18981112Saturday, November 12th, 1898 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs S.P. Wildman | 20802080 | Mrs. S. P. WildmanMrs. S. P. Wildman | Number 10 marked next to patron's name |
18981116Wednesday, November 16th, 1898 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Earl Swain | 47434743 | Earl SwainEarl Swain | |
18981121Monday, November 21st, 1898 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs Tena Walker | 32203220 | Clara B KendallClara B Kendall | |
18981122Tuesday, November 22nd, 1898 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | C.W. Sherritt | 39573957 | C. W. SherrittC. W. Sherritt | |
18981126Saturday, November 26th, 1898 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Norwood Carnes | 18011801 | Ida BrownIda Brown | |
18981130Wednesday, November 30th, 1898 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Dr. G.W. Wallace | 48934893 | G. E. Wallace M.D.G. E. Wallace M.D. | |
18981130Wednesday, November 30th, 1898 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs. M.L. Hageman | 40484048 | Mrs. M. L. HagemanMrs. M. L. Hageman | |
18981201Thursday, December 1st, 1898 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | E.J. Goinor | 30893089 | E. J. GainerE. J. Gainer | |
18981207Wednesday, December 7th, 1898 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Anna L. Morrison | 48344834 | Anna L. MorrisonAnna L. Morrison | |
18981210Saturday, December 10th, 1898 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs D V Bower | 38273827 | Mrs. D. V. BowerMrs. D. V. Bower | |
18981210Saturday, December 10th, 1898 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs Fannie Anthony | 48024802 | Mrs. Fannie AnthonyMrs. Fannie Anthony | |
18981213Tuesday, December 13th, 1898 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Chester Evans | 29222922 | Ray WadeRay Wade | |
18981214Wednesday, December 14th, 1898 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Madge Walling | 16521652 | Mary WallingMary Walling | |
18981221Wednesday, December 21st, 1898 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Louis Bloom | 29702970 | Louis BloomLouis Bloom | "Emily W King" written next to patron's name |
18981224Saturday, December 24th, 1898 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs Robt Hay | 48364836 | Mrs. Robt. HayMrs. Robt. Hay | |
18981228Wednesday, December 28th, 1898 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Maggie Slater | 36413641 | Maggie SlaterMaggie Slater | |
18981229Thursday, December 29th, 1898 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs Elizabeth Ball | 38003800 | Mrs. Elizabeth BallMrs. Elizabeth Ball | |
18981231Saturday, December 31st, 1898 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | O.B. Burmaster | 39643964 | Mrs. O. B. BannisterMrs. O. B. Bannister | |
18990107Saturday, January 7th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs Ella Cammack | 12501250 | Mrs. E CammackMrs. E Cammack | |
18990114Saturday, January 14th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | W H McEwen | 47924792 | W. H. McEwenW. H. McEwen | |
18990114Saturday, January 14th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Robbie Knowlton | 0715715 | Addie KnowltonAddie Knowlton | |
18990116Monday, January 16th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | L.E. Williams | 46394639 | L. E. WilliamsL. E. Williams | |
18990118Wednesday, January 18th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Rex Smith | 38283828 | Rex SmithRex Smith | |
18990118Wednesday, January 18th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | H.C. LaRue | 48694869 | H. C. LaRueH. C. LaRue | |
18990121Saturday, January 21st, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Walter Moreland | 29432943 | Wattia MarchWattia March | |
18990130Monday, January 30th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Louise Anthony | 36733673 | Louise AnthonyLouise Anthony | |
18990131Tuesday, January 31st, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | James Lightbody | 37513751 | James LightbodyJames Lightbody | |
18990206Monday, February 6th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs Dora Mitchell | 42424242 | Mrs. Dora MitchellMrs. Dora Mitchell | |
18990211Saturday, February 11th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Rudolph Bloom | 41684168 | Rudolph BloomRudolph Bloom | |
18990211Saturday, February 11th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs Mary Talbott | 44974497 | Mrs. Mary TalbottMrs. Mary Talbott | |
18990214Tuesday, February 14th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Zulena Wilcoxen | 0699699 | Zulena WilcoxonZulena Wilcoxon | |
18990220Monday, February 20th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | John Cramer | 44744474 | John CramerJohn Cramer | |
18990227Monday, February 27th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Rob Knowlton | 0715715 | Addie KnowltonAddie Knowlton | |
18990309Thursday, March 9th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Louise Phinney | 32403240 | Louise PhinneyLouise Phinney | |
18990313Monday, March 13th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs Belle Lockwood | 30543054 | Belle LockwoodBelle Lockwood | |
18990314Tuesday, March 14th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs M.B. Keegan | 49574957 | Mrs. M B KeeganMrs. M B Keegan | |
