18941110Saturday, November 10th, 1894 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Katie Fay | 26472647 | Katie FayKatie Fay | |
18941114Wednesday, November 14th, 1894 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Jean Bradbury | 12061206 | Jeannie BradburyJeannie Bradbury | |
18941124Saturday, November 24th, 1894 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Emory Seldomridge | 26912691 | Emory SeldomridgeEmory Seldomridge | |
18941127Tuesday, November 27th, 1894 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mrs Thos Winsor | 29152915 | Mrs. Thomas WinsorMrs. Thomas Winsor | |
18941204Tuesday, December 4th, 1894 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mrs E. Winton | 0194194 | Ell WintonEll Winton | |
18941214Friday, December 14th, 1894 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mr M Merk | 29382938 | M. MarkM. Mark | |
18950102Wednesday, January 2nd, 1895 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mrs Emma Moles | 40454045 | Mrs. Emma MolesMrs. Emma Moles | |
18950209Saturday, February 9th, 1895 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Nellie Russell | 27362736 | Nellie RussellNellie Russell | Number 120 marked above patron's name |
18950302Saturday, March 2nd, 1895 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mrs F. G. Brownell | 41084108 | Mrs. F G BrownellMrs. F G Brownell | |
18950507Tuesday, May 7th, 1895 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Susie Craighead | 14121412 | Sarah E BradburySarah E Bradbury | fixed borrower's name (orig. Crawford) |
18950816Friday, August 16th, 1895 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Emma Goodin | 20572057 | Emma GoodinEmma Goodin | |
18950905Thursday, September 5th, 1895 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Myrtle Windsor | 28872887 | Myrtle WindsorMyrtle Windsor | |
18950921Saturday, September 21st, 1895 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Kate Kusick | 30383038 | Kate KusickKate Kusick | |
18951116Saturday, November 16th, 1895 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Fannie Darracott | 13491349 | Fannie DarracottFannie Darracott | |
18960125Saturday, January 25th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Harry Hartley | 28812881 | Harry HartleyHarry Hartley | |
18960201Saturday, February 1st, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Mrs Addison Templer | 33813381 | Addison TemplerAddison Templer | |
18960206Thursday, February 6th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Moses Cohen | 28972897 | Mr. Moses CohenMr. Moses Cohen | |
18960218Tuesday, February 18th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Ray Thornburg | 40004000 | Ray ThornburgRay Thornburg | |
18960221Friday, February 21st, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Robbie Knowlton | 0715715 | Addie KnowltonAddie Knowlton | |
18960222Saturday, February 22nd, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Robt Hemingray | 25332533 | Mark CarvelMark Carvel | |
18960227Thursday, February 27th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Mrs Wm Gill | 30963096 | Mrs. Wm. F. GillMrs. Wm. F. Gill | |
18960302Monday, March 2nd, 1896 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mrs Harry Lyons | 32693269 | Anna LyonsAnna Lyons | |
18960302Monday, March 2nd, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Edna Beard | 42334233 | Miss. Edna BeardMiss. Edna Beard | |
18960306Friday, March 6th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Ray Harrington | 40234023 | Roy HarringtonRoy Harrington | |
18960310Tuesday, March 10th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Earl McClung | 32903290 | Earl McClungEarl McClung | |
18960314Saturday, March 14th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Mrs A.J. Williams | 42034203 | Mrs. A. J. WilliamsMrs. A. J. Williams | |
18960316Monday, March 16th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Robt Crandall | 41294129 | Robert CrandallRobert Crandall | |
18960326Thursday, March 26th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Robt Roof | 47014701 | Robert RoofRobert Roof | |
18960331Tuesday, March 31st, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Fletcher Hyer | 32443244 | Ralph HyerRalph Hyer | |
18960402Thursday, April 2nd, 1896 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mr A Williams | 44954495 | Mr. A. WilliamsMr. A. Williams | |
18960410Friday, April 10th, 1896 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Joseph Holton | 32993299 | Joseph HaltonJoseph Halton | |
