Search Results:

+Book (3)

Accession DateAcc. #Original
TitleAuthor# Times
18900623Monday, June 23rd,1890072097209View PageThe mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.01717
18900623Monday, June 23rd,1890072107210View PageThe mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.01919
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875019991999View PageBarnaby Rudge.Barnaby Rudge.Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.01111

+Patron (41)

Patron #Original
Date JoinedNameResidence
25872587View Page18891129Friday, November 29th, 1889Miss. Bertha HusseyMiss. Bertha Hussey407 S. Franklin
44544454View Page18940428Saturday, April 28th, 1894Frank MorganFrank MorganMacedonia + Webster
43024302View Page18940102Tuesday, January 2nd, 1894A. H. OlinA. H. Olincor Harriett + Delaware
46184618View Page18941114Wednesday, November 14th, 1894H. H. IceH. H. Ice916 E Main
43184318View Page18940111Thursday, January 11th, 1894Myrtie L. ShoemakerMyrtie L. Shoemaker214 N. Vine
29782978View Page18920206Saturday, February 6th, 1892John P. WeisseJohn P. WeisseTurner St.
50025002View Page18990209Thursday, February 9th, 1899C A McGonagleC A McGonagle609 W Jackson
50005000View Page18990207Tuesday, February 7th, 1899Claude GalbrethClaude Galbreth114 e Eight St.
0957957View Page18780112Saturday, January 12th, 1878Mary J. LuickMary J. LuickCor Charles & Franklin
31703170View Page18950417Wednesday, April 17th, 1895Ella CareyElla Carey622 w Adams
33253325View Page18951210Tuesday, December 10th, 1895I. B. SaxonI. B. Saxon219 n Vine
35393539View Page18961024Saturday, October 24th, 1896Herbert NealHerbert Neal502 w Main
47774777View Page18980810Wednesday, August 10th, 1898Harry AndersonHarry Anderson517 w 10th St.
29662966View Page18920128Thursday, January 28th, 1892Heinrich PfitznerHeinrich PfitznerKilgore Ave.
26912691View Page18900923Tuesday, September 23rd, 1890Emory SeldomridgeEmory SeldomridgeNot listed
46144614View Page18941113Tuesday, November 13th, 1894Warren MockWarren Mock324 St Beacon St.
42214221View Page18930329Wednesday, March 29th, 1893Mrs. EverettMrs. Everett516 E. Gilbert
46314631View Page18941119Monday, November 19th, 1894Eugene L. BoyceEugene L. Boyce309 1/2 So. Walnut St.
22042204View Page18840624Tuesday, June 24th, 1884S. M. JordanS. M. Jordancor Plum & Adams
27002700View Page18901004Saturday, October 4th, 1890Wm. BoleWm. Bole206 E. Chas.
52665266View Page18991208Friday, December 8th, 1899Phil NewmanPhil Newman515 S. Council St.
44684468View Page18940518Friday, May 18th, 1894Edward LawlerEdward Lawler701 S Mulberry
50915091View Page18990612Monday, June 12th, 1899Mamie KochMamie Koch1316 E. First St.
46574657View Page18941218Tuesday, December 18th, 1894Mrs. F. TaylorMrs. F. TaylorWebster Avenue
31473147View Page18950311Monday, March 11th, 1895Mrs. W. G. WhitedMrs. W. G. Whited513 S. Jefferson
31853185View Page18950601Saturday, June 1st, 1895W. S. StormontW. S. Stormont514 1/2 S. Walnut St.
32803280View Page18951024Thursday, October 24th, 1895Mabel ShafferMabel ShafferWhitely
46804680View Page18950108Tuesday, January 8th, 1895Harry FordHarry Ford817 W. Main
33533353View Page18960108Wednesday, January 8th, 1896MeimeyerMeimeyer216 E Washington
37063706View Page18970528Friday, May 28th, 1897E. L. HumphreyE. L. Humphreycor. Jeff. + Charles Sts.
38363836View Page18971127Saturday, November 27th, 1897Lizzie KyteLizzie Kyte407 E. 2d St
48094809View Page18980927Tuesday, September 27th, 1898Lewis DoolittleLewis DoolittleSutton st Riverside
47734773View Page18980808Monday, August 8th, 1898R. E. FlinnR. E. Flinn310 1/2 S. High St.
48694869View Page18981104Friday, November 4th, 1898H. C. LaRueH. C. LaRue1109 E. Main
48734873View Page18981107Monday, November 7th, 1898Nellie SmithNellie SmithE. Gilbert St.
47424742View Page18980625Saturday, June 25th, 1898Anna HamiltonAnna Hamilton1315 W 9th St
58745874View Page19010925Wednesday, September 25th, 1901Gertrude ClarkGertrude Clark746 N Elm
58825882View Page19011005Saturday, October 5th, 1901Earl DillmanEarl Dillman320 W 6th St
59325932View Page19011102Saturday, November 2nd, 1901Mrs. C. W. MartinMrs. C. W. Martin507 S Proud
22722272View Page18850313Friday, March 13th, 1885M. L. BabbM. L. BabbEast Jackson
23652365View Page18860420Tuesday, April 20th, 1886Daisie FloydDaisie FloydWest Main st

