Search Results:

+Book (125)

Accession DateAcc. #Original
TitleAuthor# Times
18750220Saturday, February 20th,187500127127View PageOn the improvement of society by the diffusion of knowledge, or, An illustration of the advantages which would result from a more general dissemination of rational and scientific information among all ranks.On the improvement of society by the diffusion of knowledge, or, An illustration of the advantages which would result from a more general dissemination of rational and scientific information among all ranks.Dick, Thomas, 1774-1857.0000
18750220Saturday, February 20th,187500188188View PageAn autobiography : My schools and schoolmasters; or, The story of my education.An autobiography : My schools and schoolmasters; or, The story of my education.Miller, Hugh, 1802-1856.0011
18890930Monday, September 30th,1889070567056View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18890930Monday, September 30th,1889070577057View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981099210992View PageWalks and talks.Walks and talks.Smith, William Hawley, 1845-1922.0077
18890930Monday, September 30th,1889070967096View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0011
18781016Wednesday, October 16th,1878032363236View PageThe Western : a journal of literature, education, and art.The Western : a journal of literature, education, and art.H.H. Morgan Editor0000
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981101911019View PageA study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.Harrison, Elizabeth, 1849-1927.01717
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981103411034View PageThe education of man.The education of man.Fro el, Friedrich, 1782-1852.01010
18781028Monday, October 28th,1878032583258View PageThe Indiana school journal.The Indiana school journal.Wm A Bell Editor0011
18871020Thursday, October 20th,1887063676367View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18760728Friday, July 28th,1876025062506View PageMental discipline : with reference to the acquisition and communication of knowledge, and to education generally : to which is appended A topical course of theological study.Mental discipline : with reference to the acquisition and communication of knowledge, and to education generally : to which is appended A topical course of theological study.Clark, D. W. (Davis Wasgatt), 1812-1871.0000
18840213Wednesday, February 13th,1884039883988View PageThe Western : a journal of literature, education, and art.The Western : a journal of literature, education, and art.H. H. Morgan Editor0000
18840213Wednesday, February 13th,1884039893989View PageThe Western : a journal of literature, education, and art.The Western : a journal of literature, education, and art.H. H. Morgan Editor0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875017281728View PageAnnual report of the Department of Public Instruction of the State of Indiana.Annual report of the Department of Public Instruction of the State of Indiana.Indiana. Dept. of Public Instruction.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875017291729View PageAnnual report of the Department of Public Instruction of the State of Indiana.Annual report of the Department of Public Instruction of the State of Indiana.Indiana. Dept. of Public Instruction.0000
18900505Monday, May 5th,1890071527152View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18931116Thursday, November 16th,1893088258825View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0022
18931116Thursday, November 16th,1893088268826View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18750220Saturday, February 20th,187500380380View PageNational education in Europe, being an account of the organization, administration, instruction, and statistics of public schools of different grades in the principal states.National education in Europe, being an account of the organization, administration, instruction, and statistics of public schools of different grades in the principal states.Barnard, Henry, 1811-1900.0033
18750220Saturday, February 20th,187500382382View PageThe teacher's miscellany : a selection of articles from the Proceedings of the College of professional teachers.The teacher's miscellany : a selection of articles from the Proceedings of the College of professional teachers.J.L. Campbell & A.M. Haley0011
18750201Monday, February 1st,187500389389View PageImportance of practical education and useful knowledge : being a selection from his orations and other discourses.Importance of practical education and useful knowledge : being a selection from his orations and other discourses.Everett, Edward, 1794-1865.0033
18750220Saturday, February 20th,187500406406View PageLectures and addresses.Lectures and addresses.Olin, Stephen.0011
18750220Saturday, February 20th,187500409409View PageHistory and progress of education : from the earliest times to the present.History and progress of education : from the earliest times to the present.Brockett, L. P. (Linus Pierpont), 1820-1893.0000
18750220Saturday, February 20th,187500414414View PageEducation : intellectual, moral, and physical.Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Spencer, Herbert, 1820-1903.0066
18840213Wednesday, February 13th,1884040184018View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971040110401View PageThe education of children at Rome.The education of children at Rome.Clarke, George, 1864 or 5-0022
18990327Monday, March 27th,18991121111211View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18990327Monday, March 27th,18991121411214View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0033
18900823Saturday, August 23rd,1890073867386View PageThe educational weekly.The educational weekly.0000
18990518Thursday, May 18th,18991126311263View PageReport of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, for the State of Indiana, being the ... bi-ennial report for the years ... and ...Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, for the State of Indiana, being the ... bi-ennial report for the years ... and ...Indiana. Dept. of Public Instruction.0000
18790430Wednesday, April 30th,1879033633363View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971040810408View PageThe American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Beard,_ D. C._05959
18920105Tuesday, January 5th,1892080668066View PageThe teacher and the parent : a treatise upon common-school education : containing practical suggestions to teachers and parents.The teacher and the parent : a treatise upon common-school education : containing practical suggestions to teachers and parents.Northend, Charles, 1814-1895.0022
18990708Saturday, July 8th,18991130211302View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500536536View PageSwitch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500541541View PageIn school and out, or, The conquest of Richard Grant : a story for young people.In school and out, or, The conquest of Richard Grant : a story for young people.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.0000
18750517Monday, May 17th,1875019281928View PageThe building of a brain.The building of a brain.Clarke, Edward H. (Edward Hammond), 1820-1877.0022
18970902Thursday, September 2nd,18971047110471View PageEducation as a science.Education as a science.Bain, Alexander, 1818-1903.0022
18840512Monday, May 12th,1884048744874View PageReport of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, for the State of Indiana, being the ... bi-ennial report for the years ... and ...Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, for the State of Indiana, being the ... bi-ennial report for the years ... and ...Indiana. Dept. of Public Instruction.0000
18770315Thursday, March 15th,1877026252625View PageThe Indiana school journal.The Indiana school journal.William A. Bell Editor0000
18770315Thursday, March 15th,1877026342634View PageThe Western : a journal of literature, education, and art.The Western : a journal of literature, education, and art.H. H. Morgan Editor0000
18790519Monday, May 19th,1879034423442View PageAnnual report of the Superintendent of Public Schools of the State of Missouri.Annual report of the Superintendent of Public Schools of the State of Missouri.Missouri. Office of State Superintendent of Public Schools.0000
18910402Thursday, April 2nd,1891076417641View PageHistory of education in Alabama, 1702-1889.History of education in Alabama, 1702-1889.Clark, Willis G.0000
18770321Wednesday, March 21st,1877026552655View PageAddresses and proceedings - National Education Association of the United States.Addresses and proceedings - National Education Association of the United States.National Education Association of the United States.0000
18790901Monday, September 1st,1879034543454View PageEngland and the English.England and the English.Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron, 1803-1873.0000
18960313Friday, March 13th,1896097799779View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0011
19000320Tuesday, March 20th,19001156211562View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0011
18791021Tuesday, October 21st,1879034593459View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education0000
18970920Monday, September 20th,18971050110501View PageScience and education : essays.Science and education : essays.Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895.0033
19000320Tuesday, March 20th,19001157311573View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18970920Monday, September 20th,18971050810508View PageA history of education.A history of education.Painter, F. V. N. (Franklin Verzelius Newton), 1852-1931.0011
18840821Thursday, August 21st,1884050655065View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
19000322Thursday, March 22nd,19001166111661View PageBiennial report of the State Superintendent for the school years ending July 31 ... and July 31 ...Biennial report of the State Superintendent for the school years ending July 31 ... and July 31 ...Indiana. Dept. of Public Instruction.0000
18960401Wednesday, April 1st,1896097939793View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papersReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papersUnited States. Bureau of Education.0000
18770412Thursday, April 12th,1877026742674View PageReport of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, for the State of Indiana, being the ... bi-ennial report for the years ... and ...Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, for the State of Indiana, being the ... bi-ennial report for the years ... and ...Indiana. Dept. of Public Instruction.0000
18920105Tuesday, January 5th,1892077757775View PageGodey's magazine.Godey's magazine.0077
18971007Thursday, October 7th,18971054710547View PageEducation : intellectual, moral, and physical.Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Spencer, Herbert, 1820-1903.0044
18750313Saturday, March 13th,187500889889View PageGinx's baby: his birth and other misfortunes. A satire.Ginx's baby: his birth and other misfortunes. A satire.Jenkins, Edward, 1838-1910.0011
18971007Thursday, October 7th,18971055210552View PageEssays on educational reformers.Essays on educational reformers.Quick, Robert Hebert, 1831-1891.0044
18850302Monday, March 2nd,1885060266026View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
19000622Friday, June 22nd,19001186511865View PageGo-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Fosdick, Charles Austin, 1842-1915.03636
18920315Tuesday, March 15th,1892082508250View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18920315Tuesday, March 15th,1892082518251View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18850622Monday, June 22nd,1885060606060View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18800729Thursday, July 29th,1880035633563View PageThe Indiana school journal.The Indiana school journal.W A Bell0022
18800729Thursday, July 29th,1880035643564View PageThe Indiana school journal.The Indiana school journal.Wm. A Bell, Ed.0000
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875021672167View PageSex in education, or, A fair chance for girls.Sex in education, or, A fair chance for girls.Clarke, Edward H. (Edward Hammond), 1820-1877.0000
19000905Wednesday, September 5th,19001210112101View PageProceedings of the Ninth Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf and Dumb : held at the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Columbus, Ohio, August 17-22, 1878.Proceedings of the Ninth Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf and Dumb : held at the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Columbus, Ohio, August 17-22, 1878.Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf (9th : 1878 : Columbus, Ohio)0000
18800729Thursday, July 29th,1880035733573View PageThe Western : a journal of literature, education, and art.The Western : a journal of literature, education, and art.H H Morgan.0000
18800729Thursday, July 29th,1880035743574View PageThe Western : a journal of literture, education, and art.The Western : a journal of literture, education, and art.H H Morgan.0000
18810111Tuesday, January 11th,1881035873587View PageReport of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, for the State of Indniana, being the ... bi-ennial report for the years ... and ...Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, for the State of Indniana, being the ... bi-ennial report for the years ... and ...Indiana. Dept. of Public Instruction.0000
18810119Wednesday, January 19th,1881035883588View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18921013Thursday, October 13th,1892083118311View PageArt and industry : education in the industrial and fine arts in the United States.Art and industry : education in the industrial and fine arts in the United States.Clarke, Isaac Edwards, 1830-1907.0000
18810101Saturday, January 1st,1881035913591View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
19010130Wednesday, January 30th,19011268012680View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18860501Saturday, May 1st,1886061126112View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0011
19010619Wednesday, June 19th,19011285812858View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education : for the year 1897-98.Report of the Commissioner of Education : for the year 1897-98.United States. Bureau of Education.0011
18811022Saturday, October 22nd,1881036403640View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18921017Monday, October 17th,1892083338333View PageSwitch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Adams, William T. (William Taylor), 1822-1897.201201
18811129Tuesday, November 29th,1881036823682View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
19010416Tuesday, April 16th,19011274312743View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
19010429Monday, April 29th,19011277412774View PageBiennial report of the State Superintendent for the school years ending July 31 ... and July 31 ...Biennial report of the State Superintendent for the school years ending July 31 ... and July 31 ...Indiana. Dept. of Public Instruction.0000
18750603Thursday, June 3rd,1875022882288View PageThe Education of American girls : considered in a series of essays.The Education of American girls : considered in a series of essays.Brackett, Anna C. (Anna Callender), 1836-1911.0011
18820520Saturday, May 20th,1882036903690View PageArt and industry : education in the industrial and fine arts in the United States.Art and industry : education in the industrial and fine arts in the United States.Clarke, Isaac Edwards, 1830-1907.0000
18820520Saturday, May 20th,1882036993699View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18750603Thursday, June 3rd,1875022982298View PageEssays on educational reformers.Essays on educational reformers.Quick, Robert Hebert, 1831-1891.0044
18860718Sunday, July 18th,1886061396139View PageArt and industry : education in the industrial and fine arts in the United States.Art and industry : education in the industrial and fine arts in the United States.Clarke, Isaac Edwards, 1830-1907.0000
18980404Monday, April 4th,18981069410694View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18980404Monday, April 4th,18981069510695View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
19011202Monday, December 2nd,19011308613086View PageLem, a New England village boy : his adventures and his mishapsLem, a New England village boy : his adventures and his mishapsBrooks, Noah, 1830-1903.0011
18770519Saturday, May 19th,1877028222822View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.07474
18821122Wednesday, November 22nd,1882037553755View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
19020123Thursday, January 23rd,19021324413244View PageSenate and House documents, 56th Congress, 2nd session : calls for information affecting War Department and replies thereto : Senate 31-179, House 120-506.Senate and House documents, 56th Congress, 2nd session : calls for information affecting War Department and replies thereto : Senate 31-179, House 120-506.United States. War Dept.000I0 (Indeterminate)
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015291529View PageLetters to a young man and other papers.Letters to a young man and other papers.De Quincey, Thomas, 1785-1859.0011
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015301530View PageThe works of Thomas Dick.The works of Thomas Dick.Dick, Thomas, 1774-1857.0000
19020625Wednesday, June 25th,19021335413354View PageAnnual report of the Department of Public Instruction of the State of Indiana.Annual report of the Department of Public Instruction of the State of Indiana.Indiana. Dept. of Public Instruction.0000
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875015721572View PageAmerican education, its principles and elements : Dedicated to the teachers of the United States.American education, its principles and elements : Dedicated to the teachers of the United States.Mansfield, Edward Deering, 1801-1880.0011
18770519Saturday, May 19th,1877028782878View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
19020101Wednesday, January 1st,19021317313173View PageYearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1899.Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1899.000I0 (Indeterminate)
18980628Tuesday, June 28th,18981077910779View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0033
19010324Sunday, March 24th,19011328413284View PageAnnual report of the Commissioner of Education.Annual report of the Commissioner of Education.United States. Office of Education.000I0 (Indeterminate)
18770519Saturday, May 19th,1877029182918View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
19020114Tuesday, January 14th,19021320313203View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0011
18751130Tuesday, November 30th,1875023932393View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18970331Wednesday, March 31st,18971016810168View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.000I0 (Indeterminate)
19020925Thursday, September 25th,19021363613636View PageEducation and the larger life,Education and the larger life,Henderson, C. Hanford (Charles Hanford), 1861-1941.0011
18880625Monday, June 25th,1888064456445View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18880625Monday, June 25th,1888064466446View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18840214Thursday, February 14th,1884039583958View PageThe Indiana school journal.The Indiana school journal.0011
18840214Thursday, February 14th,1884039593959View PageThe Indiana school journal.The Indiana school journal.0011
18950716Tuesday, July 16th,1895094589458View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18950716Tuesday, July 16th,1895094599459View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18880801Wednesday, August 1st,1888064806480View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18780108Tuesday, January 8th,1878031103110View PageAddresses and proceedings - National Education Association of the United States.Addresses and proceedings - National Education Association of the United States.National Education Association of the United States.0000
18760105Wednesday, January 5th,1876024352435View PageGodey's magazine.Godey's magazine.Sarah J. Hale & Louis A Godey, Editors0000
18790105Sunday, January 5th,1879024362436View PageGodey's magazine.Godey's magazine.Sarah J. Hale & Louis A Godey, Editors0000
18950919Thursday, September 19th,1895094939493View Page11th Census of the United States, 1890 : census reports.11th Census of the United States, 1890 : census reports.United States. Census Office.0000
18760303Friday, March 3rd,1876024702470View PageThe young lady's book : or, principles of female education.The young lady's book : or, principles of female education.Hosmer, William.0000
19021216Tuesday, December 16th,19021374013740View PageIn the child's world; morning talks and stories for kindergartens, primary schools and homesIn the child's world; morning talks and stories for kindergartens, primary schools and homesPoulsson, Emilie, 1853-19390000
19021230Tuesday, December 30th,19021376113761View PageAmong the giants : a story introducing six common failingsAmong the giants : a story introducing six common failingsNeher, Bertha Miller, 1873-19480000
18890401Monday, April 1st,1889025242524View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.000I0 (Indeterminate)
18890401Monday, April 1st,1889025252525View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.000I0 (Indeterminate)
031703170View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000
18831027Saturday, October 27th,1883038793879View PageReport of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.United States. Bureau of Education.0000

+Patron (377)

Patron #Original
Date JoinedNameResidence
24522452View Page18880128Saturday, January 28th, 1888Omer MitchellOmer MitchellSouth Walnut
43684368View Page18940209Friday, February 9th, 1894Mrs. E. J. RatliffMrs. E. J. Ratliff218 W. Jackson
43174317View Page18940111Thursday, January 11th, 1894Norman BoomerNorman Boomer185 Kilgore Ave
43444344View Page18940126Friday, January 26th, 1894Mrs. Chas. KilgoreMrs. Chas. Kilgore417 W. Main St.