18960418Saturday, April 18th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | John McMullen | 25342534 | Allie L. McMillanAllie L. McMillan | |
18960430Thursday, April 30th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Rudolph Bloom | 41684168 | Rudolph BloomRudolph Bloom | |
18960511Monday, May 11th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Harry Orr | 40474047 | Harry OrrHarry Orr | |
18960516Saturday, May 16th, 1896 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mrs Mary Calvert | 33223322 | Mrs. Mary A CalvertMrs. Mary A Calvert | |
18960523Saturday, May 23rd, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Ralph Bard | 32153215 | Ralph BardRalph Bard | |
18960611Thursday, June 11th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Jennie Evans Boomer | 42944294 | Mrs. Jennie EvansMrs. Jennie Evans | |
18960706Monday, July 6th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Claude Smith | 32713271 | Claud SmithClaud Smith | |
18960708Wednesday, July 8th, 1896 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mrs Mary Hopping | 15791579 | Mary A. HoppingMary A. Hopping | |
18960709Thursday, July 9th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Walter Gregory | 43064306 | Walter GregoryWalter Gregory | |
18960716Thursday, July 16th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Earl Hodge | 34283428 | Earl HodgeEarl Hodge | |
18960718Saturday, July 18th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Ralph Bard | 32153215 | Ralph BardRalph Bard | |
18960724Friday, July 24th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Roy Palmer | 45344534 | Roy PalmerRoy Palmer | "+" marked next to patron's name |
18960817Monday, August 17th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Mabelle Keuchman | 17081708 | Charles ScottCharles Scott | patron ID of Charles Scott |
18960902Wednesday, September 2nd, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Harry Ward | 44154415 | Harry WardHarry Ward | |
18960904Friday, September 4th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | May Thompson | 40074007 | Miss. May ThompsonMiss. May Thompson | |
18960919Saturday, September 19th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | G N Peterson | 44654465 | Geo. N. PetersonGeo. N. Peterson | |
18961010Saturday, October 10th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | John Guffigan | 34583458 | Willie GuffiganWillie Guffigan | |
18961024Saturday, October 24th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Blanche Case | 40354035 | Blanch CaseBlanch Case | |
18961105Thursday, November 5th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Jessie Bradbury | 44574457 | Jessie S BradburyJessie S Bradbury | |
18961106Friday, November 6th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Chas Ebrite | 33343334 | Charlie EbriteCharlie Ebrite | |
18961110Tuesday, November 10th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | G B Hamilton | 46614661 | G. B. HamiltonG. B. Hamilton | |
18961112Thursday, November 12th, 1896 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Bird Richardson | 35413541 | Miss. Bird RichardsonMiss. Bird Richardson | |
18961125Wednesday, November 25th, 1896 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Charlie Jump | 44054405 | Charles JumpCharles Jump | |
18961130Monday, November 30th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Charlie Gill | 35493549 | Ohle GillOhle Gill | |
18961209Wednesday, December 9th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Mrs C H Church | 30373037 | Mrs. C. H. ChurchMrs. C. H. Church | |
18961212Saturday, December 12th, 1896 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Gertrude Hagadorn | 28182818 | Gertrude HagadornGertrude Hagadorn | |
18961219Saturday, December 19th, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Alton Hastings | 24622462 | Alton HastingsAlton Hastings | |
18961221Monday, December 21st, 1896 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Frank Hulett | 44564456 | Frank R. HulettFrank R. Hulett | "72" marked next to patron's name |
18961222Tuesday, December 22nd, 1896 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Jamie Templer | 40144014 | E. R. TemplerE. R. Templer | |
18961230Wednesday, December 30th, 1896 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mrs. E. Seldonridge | 34253425 | Mrs. E. SeldomridgeMrs. E. Seldomridge | |
18970102Saturday, January 2nd, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Mrs. A.J. Williams | 42034203 | Mrs. A. J. WilliamsMrs. A. J. Williams | |
