18991216Saturday, December 16th, 1899 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Miss Kate Kusick | 30383038 | Kate KusickKate Kusick | |
18991220Wednesday, December 20th, 1899 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Agnes Howe | 29182918 | Agnes HoweAgnes Howe | |
19000102Tuesday, January 2nd, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Edward C Kirby | 30123012 | Edward KirbyEdward Kirby | |
19000113Saturday, January 13th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Katherine Garst | 48274827 | Katharine S. GarstKatharine S. Garst | |
19000120Saturday, January 20th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs. D. W. Stewart | 26492649 | Helen HickmanHelen Hickman | |
19000127Saturday, January 27th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | George Burt | 29572957 | George BurtGeorge Burt | |
19000205Monday, February 5th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Evalyn Parker | 35323532 | Evelyn ParkerEvelyn Parker | |
19000207Wednesday, February 7th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs J C Leatherman | 43584358 | Mrs. J. C. LeathermanMrs. J. C. Leatherman | |
19000214Wednesday, February 14th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | B Eliz Smith | 32353235 | Bertha E. SmithBertha E. Smith | |
19000227Tuesday, February 27th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mable Nold | 33913391 | Mabel E NoldMabel E Nold | |
19000302Friday, March 2nd, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | John McMillan | 25342534 | Allie L. McMillanAllie L. McMillan | |
19000303Saturday, March 3rd, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Lois E Durham | 50625062 | Lois L. DurhamLois L. Durham | |
19000306Tuesday, March 6th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs J E Hughes | 52385238 | Mrs. J. E. HughesMrs. J. E. Hughes | |
19000310Saturday, March 10th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs Ella Philobaum | 51235123 | Mrs. Ella PhilabaumMrs. Ella Philabaum | |
19000317Saturday, March 17th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs Florence Reed | 52565256 | Homer HigmanHomer Higman | |
19000322Thursday, March 22nd, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Ray Harrington | 40234023 | Roy HarringtonRoy Harrington | |
19000326Monday, March 26th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Maybelle Kercher | 17081708 | Charles ScottCharles Scott | |
19000402Monday, April 2nd, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs. Mary Talbott | 44974497 | Mrs. Mary TalbottMrs. Mary Talbott | fixed borrower's name (orig. Fulbright) |
19000412Thursday, April 12th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Walter Howe | 30143014 | Walter J. HoweWalter J. Howe | |
19000414Saturday, April 14th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs. Wm Gill | 30963096 | Mrs. Wm. F. GillMrs. Wm. F. Gill | |
19000424Tuesday, April 24th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | O.W. McLain | 26232623 | O.W. M. LairnO.W. M. Lairn | |
19000508Tuesday, May 8th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Lily Snyder | 51615161 | Lily SnyderLily Snyder | |
19000523Wednesday, May 23rd, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | IB Saxon | 33253325 | I. B. SaxonI. B. Saxon | |
19000525Friday, May 25th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Geo E Cox | 52105210 | Geo E. CoxGeo E. Cox | |
19000529Tuesday, May 29th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs. EK Wilson | 29942994 | Emma KingsburyEmma Kingsbury | |
19000609Saturday, June 9th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs. Louis Foldrich | 54575457 | Mrs. Louis C FoldrichMrs. Louis C Foldrich | |
19000616Saturday, June 16th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Dr. H.M. Winans | 002727 | H. M. WinansH. M. Winans | |
19000622Friday, June 22nd, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs. Nellie Spooner | 33583358 | Nellie SpoonerNellie Spooner | |
19000627Wednesday, June 27th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | W.S. Dragoo | 51525152 | Wm. S. DragooWm. S. Dragoo | |
19000630Saturday, June 30th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Gertrude Hagadorn | 28182818 | Gertrude HagadornGertrude Hagadorn | |
19000709Monday, July 9th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Thos Larmore | 48634863 | Lucy LarmoreLucy Larmore | |
19000724Tuesday, July 24th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Thos. Larmore | 48634863 | Lucy LarmoreLucy Larmore | Patron ID "4863" issued to "Lucy Larmore." Comment contains "wife of Thos M. Larmore bartender Lake and Andrews." |
19000728Saturday, July 28th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs. Clara Cowing | 52355235 | Clara CowingClara Cowing | |
19000803Friday, August 3rd, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs. Kate Souder | 49404940 | Mrs. Kate A SouderMrs. Kate A Souder | |
