Search Results:

+Book (3)

Accession DateAcc. #Original
TitleAuthor# Times
18981110Thursday, November 10th,18981208412084View PageThe girl's book of famous queens.The girl's book of famous queens.Farmer, Lydia Hoyt, 1842-1903.0088
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875013111311View PageKings and queens; or, Life in the palace: consisting of historical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.Kings and queens; or, Life in the palace: consisting of historical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877.0088
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875013471347View PageLives of the queens of England. From the Norman conquest.Lives of the queens of England. From the Norman conquest.Strickland, Agnes, 1796-1874.0033

+Patron (16)

Patron #Original
Date JoinedNameResidence
43704370View Page18940209Friday, February 9th, 1894Mary KinertMary Kinert924. E. Main
26932693View Page18900924Wednesday, September 24th, 1890Cora TrentCora Trent403 e Main
0173173View Page18750723Friday, July 23rd, 1875Mrs. Minnie L. OrrMrs. Minnie L. OrrMain St.
18591859View Page18811209Friday, December 9th, 1881Emma WilcoxonEmma WilcoxonCor High + Dumont
49974997View Page18990204Saturday, February 4th, 1899John ClancyJohn Clancy1120 Brotherton St
44084408View Page18940303Saturday, March 3rd, 1894Clara WhiteClara White708 W Main
45014501View Page18940628Thursday, June 28th, 1894Edna HooverEdna Hoover517 W. Main St
50755075View Page18990505Friday, May 5th, 1899Gloria SumptionGloria Sumption402 W. Howard
51925192View Page18991010Tuesday, October 10th, 1899Grace DevonGrace DevonEast Main
32063206View Page18950701Monday, July 1st, 1895Mrs. W H SumptionMrs. W H Sumption408 E Main St
31373137View Page18950220Wednesday, February 20th, 1895Ettie M. SmithEttie M. Smith702 E. Adams
34373437View Page18960404Saturday, April 4th, 1896Harriet HamiltonHarriet Hamilton608 E. Main
37283728View Page18970629Tuesday, June 29th, 1897Florance CampbellFlorance Campbell1336 W 13th
39373937View Page18980226Saturday, February 26th, 1898Mrs. Geo BowerMrs. Geo Bower333 E Wash
58545854View Page19010822Thursday, August 22nd, 1901Bertie ReisorBertie Reisor811 E Jackson
21132113View Page18831203Monday, December 3rd, 1883Emily MartinEmily MartinWest Main

+Transaction (19)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat. #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
18950701Monday, July 1st, 1895View Page013111311Kings and queens; or, Life in the palace: consisting of historical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.Kings and queens; or, Life in the palace: consisting of historical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.Mrs. W. H. Sumption32063206Mrs. W H SumptionMrs. W H Sumption
18951123Saturday, November 23rd, 1895View Page013471347Lives of the queens of England. From the Norman conquest.Lives of the queens of England. From the Norman conquest.Mrs Minnie Orr0173173Mrs. Minnie L. OrrMrs. Minnie L. Orr
18951125Monday, November 25th, 1895View Page013111311Kings and queens; or, Life in the palace: consisting of historical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.Kings and queens; or, Life in the palace: consisting of historical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.Emily Martin21132113Emily MartinEmily Martin
18960410Friday, April 10th, 1896View Page013111311Kings and queens; or, Life in the palace: consisting of historical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.Kings and queens; or, Life in the palace: consisting of historical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.Mrs Etta M Smith31373137Ettie M. SmithEttie M. Smith
18960919Saturday, September 19th, 1896View Page013111311Kings and queens; or, Life in the palace: consisting of historical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.Kings and queens; or, Life in the palace: consisting of historical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.Edna Hoover45014501Edna HooverEdna Hoover
18961003Saturday, October 3rd, 1896View Page013111311Kings and queens; or, Life in the palace: consisting of historical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.Kings and queens; or, Life in the palace: consisting of historical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.Edna Hoover45014501Edna HooverEdna Hoover
18970712Monday, July 12th, 1897View Page013471347Lives of the queens of England. From the Norman conquest.Lives of the queens of England. From the Norman conquest.Florence Campbell37283728Florance CampbellFlorance Campbell
18970909Thursday, September 9th, 1897View Page013111311Kings and queens; or, Life in the palace: consisting of historical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.Kings and queens; or, Life in the palace: consisting of historical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.Mr. Ed White44084408Clara WhiteClara White
18980108Saturday, January 8th, 1898View Page1208412084The girl's book of famous queens.The girl's book of famous queens.Mrs Cora Trent26932693Cora TrentCora Trent
18981125Friday, November 25th, 1898View Page1208412084The girl's book of famous queens.The girl's book of famous queens.Mary Kinert43704370Mary KinertMary Kinert
18981208Thursday, December 8th, 1898View Page1208412084The girl's book of famous queens.The girl's book of famous queens.Mary Kinert43704370Mary KinertMary Kinert
18990102Monday, January 2nd, 1899View Page1208412084The girl's book of famous queens.The girl's book of famous queens.Mrs Hattie Hamilton34373437Harriet HamiltonHarriet Hamilton
18990224Friday, February 24th, 1899View Page1208412084The girl's book of famous queens.The girl's book of famous queens.Mrs Leota Hockett39373937Mrs. Geo BowerMrs. Geo Bower
18990313Monday, March 13th, 1899View Page1208412084The girl's book of famous queens.The girl's book of famous queens.Emma Wilcoxon18591859Emma WilcoxonEmma Wilcoxonfixed borrowe'rs name (orig. "Wilcoxen")
19000615Friday, June 15th, 1900View Page013471347Lives of the queens of England. From the Norman conquest.Lives of the queens of England. From the Norman conquest.Grace Dexter51925192Grace DevonGrace Devon
19000901Saturday, September 1st, 1900View Page1208412084The girl's book of famous queens.The girl's book of famous queens.John Clancy49974997John ClancyJohn Clancy
19001203Monday, December 3rd, 1900View Page1208412084The girl's book of famous queens.The girl's book of famous queens.Gloe Sumption50755075Gloria SumptionGloria Sumption
19010213Wednesday, February 13th, 1901View Page013111311Kings and queens; or, Life in the palace: consisting of historical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.Kings and queens; or, Life in the palace: consisting of historical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.Emily Martin21132113Emily MartinEmily Martin
19011207Saturday, December 7th, 1901View Page013111311Kings and queens; or, Life in the palace: consisting of historical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.Kings and queens; or, Life in the palace: consisting of historical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.Mrs. S.C. Bradbury58545854Bertie ReisorBertie Reisor