18970118Monday, January 18th, 1897 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mrs. Frank Greely | 33173317 | Mrs. F. GreelyMrs. F. Greely | |
18970118Monday, January 18th, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Fred Snyder | 43944394 | Fred SnyderFred Snyder | "89" written after patron name.//fixed patron number (orig. 4294) |
18970122Friday, January 22nd, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Claude Reasoner | 35563556 | Claude ReasonerClaude Reasoner | |
18970201Monday, February 1st, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Herbert Smith | 31493149 | Herbert H. SmithHerbert H. Smith | "40" written after patron name. |
18970205Friday, February 5th, 1897 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Hallie Russell | 42864286 | Hattie RussellHattie Russell | |
18970220Saturday, February 20th, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Kurt Nutting | 33313331 | Karl NuttingKarl Nutting | |
18970224Wednesday, February 24th, 1897 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Rose Martin | 28832883 | Rosa MartinRosa Martin | Original transaction lists patron # as 2885, but this was likely an error and has been changed to reflect Rosa Martin's actual patron # 2883. |
18970225Thursday, February 25th, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Myron Gray | 40174017 | Myron GrayMyron Gray | |
18970310Wednesday, March 10th, 1897 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Melville Wood | 19491949 | Meville WoodMeville Wood | fixed patron number (orig. 1947) |
18970327Saturday, March 27th, 1897 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Rev. Hans Zumstein | 41664166 | Rev. Hans ZumsteinRev. Hans Zumstein | fixed borrower's name (orig. Zunstein) |
18970327Saturday, March 27th, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Everett Boor | 45084508 | Everett BoorEverett Boor | |
18970412Monday, April 12th, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Loys Saxon | 33403340 | Loys SaxonLoys Saxon | |
18970415Thursday, April 15th, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Clark Munn | 41034103 | Clark MunnClark Munn | fixed borrower's name (orig. Mann) |
18970515Saturday, May 15th, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Jamie Duncan | 45874587 | Jamie DuncanJamie Duncan | |
18970518Tuesday, May 18th, 1897 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Rudolph Bloom | 41684168 | Rudolph BloomRudolph Bloom | |
18970531Monday, May 31st, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Seymour Cohen | 36443644 | Seymour CohnSeymour Cohn | |
18970601Tuesday, June 1st, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Rainard Robbins | 37133713 | Rainard RobbinsRainard Robbins | |
18970616Wednesday, June 16th, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Arthur Ward | 32843284 | O. W. BlackO. W. Black | |
18970622Tuesday, June 22nd, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Clyde Leager | 28782878 | Clyde LeagerClyde Leager | |
18970724Saturday, July 24th, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Charline Wood | 41274127 | Charlene WoodCharlene Wood | |
18970809Monday, August 9th, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | M. Jennie Neely | 0114114 | M. J. NeelyM. J. Neely | |
18970914Tuesday, September 14th, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Reba Richey | 32233223 | Reba RicheyReba Richey | |
18971127Saturday, November 27th, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Edwin Unks | 31903190 | Geneva UnksGeneva Unks | |
18971223Thursday, December 23rd, 1897 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Rex Smith | 38283828 | Rex SmithRex Smith | |
18980103Monday, January 3rd, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Herbert Neal | 35393539 | Herbert NealHerbert Neal | |
18980107Friday, January 7th, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Mable Nold | 33913391 | Mabel E NoldMabel E Nold | |
18980118Tuesday, January 18th, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Ms Fannie Walker | 32203220 | Clara B KendallClara B Kendall | |
18980205Saturday, February 5th, 1898 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | J. W. Kirkpatrick | 37353735 | J. W. KirkpatrickJ. W. Kirkpatrick | |
18980220Sunday, February 20th, 1898 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | T J Benskin | 39123912 | T. J. BenskinT. J. Benskin | |
18980301Tuesday, March 1st, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Winlock Turner | 44104410 | Winlock TurnerWinlock Turner | |
