18911125Wednesday, November 25th, 1891 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Max Bishop | 28802880 | Max BishopMax Bishop | |
18911221Monday, December 21st, 1891 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Robert Williams | 21802180 | Edith E KirbyEdith E Kirby | |
18920216Tuesday, February 16th, 1892 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Volney Payton | 29352935 | Volney PaytonVolney Payton | |
18920225Thursday, February 25th, 1892 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Willie Shelby | 27922792 | Willie ShelbyWillie Shelby | |
18920226Friday, February 26th, 1892 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | S.B. Garrett | 27122712 | S. B. GarrettS. B. Garrett | |
18920311Friday, March 11th, 1892 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Marvin Carver | 29562956 | Loyd CarverLoyd Carver | |
18920325Friday, March 25th, 1892 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Thos Richards | 26532653 | T. Y. RichardsT. Y. Richards | |
18920408Friday, April 8th, 1892 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Robbie Scott | 29862986 | Robbie ScottRobbie Scott | |
18920419Tuesday, April 19th, 1892 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Merrill Leonard | 26542654 | Merrill LeonardMerrill Leonard | |
18920502Monday, May 2nd, 1892 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Chester A. Evans | 27852785 | Chester A. EvansChester A. Evans | |
18920514Saturday, May 14th, 1892 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Dwight Green | 29422942 | Homer DowellHomer Dowell | |
18920521Saturday, May 21st, 1892 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Stewart B. Sampson | 30443044 | S. B. SampsonS. B. Sampson | |
18941120Tuesday, November 20th, 1894 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Harry Kuhn | 16251625 | Linnie MarshLinnie Marsh | fixed borrower's name (orig. "Kuhns") |
18941123Friday, November 23rd, 1894 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Nellie Gorham | 40214021 | Mrs. Nellie GorhamMrs. Nellie Gorham | |
18941207Friday, December 7th, 1894 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Horace Riggs | 46054605 | Horace RiggsHorace Riggs | |
18941208Saturday, December 8th, 1894 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Frank Haines | 40784078 | Frank HainesFrank Haines | |
18941215Saturday, December 15th, 1894 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Taylor Moore | 17471747 | Taylor MooreTaylor Moore | |
18941226Wednesday, December 26th, 1894 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Frank Cohen | 41574157 | Frank CohenFrank Cohen | |
18950103Thursday, January 3rd, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Grant Frazier | 43824382 | Grant FrazierGrant Frazier | |
18950122Tuesday, January 22nd, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | David McAber | 40844084 | Dan McAberDan McAber | |
18950122Tuesday, January 22nd, 1895 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Mrs Ella Starr | 46774677 | Mrs. Ella StarrMrs. Ella Starr | |
18950129Tuesday, January 29th, 1895 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Wysor Marsh | 45244524 | Wysor MarshWysor Marsh | fixed patron number (orig. 4224) |
18950202Saturday, February 2nd, 1895 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Horace Riggs | 46054605 | Horace RiggsHorace Riggs | Number 120 marked above patron's name |
18950205Tuesday, February 5th, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Mrs Wm Gill | 30963096 | Mrs. Wm. F. GillMrs. Wm. F. Gill | |
18950206Wednesday, February 6th, 1895 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Grant Frazier | 43824382 | Grant FrazierGrant Frazier | |
18950215Friday, February 15th, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Winlock Turner | 44104410 | Winlock TurnerWinlock Turner | |
18950219Tuesday, February 19th, 1895 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Ralph Huff | 44034403 | Ralph HuffRalph Huff | fixed borrower's name (orig. Hoff) |
18950302Saturday, March 2nd, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Wm W. Orr | 0172172 | W. W. OrrW. W. Orr | |
18950304Monday, March 4th, 1895 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Mrs Kate Knowlton | 28142814 | Bobbie KnowltonBobbie Knowlton | Number 53 marked above patron's name |
18950306Wednesday, March 6th, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Claude Clark | 40854085 | Claud ClarkClaud Clark | |
