Search Results:

+Book (4)

Accession DateAcc. #Original
TitleAuthor# Times
18991120Monday, November 20th,18991137011370View PageCrumbs swept up.Crumbs swept up.Talmage, T. De Witt (Thomas De Witt), 1832-1902.0033
18750527Thursday, May 27th,1875020612061View PageSports that kill.Sports that kill.Talmage, T. De Witt (Thomas De Witt), 1832-1902.0044
18750313Saturday, March 13th,1875016011601View PageCrumbs swept up.Crumbs swept up.Talmage, T. De Witt (Thomas De Witt), 1832-1902.01111
18930222Wednesday, February 22nd,1893086388638View PageNight scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Talmage, T. De Witt (Thomas De Witt), 1832-1902.03030

+Patron (40)

Patron #Original
Date JoinedNameResidence
11441144View Page18781230Monday, December 30th, 1878Katie GarstKatie GarstCor 2nd and Jefferson
18971897View Page18820311Saturday, March 11th, 1882Ada ShuttleworthAda ShuttleworthEast Washington
44954495View Page18940621Thursday, June 21st, 1894Mr. A. WilliamsMr. A. Williams115 N Monroe
45514551View Page18940912Wednesday, September 12th, 1894Mr. W J HausMr. W J Haus912 South Plum
45924592View Page18941027Saturday, October 27th, 1894Jack CampbellJack CampbellFremont St.
46184618View Page18941114Wednesday, November 14th, 1894H. H. IceH. H. Ice916 E Main
44594459View Page18940507Monday, May 7th, 1894Nancy ShortNancy Short817 E. Adams
40074007View Page18921003Monday, October 3rd, 1892Miss. May ThompsonMiss. May Thompson507. S. Jefferson
26132613View Page18900222Saturday, February 22nd, 1890J. W. OxleyJ. W. Oxley429 1st St.
34573457View Page18960528Thursday, May 28th, 1896Fred FisherFred Fisher427 s Madison
39553955View Page18980312Saturday, March 12th, 1898Elmer GestElmer Gest415 w Adams
44744474View Page18940525Friday, May 25th, 1894John CramerJohn Cramer808 E Jackson
51305130View Page18990810Thursday, August 10th, 1899Emma StoughEmma Stough111 n Cherry
0273273View Page18751201Wednesday, December 1st, 1875[illeg] Patterson[illeg] PattersonJeff St
26742674View Page18900829Friday, August 29th, 1890Jessie FordJessie Ford817 W. Main
40644064View Page18921119Saturday, November 19th, 1892Michael MahoneyMichael Mahoney717 Willard St.
45224522View Page18940723Monday, July 23rd, 1894Mr. E. W. EllisMr. E. W. Ellis522 E. Main
26522652View Page18900712Saturday, July 12th, 1890Ivy NicholsIvy Nichols406 S. Beacon
29062906View Page18911123Monday, November 23rd, 1891Gussie DambosGussie DambosE. Main st.
30733073View Page18920727Wednesday, July 27th, 1892Mrs. Wm EmersonMrs. Wm Emerson221 E. Adams
52695269View Page18991212Tuesday, December 12th, 1899Mary E. HettelMary E. Hettel314 N. Monroe
32143214View Page18950709Tuesday, July 9th, 1895Chas BleaseChas Blease500 Proud St
31463146View Page18950309Saturday, March 9th, 1895Nellie GallivanNellie GallivanE. Charles - 927
31153115View Page18950201Friday, February 1st, 1895Mrs. Mary NealMrs. Mary Neal322 W. Adams
33053305View Page18951118Monday, November 18th, 1895C C WinninghamC C Winningham507 W Jackson
34233423View Page18960321Saturday, March 21st, 1896C. D. DilleC. D. Dille703 E. Jackson St.
35633563View Page18961121Saturday, November 21st, 1896Matilda MannMatilda MannSouth Proud
34523452View Page18960512Tuesday, May 12th, 1896Arthur J. RichardsArthur J. Richards812 S Monroe
37393739View Page18970719Monday, July 19th, 1897Ina BaileyIna Bailey120 Mulberry + 2d
36523652View Page18970223Tuesday, February 23rd, 1897Walter ChambersWalter Chambers607 S. Hoyt
36813681View Page18970402Friday, April 2nd, 1897Mrs. Nellie B CramptonMrs. Nellie B Crampton615 Blaine St.
37623762View Page18970911Saturday, September 11th, 1897James E NelsonJames E Nelson208 East 8th Street
47784778View Page18980813Saturday, August 13th, 1898Mrs. S. A. WeaverMrs. S. A. Weaver1208 W 9th St.
56055605View Page19001119Monday, November 19th, 1900Bert AustinBert Austin818 W. First St
55525552View Page19001004Thursday, October 4th, 1900Otto P KnackOtto P Knack419 1/2 S .Walnut st.
53555355View Page19000215Thursday, February 15th, 1900James McDowellJames McDowell305 E Ninth St.
58765876View Page19010930Monday, September 30th, 1901Haley McVayHaley McVay2204 S Walnut St
58895889View Page19011009Wednesday, October 9th, 1901Turner C McKinneyTurner C McKinney715 W Adams
19291929View Page18820523Tuesday, May 23rd, 1882Harry ReamHarry Ream312 South High
24492449View Page18880117Tuesday, January 17th, 1888A. R. MedlingA. R. MedlingEast Jackson