18980312Saturday, March 12th, 1898 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Dr E. E. Polk | 39283928 | E. E. CalhE. E. Calh | |
18980401Friday, April 1st, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | John Rockaway | 35873587 | J. N. RockawayJ. N. Rockaway | |
18980506Friday, May 6th, 1898 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mrs. Florence Kingsbury | 38073807 | Florence KingsburryFlorence Kingsburry | |
18980518Wednesday, May 18th, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | George Arnold | 37903790 | Geo. ArnoldGeo. Arnold | |
18980526Thursday, May 26th, 1898 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mrs J. E. Durham | 26102610 | Mrs. J. E. DurhamMrs. J. E. Durham | |
18980603Friday, June 3rd, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Laura Curtis | 34473447 | Leora CurtisLeora Curtis | |
18980604Saturday, June 4th, 1898 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Ola Courtney | 44924492 | Ola CourtneyOla Courtney | |
18980620Monday, June 20th, 1898 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Rex Smith | 38283828 | Rex SmithRex Smith | |
18980622Wednesday, June 22nd, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Mable Hartman | 33803380 | Mable HartmanMable Hartman | |
18980701Friday, July 1st, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Clark Munn | 41034103 | Clark MunnClark Munn | |
18980711Monday, July 11th, 1898 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Rosa Barmaster | 31893189 | Rosa BurmasterRosa Burmaster | |
18980727Wednesday, July 27th, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Ernest Shuttleworth | 43984398 | E. H. ShuttleworthE. H. Shuttleworth | |
18980810Wednesday, August 10th, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Ernest Shuttleworth | 43984398 | E. H. ShuttleworthE. H. Shuttleworth | |
18980812Friday, August 12th, 1898 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Lowell Millett | 38853885 | Jennie RappJennie Rapp | |
18980829Monday, August 29th, 1898 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Geo Crowmell | 38013801 | Geo O CromercerGeo O Cromercer | |
18980907Wednesday, September 7th, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | George Sutton | 31143114 | George SuttonGeorge Sutton | |
18980914Wednesday, September 14th, 1898 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Florence Atkins | 47994799 | Florence AtkinsFlorence Atkins | |
18981024Monday, October 24th, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Clifford Brown | 38083808 | Clifford BrowneClifford Browne | |
18981031Monday, October 31st, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Mrs L.L. Turner | 44114411 | Mrs. L. L. TurnerMrs. L. L. Turner | |
18981105Saturday, November 5th, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Griffith Wallace | 32613261 | Griffith WallaceGriffith Wallace | |
18981111Friday, November 11th, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | George Russell | 29692969 | George RussellGeorge Russell | |
18981119Saturday, November 19th, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Newton Peterson | 35783578 | Newton PetersonNewton Peterson | |
18981126Saturday, November 26th, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | D.W. Leonard | 39503950 | D LeonardD Leonard | |
18981219Monday, December 19th, 1898 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Charles E. Taylor | 35893589 | Chas. E. TaylorChas. E. Taylor | |
18990103Tuesday, January 3rd, 1899 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Emma Goodin | 20572057 | Emma GoodinEmma Goodin | |
18990113Friday, January 13th, 1899 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Murray Guynn | 44434443 | Murray GuynnMurray Guynn | fixed borrower's name (orig. Gwynne) |
18990117Tuesday, January 17th, 1899 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Frank McCaughan | 49644964 | Frank McCaughanFrank McCaughan | |
18990124Tuesday, January 24th, 1899 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Prof T H Johnson | 28502850 | Theo. H. JohnsonTheo. H. Johnson | |
18990210Friday, February 10th, 1899 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Frankie Roy | 45604560 | Frankie RoyFrankie Roy | |
18990218Saturday, February 18th, 1899 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | J.C. Dickson | 49564956 | J C DicksonJ C Dickson | fixed patron number (orig. 4959) |
18990222Wednesday, February 22nd, 1899 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Volda Irwin | 48534853 | Volda IrwinVolda Irwin | fixed patron number (orig. 4854) |
