18970212Friday, February 12th, 1897 | View Page | 024882488 | Heaven and hell : also, the intermediate state, or world of spirits : a relation of things heard and seen.Heaven and hell : also, the intermediate state, or world of spirits : a relation of things heard and seen. | P. Bundy | 007777 | P. ReinelyP. Reinely | |
18971126Friday, November 26th, 1897 | View Page | 024882488 | Heaven and hell : also, the intermediate state, or world of spirits : a relation of things heard and seen.Heaven and hell : also, the intermediate state, or world of spirits : a relation of things heard and seen. | Jessie Palmer | 36283628 | Jessie PalmerJessie Palmer | |
18990125Wednesday, January 25th, 1899 | View Page | 024882488 | Heaven and hell : also, the intermediate state, or world of spirits : a relation of things heard and seen.Heaven and hell : also, the intermediate state, or world of spirits : a relation of things heard and seen. | Maude Maldegan | 38713871 | Maude MaldeganMaude Maldegan | |
19000512Saturday, May 12th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Jeannie Moore | 47904790 | Jeannie MooreJeannie Moore | |
19000530Wednesday, May 30th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Carrol Hemingray | 32343234 | Carroll HemingrayCarroll Hemingray | |
19000602Saturday, June 2nd, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Mable Hagadorn | 13041304 | Mabel HagadornMabel Hagadorn | |
19000609Saturday, June 9th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Myrtle Shoemaker | 43184318 | Myrtie L. ShoemakerMyrtie L. Shoemaker | |
19000623Saturday, June 23rd, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Norwood Carnes | 27072707 | Norwood CarnesNorwood Carnes | |
19000625Monday, June 25th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Julie Sullivan | 50115011 | Julia GallivanJulia Gallivan | |
19000710Tuesday, July 10th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Carl Reed | 36983698 | Carl ReedCarl Reed | |
19000711Wednesday, July 11th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Marx Holt | 49204920 | Marx E. HoltMarx E. Holt | |
19000712Thursday, July 12th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Dr. J. E. Hughes | 52845284 | Dr. J. E. HughesDr. J. E. Hughes | |
19000801Wednesday, August 1st, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Margaret Wagner | 53265326 | Margaret WagnerMargaret Wagner | |
19000806Monday, August 6th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Ida Heard | 51935193 | Ida HeardIda Heard | |
19000809Thursday, August 9th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Pearl Hazer | 48394839 | Pearl I. HazerPearl I. Hazer | |
19000814Tuesday, August 14th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Mrs. J. V. Crenshaw | 31783178 | Mrs. J. V. CrenshawMrs. J. V. Crenshaw | |
19000815Wednesday, August 15th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Stanton Janney | 44614461 | Stanton JanneyStanton Janney | |
19000822Wednesday, August 22nd, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Vida Cassady | 23442344 | Vida CassadyVida Cassady | |
19000825Saturday, August 25th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Psyche Hoover | 39933993 | Psyche HooverPsyche Hoover | |
19000901Saturday, September 1st, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Nellie Perkins | 46104610 | Nellie PerkinsNellie Perkins | |
19000905Wednesday, September 5th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Alvin Cohn | 53895389 | Alvin CohenAlvin Cohen | |
19000910Monday, September 10th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Mrs. W. H. Clancy | 49284928 | Mrs. W. H. ClancyMrs. W. H. Clancy | |
19000915Saturday, September 15th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Mrs. L. V. Green | 49784978 | L. U. GreenL. U. Green | |
19000922Saturday, September 22nd, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Pearl Bennett | 48574857 | Pearl BennettPearl Bennett | |
19001010Wednesday, October 10th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Emma Clare | 52445244 | Eunice CloreEunice Clore | |
19001020Saturday, October 20th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Allen Tyler | 55705570 | Allen TylerAllen Tyler | |
19001103Saturday, November 3rd, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Mary Keener | 35003500 | Mary KeenerMary Keener | |
19001110Saturday, November 10th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Mrs. Fred Richmire | 55195519 | Mrs. F. RichmireMrs. F. Richmire | |
19001122Thursday, November 22nd, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | George E. Cox | 52105210 | Geo E. CoxGeo E. Cox | |
19001126Monday, November 26th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Elliot Brady | 28602860 | Ethel BradyEthel Brady | |
19001201Saturday, December 1st, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Mrs A E Lyman | 28412841 | Mrs. A. E. LymanMrs. A. E. Lyman | |
19001215Saturday, December 15th, 1900 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Roscoe Koerner | 35563556 | Claude ReasonerClaude Reasoner | |
19010125Friday, January 25th, 1901 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Mrs E. E. Bridenbecker | 56465646 | E. E. BridenbeckerE. E. Bridenbecker | |
19010131Thursday, January 31st, 1901 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Renan Robbins | 39603960 | Renan RobbinsRenan Robbins | |
19010215Friday, February 15th, 1901 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Mrs L. S. Leath | 50055005 | Mrs. L S LeithMrs. L S Leith | |
19010311Monday, March 11th, 1901 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | V. L. Boyd | 57095709 | Victor L. BoydVictor L. Boyd | Number 96 marked after patron's name |
19010417Wednesday, April 17th, 1901 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Charline Knapp | 48784878 | Charline KnappCharline Knapp | |
19011104Monday, November 4th, 1901 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Emmett Sheller | 58685868 | Emmett ShellerEmmett Sheller | |
19011207Saturday, December 7th, 1901 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Walter J. Howe | 30143014 | Walter J. HoweWalter J. Howe | |
19020425Friday, April 25th, 1902 | View Page | 024882488 | Heaven and hell : also, the intermediate state, or world of spirits : a relation of things heard and seen.Heaven and hell : also, the intermediate state, or world of spirits : a relation of things heard and seen. | L.F. Hendricks | 37853785 | Louis T. HendricksLouis T. Hendricks | |
19020509Friday, May 9th, 1902 | View Page | 024882488 | Heaven and hell : also, the intermediate state, or world of spirits : a relation of things heard and seen.Heaven and hell : also, the intermediate state, or world of spirits : a relation of things heard and seen. | L.F. Hendricks | 37853785 | Louis T. HendricksLouis T. Hendricks | |
19020529Thursday, May 29th, 1902 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Mrs. Geo Edwards | 60676067 | Mrs. Geo. EdwardsMrs. Geo. Edwards | |
19020707Monday, July 7th, 1902 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Mrs. Della Smeltzer | 57775777 | Della SmeltzerDella Smeltzer | |
19020718Friday, July 18th, 1902 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Mrs. D.W. Stewart | 26492649 | Helen HickmanHelen Hickman | |
19021004Saturday, October 4th, 1902 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | John S. Gates | 62386238 | John S GatesJohn S Gates | |
19021010Friday, October 10th, 1902 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Mrs. Edna Keller | 37013701 | Edna L. KellerEdna L. Keller | |
19021024Friday, October 24th, 1902 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Lilah Randelle | 62686268 | Lalah RandleLalah Randle | |
19021122Saturday, November 22nd, 1902 | View Page | 1175411754 | The enchanted typewriter.The enchanted typewriter. | Cassie Macomber | 61686168 | Cassie MacomberCassie Macomber | 125 written after patron's name |