Search Results:

+Book (2)

Accession DateAcc. #Original
TitleAuthor# Times
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084028402View PageThe villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Auerbach, Berthold, 1812-1882.02828
18921019Wednesday, October 19th,1892084038403View PageThe villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Auerbach, Berthold, 1812-1882.02222

+Patron (32)

Patron #Original
Date JoinedNameResidence
42034203View Page18930309Thursday, March 9th, 1893Mrs. A. J. WilliamsMrs. A. J. Williams819 E Adams St
0342342View Page18760212Saturday, February 12th, 1876E. K HeinsohnE. K HeinsohnKirby House
11881188View Page18790224Monday, February 24th, 1879Burt BradburyBurt BradburyEast Jackson
12061206View Page18790324Monday, March 24th, 1879Jeannie BradburyJeannie BradburyEast Jackson
49684968View Page18990119Thursday, January 19th, 1899Mrs. Bertha GilliamMrs. Bertha Gilliam1 Boycetown
0367367View Page18760311Saturday, March 11th, 1876Allie EmersonAllie Emerson303 East Jackson
26132613View Page18900222Saturday, February 22nd, 1890J. W. OxleyJ. W. Oxley429 1st St.
51615161View Page18990927Wednesday, September 27th, 1899Lily SnyderLily Snyder319 w Adams
29662966View Page18920128Thursday, January 28th, 1892Heinrich PfitznerHeinrich PfitznerKilgore Ave.
24302430View Page18871001Saturday, October 1st, 1887Ola EmersonOla Emerson303 East Jackson
27982798View Page18910209Monday, February 9th, 1891Ashley HemingrayAshley HemingrayNot listed
41664166View Page18930211Saturday, February 11th, 1893Rev. Hans ZumsteinRev. Hans Zumstein808 S Monroe St.
43124312View Page18940105Friday, January 5th, 1894Mrs. L. HerrmannMrs. L. Herrmann120 E. Main
45884588View Page18941023Tuesday, October 23rd, 1894Landess BloomLandess Bloom313 Michigan St.
26802680View Page18900912Friday, September 12th, 1890Pearl HowellPearl Howell702 W. Chas.
28692869View Page18910720Monday, July 20th, 1891Amy KendallAmy Kendall315 W. Jackson
30813081View Page18920820Saturday, August 20th, 1892Louise W. KirbyLouise W. Kirby801 E. Main
40514051View Page18921111Friday, November 11th, 1892Mrs. Kate KirbyMrs. Kate Kirby406 E Jackson
45174517View Page18940716Monday, July 16th, 1894James BaileyJames Bailey1200 Ohmer Ave
44214421View Page18940313Tuesday, March 13th, 1894D. H. GraceyD. H. Gracey224 Lyn Ave
46474647View Page18941206Thursday, December 6th, 1894Kenneth ShuttleworthKenneth ShuttleworthShiply + Michigan
46574657View Page18941218Tuesday, December 18th, 1894Mrs. F. TaylorMrs. F. TaylorWebster Avenue
32693269View Page18951018Friday, October 18th, 1895Anna LyonsAnna Lyons1009 E Charles St
33153315View Page18951202Monday, December 2nd, 1895Anna B BayleyAnna B Bayley1200 Ohmer Ave
34373437View Page18960404Saturday, April 4th, 1896Harriet HamiltonHarriet Hamilton608 E. Main
35353535View Page18961017Saturday, October 17th, 1896Mrs. E. F. TylerMrs. E. F. Tyler1001 E Adams
37423742View Page18970722Thursday, July 22nd, 1897Carrie CohnCarrie Cohn406 W. Main
37433743View Page18970722Thursday, July 22nd, 1897Mrs. Fannie CohnMrs. Fannie Cohn406 W. Main
57195719View Page19010223Saturday, February 23rd, 1901Anna StuckeyAnna Stuckey211 E Main
18981898View Page18820311Saturday, March 11th, 1882A N ShuttleworthA N ShuttleworthEast Washington
62096209View Page19020901Monday, September 1st, 1902Mrs. Chas ScheetzMrs. Chas Scheetz1709 E Jackson
61526152View Page19020620Friday, June 20th, 1902Frances StevensFrances StevensFlat D Arcade

