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+Book (1)

Accession DateAcc. #Original
TitleAuthor# Times
18970812Thursday, August 12th,18971026010260View PageThe country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Paul Belloni), 1835-1903.04242

+Patron (41)

Patron #Original
Date JoinedNameResidence
44114411View Page18940303Saturday, March 3rd, 1894Mrs. L. L. TurnerMrs. L. L. TurnerChas. + Jeff. St.
50625062View Page18990406Thursday, April 6th, 1899Lois L. DurhamLois L. Durham314 s Jefferson
50125012View Page18990216Thursday, February 16th, 1899Tom CareyTom Carey605 Berlin St.
50595059View Page18990329Wednesday, March 29th, 1899Cecil AllspawCecil Allspaw817 e Jackson
37193719View Page18970604Friday, June 4th, 1897Ernest NaftzgerErnest Naftzger217 s High
32913291View Page18951109Saturday, November 9th, 1895Ralph BrownRalph BrownKilgore Ave.
33083308View Page18951123Saturday, November 23rd, 1895Guy TweedyGuy Tweedy1113 Kirby Ave
35783578View Page18961204Friday, December 4th, 1896Newton PetersonNewton Peterson224 Ohio Ave.
39273927View Page18980216Wednesday, February 16th, 1898Roscoe LorentzRoscoe Lorentz236 n Vine
40144014View Page18921011Tuesday, October 11th, 1892E. R. TemplerE. R. Templer214 W. Jackson
47464746View Page18980701Friday, July 1st, 1898Robert BruckRobert Bruck206 e Washington
51845184View Page18991017Tuesday, October 17th, 1899Roy RichardRoy Richard606 E 5 St
29702970View Page18920203Wednesday, February 3rd, 1892Louis BloomLouis Bloom319 Michigan St.
52425242View Page18991116Thursday, November 16th, 1899James BurnapJames Burnap225 S. Walnut St.
52555255View Page18991129Wednesday, November 29th, 1899Mrs. Lizzie ConwayMrs. Lizzie Conway1314 E. First St.
45254525View Page18940726Thursday, July 26th, 1894Mrs. John W WilsonMrs. John W Wilson320 S Beacon
32243224View Page18950723Tuesday, July 23rd, 1895Roy SpradlingRoy Spradling515 W Jackson
32273227View Page18950729Monday, July 29th, 1895Ernest CharmanErnest Charman506 S High
31513151View Page18950316Saturday, March 16th, 1895Harry JohnsonHarry Johnson720 West Jackson St
31083108View Page18950129Tuesday, January 29th, 1895Clifford BrownClifford BrownKilgore Ave
32573257View Page18951003Thursday, October 3rd, 1895Chas T ReddingChas T Redding604 Elm St
35523552View Page18961114Saturday, November 14th, 1896Irvin DePoyIrvin DePoy250 cor. 10th + Prince
34063406View Page18960303Tuesday, March 3rd, 1896Fred PrestonFred Preston603 E Adams
34343434View Page18960331Tuesday, March 31st, 1896Town RenaTown Rena1723 S. Madison
38083808View Page18971108Monday, November 8th, 1897Clifford BrowneClifford BrowneNot listed
35993599View Page18970102Saturday, January 2nd, 1897Ralph FahrnerRalph Fahrner1109 E. Washington
37453745View Page18970731Saturday, July 31st, 1897Albert J. KernAlbert J. Kern1238 Kirby av
38353835View Page18971127Saturday, November 27th, 1897Carl SkinnerCarl Skinner1601 S. Penn
38093809View Page18971109Tuesday, November 9th, 1897Ray WilsonRay WilsonYorktown Pike
39623962View Page18980319Saturday, March 19th, 1898Frank PeilFrank Peil1412 E Main Str
56875687View Page19010130Wednesday, January 30th, 1901Rymnd HottingerRymnd Hottinger1106 E. 1st
57215721View Page19010223Saturday, February 23rd, 1901Ralph SlaughterRalph Slaughter1119 E Jackson
55895589View Page19001106Tuesday, November 6th, 1900Lewis McCoyLewis McCoy512 E. Howard St.
55475547View Page19000929Saturday, September 29th, 1900Geo. H. SissonGeo. H. Sisson614 E. Jackson St.
55705570View Page19001019Friday, October 19th, 1900Allen TylerAllen Tyler414 W Howard
58175817View Page19010706Saturday, July 6th, 1901Marg LangfordMarg Langford312 E North
57415741View Page19010308Friday, March 8th, 1901J. L. KingsburyJ. L. Kingsbury1001 E. Adams St
57905790View Page19010521Tuesday, May 21st, 1901Lizzie RoyLizzie Roy514 S. Hackley
61656165View Page19020708Tuesday, July 8th, 1902Frank GettysFrank Gettys211 E. North St.
60166016View Page19020123Thursday, January 23rd, 1902Wm H SchmidWm H Schmid2207. S Walnut
23232323View Page18851029Thursday, October 29th, 1885Frank GassFrank GassEast Main

