Projects Status Meetings
Here is where I am tracking my work, and what I've presented at regular meetings with my supervisor.
Wrap up & next steps
- Dashboard
- Sources of data documented on this site.
- Separate site set up on LIBIX, Michael given access to update.
- Taught Hank Gerhard how to create images from Excel graphs
- Meeting with Hank and Michael to arrange processes.
- Study Log: deposited into Cardinal Scholar, process was easy.
- Web Lab: instructions for adding new articles now available, and publish date added to items. New iWeb page with summary created.
- Kindle:
- Received detailed response from Cindi Trainor, the Coordinator for Research and Instructional Services at Eastern Kentucky University Libraries and a blogger on the "ALA Techsource" blog.
- Discussions on LITA listserv indicate that the terms of service seem to exclude libraries from doing so.
- PubTech
- created an RSS screensaver for Mac that will read the Bracken 360 Computers blog.
- Microsoft Visio is in software locator under "Microsoft Visio" not "Visio."
- Will need to add a search box to software locator.
- Wednesday, 5/13/09
- Friday, 5/8/09
- Thursday, 4/16/09
- Thursday, 4/2/09
- Friday, 3/13/09
- Wednesday, 3/4/09
- Tuesday, 2/24/09
- Wednesday, 2/11/09
- Friday, 1/30/09
- Friday, 1/16/09
- Friday, 1/2/09
- Friday, 12/19/08
- Friday, 12/12/08
- Friday, 12/5/08
- Earlier meetings
Previous weeks:
Summary for 6/17/2009
- Dashboard: briefly document sources of data
- Software search: where is MS Visio? Also, add search box.
- Ask Tim or Robert to set up an "rtvshare" folder on LIBIX and move my web site & work there.
- Put Study Log in zip file, and deposit in Cardinal Scholar
- Kindle lending at libraries: how do they subscribe? how do they handle multiple copies?
- PowerPoint plugin: end user feedback and suggested design
- Met with Susan Akers, showed her how many of her "My Account" ideas are now incorporated into My Library @ BSU. She suggested adding:
- Option to receive newsletter
- Link to their iLocker account
- "Tip of the Week" RSS feed or module
- Library news RSS feed or module (from her current blog quoting parts of the newsletter)
- RSS screensaver for Mac: create your own blog entry.
- Blog entries for RSS screensaver:
- Titles: 94 characters max.
- Body: 320 characters max.
- Updated Dashboard stats & charts.
- Web Lab: published software locator utiltiy and new wireless printing service.
- IR software: more info on DSpace from another contact at IUB
- Whom to contact to get "captcha" code to use?
- How to archive my work (research, etc.)
Summary for 5/28/09
- PubTech
- Meeting w/ Tim & Angie: deciding between 2 options (tables or GET)
- Angie working on mock-ups of all floors; when will we have accurate maps of all floors?
- Still waiting on laptops for screen saver testing
- Working with stylesheets and CSS: info from Bushido Designs and adMob (see Misc page).
- Demo mobile DMR interface wireframe
- MyLibrary
- Communications from Susan Akers: okay to seek her input?
- Grant project
- Timeline updated
- IR research: what is ultimate goal? Get rid of CONTENTdm?
- Study Log demo
Summary for 5/20/09
- Surveys (summary in Excel spreadsheet)
- Grant project
- Timeline needs updating
- Meeting with Michael Hanley
- 1st survey could be done after 9/1/09 in his iMedia class without an IRB, and using their 20 iPod Touch units.
- 2nd survey cannot get around the IRB requirements, and will need some form of incentive to get students to participate.
- Bite-sized usability testing at NYPL: Infomaki ( and its results). It is now available as OSS at Sourceforge (blog entry).
- PubTech
- Found better link to use for now to allow Mac users to access computer availability demo./
- Angie will be contacting Brad about an update to the GIS software on public computing stations.
- Researching "pay" screen saver options.
Summary for 5/13/09
- Brad OK's list below
- Find info on surveys
- Current tasks list
(based on MS Visio timeline)
- Plan DMR mobile interface layout (wireframe demo for DMR interface)
- Plan paper prototype for testing layout
- Revise CSS for mobile site to support multiple handheld devices (4 stylesheets!)
- Research online survey options (Survey Monkey, etc.)
- Meet with Michael Hanley for help with setting up research and testing for new site, and DMR interface
- Add additional content to revised mobile website.
- In-house blog alternative: Community Server (has a free version)
- Documenting my work: what should I write-up in the remaining 20 work-days I have? (Too much to do, too little time!!)
Summary for 5/8/2009
- Grant project: add duration for programmer's employment
- What are the requirements for Community Server blog? Is it feasible for our environment?
- Web Lab: email original creators and ask how they generate their RSS, and how they are hosting it
- Computer availability module: steps to determine key server or client
- Restart entire server -> may resolve crashing problems Robert & Jim are having
- Contact Sassafrass technical support to determine if and how this can be done
- Use PHP and an ODBC driver and write code to extract data needed (Tim's idea)
- If nothing else works, install Robert's client on each computer
- Grant project
- project management and timeline
- Web Lab: need info on community blog software from Todd Meister in order to migrate to blog platform
Summary for 4/16/09
- Grant related:
- List suggested content for programmer job description
- Draft statement requested by SOCE, & send to Brad for editing
- Change "Office applications" to "Office & Productivity applications" in database
- Dashboard
- FirstSearch and room use data interesting
- What to create in new LDADS Google Docs account? (Original version here.)
