Accession # 9190 Title: Nature's Serial Story Author: Roe, E. P. Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 182
Accession # 9190
Accession Date Standardized Date: Tuesday, October 2nd, 1894
Written Text: Oct 2, 1894
Discard Date Standardized Date:
Written Text:
Book Information Author: Roe, E. P.
Title: Nature's Serial Story
Where Published: N. York Publisher: When Published: 1888 # Vols: 1 Size: 12 # Pages: 486 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: Purchased by City Cost: $1.05 Nature of Origin: Additional Info: In the date column is "Discarded"

+Book Record

Author Roe, Edward Payson, 1838-1888. Pen Name:
Title: Nature's serial story.
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Where Published: New York, NY
Additional Info:

+Transaction History (202)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19021108Saturday, November 8th, 1902View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. John M. Bliss007878Kate WilsonKate Wilson
19021024Friday, October 24th, 1902View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. Hasty Wilson58465846Mr. Hasty WilsonMr. Hasty Wilson
19020418Friday, April 18th, 1902View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.B.F. Baldwin60706070B. F. BaldwinB. F. Baldwin
19020124Friday, January 24th, 1902View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.George Brooker58865886Geo J BrookerGeo J Brooker
19011221Saturday, December 21st, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.H.L. Morrow53865386H. A. MorrowH. A. Morrow
19011202Monday, December 2nd, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Carl Coffman36103610Carl CoffinCarl Coffin
19011102Saturday, November 2nd, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Gorfield Olen39863986Sanfield OlinSanfield Olin
19011017Thursday, October 17th, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Anna Zyestra57505750Anna ZyestraAnna Zyestra
19011007Monday, October 7th, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Flora Bilby48254825Flora BilbyFlora Bilby
19010920Friday, September 20th, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Flora Bilby48254825Flora BilbyFlora Bilby
19010905Thursday, September 5th, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Effie Icerman58455845Effie M. IcermanEffie M. Icerman
19010903Tuesday, September 3rd, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Bernice Grey52125212Bernice GreyBernice Grey
19010819Monday, August 19th, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs L B Preston56595659Mrs. L. B. PrestonMrs. L. B. Preston
19010710Wednesday, July 10th, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Elmer Sutton32033203Elmer E. SuttonElmer E. Sutton
19010702Tuesday, July 2nd, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Geo Williston57935793Mrs. Geo. WillistonMrs. Geo. Williston
19010621Friday, June 21st, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Fannie Cohn37433743Mrs. Fannie CohnMrs. Fannie Cohn
19010604Tuesday, June 4th, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Rolla Riggs57895789Rolla RiggRolla Rigg
19010529Wednesday, May 29th, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Ola Emerson24302430Ola EmersonOla Emerson
19010513Monday, May 13th, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Edith Cones54985498Edith ConesEdith Cones
19010427Saturday, April 27th, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Alice Vickery40174017Myron GrayMyron Gray
19010419Friday, April 19th, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Hershcel Greer40614061Herschel GreerHerschel Greer
19010402Tuesday, April 2nd, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Geo D Vanslyke49444944Geo D VanSlykeGeo D VanSlyke
19010319Tuesday, March 19th, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Bessie Resoner49814981Bessie ResonerBessie Resoner
19010301Friday, March 1st, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Robert Briner38883888Robert BrinerRobert Briner
19010214Thursday, February 14th, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Robert Briner38883888Robert BrinerRobert Briner
19010130Wednesday, January 30th, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Alice Vickery40314031Mrs. Alice VickeryMrs. Alice Vickery
19010110Thursday, January 10th, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Laura Markle54755475Laura MarkleLaura Markle
19010104Friday, January 4th, 1901View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs H. Lowell56365636Mrs. H. E. LawellMrs. H. E. Lawell
19001229Saturday, December 29th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Frank Morgan44544454Frank MorganFrank Morganfixed borrower's name (orig. Morgen)
19001212Wednesday, December 12th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mary Snider44624462Mary SniderMary Snider
19001126Monday, November 26th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Alice Davis56035603Alice DavisAlice Davis
19001121Wednesday, November 21st, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Roscoe Ross51675167Roscoe RossRoscoe Ross
19001106Tuesday, November 6th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Nora Hawk41924192Nora HawkNora Hawk
19001027Saturday, October 27th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Harry Anderson47774777Harry AndersonHarry Anderson
19001020Saturday, October 20th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. Harry Cohn38203820Mrs. Herman CohenMrs. Herman Cohen
19001018Thursday, October 18th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. Strauss55225522Mrs. S. StraussMrs. S. Strauss
