18941110Saturday, November 10th, 1894 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | S. A. Calvert | | | fixed borrower's name (orig. "Calveat") |
18941124Saturday, November 24th, 1894 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | S. A. Calvert | | | |
18941207Friday, December 7th, 1894 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Frank Abrams | 41584158 | Frank AbramsFrank Abrams | |
18941210Monday, December 10th, 1894 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Bertie Wmson | 40024002 | Bertie WilliamsonBertie Williamson | |
18941218Tuesday, December 18th, 1894 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Charles Langdon | 27532753 | Charlie LangdonCharlie Langdon | |
18941221Friday, December 21st, 1894 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Lawrence Herman | 27772777 | Mrs. L. HermanMrs. L. Herman | |
18950103Thursday, January 3rd, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Fred Long | 0262262 | Mattie WilcoxonMattie Wilcoxon | |
18950108Tuesday, January 8th, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Charles Kougle | 27652765 | Charlie Kougel Jr.Charlie Kougel Jr. | |
18950112Saturday, January 12th, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Robbie Scott | 29862986 | Robbie ScottRobbie Scott | |
18950117Thursday, January 17th, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Hasty Wilson | 26312631 | Hasty WilsonHasty Wilson | |
18950130Wednesday, January 30th, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Mrs Wm Gill | 30963096 | Mrs. Wm. F. GillMrs. Wm. F. Gill | Number 71 marked after patron's name |
18950205Tuesday, February 5th, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Charlie Jump | 45194519 | S. Gilbert JumpS. Gilbert Jump | |
18950222Friday, February 22nd, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Landless Bloom | 45884588 | Landess BloomLandess Bloom | |
18950301Friday, March 1st, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Ira Brackin | 42194219 | Ira BrackinIra Brackin | fixed borrower's name (orig. Bracken) |
18950307Thursday, March 7th, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Vida Cassady | 23442344 | Vida CassadyVida Cassady | Pages 88-89 are out of order; according to dates (March 7-8) they should be the last pages in ledger, but were written by librarian upside down in middle of ledger, between January 8-9. Librarian did mark "Last Page" at top of page 88. |
18950311Monday, March 11th, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Mrs. Jennie Evans | 42944294 | Mrs. Jennie EvansMrs. Jennie Evans | |
18950402Tuesday, April 2nd, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Norman Boomer | 43174317 | Norman BoomerNorman Boomer | |
18950501Wednesday, May 1st, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Janie Templer | 40144014 | E. R. TemplerE. R. Templer | |
18950527Monday, May 27th, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Clyde Leager | 28782878 | Clyde LeagerClyde Leager | |
18950710Wednesday, July 10th, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Harry White | 46374637 | Harry WhiteHarry White | |
18950723Tuesday, July 23rd, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | C.A. Calvert | 10991099 | C A CalvertC A Calvert | |
18951012Saturday, October 12th, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Vida Cassady | 23442344 | Vida CassadyVida Cassady | Original transaction listed patron # as 2394, but this was likely an error and has been changed to reflect Vida Cassady's actual patron # 2334. |
18951102Saturday, November 2nd, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Mrs A.J. Williams | 42034203 | Mrs. A. J. WilliamsMrs. A. J. Williams | |
18951107Thursday, November 7th, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Wm Truitt | 45764576 | Will TruittWill Truitt | |
18951119Tuesday, November 19th, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Fred Snyder | 43944394 | Fred SnyderFred Snyder | |
18951207Saturday, December 7th, 1895 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Mrs Wm Gill | 30963096 | Mrs. Wm. F. GillMrs. Wm. F. Gill | |
18960123Thursday, January 23rd, 1896 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | John M Russey | 32193219 | John M RusseyJohn M Russey | |
18960204Tuesday, February 4th, 1896 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Ray Thornburg | 40004000 | Ray ThornburgRay Thornburg | |
18960309Monday, March 9th, 1896 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Carl Tuhey | 29072907 | Carl TuheyCarl Tuhey | |
18960402Thursday, April 2nd, 1896 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | J.F. Brewer | 43974397 | J. F. BrewerJ. F. Brewer | fixed patron number (orig. 4391) |
18960627Saturday, June 27th, 1896 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Mr. G N Peterson | 44654465 | Geo. N. PetersonGeo. N. Peterson | |
18960811Tuesday, August 11th, 1896 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Willie Haney | 34803480 | Willie NaneyWillie Naney | |
18961114Saturday, November 14th, 1896 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Roy Harrington | 40234023 | Roy HarringtonRoy Harrington | "139" marked next to patron's name |
18961127Friday, November 27th, 1896 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Mrs. A. J. Williams | 42034203 | Mrs. A. J. WilliamsMrs. A. J. Williams | |
18961216Wednesday, December 16th, 1896 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Geo. Sutton | 31153115 | Mrs. Mary NealMrs. Mary Neal | |