29402940View Page18911215Tuesday, December 15th, 1891Orville ShawOrville Shaw209 E. Wash.
19491949View Page18820821Monday, August 21st, 1882Meville WoodMeville WoodWest Charles
45084508View Page18940709Monday, July 9th, 1894Everett BoorEverett Boor217 W Gilbert
41734173View Page18930218Saturday, February 18th, 1893Jimmy RossJimmy Ross206 Wysor St
43234323View Page18940113Saturday, January 13th, 1894Mrs. Bertha BrownMrs. Bertha Brown463 Florence St.
41034103View Page18921221Wednesday, December 21st, 1892Clark MunnClark Munn412 Liberty
40204020View Page18921017Monday, October 17th, 1892Luis WildermuthLuis WildermuthMulberry
44424442View Page18940407Saturday, April 7th, 1894Mae HickokMae Hickok309 E Jackson St.
40434043View Page18921104Friday, November 4th, 1892Mrs. Dr. GreenMrs. Dr. Green223 North Elm
0262262View Page18751115Monday, November 15th, 1875Mattie WilcoxonMattie Wilcoxon94 Cor High Dumont
11881188View Page18790224Monday, February 24th, 1879Burt BradburyBurt BradburyEast Jackson
27772777View Page18910114Wednesday, January 14th, 1891Mrs. L. HermanMrs. L. HermanE Main St.
20652065View Page18830702Monday, July 2nd, 1883Carrie AndrewsCarrie AndrewsEast Washington
25182518View Page18890302Saturday, March 2nd, 1889Jesse CarmichaelJesse CarmichaelKilgore Av.
30373037View Page18920430Saturday, April 30th, 1892Mrs. C. H. ChurchMrs. C. H. Church904. 15th
30413041View Page18920504Wednesday, May 4th, 1892Ralph GarstRalph Garst611 W. 16.
43574357View Page18940203Saturday, February 3rd, 1894Mina GuthrieMina Guthrie1224 E Adams St.
44564456View Page18940502Wednesday, May 2nd, 1894Frank R. HulettFrank R. Hulett220 North Walnut
30663066View Page18920618Saturday, June 18th, 1892Will HerrickWill Herrick415. W. 17th
42914291View Page18930727Thursday, July 27th, 1893Earl LockwoodEarl Lockwood115 S. Liberty
42434243View Page18930515Monday, May 15th, 1893Rayburn McKimmeyRayburn McKimmey613 E Charles
29232923View Page18911007Wednesday, October 7th, 1891Arther McKinleyArther McKinleyDinner St.
46104610View Page18941110Saturday, November 10th, 1894Nellie PerkinsNellie Perkins522 E. Jackson
25052505View Page18890205Tuesday, February 5th, 1889David F. RichardsDavid F. RichardsWest Jackson st 516
44114411View Page18940303Saturday, March 3rd, 1894Mrs. L. L. TurnerMrs. L. L. TurnerChas. + Jeff. St.
44154415View Page18940307Wednesday, March 7th, 1894Harry WardHarry Ward608 E Jackson St
40024002View Page18920929Thursday, September 29th, 1892Bertie WilliamsonBertie Williamson632 W Jackson
46174617View Page18941114Wednesday, November 14th, 1894Geo. W. WintonGeo. W. Winton702 W. Main
50475047View Page18990311Saturday, March 11th, 1899Lois EvansLois Evans914 s Hackley
49454945View Page18990107Saturday, January 7th, 1899Joseph MahoneyJoseph Mahoney27 S Liberty St.
49594959View Page18990114Saturday, January 14th, 1899Geo GogginGeo Goggin1021 E First
50075007View Page18990211Saturday, February 11th, 1899J C LongJ C Long911 e Jackson
50085008View Page18990211Saturday, February 11th, 1899Eugene Lejuste Sr.Eugene Lejuste Sr.1313 e Jackson
50145014View Page18990216Thursday, February 16th, 1899Lawrence NortonLawrence Norton1132 s Grant St.
49824982View Page18990127Friday, January 27th, 1899Rex KelleyRex Kelley508 w Jackson
49834983View Page18990128Saturday, January 28th, 1899C H C BlueC H C Bluecor Pauline and Jarret, Riverside
49874987View Page18990128Saturday, January 28th, 1899Eugene LejusteEugene Lejuste1313 e Jackson
49914991View Page18990203Friday, February 3rd, 1899Warren HutsellWarren Hutsell1311 E Willard
49924992View Page18990204Saturday, February 4th, 1899Charlie HooverCharlie Hoover801 e Jackson
49944994View Page18990204Saturday, February 4th, 1899Crawford MurtonCrawford Murton1525 S High
007878View Page18750605Saturday, June 5th, 1875Kate WilsonKate WilsonWashington St.
14641464View Page18801022Friday, October 22nd, 1880Kate KesslerKate KesslerWest Main St
50285028View Page18990225Saturday, February 25th, 1899Harry RitterHarry Ritter425 Wysor
50725072View Page18990429Saturday, April 29th, 1899Mary ClancyMary Clancy1120 Brotherton
001919View Page18750531Monday, May 31st, 1875Thomas J. BradyThomas J. BradyCor. Wash + M
00066View Page18750528Friday, May 28th, 1875Albert CarpenterAlbert CarpenterWashington
005252View Page18750604Friday, June 4th, 1875Fred W. HustedFred W. HustedCor Mulberry & Charles
17471747View Page18810305Saturday, March 5th, 1881Taylor MooreTaylor MooreWest Charles
24782478View Page18880730Monday, July 30th, 1888Minnie PershingMinnie Pershingw Main
30293029View Page18920419Tuesday, April 19th, 1892Mary JacobsMary Jacobs603 W Adams
31103110View Page18950129Tuesday, January 29th, 1895Wayman AdamsWayman Adams1314 e Adams
32093209View Page18950706Saturday, July 6th, 1895Louis IcermanLouis Icerman511 w Main
33403340View Page18951231Tuesday, December 31st, 1895Loys SaxonLoys Saxon219 n Vine
33543354View Page18960109Thursday, January 9th, 1896Mrs. C. L. WolfromMrs. C. L. Wolfrom212 e Gilbert
33563356View Page18960111Saturday, January 11th, 1896Blanche WilliamsBlanche Williams310 North St.
33773377View Page18960128Tuesday, January 28th, 1896Robert BurtRobert Burt230 Vine St
33903390View Page18960208Saturday, February 8th, 1896Warren SampleWarren Sample805 e First
33253325View Page18951210Tuesday, December 10th, 1895I. B. SaxonI. B. Saxon219 n Vine
37193719View Page18970604Friday, June 4th, 1897Ernest NaftzgerErnest Naftzger217 s High
32233223View Page18950722Monday, July 22nd, 1895Reba RicheyReba Richey403 w Adams St
32913291View Page18951109Saturday, November 9th, 1895Ralph BrownRalph BrownKilgore Ave.
33083308View Page18951123Saturday, November 23rd, 1895Guy TweedyGuy Tweedy1113 Kirby Ave
33133313View Page18951129Friday, November 29th, 1895Walter HeffnerWalter Heffner1418 s Franklin
34363436View Page18960402Thursday, April 2nd, 1896Harry KinsmanHarry Kinsman804 e Seymour
34903490View Page18960807Friday, August 7th, 1896Ross AultRoss Ault613 n Charles
34943494View Page18960814Friday, August 14th, 1896Herbert HouzeHerbert Houze603 s Washington
35393539View Page18961024Saturday, October 24th, 1896Herbert NealHerbert Neal502 w Main
36433643View Page18970215Monday, February 15th, 1897Leroy WeaverLeroy Weavers Penn
36543654View Page18970225Thursday, February 25th, 1897Joy EllisJoy Ellis522 w Adams
36893689View Page18970417Saturday, April 17th, 1897Charles ReeceCharles Reece1330 Kirby Ave.
37383738View Page18970719Monday, July 19th, 1897Pearl BarnesPearl Barnes1413 Ohmer Ave
37493749View Page18970809Monday, August 9th, 1897Roy NaftzgerRoy Naftzger217 s High
37633763View Page18970915Wednesday, September 15th, 1897Mary WysorMary Wysor418 n Walnut
37763776View Page18971002Saturday, October 2nd, 1897Paul BlairPaul Blair509 w Main
37883788View Page18971018Monday, October 18th, 1897Ralph JacksonRalph Jackson1015 e Charles
38073807View Page18971108Monday, November 8th, 1897Florence KingsburryFlorence Kingsburry405 e Washington
38283828View Page18971121Sunday, November 21st, 1897Rex SmithRex Smith514 w Main
38303830View Page18971124Wednesday, November 24th, 1897Mrs. H H BakerMrs. H H Baker710 e Main St 705 north the quarry
38483848View Page18971204Saturday, December 4th, 1897Roy PolandRoy Poland801 e 8th
38593859View Page18971218Saturday, December 18th, 1897George HawkGeorge Hawk1013 s Liberty
38823882View Page18980113Thursday, January 13th, 1898Frank DavisFrank Davis1301 w Jackson
39273927View Page18980216Wednesday, February 16th, 1898Roscoe LorentzRoscoe Lorentz236 n Vine
39593959View Page18980316Wednesday, March 16th, 1898Dillard DrakeDillard Drake240 Kilgore Ave
40144014View Page18921011Tuesday, October 11th, 1892E. R. TemplerE. R. Templer214 W. Jackson
42424242View Page18930513Saturday, May 13th, 1893Mrs. Dora MitchellMrs. Dora Mitchell613 e 3rd St.
40614061View Page18921118Friday, November 18th, 1892Herschel GreerHerschel Greer507/2 s Walnut
45244524View Page18940726Thursday, July 26th, 1894Wysor MarshWysor Marsh222 e Adams
45344534View Page18940731Tuesday, July 31st, 1894Roy PalmerRoy Palmer214 North Vine
43804380View Page18940214Wednesday, February 14th, 1894Merril SkinnerMerril Skinner425 W. Adams
47264726View Page18980519Thursday, May 19th, 1898Willie ConnerWillie Conner207 e Madison St.
47474747View Page18980701Friday, July 1st, 1898Cecil JonesCecil JonesRiverside, Sutton St
47754775View Page18980809Tuesday, August 9th, 1898Fred BunchFred Bunch120 e Wall St.
47774777View Page18980810Wednesday, August 10th, 1898Harry AndersonHarry Anderson517 w 10th St.
48544854View Page18981025Tuesday, October 25th, 1898Edith WilsonEdith Wilson1124 e Willard
51125112View Page18990713Thursday, July 13th, 1899Huston BurmasterHuston Burmaster1025 Kirby Ave.
51045104View Page18990701Saturday, July 1st, 1899Harvey RussellHarvey Russell1209 e Main
51435143View Page18990828Monday, August 28th, 1899Leroy CampbellLeroy Campbell422 w Adams
51295129View Page18990810Thursday, August 10th, 1899Harold PattersonHarold Patterson416 w Jackson
005050View Page18750603Thursday, June 3rd, 1875Charles E. MooreCharles E. MooreCor Washington & Mul
51725172View Page18991009Monday, October 9th, 1899Harry TuttleHarry Tuttle221 w Washington
51835183View Page18991013Friday, October 13th, 1899George PostmaGeorge Postma1719 s Elm
42194219View Page18930328Tuesday, March 28th, 1893Ira BrackinIra Brackin1237 Kirby Ave.
26542654View Page18900714Monday, July 14th, 1890Merrill LeonardMerrill Leonard601 Robert St.
42884288View Page18930717Monday, July 17th, 1893Mrs. Martha CarverMrs. Martha CarverOhmer Ave.
43824382View Page18940215Thursday, February 15th, 1894Grant FrazierGrant Frazier822 e Main
11411141View Page18781227Friday, December 27th, 1878Jas B LudlowJas B Ludlow600 S Jefferson St
45644564View Page18940927Thursday, September 27th, 1894Esther M. JohnsonEsther M. Johnson121 1/2 S Mulberry St.