19001008Monday, October 8th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. J. A. Harper37563756Mrs. John HarperMrs. John Harper
19000928Friday, September 28th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. Alice Monroe47414741Mrs. Alice MonroeMrs. Alice Monroe
19000920Thursday, September 20th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.H. A. Morrow53865386H. A. MorrowH. A. Morrow
19000919Wednesday, September 19th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. J. E. Lewis55345534Mrs. J. E. LewisMrs. J. E. Lewis
19000820Monday, August 20th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mary Lane51115111Mary LaneMary Lane
19000816Thursday, August 16th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Daniel Cohn29142914Dan CohenDan Cohen
19000802Thursday, August 2nd, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Lena Pierce54175417Lena PierceLena Pierce
19000727Friday, July 27th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Ada Gentry54715471Ada GentryAda Gentry
19000723Monday, July 23rd, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mable Cunningham31293129Mrs. J. S. SampleMrs. J. S. SamplePatron ID "3129" is registered to "J. S. Sample"
19000709Monday, July 9th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Ida Spaulding53715371Ida SpauldingIda Spaulding
19000625Monday, June 25th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Lillian Mitchell36123612Lillian MitchellLillian Mitchell
19000620Wednesday, June 20th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Anna Hamilton47424742Anna HamiltonAnna Hamilton
19000614Thursday, June 14th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Prof T.H. Johnson28502850Theo. H. JohnsonTheo. H. Johnson
19000606Wednesday, June 6th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. L.V. Gwen49784978L. U. GreenL. U. Green
19000601Friday, June 1st, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. E.H. Thompson32283228Mrs. E. H. ThompsonMrs. E. H. Thompson
19000526Saturday, May 26th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Charlene Moore17471747Taylor MooreTaylor Moore
19000427Friday, April 27th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Maude Sheller44874487Maude ShellerMaude Sheller
19000416Monday, April 16th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Flora Decker53205320Flora DeckerFlora Decker
19000403Tuesday, April 3rd, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. C.C. Shaufelberger44344434Mrs. C. C. ShaufelbergerMrs. C. C. Shaufelbergerfixed borrower's name (orig. Shackleford)
19000317Saturday, March 17th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Jessie Hill52625262Pearl PiltzerPearl Piltzer
19000305Monday, March 5th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Howard Beck51655165Howard BeckHoward Beck
19000219Monday, February 19th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Kenneth Spurgeon53645364Kenneth SpurgeonKenneth Spurgeon
19000206Tuesday, February 6th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Orville Spurgeon28852885Orville SpurgeonOrville Spurgeon
19000130Tuesday, January 30th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.S B Bunsold52825282S. B. BunsoldS. B. Bunsold
19000123Tuesday, January 23rd, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs L Young52725272Mrs. L. YoungMrs. L. Young
19000120Saturday, January 20th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Maggie Gessell21012101Maggie GessellMaggie Gessell
19000117Wednesday, January 17th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Elma Quick53035303Elma QuickElma Quick
19000106Saturday, January 6th, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Walter Eslton52885288Mrs. Walter EsltonMrs. Walter Eslton
19000103Wednesday, January 3rd, 1900View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Mary Spear39823982Mary SpearMary Spear
18991218Monday, December 18th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Willie Carey33843384Willie CareyWillie Carey
18991208Friday, December 8th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Alice Carvell52155215Mrs. Alice CarvellMrs. Alice Carvell
18991202Saturday, December 2nd, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Jas Ross31163116Mrs. Jas. RossMrs. Jas. Ross
18991121Tuesday, November 21st, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. Jas Ross31163116Mrs. Jas. RossMrs. Jas. Ross
18991109Thursday, November 9th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. Maggie Gessell21012101Maggie GessellMaggie Gessell
18991101Wednesday, November 1st, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Orville Spurgeon28852885Orville SpurgeonOrville Spurgeon
18991016Monday, October 16th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Elizabeth Elrod37303730Elizabeth ElrodElizabeth Elrod
18991002Monday, October 2nd, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Rollie Streeter36633663Roland StreeterRoland Streeter
18990916Saturday, September 16th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Alfred Kilgore27942794Alfred KilgoreAlfred Kilgore
18990908Friday, September 8th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. Maggie Ward47114711Mrs. Maggie WardMrs. Maggie Ward
18990902Saturday, September 2nd, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Roy Harrington40234023Roy HarringtonRoy Harrington
18990822Tuesday, August 22nd, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Martha Skinner49844984Mamie MartinMamie Martin
18990808Tuesday, August 8th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Martha Skinner49844984Mamie MartinMamie Martin
18990729Saturday, July 29th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Ethel Johnson49314931Ethel JohnsonEthel Johnson