18950309Saturday, March 9th, 1895 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Mr A W Carey | 43324332 | Mr. A. W. CareyMr. A. W. Carey | Pages 88-89 are out of order; according to dates (March 7-8) they should be the last pages in ledger, but were written by librarian upside down in middle of ledger, between January 8-9. Librarian did mark "Last Page" at top of page 88. |
18950315Friday, March 15th, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Geo. B. Hamilton | 46614661 | G. B. HamiltonG. B. Hamilton | |
18950320Wednesday, March 20th, 1895 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Gertrude Hale | 43954395 | Gertrude HaleGertrude Hale | |
18950323Saturday, March 23rd, 1895 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Jannie Templer | 40144014 | E. R. TemplerE. R. Templer | |
18950330Saturday, March 30th, 1895 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Murray Guynn | 44434443 | Murray GuynnMurray Guynn | fixed borrower's name (orig. Georgan) |
18950330Saturday, March 30th, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | J. W. Coxley | 26132613 | J. W. OxleyJ. W. Oxley | |
18950406Saturday, April 6th, 1895 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Merrill Skinner | 43804380 | Merril SkinnerMerril Skinner | |
18950413Saturday, April 13th, 1895 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Clarence Leager | 46094609 | Clarence LeagerClarence Leager | |
18950425Thursday, April 25th, 1895 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Johnnie Colgan | 31733173 | John [?]John [?] | |
18950504Saturday, May 4th, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Clyde Leager | 28782878 | Clyde LeagerClyde Leager | |
18950527Monday, May 27th, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Edwin Unks | 30423042 | Edwin UnksEdwin Unks | |
18950608Saturday, June 8th, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Edwin Unks | 30423042 | Edwin UnksEdwin Unks | |
18950620Thursday, June 20th, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Arthur O. Eber | 31633163 | Otto EberOtto Eber | |
18950711Thursday, July 11th, 1895 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | George Sutton | 31143114 | George SuttonGeorge Sutton | "64" written after patron's name |
18950808Thursday, August 8th, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Earl Tevebaugh | 30603060 | Earl TeverbaughEarl Teverbaugh | |
18950813Tuesday, August 13th, 1895 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | A E Lyman | 28412841 | Mrs. A. E. LymanMrs. A. E. Lyman | |
18950827Tuesday, August 27th, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | George Sutton | 31143114 | George SuttonGeorge Sutton | |
18950830Friday, August 30th, 1895 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Clifford Langdon | 32133213 | Clifford LangdonClifford Langdon | |
18951012Saturday, October 12th, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Harry Ward | 44154415 | Harry WardHarry Ward | |
18951017Thursday, October 17th, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Vida Cassady | 23442344 | Vida CassadyVida Cassady | |
18951028Monday, October 28th, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Earl Williams | 32003200 | Earl WilliamsEarl Williams | |
18951030Wednesday, October 30th, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Conway Hemingray | 29552955 | Ashley HemingrayAshley Hemingray | |
18951122Friday, November 22nd, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Earnest Dungan | 47094709 | Ernest DunganErnest Dungan | |
18951126Tuesday, November 26th, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Roy Harrington | 40234023 | Roy HarringtonRoy Harrington | |
18951230Monday, December 30th, 1895 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Edna Beard | 42334233 | Miss. Edna BeardMiss. Edna Beard | |
18960102Thursday, January 2nd, 1896 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Joseph Holton | 32993299 | Joseph HaltonJoseph Halton | |
18960130Thursday, January 30th, 1896 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Reuben Lloyd | 32213221 | Reuben C LoydReuben C Loyd | |
18960224Monday, February 24th, 1896 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Zoe Wery | 32633263 | Zoe WeryZoe Wery | |
18960403Friday, April 3rd, 1896 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Zoe Wery | 32633263 | Zoe WeryZoe Wery | |
18960818Tuesday, August 18th, 1896 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Earl Hodge | 34283428 | Earl HodgeEarl Hodge | |
18960820Thursday, August 20th, 1896 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Blanche Williams | 33563356 | Blanche WilliamsBlanche Williams | |