30613061View Page18920528Saturday, May 28th, 1892Frank ShirkFrank Shirk722 e Main
40754075View Page18921129Tuesday, November 29th, 1892Clarence GreelyClarence Greely816 Chestnut
42934293View Page18930805Saturday, August 5th, 1893Clyde ThornburgClyde ThornburgKirby ave
44724472View Page18940522Tuesday, May 22nd, 1894Robert SheaRobert Shea703 S Chestnut
32993299View Page18951116Saturday, November 16th, 1895Joseph HaltonJoseph Halton999 Beacon St
27942794View Page18910207Saturday, February 7th, 1891Alfred KilgoreAlfred Kilgore417 W. Main
28282828View Page18910319Thursday, March 19th, 1891Homer ShawHomer Shaw318 W. Mulberry
28502850View Page18910513Wednesday, May 13th, 1891Theo. H. JohnsonTheo. H. Johnson108 N. Monroe
28802880View Page18911021Wednesday, October 21st, 1891Max BishopMax Bishop322 Main St.
30873087View Page18920827Saturday, August 27th, 1892Jimmie BaldwinJimmie Baldwin310 Gilbert St.
40644064View Page18921119Saturday, November 19th, 1892Michael MahoneyMichael Mahoney717 Willard St.
40854085View Page18921208Thursday, December 8th, 1892Claud ClarkClaud Clark255 Kilgore Ave.
42104210View Page18930320Monday, March 20th, 1893H. F. LingleH. F. Lingle905 S. Jefferson
44104410View Page18940303Saturday, March 3rd, 1894Winlock TurnerWinlock TurnerChas. + Jeff. St.
44654465View Page18940512Saturday, May 12th, 1894Geo. N. PetersonGeo. N. PetersonE. Willard St.
44754475View Page18940526Saturday, May 26th, 1894M. R. SpradlingM. R. Spradling515 W Jackson
46094609View Page18941108Thursday, November 8th, 1894Clarence LeagerClarence Leager716 E. Jackson
46224622View Page18941117Saturday, November 17th, 1894James GuthrieJames Guthrie516 S. Franklin
46374637View Page18941124Saturday, November 24th, 1894Harry WhiteHarry WhiteCor. Seymour Ebnight
27602760View Page18901222Monday, December 22nd, 1890Nella KinertNella KinertNot listed
0635635View Page18770404Wednesday, April 4th, 1877Laura StifflerLaura Stiffler798 Adams & Hackley
43484348View Page18940128Sunday, January 28th, 1894Mrs. N. G. FrancisMrs. N. G. Francis810 S. Madison
21222122View Page18831215Saturday, December 15th, 1883Mrs. C. A. WoodMrs. C. A. WoodMadison and Gilbert
45874587View Page18941023Tuesday, October 23rd, 1894Jamie DuncanJamie Duncan306 W. Main St.
41294129View Page18930113Friday, January 13th, 1893Robert CrandallRobert Crandall706 E. Jackson
45374537View Page18940803Friday, August 3rd, 1894John KellyJohn Kelly409 North St.
45134513View Page18940711Wednesday, July 11th, 1894Ralph WintersRalph Winters216 W. Adams
42314231View Page18930421Friday, April 21st, 1893Robert MockRobert Mock114 Wall st.
42534253View Page18930523Tuesday, May 23rd, 1893Earl TuheyEarl Tuhey1121 S Walnut
42704270View Page18930619Monday, June 19th, 1893Bessie G. BunchBessie G. Bunch1333 E. Jackson
25492549View Page18890817Saturday, August 17th, 1889Rena GillRena Gill608 West Main St.
25602560View Page18890918Wednesday, September 18th, 1889Chas. KimbroughChas. Kimbrough311 East Jackson
23442344View Page18851231Thursday, December 31st, 1885Vida CassadyVida CassadyWest Washington
44034403View Page18940226Monday, February 26th, 1894Ralph HuffRalph Huff801 Chas & Plum
31333133View Page18950216Saturday, February 16th, 1895Wilbur PersonettWilbur PersonettFlorence St.
26232623View Page18900314Friday, March 14th, 1890O.W. M. LairnO.W. M. Lairn829 Second st.
26302630View Page18900411Friday, April 11th, 1890John DeamJohn Deam317 W. Wash. st.
27022702View Page18901011Saturday, October 11th, 1890Susan CecilSusan CecilE. Jackson
27342734View Page18901118Tuesday, November 18th, 1890Ray CaseRay CaseNot listed
27712771View Page18910110Saturday, January 10th, 1891Arthur LeonardArthur Leonard601 Robert st.
28142814View Page18910307Saturday, March 7th, 1891Bobbie KnowltonBobbie Knowlton503 E. Main
28872887View Page18911103Tuesday, November 3rd, 1891Myrtle WindsorMyrtle Windsor301 Howard st.
28982898View Page18911114Saturday, November 14th, 1891Jennie MillerJennie Miller1006 S. Walnut
29052905View Page18911117Tuesday, November 17th, 1891Eva HagemanEva Hageman662 E. Wash.
29102910View Page18910814Friday, August 14th, 1891Arthur KelleyArthur Kelley686 S. Walnut
29122912View Page18910815Saturday, August 15th, 1891Laura FenwickLaura Fenwick407 W. Main st.
40714071View Page18921126Saturday, November 26th, 1892Robert CrabbsRobert CrabbsLiberty + Howard
40174017View Page18921015Saturday, October 15th, 1892Myron GrayMyron Gray408 S. High
29602960View Page18920126Tuesday, January 26th, 1892Flora HarperFlora Harper311 W. Adams
40684068View Page18921122Tuesday, November 22nd, 1892Hattie JohnstonHattie Johnston218 E. Adams st.
40264026View Page18921022Saturday, October 22nd, 1892J. L. KingsburyJ. L. KingsburyS. Monroe
30333033View Page18920422Friday, April 22nd, 1892E. MarchartE. Marchart418 N. Jefferson
29932993View Page18920227Saturday, February 27th, 1892Harry McCombHarry McCombSouth Walnut
30443044View Page18920506Friday, May 6th, 1892S. B. SampsonS. B. Sampson116 E. Adams
50365036View Page18990304Saturday, March 4th, 1899Morrell BunchMorrell Bunch120 E. Seymour
50375037View Page18990306Monday, March 6th, 1899J. Branson CanfieldJ. Branson Canfield607 W. Adams
50495049View Page18990316Thursday, March 16th, 1899Rodney HaylerRodney Hayler608 N. Elm St.
50225022View Page18990224Friday, February 24th, 1899Raymond PotterRaymond Potter1025 E. Adams
50275027View Page18990225Saturday, February 25th, 1899Mrs. D. P. CampbellMrs. D. P. Campbell507 Council
0323323View Page18760129Saturday, January 29th, 1876Willie R. BrothertonWillie R. BrothertonE. Adams St
52545254View Page18991129Wednesday, November 29th, 1899Harry TurnerHarry Turner403 Reeves St. Riverside
52675267View Page18991211Monday, December 11th, 1899Mrs. Maude SomersMrs. Maude Somers300 W. Gilbert St.
52755275View Page18991221Thursday, December 21st, 1899George PattersonGeorge Patterson408 E. Howard St.
44684468View Page18940518Friday, May 18th, 1894Edward LawlerEdward Lawler701 S Mulberry
44864486View Page18940613Wednesday, June 13th, 1894Hettie KeelorHettie Keelor431 w Howard
0363363View Page18760307Tuesday, March 7th, 1876Lou M. SimmonsLou M. SimmonsEast Jackson St.
51025102View Page18990628Wednesday, June 28th, 1899Barney SwanBarney Swan721 W. Powers
46614661View Page18941226Wednesday, December 26th, 1894G. B. HamiltonG. B. Hamilton622 E. Adams
46634663View Page18941227Thursday, December 27th, 1894Arthur D MastersArthur D Masters432 Proud St.
43954395View Page18940223Friday, February 23rd, 1894Gertrude HaleGertrude Hale554 Howard
46294629View Page18941119Monday, November 19th, 1894M. R. WilcoxM. R. Wilcox510 - E. Charles
46444644View Page18941203Monday, December 3rd, 1894Clarence PerkinsClarence Perkins522 E. Jackson
46684668View Page18941229Saturday, December 29th, 1894H. E. StewartH. E. Stewart1020 E. Jackson
45584558View Page18940917Monday, September 17th, 1894Mrs. F LeonMrs. F Leon421 S Walnut
51755175View Page18991010Tuesday, October 10th, 1899Clara M. StrongClara M. Strong402 W. Howard
51985198View Page18991020Friday, October 20th, 1899H. H. LochundH. H. Lochund719 E. Washington
51995199View Page18991021Saturday, October 21st, 1899Karl CecilKarl Cecil1523 S. Franklin St.
52105210View Page18991025Wednesday, October 25th, 1899Geo E. CoxGeo E. Cox511 E. Jackson
32133213View Page18950708Monday, July 8th, 1895Clifford LangdonClifford Langdon910 S Mulberry
32153215View Page18950709Tuesday, July 9th, 1895Ralph BardRalph Bard404 E Washington
32193219View Page18950711Thursday, July 11th, 1895John M RusseyJohn M Russey120 S Mulberry
32243224View Page18950723Tuesday, July 23rd, 1895Roy SpradlingRoy Spradling515 W Jackson
32303230View Page18950801Thursday, August 1st, 1895Mr. B C BowmanMr. B C Bowman417 W Charles(scratched out) 320 S Jefferson(scratched out) 714 E Adams St
32433243View Page18950826Monday, August 26th, 1895Nellie LeGalleyNellie LeGalley119 Jackson
46764676View Page18950107Monday, January 7th, 1895Mrs. Jas BinghamMrs. Jas Bingham1018 East Main St.
47034703View Page18950119Saturday, January 19th, 1895Minnie GainorMinnie Gainorcor Blaine + Heekin
31373137View Page18950220Wednesday, February 20th, 1895Ettie M. SmithEttie M. Smith702 E. Adams
31493149View Page18950311Monday, March 11th, 1895Herbert H. SmithHerbert H. Smith1279 E. Main St.
31513151View Page18950316Saturday, March 16th, 1895Harry JohnsonHarry Johnson720 West Jackson St
31593159View Page18950328Thursday, March 28th, 1895Chas JenkinsChas Jenkins1202 Ohmer Ave.
31683168View Page18950413Saturday, April 13th, 1895Orland DavisOrland Davis310 S. Beacon St.
47064706View Page18950119Saturday, January 19th, 1895Charlie FordCharlie Ford817 W. Main
47094709View Page18950121Monday, January 21st, 1895Ernest DunganErnest Dungan328 E. Gilbert
31803180View Page18950513Monday, May 13th, 1895C. E. EveretC. E. Everet409 E. Jackson
31833183View Page18950523Thursday, May 23rd, 1895Oliver W. WeaderOliver W. WeaderNot listed
31943194View Page18950611Tuesday, June 11th, 1895Blanche WintersBlanche Winters216 W. Adams
32003200View Page18950621Friday, June 21st, 1895Earl WilliamsEarl Williams215 S. M.
31013101View Page18950126Saturday, January 26th, 1895Harry SeitzHarry Seitz819 S. Penn
31133113View Page18950130Wednesday, January 30th, 1895J Micheal CaseyJ Micheal Casey808 W. Adams
31143114View Page18950131Thursday, January 31st, 1895George SuttonGeorge Sutton320 W. Gilbert
31153115View Page18950201Friday, February 1st, 1895Mrs. Mary NealMrs. Mary Neal322 W. Adams
31163116View Page18950202Saturday, February 2nd, 1895Mrs. Jas. RossMrs. Jas. Ross206 Wysor St.
31203120View Page18950205Tuesday, February 5th, 1895Horace HagenlockerHorace HagenlockerWillard St.
32613261View Page18951007Monday, October 7th, 1895Griffith WallaceGriffith Wallace616 Adams St
32713271View Page18951018Friday, October 18th, 1895Claud SmithClaud Smith213 E First
32823282View Page18951026Saturday, October 26th, 1895W BallardW Ballard321 E Gilbert
32883288View Page18951105Tuesday, November 5th, 1895John GallivanJohn GallivanE Charles St
32903290View Page18951109Saturday, November 9th, 1895Earl McClungEarl McClung617 E 5th St
32923292View Page18951109Saturday, November 9th, 1895Miss. Minnie WolffMiss. Minnie Wolff213 S Liberty
33113311View Page18951126Tuesday, November 26th, 1895Herbert DwyerHerbert Dwyer1001 1st St
33203320View Page18951204Wednesday, December 4th, 1895Guy SuttonGuy Sutton128 Hoyt Ave
33233323View Page18951209Monday, December 9th, 1895Otto MillerOtto Miller503 S Monroe
33313331View Page18951220Friday, December 20th, 1895Karl NuttingKarl Nutting315 West Adams
0630630View Page18770402Monday, April 2nd, 1877Mary CarpenterMary Carpenter891 E. Washington
0715715View Page18770511Friday, May 11th, 1877Addie KnowltonAddie Knowlton405 East Main
0794794View Page18770604Monday, June 4th, 1877Joseph StifflerJoseph Stiffler798 East Adams
10371037View Page18780511Saturday, May 11th, 1878Martha J IvinsMartha J IvinsGilbert St
10551055View Page18780708Monday, July 8th, 1878Geo DarracottGeo DarracottKirby Avenue
34763476View Page18960717Friday, July 17th, 1896H. M. DenslowH. M. Denslow406 E. Gilbert
34873487View Page18960729Wednesday, July 29th, 1896Harry AultHarry Ault110 Kilgore Ave
33493349View Page18960106Monday, January 6th, 1896Zora ClevengerZora Clevenger912 S Grant
33593359View Page18960114Tuesday, January 14th, 1896Vinton CecilVinton Cecil1111 East 1st St
33683368View Page18960126Sunday, January 26th, 1896Frank BaylessFrank Bayless228 North Vine
33703370View Page18960126Sunday, January 26th, 1896Viere MaxViere Max1501 S Madison
33813381View Page18960131Friday, January 31st, 1896Addison TemplerAddison Templer214 W Jackson St
33853385View Page18960203Monday, February 3rd, 1896Mrs. F H. HubbardMrs. F H. Hubbard411 W Main St
35683568View Page18961128Saturday, November 28th, 1896C. S. BakerC. S. Baker631 Hoyt Ave
33993399View Page18960220Thursday, February 20th, 1896Gertrude ClarkGertrude Clark326 E. Jackson
34533453View Page18960525Monday, May 25th, 1896Henri GableHenri Gable415 E. Adams
34293429View Page18960323Monday, March 23rd, 1896[...] Gaffney[...] Gaffney501 Elliot St.
34183418View Page18960316Monday, March 16th, 1896Leslie GreelyLeslie Greely302 Willard St.
35423542View Page18961027Tuesday, October 27th, 1896Gola LangdonGola Langdon201--9. + High st.