18990315Wednesday, March 15th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Carolyn Cohn | 37423742 | Carrie CohnCarrie Cohn | |
18990318Saturday, March 18th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Emily Meeks | 38953895 | Emily MeeksEmily Meeks | |
18990325Saturday, March 25th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | W.R. Snyder | 20872087 | W R SnyderW R Snyder | |
18990328Tuesday, March 28th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Ned James | 48834883 | Mr. Ned JamesMr. Ned James | |
18990331Friday, March 31st, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | John McMillan | 25342534 | Allie L. McMillanAllie L. McMillan | |
18990401Saturday, April 1st, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs J H Rawlings | 47294729 | Mrs. J. H. RawlingsMrs. J. H. Rawlings | |
18990408Saturday, April 8th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | H.L. Kinert | 38763876 | H. L. KinertH. L. Kinert | |
18990415Saturday, April 15th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | L.M. Doolittle | 48094809 | Lewis DoolittleLewis Doolittle | |
18990415Saturday, April 15th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | R.R. Price | 33143314 | R. R. PriceR. R. Price | |
18990422Saturday, April 22nd, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs Clara Hickman | 38913891 | Mrs. Clara HickmanMrs. Clara Hickman | |
18990425Tuesday, April 25th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs. J.E. Durham | 26102610 | Mrs. J. E. DurhamMrs. J. E. Durham | |
18990506Saturday, May 6th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs Clara Hickman | 38913891 | Mrs. Clara HickmanMrs. Clara Hickman | |
18990513Saturday, May 13th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | G Lynn Kurtz | 0213213 | G. L. KurtzG. L. Kurtz | |
18990516Tuesday, May 16th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs Kate Knowlton | 28142814 | Bobbie KnowltonBobbie Knowlton | |
18990518Thursday, May 18th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs E. Keuchman | 0981981 | E. K. KuechmannE. K. Kuechmann | |
18990520Saturday, May 20th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Frank Burt | 40554055 | Frank E. BurtFrank E. Burt | |
18990523Tuesday, May 23rd, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mable Reigle | 35123512 | Mabel RiegleMabel Riegle | "+" marked next to patron's name |
18990527Saturday, May 27th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs O B Bormister | 39643964 | Mrs. O. B. BannisterMrs. O. B. Bannister | |
18990527Saturday, May 27th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs. J.H. Jones | 38023802 | Mrs. J. H. JonesMrs. J. H. Jones | |
18990531Wednesday, May 31st, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Newport Larimore | 50855085 | Newport LarimoreNewport Larimore | |
18990602Friday, June 2nd, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Helen Garner | 40964096 | Helen GarnerHelen Garner | |
18990609Friday, June 9th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Edith Jackson | 30803080 | Edith JacksonEdith Jackson | |
18990612Monday, June 12th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Virginia Claypool | 29282928 | Virginia ClaypoolVirginia Claypool | |
18990614Wednesday, June 14th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Rebekah Denslow | 34753475 | Rebekah DenslowRebekah Denslow | |
18990619Monday, June 19th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Myrtle Snyder | 50565056 | Myrtle SnyderMyrtle Snyder | Number 65 written next to patron's name |
18990620Tuesday, June 20th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Kate Kusick | 30383038 | Kate KusickKate Kusick | |
18990703Monday, July 3rd, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | B. Eliz. Smith | 32353235 | Bertha E. SmithBertha E. Smith | |
18990719Wednesday, July 19th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | R. R. Price | 33143314 | R. R. PriceR. R. Price | |
18990720Thursday, July 20th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs. J. C. Hassler | 47814781 | Mrs. J. C. HasslerMrs. J. C. Hassler | |
18990721Friday, July 21st, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs. Gertrude Kirby | 48484848 | Gertrude KirbyGertrude Kirby | |
18990804Friday, August 4th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs. Gertrude Kirby | 48484848 | Gertrude KirbyGertrude Kirby | |
18990814Monday, August 14th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs. Mary Leonard | 43164316 | Mrs. Mary LeonardMrs. Mary Leonard | fixed patron number (orig. 4313) |
18990818Friday, August 18th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Clifford Simpson | 50455045 | Mrs. Clif. SampsonMrs. Clif. Sampson | |
18990902Saturday, September 2nd, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Gertrude Hagadorn | 28182818 | Gertrude HagadornGertrude Hagadorn | |
18990905Tuesday, September 5th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs. F. Putnam | 23882388 | Fred PutnamFred Putnam | |
18990909Saturday, September 9th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Lola Woolfington | 39393939 | Lola WoolfingtonLola Woolfington | |
18990923Saturday, September 23rd, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Joe McDonald | 38373837 | Joe McDonaldJoe McDonald | |
18990923Saturday, September 23rd, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Ohle Gill | 40044004 | Ohle GillOhle Gill | |
