Accession # 8311 Title: Senate Doc. - Art & Industry Author: Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 159
Accession # 8311
Accession Date Standardized Date: Thursday, October 13th, 1892
Written Text: Oct 13 1892
Discard Date Standardized Date:
Written Text:
Book Information Author:
Title: Senate Doc. - Art & Industry
Where Published: Washington D.C. Publisher: When Published: 1891 # Vols: 8 Size: 8 # Pages: 1338 Binding Type: Sheep
Of Whom Procured: Interior Dept. Cost: Nature of Origin: Additional Info:

+Book Record

Author Clarke, Isaac Edwards, 1830-1907. Pen Name:
Contributors: United States. Office of Education.
Title: Art and industry : education in the industrial and fine arts in the
United States.

Uniform Title:
Publisher: Government Printing Office (G.P.O.) Where Published: Washington, D.C.
Additional Info: Contents: pt. I. (1885) Drawing in the public schools.--pt. II. (1892)
Industrial and manual training in the public schools.--pt. III. (1897)
Industrial and technical training in voluntary associations and endowed
institutions.--pt. IV. (1898) Industrial and technical training in schools
of technology and in U.S. land grant colleges.

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