18990719Wednesday, July 19th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Harry Ault34873487Harry AultHarry Ault
18990703Monday, July 3rd, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Ernest Pershing50955095Ernest H. PershingErnest H. Pershing
18990603Saturday, June 3rd, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Myrtle Snyder50565056Myrtle SnyderMyrtle Snyder
18990527Saturday, May 27th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Edna Hoover45014501Edna HooverEdna Hoover
18990520Saturday, May 20th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mary Hinshaw38993899May HinshawMay Hinshaw
18990513Saturday, May 13th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Gertrude Batey30753075Gertrude BateyGertrude Batey
18990426Wednesday, April 26th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Maude Stephens37823782Maude StephensMaude Stephens
18990410Monday, April 10th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Josie Christensen49764976Josie ChristensenJosie ChristensenNumber 54 written next to patron's name
18990401Saturday, April 1st, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Charles R Long49004900Charles R. LongCharles R. Long
18990316Thursday, March 16th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Anna M Best42544254Anna M BestAnna M Best
18990228Tuesday, February 28th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Katie Sullivan42854285Katie SullivanKatie Sullivan
18990215Wednesday, February 15th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Grace Eiler47124712Grace EilerGrace Eiler
18990214Tuesday, February 14th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Kate Knowlton28142814Bobbie KnowltonBobbie KnowltonPatron ID of Bobbie Knowlton
18990207Tuesday, February 7th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mable Petty37523752Mary PettyMary Petty
18990121Saturday, January 21st, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Frank Morgan44544454Frank MorganFrank Morgan
18990117Tuesday, January 17th, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mary Snider44624462Mary SniderMary Snider
18990103Tuesday, January 3rd, 1899View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. E. Seldomridge34253425Mrs. E. SeldomridgeMrs. E. Seldomridgesomething illegible written after patron's name; book 12091 checked out on same day, separate transactions recorded
18981228Wednesday, December 28th, 1898View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Otto Ream37893789Mrs. W. W. WadsworthMrs. W. W. Wadsworth
18981217Saturday, December 17th, 1898View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Maggie Femyer39063906Donata PierceDonata Pierce
18981203Saturday, December 3rd, 1898View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Laura McGee007878Kate WilsonKate Wilson"(K.W.)" written next to patron's name
18981121Monday, November 21st, 1898View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Laura Mayer007878Kate WilsonKate Wilson"K.W." written next to patron's name
18981114Monday, November 14th, 1898View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Adah Mohler45834583Adah MohlerAdah Mohler
18981108Tuesday, November 8th, 1898View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Lucy Larimore40404040Mrs. Thos. LarimoreMrs. Thos. Larimore
18981027Thursday, October 27th, 1898View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Monzelle Drum34653465Monzelle DrummMonzelle Drumm
18981021Friday, October 21st, 1898View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Frank Marts47934793Frank S MartsFrank S MartsNumber 45 marked next to patron's name
18981015Saturday, October 15th, 1898View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Hallie Karn38423842Hattie KarnHattie Karn
18981007Friday, October 7th, 1898View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs M.E. Phinney47724772Miss. M. E. PhinneyMiss. M. E. Phinneyfixed patron number (orig. 4792)
18980926Monday, September 26th, 1898View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs H M Denslow35303530Mrs. H. M. DenslowMrs. H. M. Denslow
18980916Friday, September 16th, 1898View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Charles A Rowe46194619Charles A RoweCharles A Rowe
18980910Saturday, September 10th, 1898View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.M H Gordon37533753M. H. GordonM. H. Gordon
18980903Saturday, September 3rd, 1898View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Sarah Wysor34633463Sara WysorSara Wysor
18971119Friday, November 19th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Ivy Hoyt34603460Ivy HoytIvy Hoyt
18971104Thursday, November 4th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Alta McMullen32163216Alta McMullenAlta McMullen
18971103Wednesday, November 3rd, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Merle Spradling34853485Myrtle SpradlingMyrtle Spradling
18971009Saturday, October 9th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Arley Hutchings36143614Arley HutchingsArley Hutchings
18970925Saturday, September 25th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Daisy Sinelser37683768Daisy SinelserDaisy Sinelser"+" marked next to patron name
18970910Friday, September 10th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. Alice Bert26882688May HinkleMay HinklePatron ID of May Hinkle
18970903Friday, September 3rd, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. Geo Harter45774577Geo W. HarterGeo W. Harter
18970716Friday, July 16th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.J W Kirkpatrick37353735J. W. KirkpatrickJ. W. Kirkpatrick