+Transaction (48)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat. #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
18911209Wednesday, December 9th, 1891View Page016011601Crumbs swept up.Crumbs swept up.Gussie Domlas29062906Gussie DambosGussie Dambos
18920204Thursday, February 4th, 1892View Page016011601Crumbs swept up.Crumbs swept up.J.W. O. Collis
18920211Thursday, February 11th, 1892View Page020612061Sports that kill.Sports that kill.J. Wm O. Collis
18941130Friday, November 30th, 1894View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Mr H H Ice46184618H. H. IceH. H. Ice
18950204Monday, February 4th, 1895View Page020612061Sports that kill.Sports that kill.Mr John Cramer44744474John CramerJohn Cramer
18950218Monday, February 18th, 1895View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Jessie Ford26742674Jessie FordJessie Ford
18950525Saturday, May 25th, 1895View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Mr. J. R. Campbell45924592Jack CampbellJack Campbell
18950805Monday, August 5th, 1895View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Mrs Wm Emoms30733073Mrs. Wm EmersonMrs. Wm Emerson
18950924Tuesday, September 24th, 1895View Page016011601Crumbs swept up.Crumbs swept up.Mrs Nancy Short44594459Nancy ShortNancy Short
18951105Tuesday, November 5th, 1895View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Nellie Gallivan31463146Nellie GallivanNellie Gallivan
18951126Tuesday, November 26th, 1895View Page016011601Crumbs swept up.Crumbs swept up.Dr. E.W. Ellis45224522Mr. E. W. EllisMr. E. W. Ellis
18951205Thursday, December 5th, 1895View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Mr A. Williams44954495Mr. A. WilliamsMr. A. Williams
18960104Saturday, January 4th, 1896View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Ivy Nichols26522652Ivy NicholsIvy Nichols
18960130Thursday, January 30th, 1896View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.C.C. Winingham33053305C C WinninghamC C Winningham
18960218Tuesday, February 18th, 1896View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.W.J. Haus45514551Mr. W J HausMr. W J Haus
18960331Tuesday, March 31st, 1896View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Mrs C D Dille34233423C. D. DilleC. D. Dille
18960408Wednesday, April 8th, 1896View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Mrs Ada Shuttleworth18971897Ada ShuttleworthAda Shuttleworth
18960706Monday, July 6th, 1896View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Harry Re[...]19291929Harry ReamHarry Reampatron's ID does not exist in the database; last name partially illegible
18960912Saturday, September 12th, 1896View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Chas Blease32143214Chas BleaseChas Blease
18970123Saturday, January 23rd, 1897View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Mrs. Matilda Morn35633563Matilda MannMatilda Mann
18970227Saturday, February 27th, 1897View Page016011601Crumbs swept up.Crumbs swept up.Mrs. Wm Patterson0273273[illeg] Patterson[illeg] Patterson
18970306Saturday, March 6th, 1897View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.George Sutton31153115Mrs. Mary NealMrs. Mary Neal
18970414Wednesday, April 14th, 1897View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Mrs. Nellie Crampton36813681Mrs. Nellie B CramptonMrs. Nellie B Crampton
18970610Thursday, June 10th, 1897View Page016011601Crumbs swept up.Crumbs swept up.May Thompson40074007Miss. May ThompsonMiss. May Thompson