18991006Friday, October 6th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Karl G. Sample | 31303130 | Karl G. SampleKarl G. Sample | |
18991014Saturday, October 14th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs. D. A. Auter | 47804780 | D. A. AuterD. A. Auter | |
18991016Monday, October 16th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Olive McGath | 47244724 | Olive McGathOlive McGath | |
18991020Friday, October 20th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Rosetta Shinn | 48764876 | Rozetta ShinnRozetta Shinn | |
18991025Wednesday, October 25th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Rosetta Shinn | 48764876 | Rozetta ShinnRozetta Shinn | |
18991025Wednesday, October 25th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Lowell Millett | 38853885 | Jennie RappJennie Rapp | |
18991030Monday, October 30th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Francis Wheale | 47984798 | Francis W. WhealeFrancis W. Wheale | |
18991103Friday, November 3rd, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Roy Zapf | 51085108 | Ray ZapfRay Zapf | |
18991109Thursday, November 9th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs. J. C. Leatherman | 43584358 | Mrs. J. C. LeathermanMrs. J. C. Leatherman | |
18991118Saturday, November 18th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Helen Hunt | 38253825 | Helen HuntHelen Hunt | |
18991120Monday, November 20th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs. Edith Mock | 51815181 | Mrs. Edith MockMrs. Edith Mock | |
18991201Friday, December 1st, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | I B Saxon | 33253325 | I. B. SaxonI. B. Saxon | |
18991204Monday, December 4th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs Zula Valentine | 42484248 | Mrs. Zula M. ValentineMrs. Zula M. Valentine | |
18991209Saturday, December 9th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Vida Cassidy | 23442344 | Vida CassadyVida Cassady | |
18991214Thursday, December 14th, 1899 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Robbie Knowlton | 0715715 | Addie KnowltonAddie Knowlton | |
18991219Tuesday, December 19th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Robbie Knowlton | 0715715 | Addie KnowltonAddie Knowlton | |
18991223Saturday, December 23rd, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs J E Hughes | 52385238 | Mrs. J. E. HughesMrs. J. E. Hughes | |
18991227Wednesday, December 27th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Robt Tumleson | 52775277 | Robert TumlesonRobert Tumleson | |
18991230Saturday, December 30th, 1899 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Clyde Parker | 51335133 | Mr. Clyde ParkerMr. Clyde Parker | |
19000108Monday, January 8th, 1900 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Delbert Seldomridge | 24102410 | Delbert SeldomridgeDelbert Seldomridge | |
19000111Thursday, January 11th, 1900 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs Zula Valentine | 42484248 | Mrs. Zula M. ValentineMrs. Zula M. Valentine | |
19000113Saturday, January 13th, 1900 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Kay Vicewarner | 34073407 | Kay VicewarnerKay Vicewarner | |
19000122Monday, January 22nd, 1900 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | W S Dragoo | 51525152 | Wm. S. DragooWm. S. Dragoo | |
19000203Saturday, February 3rd, 1900 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Grace Burt | 29572957 | George BurtGeorge Burt | |
19000219Monday, February 19th, 1900 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | J E Durham | 37673767 | J. E. DurhamJ. E. Durham | |
19000219Monday, February 19th, 1900 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | George Burt | 29572957 | George BurtGeorge Burt | |
19000227Tuesday, February 27th, 1900 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs H C Darnall | 30833083 | Miss. May HorrisMiss. May Horris | |
19000310Saturday, March 10th, 1900 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | O B Barrister | 50945094 | O. B. BannisterO. B. Bannister | |
19000323Friday, March 23rd, 1900 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs. J.E. Hughes | 52385238 | Mrs. J. E. HughesMrs. J. E. Hughes | |
19000327Tuesday, March 27th, 1900 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs. Mary Louick | 0957957 | Mary J. LuickMary J. Luick | |
19000410Tuesday, April 10th, 1900 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs. E.K. Wilson | 29942994 | Emma KingsburyEmma Kingsbury | |
19000418Wednesday, April 18th, 1900 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | H.M. Denslow | 34763476 | H. M. DenslowH. M. Denslow | |
19000503Thursday, May 3rd, 1900 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs. Kate Knowlton | 28142814 | Bobbie KnowltonBobbie Knowlton | x marked after patron's name |
19000504Friday, May 4th, 1900 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Geo W. McEwen | 48804880 | G. W. McEwenG. W. McEwen | |
19000508Tuesday, May 8th, 1900 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Bessie B. Blease | 52335233 | Bessie BleaseBessie Blease | Entry is crossed out |
19000509Wednesday, May 9th, 1900 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Bessie Blease | 52335233 | Bessie BleaseBessie Blease | |
19000803Friday, August 3rd, 1900 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs. D. W. Stewart | 26492649 | Helen HickmanHelen Hickman | Patron ID "2649" is registered to "Helen Hickman" |
