18920105Tuesday, January 5th, 1892 | View Page | 014451445 | The physiology of common life.The physiology of common life. | Mrs C.R. Flemming | 15781578 | C R FlemmingC R Flemming | fixed borrower's name (orig. "Fleming") |
18920223Tuesday, February 23rd, 1892 | View Page | 014471447 | The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals.The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals. | Susie Hays | 29262926 | Susie HayesSusie Hayes | |
18941110Saturday, November 10th, 1894 | View Page | 020262026 | Science in story : Sammy Tubbs, the boy doctor, and "Sponsie," the troublesome monkey.Science in story : Sammy Tubbs, the boy doctor, and "Sponsie," the troublesome monkey. | Inez Banks | 30623062 | Inez BanksInez Banks | |
18941217Monday, December 17th, 1894 | View Page | 014471447 | The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals.The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals. | Rose Merton | 28832883 | Rosa MartinRosa Martin | |
18950102Wednesday, January 2nd, 1895 | View Page | 014471447 | The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals.The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals. | Rose Martin | 28832883 | Rosa MartinRosa Martin | |
18950205Tuesday, February 5th, 1895 | View Page | 020262026 | Science in story : Sammy Tubbs, the boy doctor, and "Sponsie," the troublesome monkey.Science in story : Sammy Tubbs, the boy doctor, and "Sponsie," the troublesome monkey. | Charles Langdon | 27532753 | Charlie LangdonCharlie Langdon | |
18950723Tuesday, July 23rd, 1895 | View Page | 014451445 | The physiology of common life.The physiology of common life. | Clyde Leager | 28782878 | Clyde LeagerClyde Leager | |
18950817Saturday, August 17th, 1895 | View Page | 020262026 | Science in story : Sammy Tubbs, the boy doctor, and "Sponsie," the troublesome monkey.Science in story : Sammy Tubbs, the boy doctor, and "Sponsie," the troublesome monkey. | Mrs Jennie Boomer | 42944294 | Mrs. Jennie EvansMrs. Jennie Evans | |
18951028Monday, October 28th, 1895 | View Page | 020262026 | Science in story : Sammy Tubbs, the boy doctor, and "Sponsie," the troublesome monkey.Science in story : Sammy Tubbs, the boy doctor, and "Sponsie," the troublesome monkey. | Robbie Knowlton | 0715715 | Addie KnowltonAddie Knowlton | |
18951029Tuesday, October 29th, 1895 | View Page | 020262026 | Science in story : Sammy Tubbs, the boy doctor, and "Sponsie," the troublesome monkey.Science in story : Sammy Tubbs, the boy doctor, and "Sponsie," the troublesome monkey. | Clyde Leager | 28782878 | Clyde LeagerClyde Leager | |
18951108Friday, November 8th, 1895 | View Page | 020262026 | Science in story : Sammy Tubbs, the boy doctor, and "Sponsie," the troublesome monkey.Science in story : Sammy Tubbs, the boy doctor, and "Sponsie," the troublesome monkey. | Harry Ward | 44154415 | Harry WardHarry Ward | |
18951213Friday, December 13th, 1895 | View Page | 029802980 | Physiology.Physiology. | Carrie Vickery | 46874687 | Carrie VickeryCarrie Vickery | |
18951214Saturday, December 14th, 1895 | View Page | 029802980 | Physiology.Physiology. | J H Wittenmyer | 32603260 | J. H. WittermyerJ. H. Wittermyer | |
18960102Thursday, January 2nd, 1896 | View Page | 014271427 | A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families.A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families. | Mr A. L. Richards | 33423342 | Alfred T RichardsAlfred T Richards | |
18960116Thursday, January 16th, 1896 | View Page | 014271427 | A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families.A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families. | Mr A F Richards | 33423342 | Alfred T RichardsAlfred T Richards | |
18960120Monday, January 20th, 1896 | View Page | 014471447 | The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals.The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals. | J.H. Wittenmeyer | 32603260 | J. H. WittermyerJ. H. Wittermyer | |
18960125Saturday, January 25th, 1896 | View Page | 026022602 | The elements of physiology and hygiene : a text-book for educational institutions.The elements of physiology and hygiene : a text-book for educational institutions. | Mr Frank Morgen | 44544454 | Frank MorganFrank Morgan | fixed patron number (orig. 4554) |
18960229Saturday, February 29th, 1896 | View Page | 014471447 | The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals.The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals. | Leslie Spornhauer | 30703070 | Leslie SpornhauerLeslie Spornhauer | |
18960314Saturday, March 14th, 1896 | View Page | 014471447 | The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals.The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals. | Pearl Zimmerman | 31263126 | Ella UptgraftElla Uptgraft | |
18960323Monday, March 23rd, 1896 | View Page | 014471447 | The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals.The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals. | Mrs W R Moore | 24212421 | Mrs. W. R. MooreMrs. W. R. Moore | |
18961002Friday, October 2nd, 1896 | View Page | 014471447 | The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals.The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals. | Anna Bayley | 33153315 | Anna B BayleyAnna B Bayley | |
18961106Friday, November 6th, 1896 | View Page | 014471447 | The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals.The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals. | Reo H M Denslow | 34763476 | H. M. DenslowH. M. Denslow | |
18961121Saturday, November 21st, 1896 | View Page | 014471447 | The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals.The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals. | Pearl Gettys | 44854485 | Pearl GettysPearl Gettys | |