18970630Wednesday, June 30th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Arnetta Meeks36033603Jno T. MeeksJno T. Meeks
18970619Saturday, June 19th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Carrie Paden37003700Carrie PadenCarrie Paden
18970604Friday, June 4th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Louisa Dixon34553455Miss. Louisa DixonMiss. Louisa Dixon
18970513Thursday, May 13th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Joseph Halton32993299Joseph HaltonJoseph Halton
18970503Monday, May 3rd, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Louis Bloom29702970Louis BloomLouis Bloom
18970424Saturday, April 24th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Jacob Huber47084708Jacob HuberJacob Huber
18970410Saturday, April 10th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Jacob Huber47084708Jacob HuberJacob Huber
18970327Saturday, March 27th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Hasty Wilson26312631Hasty WilsonHasty Wilson
18970320Saturday, March 20th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Eva Johnson35403540Eva JohnsonEva Johnson"48" written after patron name
18970308Monday, March 8th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Eva Johnson35403540Eva JohnsonEva Johnson
18970305Friday, March 5th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.WR. Snyder20872087W R SnyderW R Snyder
18970302Tuesday, March 2nd, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. Wm Gill30963096Mrs. Wm. F. GillMrs. Wm. F. Gill
18970222Monday, February 22nd, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. C Smith35463546Charity E. SmithCharity E. Smith
18970213Saturday, February 13th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. Wm Emmons30733073Mrs. Wm EmersonMrs. Wm Emerson
18970206Saturday, February 6th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. Jas Ross31163116Mrs. Jas. RossMrs. Jas. Ross
18970203Wednesday, February 3rd, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Chas Venneman30593059Chas. VenemanChas. Veneman
18970119Tuesday, January 19th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Chas. S. Baker35683568C. S. BakerC. S. Baker
18970109Saturday, January 9th, 1897View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. Bessie Green35043504Bessie GreeneBessie Greene
18961229Tuesday, December 29th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. E.E. Clive34643464Ida V. ClineIda V. Cline
18961212Saturday, December 12th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. E. E. Cline34643464Ida V. ClineIda V. Cline
18961130Monday, November 30th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.H E. Hathaway35273527H. E. HathawayH. E. Hathaway
18961114Saturday, November 14th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.John McMillen25342534Allie L. McMillanAllie L. McMillan
18961102Monday, November 2nd, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Jay Bullard46004600Jay BullardJay Bullard
18961024Saturday, October 24th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Jasper Cox34973497Mrs. J. N. CoxMrs. J. N. Cox
18961017Saturday, October 17th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs H Reynolds32013201Mrs. H. ReynoldsMrs. H. Reynolds
18961010Saturday, October 10th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Gertrude Hagadorn28182818Gertrude HagadornGertrude Hagadorn
18961003Saturday, October 3rd, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. Pearl Hopkins35183518Mrs. Pearl HopkinsMrs. Pearl Hopkins
18960917Thursday, September 17th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.May Thompson40074007Miss. May ThompsonMiss. May Thompson
18960828Friday, August 28th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Laura Ross40054005Laura RossLaura Ross
18960815Saturday, August 15th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Ella Anderson34663466Ella AndersonElla Anderson
18960731Friday, July 31st, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Lula Warrick30193019Lula WarrickLula Warrick
18960706Monday, July 6th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Ivy Hoyt34603460Ivy HoytIvy Hoyt
18960620Saturday, June 20th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Ivy Hoyt34603460Ivy HoytIvy Hoyt
18960604Thursday, June 4th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Louise Lyman33663366Louise LymanLouise Lyman
18960425Saturday, April 25th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Nellie Spooner33583358Nellie SpoonerNellie Spooner
18960418Saturday, April 18th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs M H Hobbs34093409Mrs. M H HobbsMrs. M H Hobbs
18960413Monday, April 13th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Edna Smith43144314Edna SmithEdna Smith
18960331Tuesday, March 31st, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Harry Morgen33283328Harry MorganHarry Morgan
18960321Saturday, March 21st, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs O M McLain26232623O.W. M. LairnO.W. M. Lairn
18960314Saturday, March 14th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs M H Hobbs34093409Mrs. M H HobbsMrs. M H Hobbs
18960312Thursday, March 12th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Jas Ross31163116Mrs. Jas. RossMrs. Jas. Ross
18960229Saturday, February 29th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Elva Beavers40084008Elva BeaversElva Beavers
18960215Saturday, February 15th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Chas Moore14471447Lizzie HainesLizzie Haines
18960131Friday, January 31st, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.W.W. Dicks33463346W. W. DicksW. W. Dicks