19000813Monday, August 13th, 1900 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | W. S. Dragoo | 51525152 | Wm. S. DragooWm. S. Dragoo | |
19000818Saturday, August 18th, 1900 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Hasty Wilson | 26312631 | Hasty WilsonHasty Wilson | |
19000915Saturday, September 15th, 1900 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs. S. P. Wildman | 20802080 | Mrs. S. P. WildmanMrs. S. P. Wildman | |
19000920Thursday, September 20th, 1900 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs. William Gill | 30963096 | Mrs. Wm. F. GillMrs. Wm. F. Gill | |
19000924Monday, September 24th, 1900 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | W. G. Morgen | 55045504 | W. S. MorganW. S. Morgan | |
19000928Friday, September 28th, 1900 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs. R. H. Munshower | 50645064 | Mrs. R. H. MunshowerMrs. R. H. Munshower | |
19001012Friday, October 12th, 1900 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | George Summer | 38773877 | George SummerGeorge Summer | |
19001013Saturday, October 13th, 1900 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs. P. P. Busch | 23392339 | Mrs. Z. Z. ZintMrs. Z. Z. Zint | |
19001018Thursday, October 18th, 1900 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | J. M. Samuels | 55445544 | J. M. SamuelsJ. M. Samuels | |
19001026Friday, October 26th, 1900 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs. Sarah Somers | 55145514 | Mrs. G. A. RibbleMrs. G. A. Ribble | |
19001101Thursday, November 1st, 1900 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | A. E. Willson | 47564756 | A. E. WilsonA. E. Wilson | |
19001110Saturday, November 10th, 1900 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Daniel Cohn | 29142914 | Dan CohenDan Cohen | |
19001115Thursday, November 15th, 1900 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs. Ida H. Long | 37593759 | Mrs. Ida H. LongMrs. Ida H. Long | |
19001126Monday, November 26th, 1900 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Karl G. Sample | 31303130 | Karl G. SampleKarl G. Sample | |
19001208Saturday, December 8th, 1900 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs Kate Knowlton | 28142814 | Bobbie KnowltonBobbie Knowlton | |
19001210Monday, December 10th, 1900 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs Gessin Bower | 38273827 | Mrs. D. V. BowerMrs. D. V. Bower | |
19001212Wednesday, December 12th, 1900 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | E A Edwards | 45654565 | E. A. EdwardsE. A. Edwards | |
19001222Saturday, December 22nd, 1900 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Katherin Garst | 48274827 | Katharine S. GarstKatharine S. Garst | |
19001224Monday, December 24th, 1900 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Robbie Knowlton | 0715715 | Addie KnowltonAddie Knowlton | |
19001231Monday, December 31st, 1900 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs E E Bridenbecker | 56465646 | E. E. BridenbeckerE. E. Bridenbecker | |
19010102Wednesday, January 2nd, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs J A Orr | 52685268 | Mrs. J. A. OrrMrs. J. A. Orr | |
19010109Wednesday, January 9th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs Bridenbecke | 36463646 | Frank CrawfordFrank Crawford | |
19010112Saturday, January 12th, 1901 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Nellie Kinert | 27602760 | Nella KinertNella Kinert | |
19010114Monday, January 14th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Edna Streeter | 19011901 | Edna StreeterEdna Streeter | Number 103 marked after patron's name//fixed borrower's name (orig. "Sheter") |
19010116Wednesday, January 16th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs Kate Kusick | 30383038 | Kate KusickKate Kusick | |
19010124Thursday, January 24th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Thos H Kirby | 42694269 | Mr. T. H. KirbyMr. T. H. Kirby | fixed patron number (orig. 4262) |
19010206Wednesday, February 6th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs R. W. Thomson | 56295629 | Mrs. R. W. ThompsonMrs. R. W. Thompson | |
19010208Friday, February 8th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs W. C. Denney | 50815081 | Mrs. M. B. StreetMrs. M. B. Street | |
19010215Friday, February 15th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Helen Conklin | 56955695 | Helen ConklingHelen Conkling | |
19010227Wednesday, February 27th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Nellie Perkins | 46104610 | Nellie PerkinsNellie Perkins | |
19010307Thursday, March 7th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | W. R. Snyder | 20872087 | W R SnyderW R Snyder | |
19010321Thursday, March 21st, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Charles E. Moore | 005050 | Charles E. MooreCharles E. Moore | |
19010326Tuesday, March 26th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs A C Jones | 41054105 | Mrs. A. C. JonesMrs. A. C. Jones | |
19010328Thursday, March 28th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Howard Schrader | 38103810 | Howard SchraderHoward Schrader | |
19010329Friday, March 29th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Allie Emerson | 0367367 | Allie EmersonAllie Emerson | |
