18911106Friday, November 6th, 1891 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | D.C. Barrett | 26972697 | D. C. BarrettD. C. Barrett | |
18911120Friday, November 20th, 1891 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | D.C. Barrett | 26972697 | D. C. BarrettD. C. Barrett | |
18950118Friday, January 18th, 1895 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Mr W H Reid | 46434643 | Wm t. ReidWm t. Reid | |
18951203Tuesday, December 3rd, 1895 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Mrs Mary Howard | 44164416 | Mary H. HowardMary H. Howard | |
18960111Saturday, January 11th, 1896 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Sallie McCulloch | 0843843 | Sallie McCullochSallie McCulloch | |
18960208Saturday, February 8th, 1896 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Mable Nold | 33913391 | Mabel E NoldMabel E Nold | |
18960221Friday, February 21st, 1896 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Mable Nold | 33913391 | Mabel E NoldMabel E Nold | |
18960312Thursday, March 12th, 1896 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Frank Bayless | 33683368 | Frank BaylessFrank Bayless | |
18960411Saturday, April 11th, 1896 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Ida Ludlow | 0247247 | Ida P LudlowIda P Ludlow | |
18970213Saturday, February 13th, 1897 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Mrs. M B. Cromwell | 46924692 | Mary CromwellMary Cromwell | |
18970227Saturday, February 27th, 1897 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Mrs. M B Cromwell | 46924692 | Mary CromwellMary Cromwell | |
18971106Saturday, November 6th, 1897 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | George Comer | 38063806 | Geo. ComerGeo. Comer | |
18980416Saturday, April 16th, 1898 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Mrs. M Mock | 45214521 | Mrs. M MockMrs. M Mock | fixed borrower's name (orig. Maick) |
18980926Monday, September 26th, 1898 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | James F Smith | 37573757 | James F. SmithJames F. Smith | |
18981010Monday, October 10th, 1898 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | James F Smith | 37573757 | James F. SmithJames F. Smith | |
18990131Tuesday, January 31st, 1899 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Mrs A.E. Lyman | 28412841 | Mrs. A. E. LymanMrs. A. E. Lyman | |
18990214Tuesday, February 14th, 1899 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Mrs A.E. Lyman | 28412841 | Mrs. A. E. LymanMrs. A. E. Lyman | |
18990325Saturday, March 25th, 1899 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Mrs. Etta Smith | 31373137 | Ettie M. SmithEttie M. Smith | |
18990410Monday, April 10th, 1899 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Mrs Etta Smith | 31373137 | Ettie M. SmithEttie M. Smith | |
18990420Thursday, April 20th, 1899 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Zoe Zook | 50235023 | Zoe ZookZoe Zook | Number 50 written next to patron's name |
18990819Saturday, August 19th, 1899 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Margaret A. Brenner | 51395139 | M. A. BrennenM. A. Brennen | |
18990909Saturday, September 9th, 1899 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Emma Walling | 39983998 | Emma WallingEmma Walling | |
19000322Thursday, March 22nd, 1900 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Mrs. Lulu Reed | 48464846 | Mrs. J. E. ReedMrs. J. E. Reed | |
19001003Wednesday, October 3rd, 1900 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Margaret Flaherty | 36603660 | Margaret FlahertyMargaret Flaherty | |
19001017Wednesday, October 17th, 1900 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Margaret Flaherty | 36603660 | Margaret FlahertyMargaret Flaherty | |
19001124Saturday, November 24th, 1900 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Mary Jacobs | 30293029 | Mary JacobsMary Jacobs | |
19001219Wednesday, December 19th, 1900 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Mrs Lacy Williams | 55905590 | Mrs. Lacey H. WilliamsMrs. Lacey H. Williams | |
19010216Saturday, February 16th, 1901 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Eva Madge | 57135713 | Eva A MudgeEva A Mudge | |
19010226Tuesday, February 26th, 1901 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Vier Max | 33703370 | Viere MaxViere Max | |
19010306Wednesday, March 6th, 1901 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Harry Ault | 34873487 | Harry AultHarry Ault | |
19011101Friday, November 1st, 1901 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Beatrice Turner | 58655865 | Beatrice TurnerBeatrice Turner | |
19011114Thursday, November 14th, 1901 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Hattie Karn | 38423842 | Hattie KarnHattie Karn | |
19020310Monday, March 10th, 1902 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Mrs. E.E. Ramsey | 51505150 | Blanche SleeperBlanche Sleeper | |
19020913Saturday, September 13th, 1902 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Mrs. E.J. Hickson | 62196219 | Mrs. E. J. HicksonMrs. E. J. Hickson | |
19021030Thursday, October 30th, 1902 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Mrs. Dr. Wadsworth | 007878 | Kate WilsonKate Wilson | (K.W.) written after patron's name |
19021101Saturday, November 1st, 1902 | View Page | 020892089 | A short history of the English people.A short history of the English people. | Mrs. W. Wadsmith | 37893789 | Mrs. W. W. WadsworthMrs. W. W. Wadsworth | |