18990301Wednesday, March 1st, 1899 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Fred Bunch | 47754775 | Fred BunchFred Bunch | |
18990304Saturday, March 4th, 1899 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | J.C. Dickson | 49564956 | J C DicksonJ C Dickson | |
18990311Saturday, March 11th, 1899 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Clifford M Cobb | 47534753 | Clifford M. CobbClifford M. Cobb | |
18990324Friday, March 24th, 1899 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | J.H. Fenton | 46974697 | J. H. FentonJ. H. Fenton | Number 71 written next to patron's name |
18990404Tuesday, April 4th, 1899 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Mrs N.G. Francis | 43484348 | Mrs. N. G. FrancisMrs. N. G. Francis | |
18990413Thursday, April 13th, 1899 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Clyde McAllister | 36513651 | Clyde McAllisterClyde McAllister | |
18990419Wednesday, April 19th, 1899 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mrs Laura Stonerock | 47884788 | Laura StonerockLaura Stonerock | |
18990426Wednesday, April 26th, 1899 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Wysor Marsh | 45244524 | Wysor MarshWysor Marsh | |
18990510Wednesday, May 10th, 1899 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Jami Duncan | 45874587 | Jamie DuncanJamie Duncan | |
18990527Saturday, May 27th, 1899 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Harry Swank | 49424942 | Harry SwankHarry Swank | |
18990609Friday, June 9th, 1899 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Mrs. Mary Legg | 48774877 | Mary R. LeggMary R. Legg | |
18990711Tuesday, July 11th, 1899 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Ralph Jackson | 37883788 | Ralph JacksonRalph Jackson | |
18990725Tuesday, July 25th, 1899 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Cecil Jones | 47474747 | Cecil JonesCecil Jones | |
18990728Friday, July 28th, 1899 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Lawrence Hart | 51075107 | Lawrence HartLawrence Hart | |
18990825Friday, August 25th, 1899 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Omer Mitchell | 24522452 | Omer MitchellOmer Mitchell | |
18990907Thursday, September 7th, 1899 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mrs. James Pixley | 46014601 | Mrs. Jas. PixleyMrs. Jas. Pixley | |
18991007Saturday, October 7th, 1899 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Geroge A. Ball | 51715171 | Geo. A. BallGeo. A. Ball | |
18991023Monday, October 23rd, 1899 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Geo A Ball | 51715171 | Geo. A. BallGeo. A. Ball | |
18991030Monday, October 30th, 1899 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Fred Preston | 34063406 | Fred PrestonFred Preston | |
18991114Tuesday, November 14th, 1899 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Geo. M. Fletcher | 49194919 | Geo. M. FletcherGeo. M. Fletcher | |
18991115Wednesday, November 15th, 1899 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mrs. Carrie Burt | 0102102 | Carrie AndrewsCarrie Andrews | |
18991208Friday, December 8th, 1899 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | J R Wick | 30793079 | J. R. WickJ. R. Wick | |
18991213Wednesday, December 13th, 1899 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Robbie Knolwlton | 0715715 | Addie KnowltonAddie Knowlton | |
18991216Saturday, December 16th, 1899 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Leroy Camplbell | 51435143 | Leroy CampbellLeroy Campbell | |
19000106Saturday, January 6th, 1900 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Roy Zapf | 51085108 | Ray ZapfRay Zapf | |
19000125Thursday, January 25th, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Ernest Davis | 37073707 | Ernest DavisErnest Davis | |
19000131Wednesday, January 31st, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Mable Kougel | 48964896 | Mabel KougelMabel Kougel | fixed patron number (orig. 4816) |
19000207Wednesday, February 7th, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Mrs Rush Harris | 52245224 | Mrs. R. R. HarrisMrs. R. R. Harris | |
19000209Friday, February 9th, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Louise Fryo | 37693769 | Louise FregoLouise Frego | |
19000217Saturday, February 17th, 1900 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Ray Kleckner | 48084808 | Ray KlecknerRay Kleckner | |