19010403Wednesday, April 3rd, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs Kate Knowlton | 28142814 | Bobbie KnowltonBobbie Knowlton | |
19010405Friday, April 5th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs F. Hagadorn | 53605360 | Wm RibbleWm Ribble | |
19010405Friday, April 5th, 1901 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Howard Schrader | 38103810 | Howard SchraderHoward Schrader | |
19010408Monday, April 8th, 1901 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs Mary Talbott | 44974497 | Mrs. Mary TalbottMrs. Mary Talbott | |
19010413Saturday, April 13th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | C B Crampton | 57695769 | Carl B CramptonCarl B Crampton | |
19010423Tuesday, April 23rd, 1901 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | H. L. Kinert | 38763876 | H. L. KinertH. L. Kinert | |
19010430Tuesday, April 30th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Helen Hurd | 38253825 | Helen HuntHelen Hunt | |
19010509Thursday, May 9th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs Kate Knowlton | 28142814 | Bobbie KnowltonBobbie Knowlton | |
19010511Saturday, May 11th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs Susan Moses | 47954795 | Mrs. S. MosesMrs. S. Moses | |
19010511Saturday, May 11th, 1901 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Psyche Hoover | 39933993 | Psyche HooverPsyche Hoover | |
19010513Monday, May 13th, 1901 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs Chas G Forsman | 52525252 | Mrs. Chas G. ForesmanMrs. Chas G. Foresman | |
19010523Thursday, May 23rd, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs. Louis E Evans | 50475047 | Lois EvansLois Evans | |
19010528Tuesday, May 28th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs. Ida Dragoo | 52415241 | Mrs. Idah DragooMrs. Idah Dragoo | |
19010531Friday, May 31st, 1901 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Lotta Topp | 49714971 | Lottie ToppLottie Topp | |
19010601Saturday, June 1st, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs Carrie Miller | 49694969 | Mrs. Carrie MillerMrs. Carrie Miller | |
19010608Saturday, June 8th, 1901 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Hattie Russell | 42864286 | Hattie RussellHattie Russell | |
19010608Saturday, June 8th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | C W Shuitt | 39573957 | C. W. SherrittC. W. Sherritt | |
19010614Friday, June 14th, 1901 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs Lulu E. Langdon | 57885788 | Lula E.M. LangdonLula E.M. Langdon | |
19010619Wednesday, June 19th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | R W Monroe | 12171217 | R. W. MonroeR. W. Monroe | |
19010706Saturday, July 6th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Lola Wolfington | 39393939 | Lola WoolfingtonLola Woolfington | |
19010724Wednesday, July 24th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Joseph Boehm | 29912991 | Joe BoehmJoe Boehm | |
19010803Saturday, August 3rd, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Hasty Wilson | 26312631 | Hasty WilsonHasty Wilson | |
19010813Tuesday, August 13th, 1901 | View Page | 1294312943 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Agnes Howe | 29182918 | Agnes HoweAgnes Howe | |
19010824Saturday, August 24th, 1901 | View Page | 1294312943 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Ida Jacobs | 42794279 | Ida JacobsIda Jacobs | |
19010830Friday, August 30th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Flora Russell | 23782378 | Flora RussillFlora Russill | |
19010914Saturday, September 14th, 1901 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Flora Russell | 23782378 | Flora RussillFlora Russill | |
19010914Saturday, September 14th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Edna Hoover | 45014501 | Edna HooverEdna Hoover | |
19010923Monday, September 23rd, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs. Minnie Westfall | 55725572 | Minnie WestfallMinnie Westfall | |
19010928Saturday, September 28th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs. M. Lauer | 55285528 | Mrs. M. LauerMrs. M. Lauer | |
19011023Wednesday, October 23rd, 1901 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Robert Knowlton | 0715715 | Addie KnowltonAddie Knowlton | Patron ID of Addie Knowlton |
19011024Thursday, October 24th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs. Frank Greely | 33173317 | Mrs. F. GreelyMrs. F. Greely | |
19011108Friday, November 8th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Carrie Paden | 37003700 | Carrie PadenCarrie Paden | |
19011116Saturday, November 16th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Ira W. Langford | 58205820 | Ira W LangfordIra W Langford | |
19011121Thursday, November 21st, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs. W.R. Braunell | 56385638 | W. R. BraunellW. R. Braunell | |
19011126Tuesday, November 26th, 1901 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Frank Crawford | 36463646 | Frank CrawfordFrank Crawford | |
19011130Saturday, November 30th, 1901 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Frank Crawford | 36463646 | Frank CrawfordFrank Crawford | |
19011203Tuesday, December 3rd, 1901 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Florence Williston | 57945794 | Florence WillistonFlorence Williston | |
19011203Tuesday, December 3rd, 1901 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Frank Hulett | 44564456 | Frank R. HulettFrank R. Hulett | Number 77 written after patron's name |
