18941117Saturday, November 17th, 1894 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Landlesss Bloom | 45884588 | Landess BloomLandess Bloom | |
18941205Wednesday, December 5th, 1894 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Arthur Bell | 45594559 | Arthur BellArthur Bell | |
18941218Tuesday, December 18th, 1894 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Clyde Thornburg | 42934293 | Clyde ThornburgClyde Thornburg | |
18950130Wednesday, January 30th, 1895 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Ray Palmer | 45344534 | Roy PalmerRoy Palmer | |
18950208Friday, February 8th, 1895 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Mrs Minnie Orr | 0173173 | Mrs. Minnie L. OrrMrs. Minnie L. Orr | |
18950216Saturday, February 16th, 1895 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Charles Moore | 14471447 | Lizzie HainesLizzie Haines | |
18950223Saturday, February 23rd, 1895 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Charlie Jump | 45194519 | S. Gilbert JumpS. Gilbert Jump | |
18950306Wednesday, March 6th, 1895 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | John McMiller | 25342534 | Allie L. McMillanAllie L. McMillan | |
18950402Tuesday, April 2nd, 1895 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Atlanta Carey | 45954595 | Alonzo CareyAlonzo Carey | Number 33 written after patron's name |
18950410Wednesday, April 10th, 1895 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Pearl Snider | 46754675 | Pearl SniderPearl Snider | "41" written after patron's name |
18950424Wednesday, April 24th, 1895 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Pearl Snider | 46754675 | Pearl SniderPearl Snider | |
18950819Monday, August 19th, 1895 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | John M Russey | 32193219 | John M RusseyJohn M Russey | |
18951105Tuesday, November 5th, 1895 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Lottie Snyder | 31543154 | Lottie SnyderLottie Snyder | |
18951216Monday, December 16th, 1895 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Lester Barbo | 41464146 | Lester BarbeauLester Barbeau | |
18960103Friday, January 3rd, 1896 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Earl Williams | 32003200 | Earl WilliamsEarl Williams | |
18960128Tuesday, January 28th, 1896 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Arthur Ward | 32843284 | O. W. BlackO. W. Black | |
18960206Thursday, February 6th, 1896 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Bessie Williams | 15501550 | Bessie WilliamsBessie Williams | fixed patron number (orig. 1548) |
18960222Saturday, February 22nd, 1896 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Michael Casey | 31133113 | J Micheal CaseyJ Micheal Casey | |
18960429Wednesday, April 29th, 1896 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Claude Smith | 32713271 | Claud SmithClaud Smith | |
18960609Tuesday, June 9th, 1896 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Clifford Langdon | 32133213 | Clifford LangdonClifford Langdon | |
18960706Monday, July 6th, 1896 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Harry Ward | 44154415 | Harry WardHarry Ward | |
18961009Friday, October 9th, 1896 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Willie Emerson | 43544354 | Willie C. EmersonWillie C. Emerson | |
18961107Saturday, November 7th, 1896 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | John Gallivan | 32883288 | John GallivanJohn Gallivan | |
18970104Monday, January 4th, 1897 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Guy Tweedy | 33083308 | Guy TweedyGuy Tweedy | |
18970123Saturday, January 23rd, 1897 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | John Jones | 34483448 | Annie JonesAnnie Jones | |
18970204Thursday, February 4th, 1897 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Mrs. Jennie Boomer | 42944294 | Mrs. Jennie EvansMrs. Jennie Evans | |
18970220Saturday, February 20th, 1897 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Claude Cramer | 36393639 | Claude CramerClaude Cramer | |
18970227Saturday, February 27th, 1897 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Clark Munn | 41034103 | Clark MunnClark Munn | |
18970406Tuesday, April 6th, 1897 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Leslie Greely | 34183418 | Leslie GreelyLeslie Greely | |
18970624Thursday, June 24th, 1897 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Charlie Gunckle | 35033503 | Charlie GunckleCharlie Gunckle | |
18970825Wednesday, August 25th, 1897 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Oscar Weaver | 35173517 | Mrs. Maggie EmersonMrs. Maggie Emerson | |
18980118Tuesday, January 18th, 1898 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Earnest Naftzger | 37193719 | Ernest NaftzgerErnest Naftzger | |
18980201Tuesday, February 1st, 1898 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Louis Bloom | 29702970 | Louis BloomLouis Bloom | |
18980405Tuesday, April 5th, 1898 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Mrs G M Bard | 41314131 | L. SearsL. Sears | |
18980812Friday, August 12th, 1898 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Mrs. Quilian Cecil | 37113711 | India A. CecilIndia A. Cecil | |
18980830Tuesday, August 30th, 1898 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Harry Ault | 34873487 | Harry AultHarry Ault | |
18981005Wednesday, October 5th, 1898 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Mrs Dora Mitchell | 42424242 | Mrs. Dora MitchellMrs. Dora Mitchell | |
18981008Saturday, October 8th, 1898 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Archie Reece | 35843584 | Archie RaceArchie Race | |
18990112Thursday, January 12th, 1899 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | W F Brown | 36713671 | J. P. BrownJ. P. Brown | |
18990331Friday, March 31st, 1899 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Minnie Gainor | 47034703 | Minnie GainorMinnie Gainor | |
18990418Tuesday, April 18th, 1899 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Peter Herbert | 38793879 | Peter HerbertPeter Herbert | |
18991211Monday, December 11th, 1899 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Herbert Houze | 34943494 | Herbert HouzeHerbert Houze | |
19000123Tuesday, January 23rd, 1900 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Herbert Heffner | 52785278 | Herbert HeffnerHerbert Heffner | |
19000313Tuesday, March 13th, 1900 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Ed Marsh | 47674767 | Edwin MarshEdwin Marsh | |
19000328Wednesday, March 28th, 1900 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Charlie Palmer | 53515351 | Chas. PalmerChas. Palmer | |
19010315Friday, March 15th, 1901 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Lester Doner | 56155615 | Lester DorseLester Dorse | |
19010401Monday, April 1st, 1901 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Mrs Flora Madge | 39173917 | Mrs. T. MudgeMrs. T. Mudge | |
19010626Wednesday, June 26th, 1901 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | John Ingram | 57825782 | John IngramJohn Ingram | |
19010812Monday, August 12th, 1901 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Carl Herdering | 58025802 | Carl HerderingCarl Herdering | |
19011126Tuesday, November 26th, 1901 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Ruth Best | 34843484 | Ruth BestRuth Best | |
19020729Tuesday, July 29th, 1902 | View Page | 083578357 | True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school.True blue, or, The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. | Ray Abbott | 60906090 | Ray AbbottRay Abbott | |