+Transaction (50)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat. #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
18941128Wednesday, November 28th, 1894View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Ashley Hemingray27982798Ashley HemingrayAshley Hemingray
18941211Tuesday, December 11th, 1894View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mr D Gracey44214421D. H. GraceyD. H. Gracey
18941226Wednesday, December 26th, 1894View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Alice Leonard28692869Amy KendallAmy Kendall
18941229Saturday, December 29th, 1894View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mr D Gracey44214421D. H. GraceyD. H. Graceyfixed borrower's name (orig. Craig)
18950423Tuesday, April 23rd, 1895View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Jean Bradbury12061206Jeannie BradburyJeannie Bradbury
18950423Tuesday, April 23rd, 1895View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mrs. Bert Bradbury11881188Burt BradburyBurt Bradbury
18950601Saturday, June 1st, 1895View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Louise W. Kirby30813081Louise W. KirbyLouise W. Kirby
18950601Saturday, June 1st, 1895View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mrs. K. Kirby40514051Mrs. Kate KirbyMrs. Kate Kirbyfixed patron number (orig. 4057)
18950702Tuesday, July 2nd, 1895View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Pearl Howell26802680Pearl HowellPearl Howell
18950809Friday, August 9th, 1895View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mrs. L. Herrmann43124312Mrs. L. HerrmannMrs. L. Herrmannfixed borrower's name (orig. Herman)
18951026Saturday, October 26th, 1895View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Rev Geo H Zumstein41664166Rev. Hans ZumsteinRev. Hans Zumstein
18951104Monday, November 4th, 1895View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mrs H Pfitzner29662966Heinrich PfitznerHeinrich Pfitzner"Oct 4" actually written at top of page, but should be Nov 4
18951109Saturday, November 9th, 1895View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mr H Pfitzner29662966Heinrich PfitznerHeinrich Pfitzner
18951118Monday, November 18th, 1895View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mrs E.K. Heinsohn0342342E. K HeinsohnE. K Heinsohn
18951228Saturday, December 28th, 1895View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Allie Emerson0367367Allie EmersonAllie Emerson
18951228Saturday, December 28th, 1895View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Ola Emerson24302430Ola EmersonOla Emerson
18960104Saturday, January 4th, 1896View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mr Burt Bradbury11881188Burt BradburyBurt Bradbury
18960104Saturday, January 4th, 1896View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Jean Bradbury12061206Jeannie BradburyJeannie Bradbury
18960217Monday, February 17th, 1896View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mrs Harry Lyons32693269Anna LyonsAnna Lyons
18960928Monday, September 28th, 1896View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mrs Harry Lyons32693269Anna LyonsAnna Lyonspatron Id of Anna Lyons
18961118Wednesday, November 18th, 1896View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Kenneth Shuttleworth46474647Kenneth ShuttleworthKenneth Shuttleworth
18961118Wednesday, November 18th, 1896View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.A N Shuttleworth18981898A N ShuttleworthA N Shuttleworth
18961205Saturday, December 5th, 1896View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mrs. E. F. Tyler35353535Mrs. E. F. TylerMrs. E. F. Tyler
18961210Thursday, December 10th, 1896View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mrs E F Tyler35353535Mrs. E. F. TylerMrs. E. F. Tyler
18961214Monday, December 14th, 1896View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mrs Hallie Hamilton34373437Harriet HamiltonHarriet Hamilton
18961226Saturday, December 26th, 1896View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mrs. Hattie Hamilton34373437Harriet HamiltonHarriet Hamilton
18970106Wednesday, January 6th, 1897View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mrs. A. J. Williams42034203Mrs. A. J. WilliamsMrs. A. J. Williams
18970128Thursday, January 28th, 1897View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mrs. A. J. Williams42034203Mrs. A. J. WilliamsMrs. A. J. Williams
18970202Tuesday, February 2nd, 1897View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mrs. A. J. Williams42034203Mrs. A. J. WilliamsMrs. A. J. Williams
18970619Saturday, June 19th, 1897View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mrs Frank Taylor46574657Mrs. F. TaylorMrs. F. Taylor
18971214Tuesday, December 14th, 1897View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Ms Fannie Cohn37433743Mrs. Fannie CohnMrs. Fannie Cohn
18971214Tuesday, December 14th, 1897View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Carrie Cohn37423742Carrie CohnCarrie Cohn
18971227Monday, December 27th, 1897View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Ms. Fannie Cohn37433743Mrs. Fannie CohnMrs. Fannie Cohn
18981006Thursday, October 6th, 1898View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.J.W. Oxley26132613J. W. OxleyJ. W. Oxley
18981111Friday, November 11th, 1898View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.A.N. Shuttleworth18981898A N ShuttleworthA N Shuttleworth
19000305Monday, March 5th, 1900View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Anna Belle Bayley33153315Anna B BayleyAnna B Bayley
19000305Monday, March 5th, 1900View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.James Bailey45174517James BaileyJames Baileyfixed borrower's name (orig. Bayley)
19000623Saturday, June 23rd, 1900View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mrs. Bertha Gilliam49684968Mrs. Bertha GilliamMrs. Bertha Gilliam
19000628Thursday, June 28th, 1900View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Bertha Gilliam49684968Mrs. Bertha GilliamMrs. Bertha Gilliam
19020201Saturday, February 1st, 1902View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Lawless Bloom45884588Landess BloomLandess BloomBook ID 8403 borrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded
19020201Saturday, February 1st, 1902View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Lawless Bloom45884588Landess BloomLandess BloomBook ID 8402 borrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded
19020215Saturday, February 15th, 1902View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Lawless Bloom45884588Landess BloomLandess Bloom
19020823Saturday, August 23rd, 1902View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Frances Stevens61526152Frances StevensFrances StevensBook 8402 borrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded.
19020823Saturday, August 23rd, 1902View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Frances Stevens61526152Frances StevensFrances StevensBook 8403 borrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded.
19020929Monday, September 29th, 1902View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mrs. Chas Schultz62096209Mrs. Chas ScheetzMrs. Chas ScheetzBook ID 8402 borrowed on same transaction
19020929Monday, September 29th, 1902View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Mrs. Chas Schultz62096209Mrs. Chas ScheetzMrs. Chas ScheetzBook ID 8403 borrowed on same transaction
19021011Saturday, October 11th, 1902View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Lily Snyder51615161Lily SnyderLily SnyderBook 8402 borrowed on same transaction
19021011Saturday, October 11th, 1902View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Lily Snyder51615161Lily SnyderLily SnyderBook 8403 borrowed on same transaction
19021021Tuesday, October 21st, 1902View Page084038403The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Bessie Braunell57195719Anna StuckeyAnna StuckeyBook 8402 borrowed on same transaction
19021021Tuesday, October 21st, 1902View Page084028402The villa on the Rhine.The villa on the Rhine.Bessie Braunell57195719Anna StuckeyAnna StuckeyBook 8403 borrowed on same transaction