19011205Thursday, December 5th, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs. Pearl H. McNeal | 48394839 | Pearl I. HazerPearl I. Hazer | |
19011207Saturday, December 7th, 1901 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs. T.H. Gracey | 26592659 | Mrs. D. L. GraceyMrs. D. L. Gracey | |
19011209Monday, December 9th, 1901 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Prof. T.H. Johnson | 28502850 | Theo. H. JohnsonTheo. H. Johnson | |
19011221Saturday, December 21st, 1901 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Mrs. F Crandall | 54675467 | Mrs. Fred CrandallMrs. Fred Crandall | |
19011223Monday, December 23rd, 1901 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Loys Saxon | 33403340 | Loys SaxonLoys Saxon | |
19011223Monday, December 23rd, 1901 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Christie Hager | 51915191 | Charlie Hoyer [?]Charlie Hoyer [?] | |
19011231Tuesday, December 31st, 1901 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Prof. Johnson | 28502850 | Theo. H. JohnsonTheo. H. Johnson | |
19020104Saturday, January 4th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Robert Crandall | 41294129 | Robert CrandallRobert Crandall | |
19020107Tuesday, January 7th, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Arthur E. Leonard | 27712771 | Arthur LeonardArthur Leonard | |
19020110Friday, January 10th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Marguerite Lyons | 56345634 | Marguerite LyonsMarguerite Lyons | |
19020121Tuesday, January 21st, 1902 | View Page | 1294312943 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Marguerite Lyons | 56345634 | Marguerite LyonsMarguerite Lyons | |
19020121Tuesday, January 21st, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Mrs. Kate Knowlton | 28142814 | Bobbie KnowltonBobbie Knowlton | |
19020122Wednesday, January 22nd, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Mrs. Edna Keller | 37013701 | Edna L. KellerEdna L. Keller | |
19020123Thursday, January 23rd, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Daisy Cecil | 54835483 | Daisy CecilDaisy Cecil | |
19020128Tuesday, January 28th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | F.D. Reiley | 56525652 | F. D. ReileyF. D. Reiley | |
19020204Tuesday, February 4th, 1902 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Howard Schrader | 38103810 | Howard SchraderHoward Schrader | |
19020211Tuesday, February 11th, 1902 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Carolyn Cohen | 37423742 | Carrie CohnCarrie Cohn | |
19020211Tuesday, February 11th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Mrs. Lola Franklin | 49654965 | Mrs. Lola FranklinMrs. Lola Franklin | fixed patron number (orig. 4765) |
19020221Friday, February 21st, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | John Carey | 59275927 | John CareyJohn Carey | |
19020301Saturday, March 1st, 1902 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Robert Knowlton | 0715715 | Addie KnowltonAddie Knowlton | |
19020301Saturday, March 1st, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Emily Meeks | 38953895 | Emily MeeksEmily Meeks | |
19020303Monday, March 3rd, 1902 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Louis Hargrave | 59715971 | Louis HargravesLouis Hargraves | |
19020303Monday, March 3rd, 1902 | View Page | 1294312943 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | John W. Gibson | 54285428 | Arthur ChambersArthur Chambers | |
19020305Wednesday, March 5th, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs. A.M. Klein | 38703870 | Mrs. A M KleinMrs. A M Klein | |
19020308Saturday, March 8th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Harriet Day | 58625862 | Miss. Harriett DayMiss. Harriett Day | |
19020311Tuesday, March 11th, 1902 | View Page | 1294312943 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Omer Mitchell | 24522452 | Omer MitchellOmer Mitchell | |
19020318Tuesday, March 18th, 1902 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs. W. McDheremy | | | |
19020319Wednesday, March 19th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Gertrude Hagadorn | 28182818 | Gertrude HagadornGertrude Hagadorn | |
19020320Thursday, March 20th, 1902 | View Page | 1294312943 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Clark Munn | 41034103 | Clark MunnClark Munn | |
19020326Wednesday, March 26th, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | H.L. McCullough | 59455945 | Harry McCulloughHarry McCullough | |
19020327Thursday, March 27th, 1902 | View Page | 1294312943 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Ella Sweetland | 52815281 | Ella SweetlandElla Sweetland | |
19020328Friday, March 28th, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Ruth Marshall | 60336033 | Ruth MarshallRuth Marshall | |
19020402Wednesday, April 2nd, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Edna Hoover | 45014501 | Edna HooverEdna Hoover | |
19020404Friday, April 4th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Mrs. Shiloh Langford | 58185818 | Shiloh P. LangfordShiloh P. Langford | |
19020404Friday, April 4th, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Fred S. Klein | 58245824 | Fred S KleinFred S Klein | |
19020405Saturday, April 5th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Thos Harrison | 57145714 | Thos. HarrisonThos. Harrison | |