19000329Thursday, March 29th, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Herbet Houze | 34943494 | Herbert HouzeHerbert Houze | |
19000331Saturday, March 31st, 1900 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | W.S. Dragoo | 51525152 | Wm. S. DragooWm. S. Dragoo | |
19000411Wednesday, April 11th, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Harry Turner | 52545254 | Harry TurnerHarry Turner | |
19000423Monday, April 23rd, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Roscoe Lorentz | 39273927 | Roscoe LorentzRoscoe Lorentz | |
19000504Friday, May 4th, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Raymond Rahrborn | 48664866 | R. RahrbornR. Rahrborn | |
19000508Tuesday, May 8th, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Elmer Painter | 54265426 | Elmer PainterElmer Painter | |
19000521Monday, May 21st, 1900 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Evertt Fisher | 49714971 | Lottie ToppLottie Topp | fixed patron number (orig. 4967) |
19000523Wednesday, May 23rd, 1900 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Mrs. Kate Knowlton | 28142814 | Bobbie KnowltonBobbie Knowlton | |
19000529Tuesday, May 29th, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Harry Tuttle | 51725172 | Harry TuttleHarry Tuttle | |
19000531Thursday, May 31st, 1900 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Wysor Marsh | 45244524 | Wysor MarshWysor Marsh | |
19000601Friday, June 1st, 1900 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Clarence Pearson | 38463846 | Clarence PearsonClarence Pearson | |
19000612Tuesday, June 12th, 1900 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | H.L. Kinert | 38763876 | H. L. KinertH. L. Kinert | |
19000621Thursday, June 21st, 1900 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Walter M. Smith | 46994699 | Walter SmithWalter Smith | |
19000706Friday, July 6th, 1900 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Seymour Cohen | 36443644 | Seymour CohnSeymour Cohn | |
19000711Wednesday, July 11th, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | George Peterson | 52755275 | George PattersonGeorge Patterson | |
19000712Thursday, July 12th, 1900 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Omer Mitchell | 24522452 | Omer MitchellOmer Mitchell | |
19000718Wednesday, July 18th, 1900 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | May McPherson | 54615461 | May McPhersonMay McPherson | |
19000718Wednesday, July 18th, 1900 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Ada Karn | 32983298 | Ada KarnAda Karn | |
19000725Wednesday, July 25th, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Reba Koons | 51365136 | Reba KoonsReba Koons | |
19000726Thursday, July 26th, 1900 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Howard Coffeen | 22782278 | Howard CoffeenHoward Coffeen | |
19000730Monday, July 30th, 1900 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Delbert Seldomridge | 24102410 | Delbert SeldomridgeDelbert Seldomridge | |
19000817Friday, August 17th, 1900 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Fred Glascock | 25442544 | B. BehymerB. Behymer | |
19000822Wednesday, August 22nd, 1900 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Joseph Boehm | 29912991 | Joe BoehmJoe Boehm | |
19000829Wednesday, August 29th, 1900 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mrs. J. G. Thomas | 39243924 | Mrs. J. G. ThomasMrs. J. G. Thomas | |
19000901Saturday, September 1st, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Blanche Williams | 33563356 | Blanche WilliamsBlanche Williams | |
19000918Tuesday, September 18th, 1900 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Ray Leonard | 39513951 | R. LeonardR. Leonard | |
19000921Friday, September 21st, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Will Crawford | 28122812 | Willie CrawfordWillie Crawford | |
19000922Saturday, September 22nd, 1900 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mrs. J. G. Thomas | 39243924 | Mrs. J. G. ThomasMrs. J. G. Thomas | |
19000925Tuesday, September 25th, 1900 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Fred Bunch | 47754775 | Fred BunchFred Bunch | |
19000927Thursday, September 27th, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Ed. Perdieu | 54945494 | Eddie PerdieuEddie Perdieu | |
19001004Thursday, October 4th, 1900 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Ed Wise | 54705470 | Ed WiseEd Wise | |
19001006Saturday, October 6th, 1900 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Frank Davis | 38823882 | Frank DavisFrank Davis | |
