Search Results:

+Book (1)

Accession DateAcc. #Original
TitleAuthor# Times
18890928Saturday, September 28th,1889065736573View PageHistoric boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Brooks, Elbridge Streeter, 1846-1902.01111

+Patron (10)

Patron #Original
Date JoinedNameResidence
19491949View Page18820821Monday, August 21st, 1882Meville WoodMeville WoodWest Charles
27832783View Page18910123Friday, January 23rd, 1891Earl NuttingEarl Nutting315 w Adams
45244524View Page18940726Thursday, July 26th, 1894Wysor MarshWysor Marsh222 e Adams
29822982View Page18920210Wednesday, February 10th, 1892Auburey NihartAuburey Nihart316 W. A.
29752975View Page18920204Thursday, February 4th, 1892Jasper PoorJasper Poor210 N. Walnut
50905090View Page18990612Monday, June 12th, 1899Frank KochFrank Koch1316 E. First St.
36563656View Page18970227Saturday, February 27th, 1897Mabel HallMabel HallWorth Street
36863686View Page18970412Monday, April 12th, 1897Sarah MillerSarah Miller503 S. Monroe
55315531View Page19000823Thursday, August 23rd, 1900Moses HanesMoses HanesWheeling Ave Riverside
60106010View Page19020118Saturday, January 18th, 1902Esther NelsonEsther Nelson211 S. Cherry St.

+Transaction (11)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat. #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
18920127Wednesday, January 27th, 1892View Page065736573Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Earl Nutting27832783Earl NuttingEarl Nutting
18920205Friday, February 5th, 1892View Page065736573Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Jasper Poor29752975Jasper PoorJasper Poor
18920229Monday, February 29th, 1892View Page065736573Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Aubrey Nihart29822982Auburey NihartAuburey Nihart
18970610Thursday, June 10th, 1897View Page065736573Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Mable Hall36863686Sarah MillerSarah Miller
18970622Tuesday, June 22nd, 1897View Page065736573Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Melville Wood19491949Meville WoodMeville Woodfixed patron number (orig. 1947)
18980917Saturday, September 17th, 1898View Page065736573Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Mable Hall36563656Mabel HallMabel Hall
18990728Friday, July 28th, 1899View Page065736573Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Mable Hall36563656Mabel HallMabel Hall
19000110Wednesday, January 10th, 1900View Page065736573Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Franklin Koch50905090Frank KochFrank Koch
19000512Saturday, May 12th, 1900View Page065736573Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Wysor Marsh45244524Wysor MarshWysor Marsh
19000901Saturday, September 1st, 1900View Page065736573Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Joseph King55315531Moses HanesMoses HanesPatron ID "5531" is registered to "Moses Hanes"
19021117Monday, November 17th, 1902View Page065736573Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Historic boys : their endeavors, their achievements and their times.Esther Nelson60106010Esther NelsonEsther Nelson