Patron # 3515 Patron Name: Lutz, Fannie Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 65 Date Joined Saturday, September 12th,1896 Patron # 3515
Patron Information Name Fannie B Lutz Nickname Residence 128 W. Jackson
Guarantor Information Name C.A. Shick Residence 122 W. Jackson
Relationship to patron
Additional Info

+Supplemental Data

City Directory Name Address bds 722 e Adams Occupation Directory Year 1897-1898
Additional Info teacher Washington bldg
Census Data Name
Background Information Race Sex Female Marital Status # Years Married
Origin Info Birthplace Year of Birth
Birthplace of Father Birthplace of Mother
Naturalization Status Year of Immigration
Residence Info Residential Status # Boarders # Servants
Occupation Info Occupation
Occupation Note
Occupation Group White Collar Occupational Rank High White Collar
Additional Info no listing

+Transaction History (18)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
18990513Saturday, May 13th, 1899View Page1052610526Little journeys.Little journeys.Fannie Lutz35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz
18980207Monday, February 7th, 1898View Page1091010910Munsey's magazine.Munsey's magazine.Fannie Lutz35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz"Nov 1895 Munsey" listed as book iD
18980204Friday, February 4th, 1898View Page082658265Our little men and women.Our little men and women.Edna Harvey35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz
18971112Friday, November 12th, 1897View Page085688568A window in Thrums.A window in Thrums.Fannie Lutz35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz
18971029Friday, October 29th, 1897View Page1038910389Little people of Asia.Little people of Asia.Fannie Lutz35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz
18971023Saturday, October 23rd, 1897View Page085688568A window in Thrums.A window in Thrums.Fannie Lutz35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz
18971016Saturday, October 16th, 1897View Page089918991Marcella.Marcella.Fannie Lutz35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz
18971002Saturday, October 2nd, 1897View Page089908990Marcella.Marcella.Fannie Lutz35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz
18970515Saturday, May 15th, 1897View Page00263263General history of civilization in Europe : from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution.General history of civilization in Europe : from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution.Fannie Lutz35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz
18970217Wednesday, February 17th, 1897View Page076897689The Hoosier school-master : a novel.The Hoosier school-master : a novel.Edna Hornig35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz
18970123Saturday, January 23rd, 1897View Page086048604The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Fannie Lutz35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz
18961205Saturday, December 5th, 1896View Page00263263General history of civilization in Europe : from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution.General history of civilization in Europe : from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution.Fannie Lutz35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz
18961121Saturday, November 21st, 1896View Page00263263General history of civilization in Europe : from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution.General history of civilization in Europe : from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution.Fannie Lutz35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz
18961107Saturday, November 7th, 1896View Page091129112Ben-Hur : a tale of the Christ.Ben-Hur : a tale of the Christ.Fannie Lutz35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz
18961024Saturday, October 24th, 1896View Page098749874Beside the bonnie brier bush.Beside the bonnie brier bush.Fannie Lutz35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz
18961010Saturday, October 10th, 1896View Page020542054The fair god, or, The last of the 'Tzins : a tale of the conquest of Mexico.The fair god, or, The last of the 'Tzins : a tale of the conquest of Mexico.Fannie Lutz35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz
18960926Saturday, September 26th, 1896View Page014241424American weeds and useful plants : being a second and illustrated edition of agricultural botany: an enumeration and description of useful plants and weeds, which merit the notice, or require the attention of American agriculturists.American weeds and useful plants : being a second and illustrated edition of agricultural botany: an enumeration and description of useful plants and weeds, which merit the notice, or require the attention of American agriculturists.Fannie Lutz35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz
18960912Saturday, September 12th, 1896View Page022982298Essays on educational reformers.Essays on educational reformers.Fannie Lutz35153515Fannie B LutzFannie B Lutz