19000907Friday, September 7th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mary F. Boyer | 49934993 | Mary F BoyerMary F Boyer | |
19000921Friday, September 21st, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs. A. M. Klein | 38703870 | Mrs. A M KleinMrs. A M Klein | |
19000928Friday, September 28th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Ola Emerson | 24302430 | Ola EmersonOla Emerson | |
19001003Wednesday, October 3rd, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Able Gill | 40044004 | Ohle GillOhle Gill | |
19001004Thursday, October 4th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Roscoe Koermer | 35563556 | Claude ReasonerClaude Reasoner | |
19001019Friday, October 19th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Alvie Cohn | 53895389 | Alvin CohenAlvin Cohen | |
19001102Friday, November 2nd, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs. Olen Baldwin | 47824782 | Mrs. Alice BaldwinMrs. Alice Baldwin | |
19001119Monday, November 19th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Maynard Helnick | 55465546 | Maynard HehnickMaynard Hehnick | |
19001130Friday, November 30th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs Katie Seldomridge | 52265226 | Mrs. Katie SeldomridgeMrs. Katie Seldomridge | |
19001204Tuesday, December 4th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs Mary Cooksey | 37383738 | Pearl BarnesPearl Barnes | |
19001226Wednesday, December 26th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mable Nold | 33913391 | Mabel E NoldMabel E Nold | |
19001228Friday, December 28th, 1900 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs Herman Cohen | 38203820 | Mrs. Herman CohenMrs. Herman Cohen | |
19010108Tuesday, January 8th, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Rex Smith | 38283828 | Rex SmithRex Smith | |
19010121Monday, January 21st, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs Maggie Ward | 47114711 | Mrs. Maggie WardMrs. Maggie Ward | |
19010202Saturday, February 2nd, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs. Alice Meeks | 56395639 | Mrs. Alice MeeksMrs. Alice Meeks | |
19010205Tuesday, February 5th, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs. D. W. Stewart | 26492649 | Helen HickmanHelen Hickman | |
19010209Saturday, February 9th, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | W H Strice | 56755675 | W. H. SticeW. H. Stice | |
19010210Sunday, February 10th, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs F. Burkholder | 37963796 | Mrs. F. A. BurkholderMrs. F. A. Burkholder | |
19010216Saturday, February 16th, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs. O D McMiller | 50715071 | Mrs. O. D. McMillinMrs. O. D. McMillin | |
19010303Sunday, March 3rd, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Jessie Beard | 34983498 | Miss. Jesie BeardMiss. Jesie Beard | |
19010319Tuesday, March 19th, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Linnie Coffeen | 40254025 | Linnie CoffeenLinnie Coffeen | |
19010327Wednesday, March 27th, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs Claude Sample | 56605660 | Mrs. Claudia SampleMrs. Claudia Sample | |
19010409Tuesday, April 9th, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs Florence Blease | 33623362 | Jessie MastersJessie Masters | |
19010427Saturday, April 27th, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Katherine Garst | 48274827 | Katharine S. GarstKatharine S. Garst | |
19010509Thursday, May 9th, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs Ida Long | 37593759 | Mrs. Ida H. LongMrs. Ida H. Long | |
19010518Saturday, May 18th, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs. Kate Knowlton | 28142814 | Bobbie KnowltonBobbie Knowlton | |
19010520Monday, May 20th, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mable Hartman | 33803380 | Mable HartmanMable Hartman | |
19010525Saturday, May 25th, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | O B Barmister | 50945094 | O. B. BannisterO. B. Bannister | |
19010824Saturday, August 24th, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Helen Hurd | 38253825 | Helen HuntHelen Hunt | |
19010831Saturday, August 31st, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | O Barmister | 50945094 | O. B. BannisterO. B. Bannister | |
19010914Saturday, September 14th, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | W. G. Moyer | 55045504 | W. S. MorganW. S. Morgan | |
19011012Saturday, October 12th, 1901 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Geo M. Fletcher | 49194919 | Geo. M. FletcherGeo. M. Fletcher | |
19020104Saturday, January 4th, 1902 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs. Jamie Brooker | 58935893 | Mrs. Jennie BrookerMrs. Jennie Brooker | |
19021101Saturday, November 1st, 1902 | View Page | 1141311413 | A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York.A confident tomorrow : a novel of New York. | Mrs. J.J. Conkling | 59315931 | Mrs. J. J. ConklingMrs. J. J. Conkling | |