Google Docs account.
- Tables: created from data in Excel file, and arranged and graphed on the "Detail Matrix" and "Graphs1" tabs in same document.
- Room useage counts generated by Robert at my request on a monthly basis
- FirstSearch counts received in a PDF via email from Salli several times a month
Meeting 1/30/09: my notes
- Assigned task of creating glossary
- Offered to create demo videos of Pentaho when technical problems prevented live demo.
- LibQual+ data could be included
First prototype
1/30/09: created first prototype page organized under the acronym VARCS:
- Visits (in person and virtual)
- Activites (by library staff for patrons)
- Research (CardCat searches, database searches, CONTENTdm resources searches)
- Circulation (may be changed to "Usage" to include meeting rooms, A/V viewing booths, etc.)
- Supplementary Services (printing, other?)