+Transaction (42)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat. #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
18970818Wednesday, August 18th, 1897View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Albert Kern37453745Albert J. KernAlbert J. Kern
18970828Saturday, August 28th, 1897View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Guy Tweedy33083308Guy TweedyGuy Tweedy
18970909Thursday, September 9th, 1897View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Ralph Fahrner35993599Ralph FahrnerRalph Fahrner
18971101Monday, November 1st, 1897View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Louis Bloom29702970Louis BloomLouis Bloom
18971116Tuesday, November 16th, 1897View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Clifford Brown31083108Clifford BrownClifford Brown
18971203Friday, December 3rd, 1897View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Ray Wilson38093809Ray WilsonRay Wilson
18971230Thursday, December 30th, 1897View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Irvin DePoy35523552Irvin DePoyIrvin DePoy
18980118Tuesday, January 18th, 1898View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Ralph Brown32913291Ralph BrownRalph Brown
18980127Thursday, January 27th, 1898View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Ernest Charman32273227Ernest CharmanErnest Charman
18980305Saturday, March 5th, 1898View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Roscoe Lorentz39273927Roscoe LorentzRoscoe Lorentz
18980315Tuesday, March 15th, 1898View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Frank Gass23232323Frank GassFrank Gass
18980321Monday, March 21st, 1898View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Mrs L L. Turner44114411Mrs. L. L. TurnerMrs. L. L. Turner
18980421Thursday, April 21st, 1898View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Frank A Peil39623962Frank PeilFrank Peil
18980516Monday, May 16th, 1898View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Harry Johnson31513151Harry JohnsonHarry Johnson
18980528Saturday, May 28th, 1898View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Harry Johnson31513151Harry JohnsonHarry Johnson
18980701Friday, July 1st, 1898View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Jamie Templer40144014E. R. TemplerE. R. Templer
18981008Saturday, October 8th, 1898View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Clifford Brown38083808Clifford BrowneClifford Browne
18981107Monday, November 7th, 1898View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Mrs John Wilson45254525Mrs. John W WilsonMrs. John W Wilson
18990103Tuesday, January 3rd, 1899View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Ray Spradling32243224Roy SpradlingRoy Spradling
18990307Tuesday, March 7th, 1899View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Chas. T. Redding32573257Chas T ReddingChas T Redding
18990509Tuesday, May 9th, 1899View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Newton Peterson35783578Newton PetersonNewton Peterson
18991106Monday, November 6th, 1899View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Robert Bruck47464746Robert BruckRobert Bruck
18991208Friday, December 8th, 1899View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Carl Skinner38353835Carl SkinnerCarl Skinner
19000113Saturday, January 13th, 1900View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.James Burnap52425242James BurnapJames Burnap
19000205Monday, February 5th, 1900View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Ray Richards51845184Roy RichardRoy Richard
19000306Tuesday, March 6th, 1900View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Mrs Lizzie Conway52555255Mrs. Lizzie ConwayMrs. Lizzie Conway
19000405Thursday, April 5th, 1900View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Ernest Notzer37193719Ernest NaftzgerErnest Naftzger
19000612Tuesday, June 12th, 1900View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Cecil Allspun50595059Cecil AllspawCecil Allspaw
19010223Saturday, February 23rd, 1901View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Ralph Slaythe57215721Ralph SlaughterRalph Slaughter
19010406Saturday, April 6th, 1901View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Lewis McCoy55895589Lewis McCoyLewis McCoy
19010417Wednesday, April 17th, 1901View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Ruth Best34343434Town RenaTown Rena
19010530Thursday, May 30th, 1901View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Lizzie Ray57905790Lizzie RoyLizzie Roy
19010613Thursday, June 13th, 1901View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Raymond Hottinger56875687Rymnd HottingerRymnd Hottinger
19010723Tuesday, July 23rd, 1901View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Rev Geo Sisson55475547Geo. H. SissonGeo. H. Sisson
19011024Thursday, October 24th, 1901View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Allen Tyler55705570Allen TylerAllen Tyler
19011111Monday, November 11th, 1901View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Lois L. Durham50625062Lois L. DurhamLois L. Durham
19020114Tuesday, January 14th, 1902View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Roscoe Murray57415741J. L. KingsburyJ. L. KingsburyNumber 67 written after patron's name
19020301Saturday, March 1st, 1902View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Tom Carey50125012Tom CareyTom Carey
19020506Tuesday, May 6th, 1902View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Fred Preston34063406Fred PrestonFred PrestonBook ID 10261 borrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded.
19020710Thursday, July 10th, 1902View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Frank Gettys61656165Frank GettysFrank Gettys
19021022Wednesday, October 22nd, 1902View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Wm Smith60166016Wm H SchmidWm H Schmid
19021115Saturday, November 15th, 1902View Page1026010260The country of the dwarfs.The country of the dwarfs.Marguerite Langford58175817Marg LangfordMarg Langford