34463446View Page18960502Saturday, May 2nd, 1896Mrs. Hattie LantzMrs. Hattie Lantz1415 S. High
35153515View Page18960912Saturday, September 12th, 1896Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz128 W. Jackson
35203520View Page18960922Tuesday, September 22nd, 1896Charlotte H. PierceCharlotte H. Pierce924 E. Washington
34063406View Page18960303Tuesday, March 3rd, 1896Fred PrestonFred Preston603 E Adams
35843584View Page18961209Wednesday, December 9th, 1896Archie RaceArchie Race1330 Kirby Ave
34523452View Page18960512Tuesday, May 12th, 1896Arthur J. RichardsArthur J. Richards812 S Monroe
35933593View Page18961221Monday, December 21st, 1896Willie RobinsonWillie Robinson611 S. Plum
35873587View Page18961215Tuesday, December 15th, 1896J. N. RockawayJ. N. Rockaway102 Ohio Ave
34503450View Page18960508Friday, May 8th, 1896H. T. SarverH. T. Sarver211 E. Gilbert St.
34343434View Page18960331Tuesday, March 31st, 1896Town RenaTown Rena1723 S. Madison
37803780View Page18971009Saturday, October 9th, 1897Fred BochmFred Bochm415 N Madison
37283728View Page18970629Tuesday, June 29th, 1897Florance CampbellFlorance Campbell1336 W 13th
37083708View Page18970529Saturday, May 29th, 1897Estella ClarkEstella Clark235 N. Plum
37073707View Page18970529Saturday, May 29th, 1897Ernest DavisErnest Davis111 S. Franklin
36333633View Page18970202Tuesday, February 2nd, 1897Harry DunningtonHarry Dunnington219 E 1st
37673767View Page18970924Friday, September 24th, 1897J. E. DurhamJ. E. Durham314 S Jefferson
35993599View Page18970102Saturday, January 2nd, 1897Ralph FahrnerRalph Fahrner1109 E. Washington
38453845View Page18971202Thursday, December 2nd, 1897George GlassGeorge Glass210 E. 8th
38213821View Page18971118Thursday, November 18th, 1897A. P. HastingsA. P. Hastings415 S. High
38403840View Page18971201Wednesday, December 1st, 1897Harry HourHarry Hour912 S. Plum
37033703View Page18970526Wednesday, May 26th, 1897Mrs. S. F. KiserMrs. S. F. Kiser612 E. Jackson
37513751View Page18970810Tuesday, August 10th, 1897James LightbodyJames Lightbody1610 S. Jefferson
36033603View Page18970102Saturday, January 2nd, 1897Jno T. MeeksJno T. Meeks418 S. Franklin
37833783View Page18971012Tuesday, October 12th, 1897Harry MillernsHarry Millerns900 East Willard
38623862View Page18971218Saturday, December 18th, 1897W E MorrowW E Morrow324 W. Gilbert
38443844View Page18971202Thursday, December 2nd, 1897Louis PastorinoLouis Pastorino211 East 8th
36983698View Page18970513Thursday, May 13th, 1897Carl ReedCarl Reed510 S. Jefferson
36023602View Page18970102Saturday, January 2nd, 1897Percy B. RichardsonPercy B. RichardsonBraun House
38043804View Page18971105Friday, November 5th, 1897S. R. SuttonS. R. Sutton320 W. Gilbert
37243724View Page18970622Tuesday, June 22nd, 1897Paul WhitePaul White419 E. Adams
48094809View Page18980927Tuesday, September 27th, 1898Lewis DoolittleLewis DoolittleSutton st Riverside
48144814View Page18981001Saturday, October 1st, 1898Mrs. Mary HelireMrs. Mary Helire317 Boyce Ave
48264826View Page18981007Friday, October 7th, 1898Mrs. Anna PowersMrs. Anna Powers305 Wheeling Ave.
48354835View Page18981015Saturday, October 15th, 1898Geo. D. GowdyGeo. D. Gowdy608 E Washington
11661166View Page18790127Monday, January 27th, 1879Jeannie W SmithJeannie W SmithCor Jackson and Mulberry
11811181View Page18790218Tuesday, February 18th, 1879Sara BradburySara BradburyEast Jackson
12761276View Page18790830Saturday, August 30th, 1879C J BradyC J BradyE Washington
12891289View Page18791023Thursday, October 23rd, 1879W H StokesW H Stokes117 S Walnut
38793879View Page18980111Tuesday, January 11th, 1898Peter HerbertPeter Herbert1125 South Monroe
47504750View Page18980705Tuesday, July 5th, 1898O. F. PittsO. F. PittsRoom 10 Little Blk
47674767View Page18980803Wednesday, August 3rd, 1898Edwin MarshEdwin Marsh222 Et. Adams St.
47744774View Page18980808Monday, August 8th, 1898Earl LakeEarl Lake815 W. Main St.
47794779View Page18980813Saturday, August 13th, 1898India C. LinderIndia C. Linder108 S. Franklin
47854785View Page18980829Monday, August 29th, 1898James RibbleJames Ribble322 Boyce Ave.
48664866View Page18981103Thursday, November 3rd, 1898R. RahrbornR. Rahrborn221 - E. Gilbert
48944894View Page18981122Tuesday, November 22nd, 1898Mrs. Martha BaylessMrs. Martha Bayless228 N. Vine
49204920View Page18981209Friday, December 9th, 1898Marx E. HoltMarx E. Holt600 W. Adams
49254925View Page18981214Wednesday, December 14th, 1898Mrs. N. H. SudburyMrs. N. H. Sudbury519 W. Charles
38913891View Page18980118Tuesday, January 18th, 1898Mrs. Clara HickmanMrs. Clara Hickman807 E Main St
38963896View Page18980121Friday, January 21st, 1898Arthur WallingArthur Walling617 West Adams St
38973897View Page18980124Monday, January 24th, 1898Ross DowdenRoss Dowden1126 E Main St
39003900View Page18980126Wednesday, January 26th, 1898Guy McAllisterGuy McAllisterNot listed
39043904View Page18980129Saturday, January 29th, 1898Charlie OliverCharlie Oliver1421 East 1st
39153915View Page18980205Saturday, February 5th, 1898Carl BartleCarl BartleHoyt Ave
39233923View Page18980212Saturday, February 12th, 1898John OliverJohn Oliver1421 East 1st
39353935View Page18980225Friday, February 25th, 1898C. E. BurnettC. E. BurnettFranklin and Gilbert
39603960View Page18980319Saturday, March 19th, 1898Renan RobbinsRenan Robbins702 E Jackson
39653965View Page18980326Saturday, March 26th, 1898Fred A SwainFred A Swain1028 S Walnut
39703970View Page18980401Friday, April 1st, 1898Mrs. L. L. BallMrs. L. L. BallRiverside
39733973View Page18980406Wednesday, April 6th, 1898Ferdinand BakerFerdinand Baker620 S Council
39963996View Page18980509Monday, May 9th, 1898Mattie B. KrumlerMattie B. Krumler314 West Jackson
47354735View Page18980613Monday, June 13th, 1898Ada EbenhackAda Ebenhack1004 E Main St
47424742View Page18980625Saturday, June 25th, 1898Anna HamiltonAnna Hamilton1315 W 9th St
47384738View Page18980617Friday, June 17th, 1898Arthur PotterArthur Potter1025 E Adams St
53395339View Page19000203Saturday, February 3rd, 1900Walter RockawayWalter Rockaway901 S. Penn
53145314View Page19000116Tuesday, January 16th, 1900Willie AllumWillie Allum820 Kirby Ave
55425542View Page19000922Saturday, September 22nd, 1900Clinton AndersonClinton AndersonBox. 784
54925492View Page19000716Monday, July 16th, 1900Fred H. BowmanFred H. Bowman417 W. Howard St
55115511View Page19000804Saturday, August 4th, 1900Pearl ClarkPearl Clark119 S. Franklin
55645564View Page19001013Saturday, October 13th, 1900Melvin CramerMelvin Cramer1325 E. Main
53955395View Page19000314Wednesday, March 14th, 1900Arthur DillArthur Dill1123 S. Shipley
53835383View Page19000306Tuesday, March 6th, 1900Mrs. E. G. EarpMrs. E. G. Earp314 W. Jackson St.
55495549View Page19000929Saturday, September 29th, 1900Alf. L. ElabargerAlf. L. Elabarger724 Powers st.
56485648View Page19001226Wednesday, December 26th, 1900R. C. ElabargerR. C. Elabarger724. Powers st.
55265526View Page19000820Monday, August 20th, 1900Ivy Myrtle GettysIvy Myrtle Gettys505 E. Howard
54275427View Page19000416Monday, April 16th, 1900John W. GibsonJohn W. Gibson807 E. Chas. St.
55295529View Page19000823Thursday, August 23rd, 1900Newell GreeneNewell Greene411_W. Howard
54955495View Page19000717Tuesday, July 17th, 1900Wm HanleyWm Hanley911 S. Grant st
56815681View Page19010125Friday, January 25th, 1901May ShaferMay Shafer315 East North
56905690View Page19010201Friday, February 1st, 1901Roy O. WallingRoy O. Walling422 N. Jefferson
57075707View Page19010212Tuesday, February 12th, 1901W. S. HowardW. S. Howard1333 E Main
57135713View Page19010214Thursday, February 14th, 1901Eva A MudgeEva A Mudge248 Kilgore Ave
54205420View Page19000326Monday, March 26th, 1900Belle JohnsonBelle Johnson115 1/2 S. Mulberry st.
54305430View Page19000428Saturday, April 28th, 1900George JulianGeorge Julian210 S. Vine
53755375View Page19000303Saturday, March 3rd, 1900Frank LeonFrank Leon415 E. Charles
56445644View Page19001220Thursday, December 20th, 1900Mrs. A. A. LeuchMrs. A. A. Leuch407_Sutton
55345534View Page19000829Wednesday, August 29th, 1900Mrs. J. E. LewisMrs. J. E. Lewis327. E. Jackson
55635563View Page19001013Saturday, October 13th, 1900Lee M. GlassLee M. Glass903. W. Charles
54945494View Page19000717Tuesday, July 17th, 1900Eddie PerdieuEddie Perdieu809 E. Seymour
52985298View Page19000106Saturday, January 6th, 1900J. L. ScottJ. L. ScottRoom 9 The Anthony
53645364View Page19000219Monday, February 19th, 1900Kenneth SpurgeonKenneth Spurgeon322 E. Charles st.
55805580View Page19001103Saturday, November 3rd, 1900Walter WilsonWalter Wilson629 W. 12th st
54705470View Page19000619Tuesday, June 19th, 1900Ed WiseEd Wise316_S. Grant
58215821View Page19010715Monday, July 15th, 1901Frank HanleyFrank Hanley821 E Jackson
57225722View Page19010223Saturday, February 23rd, 1901Maude GrayMaude Gray217 North St.
57275727View Page19010226Tuesday, February 26th, 1901E. J. CalvertE. J. Calvert415 East Seventh
57355735View Page19010304Monday, March 4th, 1901Alvin HancockAlvin Hancock284 W. Kilgore ave.
57415741View Page19010308Friday, March 8th, 1901J. L. KingsburyJ. L. Kingsbury1001 E. Adams St
57435743View Page19010309Saturday, March 9th, 1901Ethel GilmoreEthel Gilmore1104 E. Adams
57655765View Page19010404Thursday, April 4th, 1901Boyce DavisBoyce Davis324 N Monroe
57725772View Page19010417Wednesday, April 17th, 1901Ralph BowmanRalph Bowman419 W. Howard
57845784View Page19010509Thursday, May 9th, 1901Marguerite BartonMarguerite Barton311 S. Cherry
58005800View Page19010607Friday, June 7th, 1901Robert HaylerRobert Hayler320 N - Vine
58055805View Page19010617Monday, June 17th, 1901Mrs. Eva C. MellingerMrs. Eva C. Mellinger305 N. Vine
58095809View Page19010629Saturday, June 29th, 1901Carl BilbyCarl Bilby1229 E. 8th
58825882View Page19011005Saturday, October 5th, 1901Earl DillmanEarl Dillman320 W 6th St
58925892View Page19011010Thursday, October 10th, 1901Lawrence WeaverLawrence Weaver722 S Elm St
59105910View Page19011016Wednesday, October 16th, 1901Herbert ClarkHerbert Clark415 S Elm
13921392View Page18800318Thursday, March 18th, 1880G W WatsonG W WatsonCor Adams & Madison
14971497View Page18801127Saturday, November 27th, 1880Anna KellyAnna KellyLiberty Street
15691569View Page18810112Wednesday, January 12th, 1881Parry HainesParry HainesNo 81 Main St
15781578View Page18810117Monday, January 17th, 1881C R FlemmingC R FlemmingEast Jackson
16521652View Page18810203Thursday, February 3rd, 1881Mary WallingMary WallingNorth Walnut
19641964View Page18821018Wednesday, October 18th, 1882Willie WatsonWillie WatsonMadison & Chas
59475947View Page19011114Thursday, November 14th, 1901Arthur ShaferArthur Shafer1109 W 1st
59575957View Page19011118Monday, November 18th, 1901Frank ReeseFrank Reese510 W Adam
59655965View Page19011129Friday, November 29th, 1901Mrs. Lon McNeelyMrs. Lon McNeely108 No. Monroe St
60906090View Page19020401Tuesday, April 1st, 1902Ray AbbottRay Abbott1319 W. 8. St.
60156015View Page19020121Tuesday, January 21st, 1902Worth BaldwinWorth Baldwin202. E. Washington
61586158View Page19020627Friday, June 27th, 1902Ray W. BateyRay W. Batey406 Jarrett st Riverside
61716171View Page19020712Saturday, July 12th, 1902Chas. BeckettChas. Beckett824 D St. Whitely
61026102View Page19020415Tuesday, April 15th, 1902Mrs. Anna BenhamMrs. Anna Benham612. S. Elm
60446044View Page19020215Saturday, February 15th, 1902Raymond ConwayRaymond Conway1007 E Kirby
60206020View Page19020123Thursday, January 23rd, 1902Bennie FisherBennie Fisher230 Hoyt ave.
61886188View Page19020806Wednesday, August 6th, 1902Albert GlaserAlbert Glaser1005 S Center St
60616061View Page19020305Wednesday, March 5th, 1902Eddie HanleyEddie Hanley821 E. Jackson
62716271View Page19021025Saturday, October 25th, 1902L. L. HodgeL. L. Hodge423 Reeves St
62286228View Page19020924Wednesday, September 24th, 1902Clarence HutchinsonClarence Hutchinson808 W.