+Transaction (46)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat. #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
18911127Friday, November 27th, 1891View Page072107210The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Mary J. Luick0957957Mary J. LuickMary J. Luick
18911205Saturday, December 5th, 1891View Page072097209The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Wm Bole27002700Wm. BoleWm. Bole
18920206Saturday, February 6th, 1892View Page072107210The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.John P. Weisse29782978John P. WeisseJohn P. Weisse
18920308Tuesday, March 8th, 1892View Page072097209The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Emory Seldomridge26912691Emory SeldomridgeEmory Seldomridge
18941119Monday, November 19th, 1894View Page019991999Barnaby Rudge.Barnaby Rudge.Bertha Hassey25872587Miss. Bertha HusseyMiss. Bertha HusseyOriginal transaction lists patron # as 2537, but this was likely an error and has been changed to reflect Bertha Hussey's actual patron # 2587.
18950104Friday, January 4th, 1895View Page072097209The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Mr E. L. Boyce46314631Eugene L. BoyceEugene L. Boyce
18950201Friday, February 1st, 1895View Page072107210The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Mr S. M. Jordan22042204S. M. JordanS. M. Jordan
18950208Friday, February 8th, 1895View Page019991999Barnaby Rudge.Barnaby Rudge.Heinrich Pfitzner29662966Heinrich PfitznerHeinrich Pfitzner
18950213Wednesday, February 13th, 1895View Page019991999Barnaby Rudge.Barnaby Rudge.Harry Ford46804680Harry FordHarry Ford
18950213Wednesday, February 13th, 1895View Page072107210The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Heinrich Pfitzner29662966Heinrich PfitznerHeinrich Pfitzner
18950316Saturday, March 16th, 1895View Page019991999Barnaby Rudge.Barnaby Rudge.Mrs. C. E. Everett42214221Mrs. EverettMrs. Everett
18950330Saturday, March 30th, 1895View Page072097209The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Mrs W G Whited31473147Mrs. W. G. WhitedMrs. W. G. Whited
18951008Tuesday, October 8th, 1895View Page019991999Barnaby Rudge.Barnaby Rudge.Mr H. H. Ice46184618H. H. IceH. H. Ice
18951022Tuesday, October 22nd, 1895View Page019991999Barnaby Rudge.Barnaby Rudge.Mr H.H. Ice46184618H. H. IceH. H. Ice
18951024Thursday, October 24th, 1895View Page072107210The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Mable Shafer32803280Mabel ShafferMabel Shaffer
18951122Friday, November 22nd, 1895View Page072107210The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Mr W.G. Stormont31853185W. S. StormontW. S. Stormont
18960303Tuesday, March 3rd, 1896View Page072107210The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Edward Lawler44684468Edward LawlerEdward Lawler
18960330Monday, March 30th, 1896View Page019991999Barnaby Rudge.Barnaby Rudge.Myrtle Shoemaker43184318Myrtie L. ShoemakerMyrtie L. Shoemaker
18960805Wednesday, August 5th, 1896View Page072097209The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.I B Saxon33253325I. B. SaxonI. B. Saxon
18961219Saturday, December 19th, 1896View Page072097209The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Frank Morgan44544454Frank MorganFrank Morgan
18961221Monday, December 21st, 1896View Page072107210The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Mrs E. A. Hillyess33533353MeimeyerMeimeyer
18970227Saturday, February 27th, 1897View Page072097209The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Mrs. Warren Mock46144614Warren MockWarren Mock
18980225Friday, February 25th, 1898View Page072107210The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Herbert Neal35393539Herbert NealHerbert Neal