19020407Monday, April 7th, 1902 | View Page | 1294312943 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs. Nannie B Snyder | 51625162 | Mrs. Nannie B. SnyderMrs. Nannie B. Snyder | |
19020411Friday, April 11th, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | J.E. Miller | 53935393 | J. G. MillerJ. G. Miller | |
19020414Monday, April 14th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Sadie Thomas | 53545354 | Sadie ThomasSadie Thomas | |
19020419Saturday, April 19th, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Lizzie Kuhn | 16251625 | Linnie MarshLinnie Marsh | |
19020428Monday, April 28th, 1902 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Ray Leonard | 39513951 | R. LeonardR. Leonard | |
19020428Monday, April 28th, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs. Jennie Brooker | 58935893 | Mrs. Jennie BrookerMrs. Jennie Brooker | |
19020512Monday, May 12th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | W.S. Dragoo | 51525152 | Wm. S. DragooWm. S. Dragoo | |
19020520Tuesday, May 20th, 1902 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs. Ida Dragoo | 52415241 | Mrs. Idah DragooMrs. Idah Dragoo | |
19020522Thursday, May 22nd, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Mae Hanley | 56665666 | Mae HanleyMae Hanley | |
19020522Thursday, May 22nd, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs. J.E. Hughes | 52385238 | Mrs. J. E. HughesMrs. J. E. Hughes | |
19020526Monday, May 26th, 1902 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Ira W. Langford | 58205820 | Ira W LangfordIra W Langford | |
19020531Saturday, May 31st, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs. J.E. Hughes | 52385238 | Mrs. J. E. HughesMrs. J. E. Hughes | |
19020604Wednesday, June 4th, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Addie Hickman | 39943994 | Addie HickmanAddie Hickman | |
19020606Friday, June 6th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Mrs. Frances Paden | 55175517 | Mrs. Frances PadenMrs. Frances Paden | |
19020609Monday, June 9th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Lon M. Neely | 0803803 | Lon M. NeelyLon M. Neely | |
19020614Saturday, June 14th, 1902 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Mrs. C.R. Flemming | 15781578 | C R FlemmingC R Flemming | |
19020614Saturday, June 14th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Mrs. E. Williams | 44964496 | Mrs. E WilliamsMrs. E Williams | |
19020620Friday, June 20th, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mrs. Rena Kirkpatrick | 25492549 | Rena GillRena Gill | |
19020621Saturday, June 21st, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | B.L. Pritner | 40984098 | B. L. PritnerB. L. Pritner | |
19020624Tuesday, June 24th, 1902 | View Page | 1294312943 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Frank Arnow | 31253125 | Frank AmmonFrank Ammon | |
19020628Saturday, June 28th, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | W.L. Morgan | 55045504 | W. S. MorganW. S. Morgan | |
19020705Saturday, July 5th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Mrs. Eliza Winton | 44314431 | Eliza WintonEliza Winton | |
19020715Tuesday, July 15th, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Mary Moore | 61596159 | Mary MooreMary Moore | |
19020719Saturday, July 19th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Reba Richey | 32233223 | Reba RicheyReba Richey | Number 104 written after patron's name |
19020723Wednesday, July 23rd, 1902 | View Page | 1294312943 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Lawrence Weaver | 58925892 | Lawrence WeaverLawrence Weaver | |
19020723Wednesday, July 23rd, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Lola Jackson | 47334733 | Lola JacksonLola Jackson | |
19020725Friday, July 25th, 1902 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Elizabeth helen | 60426042 | Elizabeth HelmElizabeth Helm | |
19020729Tuesday, July 29th, 1902 | View Page | 1294312943 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Clyde H. Finart | 61746174 | Clyde V. FiantClyde V. Fiant | |
19020807Thursday, August 7th, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | Kate Kusick | 30383038 | Kate KusickKate Kusick | |
19020808Friday, August 8th, 1902 | View Page | 1215812158 | Philip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independencePhilip Winwood; a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence | Elmer Houze | 56555655 | Elmer E. HouzeElmer E. Houze | |
19020809Saturday, August 9th, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | Harry Bannister | 47834783 | Harry B. BannisterHarry B. Bannister | |
19020823Saturday, August 23rd, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Fred A. Swain | 39653965 | Fred A SwainFred A Swain | |
19020823Saturday, August 23rd, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | Lily Snyder | 51615161 | Lily SnyderLily Snyder | |
19020826Tuesday, August 26th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Beatrice Turner | 58655865 | Beatrice TurnerBeatrice Turner | |
19020904Thursday, September 4th, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | Mrs. Nannie B. Snyder | 51625162 | Mrs. Nannie B. SnyderMrs. Nannie B. Snyder | |
19020905Friday, September 5th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Grant Frazier | 43824382 | Grant FrazierGrant Frazier | |