18960908Tuesday, September 8th, 1896 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Earl Hodge | 34283428 | Earl HodgeEarl Hodge | |
18960911Friday, September 11th, 1896 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Claude Smith | 32713271 | Claud SmithClaud Smith | |
18961221Monday, December 21st, 1896 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Fred Neff | 35743574 | Fred E NeffFred E Neff | |
18970112Tuesday, January 12th, 1897 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Evertt Boor | 45084508 | Everett BoorEverett Boor | |
18970116Saturday, January 16th, 1897 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | J. H. Hurst | 36093609 | J. H. HurstJ. H. Hurst | |
18970122Friday, January 22nd, 1897 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | RW Monroe | 12171217 | R. W. MonroeR. W. Monroe | |
18970205Friday, February 5th, 1897 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Wayman Adus | 31103110 | Wayman AdamsWayman Adams | |
18970224Wednesday, February 24th, 1897 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Janis Turpler | 40144014 | E. R. TemplerE. R. Templer | |
18970331Wednesday, March 31st, 1897 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Earl Williams | 32003200 | Earl WilliamsEarl Williams | |
18970603Thursday, June 3rd, 1897 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | E W Younce | 36473647 | E. W. YounceE. W. Younce | |
18970617Thursday, June 17th, 1897 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | E W Younce | 36473647 | E. W. YounceE. W. Younce | |
18970706Tuesday, July 6th, 1897 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Ross Ault | 34903490 | Ross AultRoss Ault | |
18970720Tuesday, July 20th, 1897 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Herbert DuBois | 36583658 | Herbert DuBoisHerbert DuBois | |
18971123Tuesday, November 23rd, 1897 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Harry Johnson | 31513151 | Harry JohnsonHarry Johnson | |
18971130Tuesday, November 30th, 1897 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Hampton Smith | 33393339 | Hampton SmithHampton Smith | |
18971217Friday, December 17th, 1897 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Ray Wilson | 38093809 | Ray WilsonRay Wilson | |
18980107Friday, January 7th, 1898 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Irvin DePoy | 35523552 | Irvin DePoyIrvin DePoy | |
18980122Saturday, January 22nd, 1898 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Ralph Brown | 32913291 | Ralph BrownRalph Brown | |
18980204Friday, February 4th, 1898 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Jean Long | 0315315 | A. SheekA. Sheek | |
18980209Wednesday, February 9th, 1898 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Wallace Ballard | 32823282 | W BallardW Ballard | |
18980226Saturday, February 26th, 1898 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Merrill Leonard | 26542654 | Merrill LeonardMerrill Leonard | |
18980307Monday, March 7th, 1898 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Emma Kingsbury | 29942994 | Emma KingsburyEmma Kingsbury | |
18980315Tuesday, March 15th, 1898 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Roscoe Lorentz | 39273927 | Roscoe LorentzRoscoe Lorentz | |
18980319Saturday, March 19th, 1898 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Reba Richey | 32233223 | Reba RicheyReba Richey | |
18980611Saturday, June 11th, 1898 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Harry Johnson | 31513151 | Harry JohnsonHarry Johnson | |
18980625Saturday, June 25th, 1898 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Harry Johnson | 31513151 | Harry JohnsonHarry Johnson | |
18980627Monday, June 27th, 1898 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Charles Oliver | 39043904 | Charlie OliverCharlie Oliver | |
18980707Thursday, July 7th, 1898 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Dillard Drake | 39593959 | Dillard DrakeDillard Drake | |
18980728Thursday, July 28th, 1898 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Everitt Boor | 45084508 | Everett BoorEverett Boor | |
18980926Monday, September 26th, 1898 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Clyde McAllister | 36513651 | Clyde McAllisterClyde McAllister | |
18981007Friday, October 7th, 1898 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Clifford Brown | 38083808 | Clifford BrowneClifford Browne | |
18981015Saturday, October 15th, 1898 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Oscar Weaver | 36173617 | Osscar WeaverOsscar Weaver | |