18970625Friday, June 25th, 1897View Page016011601Crumbs swept up.Crumbs swept up.May Thompson40074007Miss. May ThompsonMiss. May Thompson
18970925Saturday, September 25th, 1897View Page016011601Crumbs swept up.Crumbs swept up.James E. Nelson37623762James E NelsonJames E Nelson
18971122Monday, November 22nd, 1897View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Arthur Richards34523452Arthur J. RichardsArthur J. RichardsNumber 60 marked next to patron's name
18971231Friday, December 31st, 1897View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Katie Garst11441144Katie GarstKatie Garst
18980418Monday, April 18th, 1898View Page016011601Crumbs swept up.Crumbs swept up.Fred Fisher34573457Fred FisherFred Fisher
18980502Monday, May 2nd, 1898View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Walter Chambers36523652Walter ChambersWalter Chambers
18980815Monday, August 15th, 1898View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.J. W Oxley26132613J. W. OxleyJ. W. Oxley
18980827Saturday, August 27th, 1898View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Elmer Gist39553955Elmer GestElmer Gest
18980907Wednesday, September 7th, 1898View Page016011601Crumbs swept up.Crumbs swept up.Mrs Ina Redding37393739Ina BaileyIna Bailey
18980921Wednesday, September 21st, 1898View Page016011601Crumbs swept up.Crumbs swept up.Mrs Ina Redding37393739Ina BaileyIna Bailey
18981012Wednesday, October 12th, 1898View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Mrs S A Weaver47784778Mrs. S. A. WeaverMrs. S. A. Weaver
18981208Thursday, December 8th, 1898View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Michael Mahoney40644064Michael MahoneyMichael MahoneyNumber 81 written next to patron's name
18990823Wednesday, August 23rd, 1899View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Emma Stough51305130Emma StoughEmma Stough"55" written after patron's name
19000305Monday, March 5th, 1900View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.James McDowell53555355James McDowellJames McDowell
19000405Thursday, April 5th, 1900View Page1137011370Crumbs swept up.Crumbs swept up.Mrs. Mary Hettel52695269Mary E. HettelMary E. Hettel
19000922Saturday, September 22nd, 1900View Page1137011370Crumbs swept up.Crumbs swept up.Mrs. D. W. Stewart24492449A. R. MedlingA. R. Medling
19001130Friday, November 30th, 1900View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Mrs Mary Hettel52695269Mary E. HettelMary E. Hettel
19001208Saturday, December 8th, 1900View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Bert Austin56055605Bert AustinBert Austin
19010121Monday, January 21st, 1901View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Otto Knock55525552Otto P KnackOtto P Knack
19010126Saturday, January 26th, 1901View Page1137011370Crumbs swept up.Crumbs swept up.Arthur Richards34523452Arthur J. RichardsArthur J. Richards
19010205Tuesday, February 5th, 1901View Page020612061Sports that kill.Sports that kill.Arhtur Richards34523452Arthur J. RichardsArthur J. Richards
19011023Wednesday, October 23rd, 1901View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Turner C. McKinney58895889Turner C McKinneyTurner C McKinney
19011028Monday, October 28th, 1901View Page086388638Night scenes of city life.Night scenes of city life.Harvey McVay58765876Haley McVayHaley McVay
19021125Tuesday, November 25th, 1902View Page020612061Sports that kill.Sports that kill.Jas McDowell53555355James McDowellJames McDowell