18970106Wednesday, January 6th, 1897 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Harry Miller | 45504550 | Harry MillerHarry Miller | |
18970504Tuesday, May 4th, 1897 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Guy Sutton | 33203320 | Guy SuttonGuy Sutton | |
18970805Thursday, August 5th, 1897 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Omer Mitchell | 24522452 | Omer MitchellOmer Mitchell | |
18970818Wednesday, August 18th, 1897 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Warren Sample | 33903390 | Warren SampleWarren Sample | |
18970907Tuesday, September 7th, 1897 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Robert Mock | 42314231 | Robert MockRobert Mock | Number 60 noted after patron name |
18970922Wednesday, September 22nd, 1897 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Geo. Lowick | 0132132 | Mary C. KlineMary C. Kline | Patron ID of Mary C. Kline |
18971116Tuesday, November 16th, 1897 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Loys Saxon | 33403340 | Loys SaxonLoys Saxon | |
18980108Saturday, January 8th, 1898 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Leslie Greely | 34183418 | Leslie GreelyLeslie Greely | Number 36 marked next to patron's name |
18980120Thursday, January 20th, 1898 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Guy Tweedy | 33083308 | Guy TweedyGuy Tweedy | |
18980201Tuesday, February 1st, 1898 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Wallace Ballard | 32823282 | W BallardW Ballard | |
18980207Monday, February 7th, 1898 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Earl Tevebaugh | 30603060 | Earl TeverbaughEarl Teverbaugh | |
18980219Saturday, February 19th, 1898 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Vera Stinson | 44664466 | Vera StinsonVera Stinson | number 81 marked next to patron's name |
18980415Friday, April 15th, 1898 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Oscar Weaver | 36173617 | Osscar WeaverOsscar Weaver | |
18980613Monday, June 13th, 1898 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Mrs. E. A. Leatherman | 25182518 | Jesse CarmichaelJesse Carmichael | |
18980823Tuesday, August 23rd, 1898 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Janis Lighthurtz | 37513751 | James LightbodyJames Lightbody | "59" written after patron name. |
18981110Thursday, November 10th, 1898 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | G.N. Peterson | 44654465 | Geo. N. PetersonGeo. N. Peterson | |
18981219Monday, December 19th, 1898 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Kemper Harrold | 48514851 | Kemper HerreldKemper Herreld | |
18990119Thursday, January 19th, 1899 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Will Crawford | 28122812 | Willie CrawfordWillie Crawford | |
18990125Wednesday, January 25th, 1899 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Charles Kougel | 27652765 | Charlie Kougel Jr.Charlie Kougel Jr. | |
18990211Saturday, February 11th, 1899 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | G N Peterson | 44654465 | Geo. N. PetersonGeo. N. Peterson | |
18990301Wednesday, March 1st, 1899 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Arthur Walling | 38963896 | Arthur WallingArthur Walling | |
18990321Tuesday, March 21st, 1899 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | F R Buchanan | 49274927 | Frank R. BuchananFrank R. Buchanan | |
18990401Saturday, April 1st, 1899 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Frank Crawford | 27702770 | Helena CrawfordHelena Crawford | |
18990410Monday, April 10th, 1899 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Kemper Harrold | 48514851 | Kemper HerreldKemper Herreld | |
18990415Saturday, April 15th, 1899 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Crawford Murton | 49944994 | Crawford MurtonCrawford Murton | |
18990727Thursday, July 27th, 1899 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Austin Claypool | 36893689 | Charles ReeceCharles Reece | |
18991107Tuesday, November 7th, 1899 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Mrs. C W Throop | 32593259 | Mrs. C. W. ThroopMrs. C. W. Throop | |
19000202Friday, February 2nd, 1900 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Ray Kleckner | 48084808 | Ray KlecknerRay Kleckner | |
19000310Saturday, March 10th, 1900 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Warren Hutsell | 49914991 | Warren HutsellWarren Hutsell | |
19000316Friday, March 16th, 1900 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Mrs Rush R Harris | 52245224 | Mrs. R. R. HarrisMrs. R. R. Harris | |
19000324Saturday, March 24th, 1900 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Harry Turner | 52545254 | Harry TurnerHarry Turner | |
19000608Friday, June 8th, 1900 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Cecil Allspun | 50575057 | Edith RussellEdith Russell | |
19000721Saturday, July 21st, 1900 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Karl G. Sample | 31303130 | Karl G. SampleKarl G. Sample | |
19020610Tuesday, June 10th, 1902 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Tim Hamilton | 54025402 | Reba HooverReba Hoover | |
19021120Thursday, November 20th, 1902 | View Page | 091539153 | The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana.The canoe and the saddle : adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests, and Isthmiana. | Reba Hoover | 54025402 | Reba HooverReba Hoover | |