61186118View Page19020512Monday, May 12th, 1902John Edwin MarshJohn Edwin Marsh222 E. Adams
59835983View Page19020102Thursday, January 2nd, 1902Clarence McCreeryClarence McCreery620 W. Powers
60166016View Page19020123Thursday, January 23rd, 1902Wm H SchmidWm H Schmid2207. S Walnut
21802180View Page18840321Friday, March 21st, 1884Edith E KirbyEdith E KirbyEast Jackson
47364736View Page18980613Monday, June 13th, 1898Austin KerinAustin Kerin1523 East Main st
47204720View Page18980209Wednesday, February 9th, 1898Arthur BartleArthur Bartle917 S Walnut

+Transaction (474)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat. #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
18911107Saturday, November 7th, 1891View Page039583958The Indiana school journal.The Indiana school journal.Willie Watson19641964Willie WatsonWillie Watson
18911114Saturday, November 14th, 1891View Page00414414Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Willie Watson19641964Willie WatsonWillie Watsonthis transaction crossed out
18911124Tuesday, November 24th, 1891View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Homer Shaw28282828Homer ShawHomer Shaw
18911130Monday, November 30th, 1891View Page00414414Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Will Watson19641964Willie WatsonWillie Watson
18911205Saturday, December 5th, 1891View Page00382382The teacher's miscellany : a selection of articles from the Proceedings of the College of professional teachers.The teacher's miscellany : a selection of articles from the Proceedings of the College of professional teachers.G W Watson13921392G W WatsonG W Watson
18911205Saturday, December 5th, 1891View Page022982298Essays on educational reformers.Essays on educational reformers.G W Watson13921392G W WatsonG W Watson
18911214Monday, December 14th, 1891View Page015291529Letters to a young man and other papers.Letters to a young man and other papers.Myrtle Windsor28872887Myrtle WindsorMyrtle Windsor
18911226Saturday, December 26th, 1891View Page035633563The Indiana school journal.The Indiana school journal.G.W. Watson13921392G W WatsonG W Watson
18920109Saturday, January 9th, 1892View Page080668066The teacher and the parent : a treatise upon common-school education : containing practical suggestions to teachers and parents.The teacher and the parent : a treatise upon common-school education : containing practical suggestions to teachers and parents.Arthur Leonard27712771Arthur LeonardArthur Leonardthis transaction crossed out
18920127Wednesday, January 27th, 1892View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Max Bishop28802880Max BishopMax Bishop
18920206Saturday, February 6th, 1892View Page035633563The Indiana school journal.The Indiana school journal.Will Watson19641964Willie WatsonWillie Watson
18920216Tuesday, February 16th, 1892View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Lon M. Simmons0363363Lou M. SimmonsLou M. Simmons
18920222Monday, February 22nd, 1892View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Mr Roy Case27342734Ray CaseRay Case
18920305Saturday, March 5th, 1892View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Hasty Kimbrough25602560Chas. KimbroughChas. Kimbrough
18920308Tuesday, March 8th, 1892View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Arthur Kelly29102910Arthur KelleyArthur Kelley
18920314Monday, March 14th, 1892View Page039893989The Western : a journal of literature, education, and art.The Western : a journal of literature, education, and art.Pearl Perkins15691569Parry HainesParry Haines
18920325Friday, March 25th, 1892View Page039593959The Indiana school journal.The Indiana school journal.Bert Bradbury11881188Burt BradburyBurt Bradbury
18920326Saturday, March 26th, 1892View Page077757775Godey's magazine.Godey's magazine.Pearl Perkins15691569Parry HainesParry Haines
18920330Wednesday, March 30th, 1892View Page032583258The Indiana school journal.The Indiana school journal.Mrs Warner27022702Susan CecilSusan Cecil
18920416Saturday, April 16th, 1892View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.C.J. Brady12761276C J BradyC J Brady
18920423Saturday, April 23rd, 1892View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Mrs C.A. Wood21222122Mrs. C. A. WoodMrs. C. A. Wood
18920426Tuesday, April 26th, 1892View Page077757775Godey's magazine.Godey's magazine.Mrs Laura Fenwick29122912Laura FenwickLaura Fenwickthis transaction crossed out
18920509Monday, May 9th, 1892View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Stewart B. Sampson30443044S. B. SampsonS. B. Sampson
18920513Friday, May 13th, 1892View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Lawrence Herman27772777Mrs. L. HermanMrs. L. Herman
18920519Thursday, May 19th, 1892View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Fred Long0262262Mattie WilcoxonMattie Wilcoxon
18941110Saturday, November 10th, 1894View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.John Kelly45374537John KellyJohn Kelly
18941124Saturday, November 24th, 1894View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Prof TH Johnson28502850Theo. H. JohnsonTheo. H. Johnson
18941130Friday, November 30th, 1894View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Ira Brackin42194219Ira BrackinIra Brackinfixed borrower's name (orig. Bracken)
18941218Tuesday, December 18th, 1894View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Jamie Baldwin30873087Jimmie BaldwinJimmie Baldwin
18941220Thursday, December 20th, 1894View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Jon Guthrie46224622James GuthrieJames Guthrie
18950110Thursday, January 10th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Louie Wildermuth40204020Luis WildermuthLuis Wildermuth
18950119Saturday, January 19th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Claude Clark40854085Claud ClarkClaud Clark
18950125Friday, January 25th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Ralph Huff44034403Ralph HuffRalph HuffNumber 42 marked after patron's name//fixed borrower's name (orig. Heff)
18950130Wednesday, January 30th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Jamie A Ross41734173Jimmy RossJimmy Ross
18950201Friday, February 1st, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Edward Lawler44684468Edward LawlerEdward Lawlerfixed borrower's name (orig. Lowler)
18950209Saturday, February 9th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Geo B Hamilton46614661G. B. HamiltonG. B. Hamilton
18950214Thursday, February 14th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Rayburn McKimmey42434243Rayburn McKimmeyRayburn McKimmeyfixed borrower's name (orig. McKinney)
18950218Monday, February 18th, 1895View Page00188188An autobiography : My schools and schoolmasters; or, The story of my education.An autobiography : My schools and schoolmasters; or, The story of my education.Miss W R Wilcox46294629M. R. WilcoxM. R. Wilcox
18950227Wednesday, February 27th, 1895View Page077757775Godey's magazine.Godey's magazine.Mrs O W McLain26232623O.W. M. LairnO.W. M. Lairn
18950316Saturday, March 16th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Frank Hulett44564456Frank R. HulettFrank R. Hulettfixed borrower's name (orig. Halett)
18950322Friday, March 22nd, 1895View Page022982298Essays on educational reformers.Essays on educational reformers.Mrs. H. E. Stewart46684668H. E. StewartH. E. Stewart
18950325Monday, March 25th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Gertrude Hale43954395Gertrude HaleGertrude Halefixed patron number (orig. 4595)
18950329Friday, March 29th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Merill Skinner43804380Merril SkinnerMerril Skinner
18950404Thursday, April 4th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Charlie Ford47064706Charlie FordCharlie Ford
18950404Thursday, April 4th, 1895View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Orville Shaw29402940Orville ShawOrville Shaw
18950413Saturday, April 13th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Ralph Garst30413041Ralph GarstRalph Garst
18950417Wednesday, April 17th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Earl Tuhey42534253Earl TuheyEarl Tuhey
18950426Friday, April 26th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Robt Shea44724472Robert SheaRobert Shea
18950513Monday, May 13th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Herbert Smith31493149Herbert H. SmithHerbert H. Smith
18950527Monday, May 27th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Mrs. Kate Knowlton28142814Bobbie KnowltonBobbie Knowlton"62" written after patron's name
18950528Tuesday, May 28th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Robt Crabbs40714071Robert CrabbsRobert Crabbs
18950603Monday, June 3rd, 1895View Page019281928The building of a brain.The building of a brain.Oliver W. Weader31833183Oliver W. WeaderOliver W. Weader
18950615Saturday, June 15th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Jeannie Smith11661166Jeannie W SmithJeannie W Smith
18950628Friday, June 28th, 1895View Page077757775Godey's magazine.Godey's magazine.Ester Johnson45644564Esther M. JohnsonEsther M. Johnson
18950723Tuesday, July 23rd, 1895View Page088258825Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Mrs Kate Kessler14641464Kate KesslerKate Kessler
18950727Saturday, July 27th, 1895View Page077757775Godey's magazine.Godey's magazine.May Hickok44424442Mae HickokMae Hickok
18950920Friday, September 20th, 1895View Page088258825Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Jas Bingham46764676Mrs. Jas BinghamMrs. Jas Bingham
18951004Friday, October 4th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Myron Gray40174017Myron GrayMyron Gray
18951005Saturday, October 5th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Vida Cassady23442344Vida CassadyVida Cassady
18951008Tuesday, October 8th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Macy Spradling44754475M. R. SpradlingM. R. Spradling
18951012Saturday, October 12th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Bessie Bunch42704270Bessie G. BunchBessie G. Bunch
18951018Friday, October 18th, 1895View Page080668066The teacher and the parent : a treatise upon common-school education : containing practical suggestions to teachers and parents.The teacher and the parent : a treatise upon common-school education : containing practical suggestions to teachers and parents.Will Herrick30663066Will HerrickWill Herrick
18951029Tuesday, October 29th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Clark Munn41034103Clark MunnClark Munn
18951102Saturday, November 2nd, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Eddie Icerman31103110Wayman AdamsWayman Adams
18951108Friday, November 8th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Clifford Langdon32153215Ralph BardRalph Bard
18951114Thursday, November 14th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.John M Russey32193219John M RusseyJohn M Russey
18951119Tuesday, November 19th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Joseph Holton32993299Joseph HaltonJoseph Halton
18951123Saturday, November 23rd, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.John Gallivan32883288John GallivanJohn Gallivan
18951126Tuesday, November 26th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Herbert Dwyer33113311Herbert DwyerHerbert Dwyer
18951202Monday, December 2nd, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Arland Davis31683168Orland DavisOrland Davis
18951203Tuesday, December 3rd, 1895View Page015721572American education, its principles and elements : Dedicated to the teachers of the United States.American education, its principles and elements : Dedicated to the teachers of the United States.Charles Jenkins31593159Chas JenkinsChas Jenkins
18951209Monday, December 9th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.George Winton46174617Geo. W. WintonGeo. W. Winton
18951220Friday, December 20th, 1895View Page00389389Importance of practical education and useful knowledge : being a selection from his orations and other discourses.Importance of practical education and useful knowledge : being a selection from his orations and other discourses.O W Weader31833183Oliver W. WeaderOliver W. Weader
18951221Saturday, December 21st, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Robt Crandall41294129Robert CrandallRobert Crandall
18951224Tuesday, December 24th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.George Sutton31143114George SuttonGeorge Sutton
18951230Monday, December 30th, 1895View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Karl Mulling33313331Karl NuttingKarl Nutting
18960103Friday, January 3rd, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Geo McRight29932993Harry McCombHarry McComb
18960104Saturday, January 4th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Wilbur Personett31333133Wilbur PersonettWilbur Personett
18960104Saturday, January 4th, 1896View Page00389389Importance of practical education and useful knowledge : being a selection from his orations and other discourses.Importance of practical education and useful knowledge : being a selection from his orations and other discourses.Oliver W Weader31833183Oliver W. WeaderOliver W. Weader
18960111Saturday, January 11th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Arthur Masters46634663Arthur D MastersArthur D Masters
18960127Monday, January 27th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Clarence Perkins46444644Clarence PerkinsClarence Perkins
18960131Friday, January 31st, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Frank Shirk30613061Frank ShirkFrank Shirk
18960205Wednesday, February 5th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Michael Casey31133113J Micheal CaseyJ Micheal Casey
18960215Saturday, February 15th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Mrs Jas Ross31163116Mrs. Jas. RossMrs. Jas. Ross
18960217Monday, February 17th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Ralph Winters45134513Ralph WintersRalph Wintersfixed patron number (orig. 4313)
18960220Thursday, February 20th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Guy Tweedy33083308Guy TweedyGuy Tweedy
18960222Saturday, February 22nd, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Vinton Cecil33593359Vinton CecilVinton Cecil
18960307Saturday, March 7th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.C.E. Everet31803180C. E. EveretC. E. Everet
18960314Saturday, March 14th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Mr Dr Green40434043Mrs. Dr. GreenMrs. Dr. Green
18960323Monday, March 23rd, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Earnest Dungan47094709Ernest DunganErnest Dungan
18960409Thursday, April 9th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Harry Sietz31013101Harry SeitzHarry Seitz
18960411Saturday, April 11th, 1896View Page00380380National education in Europe, being an account of the organization, administration, instruction, and statistics of public schools of different grades in the principal states.National education in Europe, being an account of the organization, administration, instruction, and statistics of public schools of different grades in the principal states.Nellie Kinert27602760Nella KinertNella Kinert
18960425Saturday, April 25th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Robbie Knowlton0715715Addie KnowltonAddie Knowlton
18960430Thursday, April 30th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Mrs C H Church30373037Mrs. C. H. ChurchMrs. C. H. Church
18960507Thursday, May 7th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Norman Boomer43174317Norman BoomerNorman Boomer
18960518Monday, May 18th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Mrs A.S. Templer33813381Addison TemplerAddison Templer
18960521Thursday, May 21st, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Otto Miller33233323Otto MillerOtto Miller
18960523Saturday, May 23rd, 1896View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Minnie Wolff32923292Miss. Minnie WolffMiss. Minnie Wolff
18960601Monday, June 1st, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Henri Gable34533453Henri GableHenri Gable
18960611Thursday, June 11th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Fred Preston34063406Fred PrestonFred Preston
18960616Tuesday, June 16th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Harry Ward44154415Harry WardHarry Ward
18960620Saturday, June 20th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Loys Saxon33403340Loys SaxonLoys Saxon
18960630Tuesday, June 30th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Ms Chas Kilgore43444344Mrs. Chas. KilgoreMrs. Chas. Kilgore
18960805Wednesday, August 5th, 1896View Page077757775Godey's magazine.Godey's magazine.Mrs Hattie Lantz34463446Mrs. Hattie LantzMrs. Hattie Lantz
18960806Thursday, August 6th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Harry Ault34873487Harry AultHarry Aultnumber "50" marked next to patron's name
18960807Friday, August 7th, 1896View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Robbie Knowlton0715715Addie KnowltonAddie Knowltonpatron ID of Addie Knowlton
18960808Saturday, August 8th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Mrs Martha Carver42884288Mrs. Martha CarverMrs. Martha Carver
18960826Wednesday, August 26th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Frank Bayless33683368Frank BaylessFrank Bayless
18960829Saturday, August 29th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Robt Burt33773377Robert BurtRobert Burt
18960902Wednesday, September 2nd, 1896View Page00380380National education in Europe, being an account of the organization, administration, instruction, and statistics of public schools of different grades in the principal states.National education in Europe, being an account of the organization, administration, instruction, and statistics of public schools of different grades in the principal states.India Linder14971497Anna KellyAnna Kellypatron ID of Anna Kelly
18960908Tuesday, September 8th, 1896View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Clyde Thornburg42934293Clyde ThornburgClyde Thornburg
18960912Saturday, September 12th, 1896View Page022982298Essays on educational reformers.Essays on educational reformers.Fannie Lutz35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz
18960918Friday, September 18th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Mrs Dr. Green40434043Mrs. Dr. GreenMrs. Dr. Green
18960923Wednesday, September 23rd, 1896View Page00889889Ginx's baby: his birth and other misfortunes. A satire.Ginx's baby: his birth and other misfortunes. A satire.Omer Mitchell24522452Omer MitchellOmer Mitchell
18960928Monday, September 28th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Herschel Greer40614061Herschel GreerHerschel Greer
18961001Thursday, October 1st, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Horace Hagenlocker31203120Horace HagenlockerHorace Hagenlocker
18961005Monday, October 5th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Earl Lockwood42914291Earl LockwoodEarl Lockwood
18961024Saturday, October 24th, 1896View Page077757775Godey's magazine.Godey's magazine.Mrs Charlotte Pierce35203520Charlotte H. PierceCharlotte H. Pierce
18961026Monday, October 26th, 1896View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Herbert Neal35393539Herbert NealHerbert Neal
18961029Thursday, October 29th, 1896View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Melville Wood19491949Meville WoodMeville Woodpatron Id of F E Herron//fixed patron number (orig. 1947)
18961030Friday, October 30th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.G. N. Peterson44654465Geo. N. PetersonGeo. N. Peterson
18961120Friday, November 20th, 1896View Page097799779Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Mrs Eva H Little29052905Eva HagemanEva Hageman
18961121Saturday, November 21st, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Everett Boor45084508Everett BoorEverett Boor
18961128Saturday, November 28th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.David Richards25052505David F. RichardsDavid F. Richards
18961130Monday, November 30th, 1896View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Mina Guthrie43574357Mina GuthrieMina Guthrie
18961207Monday, December 7th, 1896View Page019281928The building of a brain.The building of a brain.Chas L Baker35683568C. S. BakerC. S. Baker
18961208Tuesday, December 8th, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Harry Kinsman34363436Harry KinsmanHarry Kinsman
18961217Thursday, December 17th, 1896View Page022882288The Education of American girls : considered in a series of essays.The Education of American girls : considered in a series of essays.Flora Harper29602960Flora HarperFlora Harper
18961221Monday, December 21st, 1896View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Mrs Etta M Smith31373137Ettie M. SmithEttie M. Smith
18961228Monday, December 28th, 1896View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.George Sutton31153115Mrs. Mary NealMrs. Mary Neal
18970108Friday, January 8th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Gola Langdon35423542Gola LangdonGola Langdon
18970109Saturday, January 9th, 1897View Page00414414Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Mrs. Effa Ratliff43684368Mrs. E. J. RatliffMrs. E. J. Ratliff
18970118Monday, January 18th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Earl Williams32003200Earl WilliamsEarl Williams
18970121Thursday, January 21st, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Earl McClury32903290Earl McClungEarl McClung
18970208Monday, February 8th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Percy Richardson36023602Percy B. RichardsonPercy B. Richardson"+" is written after patron name.