19001017Wednesday, October 17th, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Albert Carpenter | 00066 | Albert CarpenterAlbert Carpenter | |
19001019Friday, October 19th, 1900 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Landless Bloom | 45884588 | Landess BloomLandess Bloom | "68" is written to the right of borrower name |
19001101Thursday, November 1st, 1900 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | James Templer | 40144014 | E. R. TemplerE. R. Templer | |
19001107Wednesday, November 7th, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Carl Reed | 36983698 | Carl ReedCarl Reed | |
19001113Tuesday, November 13th, 1900 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Chas Reece | 36893689 | Charles ReeceCharles Reece | |
19001130Friday, November 30th, 1900 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Bert Austin | 56055605 | Bert AustinBert Austin | |
19001207Friday, December 7th, 1900 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Eugene Lejust J | 50085008 | Eugene Lejuste Sr.Eugene Lejuste Sr. | |
19001213Thursday, December 13th, 1900 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Josephine Gray | 39673967 | Josephine GrayJosephine Gray | |
19001219Wednesday, December 19th, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Mrs Emma Riblett | 55975597 | Emma RiblettEmma Riblett | |
19001222Saturday, December 22nd, 1900 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | N H Long | 001111 | N. H. LongN. H. Long | |
19010115Tuesday, January 15th, 1901 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Geo. B. Golenor | 53965396 | Beryl GolenorBeryl Golenor | |
19010118Friday, January 18th, 1901 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Homer Fordyce | 52515251 | Homer L. FordyceHomer L. Fordyce | |
19010121Monday, January 21st, 1901 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Harrold McArthur | 57715771 | John L. CurtisJohn L. Curtis | |
19010125Friday, January 25th, 1901 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Con Hanley | 56725672 | Con HanleyCon Hanley | |
19010126Saturday, January 26th, 1901 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Herbert Houze | 34943494 | Herbert HouzeHerbert Houze | |
19010202Saturday, February 2nd, 1901 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Guy Tweedy | 33083308 | Guy TweedyGuy Tweedy | |
19010206Wednesday, February 6th, 1901 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Arthur Bartle | 47204720 | Arthur BartleArthur Bartle | |
19010216Saturday, February 16th, 1901 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Guy Tweedy | 33083308 | Guy TweedyGuy Tweedy | |
19010218Monday, February 18th, 1901 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | J. W. Neagles | 56065606 | J. W. NeaglesJ. W. Neagles | |
19010403Wednesday, April 3rd, 1901 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Albert Horlocher | 56415641 | Albert HorlocherAlbert Horlocher | |
19010509Thursday, May 9th, 1901 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | J R Wick | 30793079 | J. R. WickJ. R. Wick | |
19010613Thursday, June 13th, 1901 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Maggie Fenger | 39053905 | Maggie FemyerMaggie Femyer | |
19010619Wednesday, June 19th, 1901 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Gilbert Woodgard | 54405440 | Gilbert WoodyardGilbert Woodyard | |
19011005Saturday, October 5th, 1901 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Sadie Thomas | 53545354 | Sadie ThomasSadie Thomas | |
19011009Wednesday, October 9th, 1901 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Lowell Coats | 58905890 | Lowell CoatsLowell Coats | |
19011023Wednesday, October 23rd, 1901 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Henry Hackett | 55025502 | Chas HanleyChas Hanley | Patron ID of Chas Hanley |
19011029Tuesday, October 29th, 1901 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | J.W. Neagles | 56065606 | J. W. NeaglesJ. W. Neagles | |
19011111Monday, November 11th, 1901 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Jean Long | 31503150 | Jean LongJean Long | |
19011114Thursday, November 14th, 1901 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Frank Hanley | 58215821 | Frank HanleyFrank Hanley | |
19011121Thursday, November 21st, 1901 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Mrs. Jas Brown | 50735073 | Mrs. J. P. BrownMrs. J. P. Brown | |
19011123Saturday, November 23rd, 1901 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Hardin Glascock | 59615961 | Hardin R. GlascockHardin R. Glascock | |