18981101Tuesday, November 1st, 1898 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Ruth Best | 34843484 | Ruth BestRuth Best | |
18981109Wednesday, November 9th, 1898 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | A.E. Wilson | 47564756 | A. E. WilsonA. E. Wilson | |
18981115Tuesday, November 15th, 1898 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Wm Brouse | 48474847 | William BrouseWilliam Brouse | |
18981228Wednesday, December 28th, 1898 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Frank Bayless | 33693369 | Anson HickmanAnson Hickman | |
18990112Thursday, January 12th, 1899 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Earl Walling | 35513551 | Earl WallingEarl Walling | |
18990209Thursday, February 9th, 1899 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Charles Kougel | 27652765 | Charlie Kougel Jr.Charlie Kougel Jr. | |
18990215Wednesday, February 15th, 1899 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Volda Irwin | 48534853 | Volda IrwinVolda Irwin | fixed patron number (orig. 4854) |
18990223Thursday, February 23rd, 1899 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Mrs Ed M White | 43894389 | Mrs. E. M. WhiteMrs. E. M. White | |
18990707Friday, July 7th, 1899 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Eugene Lejuste | 50085008 | Eugene Lejuste Sr.Eugene Lejuste Sr. | |
18991115Wednesday, November 15th, 1899 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Rudolph Bloom | 41684168 | Rudolph BloomRudolph Bloom | |
18991116Thursday, November 16th, 1899 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Ora Snowberger | 49344934 | Ora SnowbergerOra Snowberger | |
18991123Thursday, November 23rd, 1899 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Carl Skinner | 38353835 | Carl SkinnerCarl Skinner | |
19000111Thursday, January 11th, 1900 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Ross Ault | 34903490 | Ross AultRoss Ault | |
19000122Monday, January 22nd, 1900 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | J D Martin | 34123412 | J. D. MartinJ. D. Martin | |
19000216Friday, February 16th, 1900 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Mrs J H Bloor | 40834083 | Ora BloorOra Bloor | |
19000220Tuesday, February 20th, 1900 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Everett Warner | 31473147 | Mrs. W. G. WhitedMrs. W. G. Whited | |
19000324Saturday, March 24th, 1900 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Jessie Nixon | 47664766 | Jesse NixonJesse Nixon | |
19010327Wednesday, March 27th, 1901 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Mrs Lizzie Conway | 52555255 | Mrs. Lizzie ConwayMrs. Lizzie Conway | |
19010628Friday, June 28th, 1901 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Lizzie Roy | 57905790 | Lizzie RoyLizzie Roy | |
19010730Tuesday, July 30th, 1901 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Rev Geo Sisson | 55475547 | Geo. H. SissonGeo. H. Sisson | |
19010802Friday, August 2nd, 1901 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Mrs Harry Meyer | 55185518 | Mrs. Harry MeyersMrs. Harry Meyers | |
19010807Wednesday, August 7th, 1901 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Mrs E Earp | 53835383 | Mrs. E. G. EarpMrs. E. G. Earp | |
19010816Friday, August 16th, 1901 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Clarence Leager | 46094609 | Clarence LeagerClarence Leager | |
19010907Saturday, September 7th, 1901 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Albert Ward | 58165816 | Albert WorlAlbert Worl | |
19011019Saturday, October 19th, 1901 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Allen Tyler | 55705570 | Allen TylerAllen Tyler | |
19011112Tuesday, November 12th, 1901 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Kay Vicewarner | 34073407 | Kay VicewarnerKay Vicewarner | |
19011203Tuesday, December 3rd, 1901 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | J.W. Neagles | 56065606 | J. W. NeaglesJ. W. Neagles | |
19020920Saturday, September 20th, 1902 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Herbert Rickard | 56975697 | Herbert RickardHerbert Rickard | |
19021006Monday, October 6th, 1902 | View Page | 00609609 | Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land.Ungava : a tale of Esuimaux-land. | Warren Hutsell | 49914991 | Warren HutsellWarren Hutsell | |
19021022Wednesday, October 22nd, 1902 | View Page | 083238323 | My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c.My Apingi kingdom : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. | Frank Hayler | 58215821 | Frank HanleyFrank Hanley | |