18961231Thursday, December 31st, 1896 | View Page | 014471447 | The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals.The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals. | Hans Hanson | 35853585 | Hans HansanHans Hansan | "55" written as book ID. |
18970111Monday, January 11th, 1897 | View Page | 014271427 | A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families.A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families. | Mrs. Willis S. Williams | 36083608 | Mrs. Willis S. WilliamsMrs. Willis S. Williams | |
18970121Thursday, January 21st, 1897 | View Page | 014471447 | The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals.The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals. | Joseph Holton | 32993299 | Joseph HaltonJoseph Halton | |
18970208Monday, February 8th, 1897 | View Page | 014471447 | The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals.The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals. | Chas H French | 34353435 | Julia LyonsJulia Lyons | |
18970211Thursday, February 11th, 1897 | View Page | 014271427 | A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families.A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families. | Henri Goble | 34533453 | Henri GableHenri Gable | |
18971215Wednesday, December 15th, 1897 | View Page | 014451445 | The physiology of common life.The physiology of common life. | Martha J Ivins | 10371037 | Martha J IvinsMartha J Ivins | fixed borrower's name (orig. "Martha H Ivans") |
18980201Tuesday, February 1st, 1898 | View Page | 014471447 | The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals.The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals. | Edward Turner | 39033903 | Ed TurnerEd Turner | |
18980216Wednesday, February 16th, 1898 | View Page | 014891489 | Wonders of the human body.Wonders of the human body. | Mrs. Emma Haber | 34203420 | Emma ThompsonEmma Thompson | |
18980228Monday, February 28th, 1898 | View Page | 014271427 | A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families.A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families. | Harry Miller | 45504550 | Harry MillerHarry Miller | |
18980831Wednesday, August 31st, 1898 | View Page | 014471447 | The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals.The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals. | Walter Bartlett | 31403140 | Walter BartlettWalter Bartlett | |
18981011Tuesday, October 11th, 1898 | View Page | 014451445 | The physiology of common life.The physiology of common life. | Frank Bayless | 33693369 | Anson HickmanAnson Hickman | |
18981101Tuesday, November 1st, 1898 | View Page | 014271427 | A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families.A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families. | Nellie Perkins | 46104610 | Nellie PerkinsNellie Perkins | |
18981115Tuesday, November 15th, 1898 | View Page | 020262026 | Science in story : Sammy Tubbs, the boy doctor, and "Sponsie," the troublesome monkey.Science in story : Sammy Tubbs, the boy doctor, and "Sponsie," the troublesome monkey. | Herman Cecil | 39833983 | Herman CecilHerman Cecil | |
19000226Monday, February 26th, 1900 | View Page | 014271427 | A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families.A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families. | Clifford M Cobb | 47534753 | Clifford M. CobbClifford M. Cobb | |
19000308Thursday, March 8th, 1900 | View Page | 014471447 | The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals.The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals. | Mrs Alice Neal | 53765376 | Alice NeelAlice Neel | |
19000718Wednesday, July 18th, 1900 | View Page | 014271427 | A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families.A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families. | Dr. J. E. Hughes | 52845284 | Dr. J. E. HughesDr. J. E. Hughes | |
19000917Monday, September 17th, 1900 | View Page | 014451445 | The physiology of common life.The physiology of common life. | Mrs. Newton Mullen | 52475247 | Mrs. Newton MillerMrs. Newton Miller | |
19001025Thursday, October 25th, 1900 | View Page | 014271427 | A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families.A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families. | Mrs. Maude Somers | 52675267 | Mrs. Maude SomersMrs. Maude Somers | |
19010416Tuesday, April 16th, 1901 | View Page | 014271427 | A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families.A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families. | Dr W. F. Zohm | 55435543 | Dr. W. F. ZahmDr. W. F. Zahm | |
19010921Saturday, September 21st, 1901 | View Page | 014271427 | A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families.A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families. | Alfred Kiljin | 27942794 | Alfred KilgoreAlfred Kilgore | Original transaction lists patron # as 2796, but this was likely an error and has been changed to reflect Alfred Kilgore's actual patron # 2794. |
19011118Monday, November 18th, 1901 | View Page | 014471447 | The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals.The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals. | John Williams | 59355935 | John WilliamsJohn Williams | |
19020515Thursday, May 15th, 1902 | View Page | 014271427 | A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families.A text-book on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : for the use of schools and families. | Nellie Super | 57815781 | Neta SoperNeta Soper | |