18970224Wednesday, February 24th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Nellin Legully32433243Nellie LeGalleyNellie LeGalley
18970225Thursday, February 25th, 1897View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Otto Miller33233323Otto MillerOtto Miller
18970308Monday, March 8th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Zora Clevinger33493349Zora ClevengerZora Clevenger
18970318Thursday, March 18th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Warren Sample33903390Warren SampleWarren Sample
18970402Friday, April 2nd, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Walter Hoffner33133313Walter HeffnerWalter Heffner
18970423Friday, April 23rd, 1897View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Louis Iceman32093209Louis IcermanLouis Icerman
18970501Saturday, May 1st, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Archie Race35843584Archie RaceArchie Race
18970503Monday, May 3rd, 1897View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Warren Sample33903390Warren SampleWarren Sample
18970529Saturday, May 29th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Reba Richey32233223Reba RicheyReba Richey
18970604Friday, June 4th, 1897View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Mrs Armetta Meeks36033603Jno T. MeeksJno T. Meeks
18970610Thursday, June 10th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Lester Greely34183418Leslie GreelyLeslie Greely
18970617Thursday, June 17th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Willie Evans33993399Gertrude ClarkGertrude Clark
18970626Saturday, June 26th, 1897View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Rev H M Denslow34763476H. M. DenslowH. M. Denslow
18970630Wednesday, June 30th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Blanche Williams33563356Blanche WilliamsBlanche Williams
18970710Saturday, July 10th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Griffith Wallace32613261Griffith WallaceGriffith Wallace
18970716Friday, July 16th, 1897View Page00414414Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Mrs Ivins10371037Martha J IvinsMartha J Ivinsfixed borrower's name (orig. "Ivans")
18970717Saturday, July 17th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Geo Robinson35933593Willie RobinsonWillie Robinson
18970719Monday, July 19th, 1897View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Pearl Barnes37383738Pearl BarnesPearl Barnes
18970724Saturday, July 24th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Mrs Bertha Brown43234323Mrs. Bertha BrownMrs. Bertha Brown
18970730Friday, July 30th, 1897View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Rena Kirkpatrick25492549Rena GillRena Gill
18970731Saturday, July 31st, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.E. Marchart30333033E. MarchartE. Marchart
18970823Monday, August 23rd, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Paul White37243724Paul WhitePaul White
18970830Monday, August 30th, 1897View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Herbert Houze34943494Herbert HouzeHerbert Houze
18970904Saturday, September 4th, 1897View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Loys Saxon33403340Loys SaxonLoys Saxon
18970913Monday, September 13th, 1897View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Fred Preston34063406Fred PrestonFred Preston
18970918Saturday, September 18th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Robt Bradbury007878Kate WilsonKate WilsonPatron ID of Kate Wilson
18970924Friday, September 24th, 1897View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Estella Clark37033703Mrs. S. F. KiserMrs. S. F. Kiser
18970927Monday, September 27th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Clarence Greely40754075Clarence GreelyClarence Greely
18971006Wednesday, October 6th, 1897View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Geo. Le Galley35993599Ralph FahrnerRalph Fahrner
18971007Thursday, October 7th, 1897View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Horace Hagenlocker31203120Horace HagenlockerHorace Hagenlocker
18971009Saturday, October 9th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Robt Mock42314231Robert MockRobert MockNumber 99 marked next to patron's name
18971011Monday, October 11th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Wallace Ballard32823282W BallardW Ballard
18971019Tuesday, October 19th, 1897View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Guy Tweedy33083308Guy TweedyGuy Tweedy
18971028Thursday, October 28th, 1897View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Gola Langdon35423542Gola LangdonGola Langdon
18971030Saturday, October 30th, 1897View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Guy Sutton33203320Guy SuttonGuy Sutton
18971103Wednesday, November 3rd, 1897View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.I B Saxon33253325I. B. SaxonI. B. Saxon
18971108Monday, November 8th, 1897View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Harry Miller37833783Harry MillernsHarry Millerns
18971112Friday, November 12th, 1897View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Guy Sutton33203320Guy SuttonGuy Sutton
18971113Saturday, November 13th, 1897View Page1047110471Education as a science.Education as a science.Jennie Miller28982898Jennie MillerJennie Miller
18971117Wednesday, November 17th, 1897View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Ms L. L. Turner44114411Mrs. L. L. TurnerMrs. L. L. TurnerNumber 60 marked next to patron's name
18971123Tuesday, November 23rd, 1897View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Ms Florence Kingsbury38073807Florence KingsburryFlorence Kingsburry
18971129Monday, November 29th, 1897View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Austin Claypool36893689Charles ReeceCharles Reece
18971201Wednesday, December 1st, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Mrs. M C Gayman0323323Willie R. BrothertonWillie R. Brotherton
18971218Saturday, December 18th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.John Rockaway35873587J. N. RockawayJ. N. Rockaway
18971229Wednesday, December 29th, 1897View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Jas Lightbody37513751James LightbodyJames Lightbody
18971230Thursday, December 30th, 1897View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Ray Poland38483848Roy PolandRoy Poland
18971230Thursday, December 30th, 1897View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Robert Mock42314231Robert MockRobert Mock
18980103Monday, January 3rd, 1898View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Clifford Langdon32133213Clifford LangdonClifford Langdon
18980107Friday, January 7th, 1898View Page1050110501Science and education : essays.Science and education : essays.Carrie Andrews20652065Carrie AndrewsCarrie Andrews
18980111Tuesday, January 11th, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Winlock Turner44104410Winlock TurnerWinlock Turner
18980113Thursday, January 13th, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Harry Haus38403840Harry HourHarry Hour
18980117Monday, January 17th, 1898View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Arthur Richards34523452Arthur J. RichardsArthur J. Richards
18980120Thursday, January 20th, 1898View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Fred Boehm37803780Fred BochmFred Bochm
18980121Friday, January 21st, 1898View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Ms Mary Carpenter0630630Mary CarpenterMary Carpenter
18980124Monday, January 24th, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.W. E. Morrow38623862W E MorrowW E Morrow
18980125Tuesday, January 25th, 1898View Page00389389Importance of practical education and useful knowledge : being a selection from his orations and other discourses.Importance of practical education and useful knowledge : being a selection from his orations and other discourses.W H Stokes12891289W H StokesW H Stokes
18980204Friday, February 4th, 1898View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Saml Sutton38043804S. R. SuttonS. R. Sutton
18980205Saturday, February 5th, 1898View Page1047110471Education as a science.Education as a science.Mrs Jennie Miller28982898Jennie MillerJennie Miller
18980212Saturday, February 12th, 1898View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Jamie Templer40144014E. R. TemplerE. R. Templer
18980215Tuesday, February 15th, 1898View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Rex Smith38283828Rex SmithRex Smith
18980218Friday, February 18th, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Louis Pastorino38443844Louis PastorinoLouis Pastorino
18980301Tuesday, March 1st, 1898View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Rex Smith38283828Rex SmithRex Smith
18980305Saturday, March 5th, 1898View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Everett Boor45084508Everett BoorEverett Boor
18980307Monday, March 7th, 1898View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Earl Williams32003200Earl WilliamsEarl Williams
18980308Tuesday, March 8th, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Harry Dunnington36333633Harry DunningtonHarry Dunnington
18980319Saturday, March 19th, 1898View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Mrs. M C Gayman0323323Willie R. BrothertonWillie R. Brotherton
18980322Tuesday, March 22nd, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Harry Kinsman34363436Harry KinsmanHarry Kinsman
18980323Wednesday, March 23rd, 1898View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Charles Reece36893689Charles ReeceCharles Reece
18980329Tuesday, March 29th, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Ross Dowden38973897Ross DowdenRoss Dowden
18980331Thursday, March 31st, 1898View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Ray Leonard31513151Harry JohnsonHarry Johnson
18980404Monday, April 4th, 1898View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Renan Robbins39603960Renan RobbinsRenan Robbins
18980405Tuesday, April 5th, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Clarence Leager46094609Clarence LeagerClarence Leager
18980414Thursday, April 14th, 1898View Page00414414Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Chas Moore17471747Taylor MooreTaylor Moore
18980416Saturday, April 16th, 1898View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Ernest Naftzger37193719Ernest NaftzgerErnest Naftzger
18980423Saturday, April 23rd, 1898View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Roy Palmer45344534Roy PalmerRoy Palmer
18980502Monday, May 2nd, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Arthur Walling38963896Arthur WallingArthur Walling
18980517Tuesday, May 17th, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Merrill Leonard26542654Merrill LeonardMerrill Leonard
18980602Thursday, June 2nd, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Guy McAllister39003900Guy McAllisterGuy McAllister
18980614Tuesday, June 14th, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Ralph Jackson37883788Ralph JacksonRalph Jackson
18980617Friday, June 17th, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Albert Carpenter00066Albert CarpenterAlbert Carpenter
18980618Saturday, June 18th, 1898View Page070967096Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Estella Clark37083708Estella ClarkEstella Clark
18980621Tuesday, June 21st, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.E. A. Leatherman25182518Jesse CarmichaelJesse Carmichael
18980623Thursday, June 23rd, 1898View Page1055210552Essays on educational reformers.Essays on educational reformers.Mrs Clara Hickman38913891Mrs. Clara HickmanMrs. Clara Hickman
18980706Wednesday, July 6th, 1898View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Florence Campbell37283728Florance CampbellFlorance Campbell
18980820Saturday, August 20th, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.G N Peterson44654465Geo. N. PetersonGeo. N. Peterson
18980826Friday, August 26th, 1898View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Joline Payton39353935C. E. BurnettC. E. Burnett
18980827Saturday, August 27th, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Charles Olive39043904Charlie OliverCharlie Oliver
18980906Tuesday, September 6th, 1898View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Loys Saxon33403340Loys SaxonLoys Saxon
18980910Saturday, September 10th, 1898View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Harry White46374637Harry WhiteHarry Whiteborrower's last name indicated by ditto marks
18980923Friday, September 23rd, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Mrs Dora Mitchell42424242Mrs. Dora MitchellMrs. Dora Mitchell
18980924Saturday, September 24th, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Jamie Duncan45874587Jamie DuncanJamie Duncan
18981011Tuesday, October 11th, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.J.L. Kingsbury40264026J. L. KingsburyJ. L. Kingsbury
18981101Tuesday, November 1st, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Carl Ried36983698Carl ReedCarl Reed
18981105Saturday, November 5th, 1898View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Rush Keelor44864486Hettie KeelorHettie Keelor
18981116Wednesday, November 16th, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Ralph Brown32913291Ralph BrownRalph Brown
18981119Saturday, November 19th, 1898View Page1099210992Walks and talks.Walks and talks.Mary Helire48144814Mrs. Mary HelireMrs. Mary Helire
18981122Tuesday, November 22nd, 1898View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Mrs F.H. Hubbard33853385Mrs. F H. HubbardMrs. F H. Hubbard
18981126Saturday, November 26th, 1898View Page1101911019A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.Joseph Stiffler0794794Joseph StifflerJoseph Stiffler
18981128Monday, November 28th, 1898View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.George Gowdy48354835Geo. D. GowdyGeo. D. Gowdy
18981129Tuesday, November 29th, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Peter Herbert38793879Peter HerbertPeter Herbert
18981203Saturday, December 3rd, 1898View Page1099210992Walks and talks.Walks and talks.Mary Helire48144814Mrs. Mary HelireMrs. Mary Helire
18981205Monday, December 5th, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Nora Gaffney34293429[...] Gaffney[...] Gaffney
18981210Saturday, December 10th, 1898View Page1101911019A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.Joseph Stiffler0794794Joseph StifflerJoseph Stiffler
18981219Monday, December 19th, 1898View Page1103411034The education of man.The education of man.Michael Mahon40644064Michael MahoneyMichael Mahoney
18981224Saturday, December 24th, 1898View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Arthur McKinley29232923Arther McKinleyArther McKinley
18981229Thursday, December 29th, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Earl Lake47744774Earl LakeEarl Lake
18981230Friday, December 30th, 1898View Page1103411034The education of man.The education of man.John Deam26302630John DeamJohn Deam
18981231Saturday, December 31st, 1898View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Anna Hamilton47424742Anna HamiltonAnna HamiltonNumber 68 written next to patron's name
18990111Wednesday, January 11th, 1899View Page1101911019A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.Julia Darracott10551055Geo DarracottGeo Darracott