18980411Monday, April 11th, 1898View Page072107210The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Oliver Spurgeon38363836Lizzie KyteLizzie Kyte
18980621Tuesday, June 21st, 1898View Page072097209The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Mable Morrow37063706E. L. HumphreyE. L. Humphrey
18980915Thursday, September 15th, 1898View Page072107210The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.R.E. Flinn47734773R. E. FlinnR. E. Flinn
18980920Tuesday, September 20th, 1898View Page019991999Barnaby Rudge.Barnaby Rudge.Ella Carey31703170Ella CareyElla Carey
18981024Monday, October 24th, 1898View Page072107210The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Mrs Frank Taylor46574657Mrs. F. TaylorMrs. F. Taylor
18981121Monday, November 21st, 1898View Page072107210The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.L.M. Doolittle48094809Lewis DoolittleLewis Doolittle
18981217Saturday, December 17th, 1898View Page072097209The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.A H Olin43024302A. H. OlinA. H. Olin
18990209Thursday, February 9th, 1899View Page072097209The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.C.A. McGonoyle50025002C A McGonagleC A McGonagle
18990215Wednesday, February 15th, 1899View Page072107210The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Claude Galbraith50005000Claude GalbrethClaude Galbreth
18990403Monday, April 3rd, 1899View Page072097209The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.H.C. LaRue48694869H. C. LaRueH. C. LaRue
18991028Saturday, October 28th, 1899View Page072097209The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.MJ Bobb22722272M. L. BabbM. L. BabbOriginal transaction lists patron # 2276, but this is likely an error and has been changed to reflect M. L. Babb's actual patron # 2272
18991115Wednesday, November 15th, 1899View Page019991999Barnaby Rudge.Barnaby Rudge.C. A. McGonogle50025002C A McGonagleC A McGonagle
19000319Monday, March 19th, 1900View Page072107210The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Mamie Lash50915091Mamie KochMamie Koch
19000526Saturday, May 26th, 1900View Page072097209The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Harry Anderson47774777Harry AndersonHarry Anderson
19001214Friday, December 14th, 1900View Page072107210The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Anna Hamilton47424742Anna HamiltonAnna Hamilton
19010903Tuesday, September 3rd, 1901View Page019991999Barnaby Rudge.Barnaby Rudge.Daisy Floyd23652365Daisie FloydDaisie Floyd
19011012Saturday, October 12th, 1901View Page072097209The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Anna Hamilton47424742Anna HamiltonAnna Hamilton
19011102Saturday, November 2nd, 1901View Page072097209The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Miller Smith48734873Nellie SmithNellie Smithfixed patron number (orig. 4874)
19011118Monday, November 18th, 1901View Page019991999Barnaby Rudge.Barnaby Rudge.Philip Newman52665266Phil NewmanPhil Newman
19020103Friday, January 3rd, 1902View Page072107210The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Earl Dillman58825882Earl DillmanEarl Dillman
19020106Monday, January 6th, 1902View Page072097209The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Gertrude Clark58745874Gertrude ClarkGertrude Clark
19020116Thursday, January 16th, 1902View Page072107210The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Mrs. C.W. Martin59325932Mrs. C. W. MartinMrs. C. W. Martin
19020120Monday, January 20th, 1902View Page072097209The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.The mystery of Edwin Drood : and Master Humphrey's clock.Gertrude Clark58745874Gertrude ClarkGertrude Clark