- Grant related: request from Shaping Outcomes
- "If you could write something about using SOCE to *obtain* the grant--not needing to discuss how the project/grant is actually conducted--that would be great." -- Dr. Rachel Applegate, IUPUI and P.I. on the Shaping Outcomes project
- Partial demo of Study Log Project
Summary for 4/2/09
- MyLibrary:
- Add "Back" button to "Add Tab" tab
- Add additional explanatory text to "Add Stuff" tab, and where to get widgets
- See if header can be shrunk, similar to Web Lab
- PubTech Marketing Project:
- Create table examples for Brad, & next meeting
- MyLibrary:
- Explanatory text added.
- PubTech Marketing Project:
- MySQL database started
- Mock-up site created (link only available on-campus)
- Idea: Drawing the library at U of Arkansas with Google SketchUp (from The OverAutomated Librarian)
- Grant prep:
- Revised mobile web site drafted (link only available on-campus)
- Playing WMA files on iPhone may be possible using FStream and MMS
- Questions:
- Is libraries promo DVD also on hold?
- Need contact(s) for card reader, and LDAP authentication
- Jobs and resume
Summary for 3/13/09
- Grant prep:
- Create mock-up of mobile web site, making it iPhone friendly
- Paper prototype & user test?
- Refine plan for implementation
- PubTech Marketing Project:
- Develop MySQL database
- Create mock-up of interface
- Can Google Maps API be used to create 3-D view of floors?
- Paper prototype & user test?
- MyLibrary:
- Add multi-search option
- Think @ useful reporting options
- Revise and add explanatory text to various pages
- DMR & PowerPoint: on hold until CONTENTdm version upgrade occurs
- MyLibrary:
- have created 3 widgets to serve as "library modules".
- Robert added log off button
- Dashboard: added more search stats
- Pubtech Marketing Project:
- concept: W.O.W.
Summary for 3/4/09
Diagram flow of feedback module, and identify potential uses (rooms, laptops, etc.)
- Look at e-resource stats for use in Dashboard
- MyLibrary:
- put "Cancel" button on "Add Tab" page
- add explanatory text to "Add Tab" page
- Demo feedback module, and show results.
- Study log project: meeting with Marcy Simons
- Excited, willing to help with user testing
- Received helpful suggestions
- Clarified role: they are willing to do data entry for contacts, new organizations, etc.
- Archivists' Toolkit update: did Brad get the email?
- MyLibrary @ BSU update, & Brad's questions
- Dashboard: show added graph
Summary for 2/24/09
- MyLibrary: will add assignment calculator as a module
- Dashboard:
- Updated charts on Dashboard, added tables.
- Uploaded glossary document to SharePoint site; how is Pentaho coming?
- GIS For Visualization Of Library Usage Data And Holdings: example from Switzerland
- Previously submitted suggestions for 3D map
- Desktop background: minor suggestions
- Site to consider: ECU Joyner Library Digital Collections and tag cloud (search on "tornado damage").
- New idea: NYPL Labs and Infomaki (which I found on RSS4lib, and told them about out Web Lab).
- Recommend using a wiki for staff intranet.
- Response to email inquiry: IU Seatfinder
- Study Log project: timeline, flowchart, variables, questionnare (via wiki).
- Study log
- when are sheets sent to Greek organizations?
- how long to keep records?
- what calendar or time periods to use?
- GIS project: do we have any software yet? (re: ArcView for libraries & nonprofits)
Summary for 2/11/09
- Dashboard: adjust ranges on graphs, break out individual libraries
- What can be done to clean up CardCat 3-D map PDF?
- How can we improve desktop background on public access computers?
- Created basic workflow chart, talked to Budi.
- QT on iPhone: have to be converted using iTunes or other software prior to playing on iPhone or iPod Touch.
- Found an article on tag clouds of search terms at Code4Lib.
- Microsoft Surface: Darien PL: put in the kids section for experimentation & play.
Summary for 1/30/09
- DMR's "Newslink Indiana" collection is in QT but won't play on iPod Touch: find out why.
- Work with Salli to have Web Lab email route through LDADS email account, and have subject determine who to auto-forward each message to.
- Duke computer availability: look for non-mobile web version & info about it. If no luck, contact them directly.
- MS Surface: contact others using them to see what projects they are working on.
- Find someone using tag cloud of search terms.
- My Library widgets: Robert now adding capability
- Web Lab: general email address for "Contact us" portion?
- Started creating a dashboard page.
- Dashboard widget idea: tag cloud of search terms being used.
- YouTube & MPEG4
- Duke mobile
- MS Surface
Summary for 1/21/09
- Web lab
- errors fixed
- No security, but none probably needed. Page hidden (robots nofollow)
- Working to create code snippet to put comment box on any page.
- My Library
- Today I talked to Jim, he could not give me a date when he could get the patron record stuff for us “within two weeks.”
- Robert is now adding code for widgets on “My Stuff” tab.
- Dashboard & KPIs:
- Suggested adding printing to spreadsheet.
- Will put together prototype for Dean
- Edit suggestions for my note to LITA listserv:
The Dean of our library is interested in developing a "dashboard application," similar to business intelligence (BI) applications to track performance. This would track "key performance indicators" (KPIs) for the library. I imagine this to be similar to enterprise solutions software such as SAP and others. I have two questions I wish to ask:
1. What do you consider to be key performance indicators for your academic library?
2. Do any libraries have experience with BI applications or tools, such as the dashboard concept?
- Grant project prep
- Duke's version of computer availability software
- Players for Flash, WMA and WMV files on iTouch do not currently exist.
- Unable to find on-the-fly converters; would there be anyone in Teleplex or UCS that we could contact for suggestions?
- Duke's version of computer availability software
Summary for 1/16/09
- Mobile websites
- Library widgets
- Web Laboratory (Admin)
- MyLibrary
- Dashboard and KPIs
- Misc.
Summary for 1/2/09
- Review grant application
- Web lab site in progress