18990113Friday, January 13th, 1899View Page1103411034The education of man.The education of man.John Deam26302630John DeamJohn Deam
18990114Saturday, January 14th, 1899View Page022982298Essays on educational reformers.Essays on educational reformers.Mrs Myrtle Alexander39963996Mattie B. KrumlerMattie B. Krumlerillegible number written next to patron's name
18990116Monday, January 16th, 1899View Page1103411034The education of man.The education of man.Earl McClung32903290Earl McClungEarl McClung
18990116Monday, January 16th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Frank Davis38823882Frank DavisFrank Davis
18990121Saturday, January 21st, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Everett Naftzger37193719Ernest NaftzgerErnest Naftzger
18990126Thursday, January 26th, 1899View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Raymond Rarhborn48664866R. RahrbornR. Rahrborn
18990128Saturday, January 28th, 1899View Page1156211562Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Mrs. C.L. Wolfrom33543354Mrs. C. L. WolfromMrs. C. L. Wolfrom
18990204Saturday, February 4th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Cecil Jones47474747Cecil JonesCecil Jones
18990206Monday, February 6th, 1899View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Grant Frazier43824382Grant FrazierGrant Frazier
18990211Saturday, February 11th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Willie Jones37383738Pearl BarnesPearl Barnes
18990215Wednesday, February 15th, 1899View Page1101911019A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.Mrs Laura S Brown0635635Laura StifflerLaura StifflerPatron ID of Laura Stiffler
18990220Monday, February 20th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Charlie Hoover49924992Charlie HooverCharlie Hoover
18990224Friday, February 24th, 1899View Page1050110501Science and education : essays.Science and education : essays.Mrs Nellie Sudbury49254925Mrs. N. H. SudburyMrs. N. H. Sudbury
18990302Thursday, March 2nd, 1899View Page1040110401The education of children at Rome.The education of children at Rome.Ray Naftzger37493749Roy NaftzgerRoy Naftzger
18990302Thursday, March 2nd, 1899View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Ernest Davis37073707Ernest DavisErnest Davis
18990303Friday, March 3rd, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Ed Marsh47674767Edwin MarshEdwin MarshNumber 72 written next to patron's name//fixed patron number (orig. 4467)
18990308Wednesday, March 8th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.J.B. Canfield50375037J. Branson CanfieldJ. Branson Canfield
18990309Thursday, March 9th, 1899View Page00380380National education in Europe, being an account of the organization, administration, instruction, and statistics of public schools of different grades in the principal states.National education in Europe, being an account of the organization, administration, instruction, and statistics of public schools of different grades in the principal states.Edith Kirby21802180Edith E KirbyEdith E Kirby
18990311Saturday, March 11th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Mrs N.G. Francis43484348Mrs. N. G. FrancisMrs. N. G. Francis
18990315Wednesday, March 15th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Marx Holt49204920Marx E. HoltMarx E. Holt
18990317Friday, March 17th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Arthur Potter47384738Arthur PotterArthur Potter
18990317Friday, March 17th, 1899View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Rodney Hayler50495049Rodney HaylerRodney Hayler
18990322Wednesday, March 22nd, 1899View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Mina Gainor47034703Minnie GainorMinnie Gainor
18990327Monday, March 27th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Harry Ritter50285028Harry RitterHarry Ritter
18990327Monday, March 27th, 1899View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Lawrence Norton50145014Lawrence NortonLawrence Norton
18990403Monday, April 3rd, 1899View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.George Hawk38593859George HawkGeorge Hawk
18990417Monday, April 17th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Mrs. E.A. Leatherman25182518Jesse CarmichaelJesse CarmichaelPatron ID of Jesse Carmichael
18990428Friday, April 28th, 1899View Page1099210992Walks and talks.Walks and talks.C.H.C. Blue49834983C H C BlueC H C Blue
18990501Monday, May 1st, 1899View Page1054710547Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Mary Clancy50725072Mary ClancyMary Clancy
18990502Tuesday, May 2nd, 1899View Page1050110501Science and education : essays.Science and education : essays.Mary Clancy50725072Mary ClancyMary Clancy
18990516Tuesday, May 16th, 1899View Page1099210992Walks and talks.Walks and talks.Mrs. Clara Hickman38913891Mrs. Clara HickmanMrs. Clara Hickman
18990520Saturday, May 20th, 1899View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Vier Max33703370Viere MaxViere Max
18990523Tuesday, May 23rd, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch Off37633763Mary WysorMary WysorPatron ID of Mary Wysor
18990524Wednesday, May 24th, 1899View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Fred Bunch47754775Fred BunchFred Bunch
18990531Wednesday, May 31st, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Eugene Lejuste Jr49874987Eugene LejusteEugene Lejuste
18990615Thursday, June 15th, 1899View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Carl Reed36983698Carl ReedCarl Reed
18990624Saturday, June 24th, 1899View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Leroy Weaver36433643Leroy WeaverLeroy Weaver
18990715Saturday, July 15th, 1899View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Mrs. Martha Bayless48944894Mrs. Martha BaylessMrs. Martha Bayless
18990728Friday, July 28th, 1899View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Rex Kelley49824982Rex KelleyRex Kelley
18990729Saturday, July 29th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.George Goggin49594959Geo GogginGeo Goggin"100" written after patron's name
18990819Saturday, August 19th, 1899View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.B. C. Bowman32303230Mr. B C BowmanMr. B C Bowman
18990825Friday, August 25th, 1899View Page1101911019A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.Madge Walling16521652Mary WallingMary Walling
18990828Monday, August 28th, 1899View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Mrs. Frank Leon45584558Mrs. F LeonMrs. F Leon
18990829Tuesday, August 29th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Harold Patterson51295129Harold PattersonHarold Patterson
18990902Saturday, September 2nd, 1899View Page1101911019A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.Maryanne Youse005050Charles E. MooreCharles E. Moore
18990902Saturday, September 2nd, 1899View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.O. F. Pitts47504750O. F. PittsO. F. Pitts
18990906Wednesday, September 6th, 1899View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Janis Lighthardy37513751James LightbodyJames Lightbody
18990906Wednesday, September 6th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Raymond Rahrborn48664866R. RahrbornR. Rahrborn
18990914Thursday, September 14th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Harry Russell51045104Harvey RussellHarvey Russell
18990918Monday, September 18th, 1899View Page1101911019A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.Morgan Youse005050Charles E. MooreCharles E. Moore
18990918Monday, September 18th, 1899View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Crawford Murton49944994Crawford MurtonCrawford Murton
18990919Tuesday, September 19th, 1899View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Ada Ebenhack47354735Ada EbenhackAda Ebenhack
18990921Thursday, September 21st, 1899View Page1054710547Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Mrs. Bradbury11811181Sara BradburySara Bradburyfixed patron's number (orig. 1101)
18990929Friday, September 29th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Raymond Rahrborn48664866R. RahrbornR. Rahrborn
18990930Saturday, September 30th, 1899View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Roscoe Lorentz39273927Roscoe LorentzRoscoe Lorentz
18991002Monday, October 2nd, 1899View Page1101911019A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.Mrs. Mary Youse005050Charles E. MooreCharles E. Moore
18991002Monday, October 2nd, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Wysor Marsh45244524Wysor MarshWysor Marsh
18991005Thursday, October 5th, 1899View Page1054710547Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Mrs. Sarah Bradbury11811181Sara BradburySara Bradbury
18991006Friday, October 6th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Willie Conner47264726Willie ConnerWillie Conner
18991009Monday, October 9th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Leroy Campbell51435143Leroy CampbellLeroy Campbell
18991014Saturday, October 14th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Austin Kerin47364736Austin KerinAustin Kerin
18991021Saturday, October 21st, 1899View Page1040110401The education of children at Rome.The education of children at Rome.W W Lockwood51985198H. H. LochundH. H. Lochund
18991023Monday, October 23rd, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Rodney Hayler50495049Rodney HaylerRodney Hayler
18991030Monday, October 30th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Vier Max33703370Viere MaxViere Max
18991103Friday, November 3rd, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Karl Cecil51995199Karl CecilKarl Cecil
18991114Tuesday, November 14th, 1899View Page1121411214Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Mayme W. Moore005252Fred W. HustedFred W. Husted'C. W.' is included in the same line above name
18991116Thursday, November 16th, 1899View Page00406406Lectures and addresses.Lectures and addresses.Dr. L Ball001919Thomas J. BradyThomas J. Brady"(W. B.)" written after patron's name
18991118Saturday, November 18th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Herbert Houze34943494Herbert HouzeHerbert Houze
18991123Thursday, November 23rd, 1899View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Ross Ault34903490Ross AultRoss Ault
18991202Saturday, December 2nd, 1899View Page1121411214Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Mina Youse005252Fred W. HustedFred W. Husted
18991205Tuesday, December 5th, 1899View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Harry Turner52545254Harry TurnerHarry Turner
18991207Thursday, December 7th, 1899View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Eugene Lejuste Sr50085008Eugene Lejuste Sr.Eugene Lejuste Sr.
18991218Monday, December 18th, 1899View Page1121411214Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Ed Moore005252Fred W. HustedFred W. Husted
18991223Saturday, December 23rd, 1899View Page1099210992Walks and talks.Walks and talks.Mina Pershing24782478Minnie PershingMinnie Pershing
18991223Saturday, December 23rd, 1899View Page1103411034The education of man.The education of man.Mary Jacobs30293029Mary JacobsMary Jacobs
19000102Tuesday, January 2nd, 1900View Page1130211302Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.J B Ludlow11411141Jas B LudlowJas B Ludlow"+" marked after patron's name
19000115Monday, January 15th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Harry Anderson47774777Harry AndersonHarry Anderson
19000118Thursday, January 18th, 1900View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Bertie Wmson40024002Bertie WilliamsonBertie WilliamsonNumber 66 marked after patron's name
19000122Monday, January 22nd, 1900View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.J L Scott52985298J. L. ScottJ. L. Scott
19000125Thursday, January 25th, 1900View Page1055210552Essays on educational reformers.Essays on educational reformers.Mrs L L Ball39703970Mrs. L. L. BallMrs. L. L. Ball
19000129Monday, January 29th, 1900View Page1101911019A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.Barney Swan51025102Barney SwanBarney Swan
19000205Monday, February 5th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Raymond Potter50225022Raymond PotterRaymond Potter
19000206Tuesday, February 6th, 1900View Page1103411034The education of man.The education of man.Alton Hastings38213821A. P. HastingsA. P. Hastings
19000212Monday, February 12th, 1900View Page1101911019A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.Barney Swain51025102Barney SwanBarney Swan
19000213Tuesday, February 13th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Ada Ebenhack47354735Ada EbenhackAda Ebenhack
19000220Tuesday, February 20th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Roscoe Lorentz39273927Roscoe LorentzRoscoe Lorentz
19000220Tuesday, February 20th, 1900View Page1103411034The education of man.The education of man.Alton Hastings38213821A. P. HastingsA. P. Hastings
19000312Monday, March 12th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Harry Turner52545254Harry TurnerHarry Turner
19000314Wednesday, March 14th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Joseph Mahoney49454945Joseph MahoneyJoseph Mahoney
19000317Saturday, March 17th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Larmore Norton50145014Lawrence NortonLawrence Norton
19000404Wednesday, April 4th, 1900View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.John Mellett53955395Arthur DillArthur Dill
19000409Monday, April 9th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Fred Swain39653965Fred A SwainFred A Swain
19000423Monday, April 23rd, 1900View Page1101911019A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.India C. Linder47794779India C. LinderIndia C. Linder
19000426Thursday, April 26th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Dillard Drake39593959Dillard DrakeDillard Drake
19000510Thursday, May 10th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Ferdinand Baker39733973Ferdinand BakerFerdinand Baker
19000510Thursday, May 10th, 1900View Page1103411034The education of man.The education of man.Mrs. Lois E Evans50475047Lois EvansLois Evans
19000514Monday, May 14th, 1900View Page1099210992Walks and talks.Walks and talks.Rev HM Denslow34763476H. M. DenslowH. M. Denslow
19000522Tuesday, May 22nd, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Claude Smith32713271Claud SmithClaud Smith
19000528Monday, May 28th, 1900View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Edith Wilson48544854Edith WilsonEdith Wilson
19000529Tuesday, May 29th, 1900View Page1077910779Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Geo E Cox52105210Geo E. CoxGeo E. Cox
19000529Tuesday, May 29th, 1900View Page1101911019A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.J.E. Durham37673767J. E. DurhamJ. E. Durham
19000605Tuesday, June 5th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Fred A Swain39653965Fred A SwainFred A Swain
19000612Tuesday, June 12th, 1900View Page1077910779Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Alfred Kilgore27942794Alfred KilgoreAlfred KilgoreOriginal transaction lists patron # as 2796, but this was likely an error and has been changed to reflect Alfred Kilgore's actual patron # 2794.