18960125Saturday, January 25th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.W G Stormont31853185W. S. StormontW. S. Stormont
18960121Tuesday, January 21st, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs John Carey32563256Mrs. John CaseyMrs. John Casey
18960108Wednesday, January 8th, 1896View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Clara Shuttleworth43344334Clara ShuttleworthClara Shuttleworth
18951223Monday, December 23rd, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Roy Martin28912891Roy MartinRoy Martin
18951221Saturday, December 21st, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.W R Snyder20872087W R SnyderW R Snyder
18951217Tuesday, December 17th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Charline Wood41274127Charlene WoodCharlene Wood
18951129Friday, November 29th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Annie Ireland0147147Annie IrelandAnnie Ireland
18951116Saturday, November 16th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Geo Hickok42514251Mrs. George HickokMrs. George Hickok
18951109Saturday, November 9th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mr George Burt29572957George BurtGeorge Burt
18951102Saturday, November 2nd, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs M.J. Sanders30503050Pearl HarrisPearl HarrisNumber 85 noted after patron name
18951028Monday, October 28th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs E. Williams44964496Mrs. E WilliamsMrs. E Williams
18951019Saturday, October 19th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Bertha Foster45064506Libbie FosterLibbie Foster
18951005Saturday, October 5th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Katie Sullivan42854285Katie SullivanKatie Sullivan
18950921Saturday, September 21st, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs M Mock45214521Mrs. M MockMrs. M Mock
18950903Tuesday, September 3rd, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Hannah Caldwell46504650Hannah CaldwellHannah Caldwelllibrarian actually recorded "Aug 3d 1895" at top of page, but should be Sept. 3
18950814Wednesday, August 14th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Alice Goshorn31913191Mrs. A. GoshornMrs. A. Goshorn
18950722Monday, July 22nd, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Rose Bowers43424342Mrs. Rose BowersMrs. Rose Bowersfixed borrower's name (orig. Bowen)
18950706Saturday, July 6th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Rev. Geo Zumstein41664166Rev. Hans ZumsteinRev. Hans Zumsteinfixed borrower's name (orig. Zunstein)
18950618Tuesday, June 18th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Campbell Keirstead30023002Campbell KeirsteadCampbell Keirstead
18950603Monday, June 3rd, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Campbell Keirstead30023002Campbell KeirsteadCampbell Keirstead
18950525Saturday, May 25th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mr. A. J. Wilson11151115A. J. WilsonA. J. Wilson
18950520Monday, May 20th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mr. A. J. Wilson11151115A. J. WilsonA. J. Wilson
18950513Monday, May 13th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Janie Baldwin30873087Jimmie BaldwinJimmie Baldwin
18950507Tuesday, May 7th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. J. C. Leatherman43584358Mrs. J. C. LeathermanMrs. J. C. Leatherman
18950418Thursday, April 18th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs J H Craighead45294529Mrs. J. A. CraigheadMrs. J. A. Craighead
18950413Saturday, April 13th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Arthur N Loyd45664566A N LoydA N Loyd
18950403Wednesday, April 3rd, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs. Mary Topp0488488Mark J. ToppMark J. Topp
18950321Thursday, March 21st, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mary Topp0488488Mark J. ToppMark J. Topp
18950307Thursday, March 7th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mr Frak Ammon31253125Frank AmmonFrank Ammon
18950228Thursday, February 28th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mary Hill40384038Mary V. HillMary V. Hill
18950225Monday, February 25th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.W R Snyder20872087W R SnyderW R Snyder
18950211Monday, February 11th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.A. H. Olin43024302A. H. OlinA. H. Olin
18950125Friday, January 25th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Clayton Reid008080Clayton ReidClayton Reid
18950112Saturday, January 12th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mr F. R. Merrell45734573F. R. MerrellF. R. Merrell
18950108Tuesday, January 8th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mr J. W. Oxley26132613J. W. OxleyJ. W. Oxley
18950105Saturday, January 5th, 1895View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.N. Jensen44204420N. JensenN. Jensen
18941221Friday, December 21st, 1894View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Alice Vickery40314031Mrs. Alice VickeryMrs. Alice Vickery
18941208Saturday, December 8th, 1894View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Lucy Larimore40404040Mrs. Thos. LarimoreMrs. Thos. LarimoreNumber 65 marked to the right of patron's name//fixed borrower's name (orig. "Lamore")
18941130Friday, November 30th, 1894View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs A. C. Jones41054105Mrs. A. C. JonesMrs. A. C. Jones
18941115Thursday, November 15th, 1894View Page091909190Nature's serial story.Nature's serial story.Mrs Kate Hopley44994499Mrs. Kate HopleyMrs. Kate Hopley