19011203Tuesday, December 3rd, 1901 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Harry Tutle | 51725172 | Harry TuttleHarry Tuttle | Original transaction lists patron # as 5171, but this was likely an error and has been changed to reflect Harry Tuttle's actual patron # 5172. |
19011207Saturday, December 7th, 1901 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Mrs. Mary Leonard | 43164316 | Mrs. Mary LeonardMrs. Mary Leonard | |
19011207Saturday, December 7th, 1901 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Flora Bilby | 48254825 | Flora BilbyFlora Bilby | Number 46 written after patron's name |
19011229Sunday, December 29th, 1901 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Chas Langdon | | | Patron ID partially illegible 37?? |
19020109Thursday, January 9th, 1902 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Rev. Geo Sisson | 55475547 | Geo. H. SissonGeo. H. Sisson | |
19020120Monday, January 20th, 1902 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | E.A. Edwards | 45654565 | E. A. EdwardsE. A. Edwards | |
19020130Thursday, January 30th, 1902 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Mrs. John Carey | 32563256 | Mrs. John CaseyMrs. John Casey | |
19020204Tuesday, February 4th, 1902 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mrs. C.R. Flemming | 15781578 | C R FlemmingC R Flemming | Number 56 written after patron's name |
19020208Saturday, February 8th, 1902 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Joseph Mahoney | 49454945 | Joseph MahoneyJoseph Mahoney | |
19020303Monday, March 3rd, 1902 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | C.L. Smeltzer | 57765776 | C. L. SmeltzerC. L. Smeltzer | |
19020304Tuesday, March 4th, 1902 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Lester Dorse | 56155615 | Lester DorseLester Dorse | |
19020312Wednesday, March 12th, 1902 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | John Carey | 59275927 | John CareyJohn Carey | |
19020416Wednesday, April 16th, 1902 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Mrs. MJ. Ivins | 10371037 | Martha J IvinsMartha J Ivins | fixed borrower's name (orig. "M.C. Iwin") |
19020419Saturday, April 19th, 1902 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Virginia Claypool | 29282928 | Virginia ClaypoolVirginia Claypool | |
19020724Thursday, July 24th, 1902 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Allen Tyler | 55705570 | Allen TylerAllen Tyler | |
19020731Thursday, July 31st, 1902 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Mrs. Chas Burt | 59335933 | Mrs. Chas E DualMrs. Chas E Dual | |
19020930Tuesday, September 30th, 1902 | View Page | 090319031 | The man without a country and other tales.The man without a country and other tales. | Earl Dragoo | 51375137 | Earl DragooEarl Dragoo | |
19021008Wednesday, October 8th, 1902 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Frank Hanley | 58215821 | Frank HanleyFrank Hanley | |
19021024Friday, October 24th, 1902 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | John J. Short | 60626062 | John J. StreetJohn J. Street | |
19021024Friday, October 24th, 1902 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Warren Freeman | 62356235 | Warren FreemanWarren Freeman | |
19021104Tuesday, November 4th, 1902 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Robert Best | 61646164 | Robert BestRobert Best | |
19021113Thursday, November 13th, 1902 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Lawrence Harper | 62606260 | Lawrence W. HarpersLawrence W. Harpers | |
19021114Friday, November 14th, 1902 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Roscoe Smith | 59395939 | Roscoe SmithRoscoe Smith | |
19021117Monday, November 17th, 1902 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Basil Gaumer | 60896089 | Basil GaumerBasil Gaumer | |
19021121Friday, November 21st, 1902 | View Page | 1181511815 | A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy.A son of the revolution : being the story of young Tom Edwards, adventurer, and how he labored for liberty and fought it out with his conscience in the days of Burr's conspiracy. | Albert Glaser | 61886188 | Albert GlaserAlbert Glaser | |
19021128Friday, November 28th, 1902 | View Page | 095999599 | At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin.At war with Pontiac : or, The totem of the bear ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. | Ralph Miller | 62966296 | Ralph MillerRalph Miller | |