19000612Tuesday, June 12th, 1900View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Harry Tuttle51725172Harry TuttleHarry Tuttle
19000621Thursday, June 21st, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Harry Ritter50285028Harry RitterHarry Ritter
19000625Monday, June 25th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Frank Leon53755375Frank LeonFrank Leon
19000702Monday, July 2nd, 1900View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Dillard Drake39593959Dillard DrakeDillard Drake
19000728Saturday, July 28th, 1900View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Joseph C. Long50075007J C LongJ C Long
19000802Thursday, August 2nd, 1900View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Ross Ault34903490Ross AultRoss Ault
19000804Saturday, August 4th, 1900View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Eddie Wise54705470Ed WiseEd Wise
19000806Monday, August 6th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Kenneth Spurgeon53645364Kenneth SpurgeonKenneth Spurgeon
19000809Thursday, August 9th, 1900View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Morell Bunch50365036Morrell BunchMorrell Bunch
19000813Monday, August 13th, 1900View Page1077910779Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Minnie Guthrie43574357Mina GuthrieMina GuthriePatron ID "4857" is registered to "Pearl Bennett" An "X" is written to the right of borrower name//fixed patron number (orig. 4857)
19000815Wednesday, August 15th, 1900View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Albert Carpenter00066Albert CarpenterAlbert Carpenter
19000823Thursday, August 23rd, 1900View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Fred Bowman54925492Fred H. BowmanFred H. Bowman
19000825Saturday, August 25th, 1900View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Paul Blair37763776Paul BlairPaul Blair
19000827Monday, August 27th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Wm Hanley54955495Wm HanleyWm Hanley
19000827Monday, August 27th, 1900View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Marx Holt49204920Marx E. HoltMarx E. Holt
19000904Tuesday, September 4th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.John Oliver39233923John OliverJohn Oliver
19000928Friday, September 28th, 1900View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Joseph King55345534Mrs. J. E. LewisMrs. J. E. Lewis
19001001Monday, October 1st, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Newell Green55295529Newell GreeneNewell Greene
19001015Monday, October 15th, 1900View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Rodney Hayler50495049Rodney HaylerRodney Hayler
19001018Thursday, October 18th, 1900View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Ray Spradling32243224Roy SpradlingRoy Spradling
19001020Saturday, October 20th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Ernest Naftzger37193719Ernest NaftzgerErnest Naftzger
19001027Saturday, October 27th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Melvin Cramer55645564Melvin CramerMelvin Cramer
19001119Monday, November 19th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Ray Spradling32243224Roy SpradlingRoy Spradling
19001119Monday, November 19th, 1900View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Harry Turner52545254Harry TurnerHarry Turner
19001201Saturday, December 1st, 1900View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Bob Johnson40684068Hattie JohnstonHattie Johnston
19001205Wednesday, December 5th, 1900View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Gertrude Gibson34503450H. T. SarverH. T. Sarver
19001205Wednesday, December 5th, 1900View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Melvin Cramer55645564Melvin CramerMelvin Cramer
19001210Monday, December 10th, 1900View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Karl Nutting33313331Karl NuttingKarl Nutting
19001213Thursday, December 13th, 1900View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Ralph Jackson37883788Ralph JacksonRalph Jackson
19001214Friday, December 14th, 1900View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Arthur G Masters46634663Arthur D MastersArthur D Masters
19001224Monday, December 24th, 1900View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Warren Hutsell49914991Warren HutsellWarren Hutsell
19010105Saturday, January 5th, 1901View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Carl Bartle39153915Carl BartleCarl Bartle
19010119Saturday, January 19th, 1901View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.George Glass38453845George GlassGeorge Glass
19010123Wednesday, January 23rd, 1901View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.John W Gibson54275427John W. GibsonJohn W. Gibson
19010126Saturday, January 26th, 1901View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Walter Rockaway53395339Walter RockawayWalter Rockaway
19010202Saturday, February 2nd, 1901View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Leroy Campbell51435143Leroy CampbellLeroy Campbell
19010202Saturday, February 2nd, 1901View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Roy O. Walling56905690Roy O. WallingRoy O. Walling
19010210Sunday, February 10th, 1901View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Leslie DarrNo patron ID listed
19010216Saturday, February 16th, 1901View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Mrs Maude Somers52675267Mrs. Maude SomersMrs. Maude Somers
19010218Monday, February 18th, 1901View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Carl Coffin56445644Mrs. A. A. LeuchMrs. A. A. Leuch
19010309Saturday, March 9th, 1901View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Roscoe Murray57435743Ethel GilmoreEthel Gilmore
19010316Saturday, March 16th, 1901View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Alvin Hancock57355735Alvin HancockAlvin Hancock
19010318Monday, March 18th, 1901View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Maude Gray57225722Maude GrayMaude Gray
19010318Monday, March 18th, 1901View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Eva Madge57135713Eva A MudgeEva A Mudge
19010410Wednesday, April 10th, 1901View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Clinton Anderson55425542Clinton AndersonClinton Anderson
19010412Friday, April 12th, 1901View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Arthur Bartle47204720Arthur BartleArthur Bartle
19010426Friday, April 26th, 1901View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Ernest Calvert57275727E. J. CalvertE. J. Calvert
19010504Saturday, May 4th, 1901View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Newell Green55295529Newell GreeneNewell Greene
19010513Monday, May 13th, 1901View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.George Patterson52755275George PattersonGeorge Patterson
19010605Wednesday, June 5th, 1901View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Ruth Best34343434Town RenaTown Rena
19010606Thursday, June 6th, 1901View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Alvin Hancock57355735Alvin HancockAlvin Hancock
19010612Wednesday, June 12th, 1901View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Rodney Hayler50495049Rodney HaylerRodney Hayler
19010624Monday, June 24th, 1901View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Mrs. Eva C Melleyer58055805Mrs. Eva C. MellingerMrs. Eva C. Mellinger
19010625Tuesday, June 25th, 1901View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Hester Barmaster51125112Huston BurmasterHuston Burmaster
19010703Wednesday, July 3rd, 1901View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Robert Hayler58005800Robert HaylerRobert Hayler
19010713Saturday, July 13th, 1901View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Roscoe Lorentz39273927Roscoe LorentzRoscoe Lorentz
19010718Thursday, July 18th, 1901View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Newell Green55295529Newell GreeneNewell Greene
19010719Friday, July 19th, 1901View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Huston Barmaster51125112Huston BurmasterHuston Burmaster
19010723Tuesday, July 23rd, 1901View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Newell Green55295529Newell GreeneNewell Greene
19010802Friday, August 2nd, 1901View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Eddie Wise54705470Ed WiseEd Wise
19010812Monday, August 12th, 1901View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.F. Leon53755375Frank LeonFrank Leon
19010819Monday, August 19th, 1901View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Eddie Perdieu54945494Eddie PerdieuEddie Perdieu
19010827Tuesday, August 27th, 1901View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.T Leon53755375Frank LeonFrank Leon
19010920Friday, September 20th, 1901View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Frank Hanley58215821Frank HanleyFrank Hanley
19011005Saturday, October 5th, 1901View Page1101911019A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.Myrtle Gettys55265526Ivy Myrtle GettysIvy Myrtle Gettys
19011016Wednesday, October 16th, 1901View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Frank Leon53755375Frank LeonFrank Leon
19011019Saturday, October 19th, 1901View Page1101911019A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.Myrtle Gettys55265526Ivy Myrtle GettysIvy Myrtle Gettys
19011024Thursday, October 24th, 1901View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Austin Claypool36893689Charles ReeceCharles ReecePatron ID of Charles Reece
19011026Saturday, October 26th, 1901View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Boyce Davis57655765Boyce DavisBoyce Davis
19011102Saturday, November 2nd, 1901View Page1101911019A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.Dr. H.H. Baker38303830Mrs. H H BakerMrs. H H Baker
19011108Friday, November 8th, 1901View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Ralph Bowman57725772Ralph BowmanRalph Bowman
19011108Friday, November 8th, 1901View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Earl Dillman58825882Earl DillmanEarl Dillman
19011111Monday, November 11th, 1901View Page1103411034The education of man.The education of man.Blanche Winters31943194Blanche WintersBlanche Winters
19011118Monday, November 18th, 1901View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Harry Tuttle51725172Harry TuttleHarry TuttlePatron ID of Geo Ball Original transaction lists patron # as 5171, but this was likely an error and has been changed to reflect Harry Tuttle's actual patron # 5172.
19011119Tuesday, November 19th, 1901View Page1101911019A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.Mrs. Dr. Baker38303830Mrs. H H BakerMrs. H H Baker
19011125Monday, November 25th, 1901View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Willie Allum53145314Willie AllumWillie Allum
19011203Tuesday, December 3rd, 1901View Page1103411034The education of man.The education of man.Tracy Koener007878Kate WilsonKate Wilson
19011226Thursday, December 26th, 1901View Page1308613086Lem, a New England village boy : his adventures and his mishapsLem, a New England village boy : his adventures and his mishapsMrs. Lon Neely59655965Mrs. Lon McNeelyMrs. Lon McNeely
19011227Friday, December 27th, 1901View Page1054710547Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Education : intellectual, moral, and physical.Pearl Clark55115511Pearl ClarkPearl Clark
19020106Monday, January 6th, 1902View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Roscoe Murray57415741J. L. KingsburyJ. L. Kingsbury
19020124Friday, January 24th, 1902View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Carl Bilby58095809Carl BilbyCarl Bilby
19020208Saturday, February 8th, 1902View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Carl Bilby58095809Carl BilbyCarl Bilby
19020211Tuesday, February 11th, 1902View Page1055210552Essays on educational reformers.Essays on educational reformers.James Ribble47854785James RibbleJames Ribble
19020304Tuesday, March 4th, 1902View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.H.W. Lingle42104210H. F. LingleH. F. Lingle
19020322Saturday, March 22nd, 1902View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.W.S. Howard57075707W. S. HowardW. S. Howard
19020401Tuesday, April 1st, 1902View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Earl Dillman58825882Earl DillmanEarl Dillman
19020402Wednesday, April 2nd, 1902View Page1285812858Report of the Commissioner of Education : for the year 1897-98.Report of the Commissioner of Education : for the year 1897-98.L.M. Doolittle48094809Lewis DoolittleLewis Doolittle
19020408Tuesday, April 8th, 1902View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Wm Smith60166016Wm H SchmidWm H Schmid
19020411Friday, April 11th, 1902View Page1320313203Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Mrs. Anna Powers48264826Mrs. Anna PowersMrs. Anna Powersfixed patron number (orig. 4820)
19020425Friday, April 25th, 1902View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Frank Reese59575957Frank ReeseFrank Reese
19020428Monday, April 28th, 1902View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Mrs. C.R. Flemming15781578C R FlemmingC R Flemming
19020503Saturday, May 3rd, 1902View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Lawrence Weaver58925892Lawrence WeaverLawrence Weaver
19020507Wednesday, May 7th, 1902View Page1101911019A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint.Nellie Perkins46104610Nellie PerkinsNellie Perkins
19020515Thursday, May 15th, 1902View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Edwin Marsh61186118John Edwin MarshJohn Edwin Marsh
19020516Friday, May 16th, 1902View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Herbert Clark59105910Herbert ClarkHerbert Clark
19020517Saturday, May 17th, 1902View Page1050810508A history of education.A history of education.Mrs. R.C. Elabarger56485648R. C. ElabargerR. C. Elabarger
19020517Saturday, May 17th, 1902View Page1055210552Essays on educational reformers.Essays on educational reformers.A.L. Elabarger55495549Alf. L. ElabargerAlf. L. Elabarger
19020517Saturday, May 17th, 1902View Page1099210992Walks and talks.Walks and talks.Marguerite Barton57845784Marguerite BartonMarguerite Barton
19020519Monday, May 19th, 1902View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Clarence McCreery59835983Clarence McCreeryClarence McCreery
19020531Saturday, May 31st, 1902View Page061126112Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Mrs. Clara Strong51755175Clara M. StrongClara M. Strong
19020628Saturday, June 28th, 1902View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Rue Brady61586158Ray W. BateyRay W. Batey
19020702Wednesday, July 2nd, 1902View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Geo Hawk38593859George HawkGeorge Hawk
19020709Wednesday, July 9th, 1902View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Frank Hanley58215821Frank HanleyFrank Hanley
19020710Thursday, July 10th, 1902View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Mrs. Emma Sawyer37243724Paul WhitePaul White
19020715Tuesday, July 15th, 1902View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Arthur Shaffer59475947Arthur ShaferArthur Shafer
19020717Thursday, July 17th, 1902View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Mary Shaffer56815681May ShaferMay Shafer
19020726Saturday, July 26th, 1902View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Mrs. Ella Earp53835383Mrs. E. G. EarpMrs. E. G. Earp
19020729Tuesday, July 29th, 1902View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Jay Ellis36543654Joy EllisJoy Ellis
19020806Wednesday, August 6th, 1902View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Worth Baldwin60156015Worth BaldwinWorth Baldwin
19020811Monday, August 11th, 1902View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.George Postma51835183George PostmaGeorge Postma
19020812Tuesday, August 12th, 1902View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Walter Wilson55805580Walter WilsonWalter Wilson
19020816Saturday, August 16th, 1902View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Raymond Carney60446044Raymond ConwayRaymond Conway
19020827Wednesday, August 27th, 1902View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Albert Glazer61886188Albert GlaserAlbert Glaser
19020908Monday, September 8th, 1902View Page083338333Switch off, or, The war of the students.Switch off, or, The war of the students.Arthur Dill53955395Arthur DillArthur Dill
19020908Monday, September 8th, 1902View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Mrs. Eva Millenger58055805Mrs. Eva C. MellingerMrs. Eva C. MellingerNumber 55 written after patron's name
19020915Monday, September 15th, 1902View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Bennie Fisher60206020Bennie FisherBennie Fisher
19020918Thursday, September 18th, 1902View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Eddie Hanly60616061Eddie HanleyEddie Hanley
19020927Saturday, September 27th, 1902View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Billie Johnson54205420Belle JohnsonBelle Johnson
19021009Thursday, October 9th, 1902View Page1363613636Education and the larger life,Education and the larger life,Frank Leon53755375Frank LeonFrank Leon
19021014Tuesday, October 14th, 1902View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Chas Beckett61716171Chas. BeckettChas. Beckett
19021024Friday, October 24th, 1902View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.George Julian54305430George JulianGeorge Julian
19021028Tuesday, October 28th, 1902View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Clarence Hutchinson62286228Clarence HutchinsonClarence Hutchinson
19021107Friday, November 7th, 1902View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Irwin Morrow55635563Lee M. GlassLee M. Glass
19021101Saturday, November 1st, 1902View Page028222822Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ... with accompanying papers.Mrs. Anna Benbow61026102Mrs. Anna BenhamMrs. Anna Benham
19021118Tuesday, November 18th, 1902View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.L.L. Hodge62716271L. L. HodgeL. L. Hodge
19021120Thursday, November 20th, 1902View Page1186511865Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Go-ahead; or, The fisher-boy's motto.Ray Abbott60906090Ray AbbottRay Abbott
19021201Monday, December 1st, 1902View Page1040810408The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.The American boy's book of sports and games : a respository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth.Mrs. D.P. Campbell50275027Mrs. D. P. CampbellMrs. D. P. Campbell