19020906Saturday, September 6th, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | Mrs. J.H. McDonald | 58805880 | Mrs. McDonaldMrs. McDonald | |
19020913Saturday, September 13th, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | Maude Smith | 51445144 | Maude M SmithMaude M Smith | |
19020915Monday, September 15th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Rex Kelley | 49824982 | Rex KelleyRex Kelley | |
19020918Thursday, September 18th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | A W Kern | 62046204 | A. W. KernA. W. Kern | |
19020919Friday, September 19th, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | Ella Philips | 61636163 | Ella PhillipsElla Phillips | |
19020924Wednesday, September 24th, 1902 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | A.W. Kern | 62046204 | A. W. KernA. W. Kern | |
19020925Thursday, September 25th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Gertrude Kennedy | 58275827 | Margaret KennedyMargaret Kennedy | |
19020927Saturday, September 27th, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | Robt Knowlton | 0715715 | Addie KnowltonAddie Knowlton | |
19020929Monday, September 29th, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | IB Saxon | 33253325 | I. B. SaxonI. B. Saxon | |
19020929Monday, September 29th, 1902 | View Page | 1294312943 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Roscoe Smith | 59395939 | Roscoe SmithRoscoe Smith | |
19020930Tuesday, September 30th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Seymour Cohen | 36443644 | Seymour CohnSeymour Cohn | |
19021003Friday, October 3rd, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Ethel Cates | 53755375 | Frank LeonFrank Leon | |
19021003Friday, October 3rd, 1902 | View Page | 1092310923 | An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire.An enemy to the king : from the recently discovered memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire. | Wayman Adams | 31103110 | Wayman AdamsWayman Adams | |
19021004Saturday, October 4th, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | Bessie Bronnell | 57195719 | Anna StuckeyAnna Stuckey | |
19021011Saturday, October 11th, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | Maude H. Murphy | 26152615 | Eddie HagadornEddie Hagadorn | |
19021011Saturday, October 11th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Thos Richards | 26532653 | T. Y. RichardsT. Y. Richards | |
19021018Saturday, October 18th, 1902 | View Page | 1294312943 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Shiloh Langford | 58185818 | Shiloh P. LangfordShiloh P. Langford | |
19021023Thursday, October 23rd, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | Mrs. Alice Monroe | 47414741 | Mrs. Alice MonroeMrs. Alice Monroe | |
19021027Monday, October 27th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Mrs. Wm Emmons | 30733073 | Mrs. Wm EmersonMrs. Wm Emerson | |
19021030Thursday, October 30th, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | Ohle Gill | 40044004 | Ohle GillOhle Gill | |
19021107Friday, November 7th, 1902 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Helen Conkling | 56955695 | Helen ConklingHelen Conkling | |
19021101Saturday, November 1st, 1902 | View Page | 1294312943 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Robert Knowlton | 0715715 | Addie KnowltonAddie Knowlton | |
19021104Tuesday, November 4th, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | Dr. Vol Bower | 18021802 | Vollie BowerVollie Bower | |
19021104Tuesday, November 4th, 1902 | View Page | 1294312943 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Arthur Walling | 38963896 | Arthur WallingArthur Walling | |
19021111Tuesday, November 11th, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | Carrie Moore | 36843684 | Carrie MannCarrie Mann | Riverside Apt? written after patron's name |
19021111Tuesday, November 11th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Chas Langdon | 57575757 | Samil E MillikenSamil E Milliken | |
19021115Saturday, November 15th, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | Pearl Beckett | 61716171 | Chas. BeckettChas. Beckett | |
19021122Saturday, November 22nd, 1902 | View Page | 1203212032 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | G. Lynn Kurtz | 0213213 | G. L. KurtzG. L. Kurtz | |
19021122Saturday, November 22nd, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | Mrs. Lon Petty | 62756275 | Mrs. Lon PettyMrs. Lon Petty | |
19021125Tuesday, November 25th, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | Frank Crawford | 36463646 | Frank CrawfordFrank Crawford | |
19021128Friday, November 28th, 1902 | View Page | 1360513605 | Captain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan LondonCaptain Ravenshaw, or, the maid of Cheapside : a romance of Elizabethan London | Lon M Neely | 0803803 | Lon M. NeelyLon M. Neely | |
19021129Saturday, November 29th, 1902 | View Page | 1307813078 | Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ...Philip Winwood : a sketch of the domestic history of an American captain in the war of independence ... | Helen Hickman | 26492649 | Helen HickmanHelen Hickman | |
19021201Monday, December 1st, 1902 | View Page | 1294312943 | The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778.The continental dragoon : a love story of Philipse manor-house in 1778. | Mrs. Ellen Seldomridge | 34253425 | Mrs. E. SeldomridgeMrs. E. Seldomridge | |