18981220Tuesday, December 20th, 1898 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Earl Walling | 35513551 | Earl WallingEarl Walling | |
18990420Thursday, April 20th, 1899 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Bertie Wmson | 40024002 | Bertie WilliamsonBertie Williamson | |
18990522Monday, May 22nd, 1899 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Willie Poland | 37253725 | Willie PolandWillie Poland | |
18990610Saturday, June 10th, 1899 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Ray Naftzger | 37493749 | Roy NaftzgerRoy Naftzger | |
18990703Monday, July 3rd, 1899 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Kemper Harrold | 48514851 | Kemper HerreldKemper Herreld | |
18990817Thursday, August 17th, 1899 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Lillian Miller | 31713171 | Harvey KoontzHarvey Koontz | |
18990909Saturday, September 9th, 1899 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Mrs. Frank Leon | 45584558 | Mrs. F LeonMrs. F Leon | |
18991028Saturday, October 28th, 1899 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Walter Heffner | 33133313 | Walter HeffnerWalter Heffner | |
18991102Thursday, November 2nd, 1899 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Charles McLain | 37053705 | Charles McLainCharles McLain | |
18991118Saturday, November 18th, 1899 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Leroy Moner | 36433643 | Leroy WeaverLeroy Weaver | |
18991125Saturday, November 25th, 1899 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Newton Peterson | 35783578 | Newton PetersonNewton Peterson | |
18991218Monday, December 18th, 1899 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Pauline West | 52185218 | Pauline WestPauline West | |
18991228Thursday, December 28th, 1899 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Howard Beck | 51655165 | Howard BeckHoward Beck | |
19000111Thursday, January 11th, 1900 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | French Jolliffe | 48434843 | Frenda JolliffeFrenda Jolliffe | |
19000210Saturday, February 10th, 1900 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Charlie Wood | 38343834 | Charles WoodCharles Wood | |
19000223Friday, February 23rd, 1900 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Ross Ault | 34903490 | Ross AultRoss Ault | |
19000324Saturday, March 24th, 1900 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Ray Spaulding | 32243224 | Roy SpradlingRoy Spradling | |
19000519Saturday, May 19th, 1900 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Arthur Chambers | 54285428 | Arthur ChambersArthur Chambers | |
19000605Tuesday, June 5th, 1900 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Rodney Hayler | 50495049 | Rodney HaylerRodney Hayler | |
19000623Saturday, June 23rd, 1900 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Ray Spradling | 32243224 | Roy SpradlingRoy Spradling | |
19000702Monday, July 2nd, 1900 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Anna Hamilton | 47424742 | Anna HamiltonAnna Hamilton | |
19000728Saturday, July 28th, 1900 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Nellie Michaux | 53215321 | Nelly MichauxNelly Michaux | |
19000907Friday, September 7th, 1900 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Fred Bunch | 47754775 | Fred BunchFred Bunch | |
19010114Monday, January 14th, 1901 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Harry Ritter | 50285028 | Harry RitterHarry Ritter | |
19010402Tuesday, April 2nd, 1901 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Warren Hutsell | 49914991 | Warren HutsellWarren Hutsell | |
19010624Monday, June 24th, 1901 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Edna Perdieu | 54945494 | Eddie PerdieuEddie Perdieu | |
19020111Saturday, January 11th, 1902 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Clifford Brown | 31083108 | Clifford BrownClifford Brown | |
19020128Tuesday, January 28th, 1902 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Lester Dorse | 56155615 | Lester DorseLester Dorse | |
19020205Wednesday, February 5th, 1902 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Emory Ullom | 60136013 | Emory UllomEmory Ullom | |
19020217Monday, February 17th, 1902 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Willard Lego | 59405940 | Willard LegoWillard Lego | |
19020308Saturday, March 8th, 1902 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Mrs. Ella Earp | 53835383 | Mrs. E. G. EarpMrs. E. G. Earp | |
19020403Thursday, April 3rd, 1902 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Frank Reese | 59575957 | Frank ReeseFrank Reese | |
19020614Saturday, June 14th, 1902 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Harley Fletcher | 53465346 | Harley FletcherHarley Fletcher | |
19020617Tuesday, June 17th, 1902 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Mrs. Emma Sawyer | 37243724 | Paul WhitePaul White | |
19021016Thursday, October 16th, 1902 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Ray Abbott | 60906090 | Ray AbbottRay Abbott | |
19021023Thursday, October 23rd, 1902 | View Page | 1055510555 | City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine.City boys in the woods, or, A trapping venture in Maine. | Bennie Fisher | 60206020 | Bennie FisherBennie Fisher | |