18911226Saturday, December 26th, 1891 | View Page | 021702170 | Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based on the doctrine of evolution.Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based on the doctrine of evolution. | Mrs A.A. Perdieu | 28432843 | D. D. PerdieuD. D. Perdieu | |
18941117Saturday, November 17th, 1894 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Mrs. Nancy Short | 44594459 | Nancy ShortNancy Short | |
18941128Wednesday, November 28th, 1894 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Alton Hastings | 24622462 | Alton HastingsAlton Hastings | |
18950117Thursday, January 17th, 1895 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Wm L. Holmes | 44814481 | Mrs. W L HolmesMrs. W L Holmes | |
18950130Wednesday, January 30th, 1895 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Will Swan | 27472747 | Will SwanWill Swan | |
18950212Tuesday, February 12th, 1895 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Mr Will Swan | 27472747 | Will SwanWill Swan | |
18950225Monday, February 25th, 1895 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Mr J A Stephens | 43074307 | J. A. StephensJ. A. Stephens | |
18950614Friday, June 14th, 1895 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Orville Spurgeon | 28852885 | Orville SpurgeonOrville Spurgeon | |
18950720Saturday, July 20th, 1895 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Roy Martin | 28912891 | Roy MartinRoy Martin | |
18950729Monday, July 29th, 1895 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Mr. Bert Bradbury | 11881188 | Burt BradburyBurt Bradbury | |
18950917Tuesday, September 17th, 1895 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Walter Bartlett | 31403140 | Walter BartlettWalter Bartlett | |
18951008Tuesday, October 8th, 1895 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Homer Shaw | 28282828 | Homer ShawHomer Shaw | |
18951119Tuesday, November 19th, 1895 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | C.C. Winingham | 33053305 | C C WinninghamC C Winningham | |
18960111Saturday, January 11th, 1896 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Ora Miller | 28992899 | Ora MillerOra Miller | |
18960213Thursday, February 13th, 1896 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Ulric Hurrle | 43194319 | Ulric HurrleUlric Hurrle | fixed borrower's name (orig. Hurlle) |
18960312Thursday, March 12th, 1896 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Bessie Bunch | 42704270 | Bessie G. BunchBessie G. Bunch | |
18960321Saturday, March 21st, 1896 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Walter Bartlett | 31403140 | Walter BartlettWalter Bartlett | |
18960323Monday, March 23rd, 1896 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Macy Spradling | 44754475 | M. R. SpradlingM. R. Spradling | |
18960413Monday, April 13th, 1896 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Homer Shaw | 28282828 | Homer ShawHomer Shaw | |
18960606Saturday, June 6th, 1896 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Macy Spradling | 44754475 | M. R. SpradlingM. R. Spradling | |
18960627Saturday, June 27th, 1896 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Katie Garst | 11441144 | Katie GarstKatie Garst | |
18961003Saturday, October 3rd, 1896 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Frank Bayless | 33683368 | Frank BaylessFrank Bayless | |
18961010Saturday, October 10th, 1896 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | J. L. Kingsbury | 40264026 | J. L. KingsburyJ. L. Kingsbury | fixed borrower's name (orig. "Kinsbury") |
18961026Monday, October 26th, 1896 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Fred Snyder | 42994299 | Mrs. M. H. GableMrs. M. H. Gable | |
18961114Saturday, November 14th, 1896 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Mary Spradling | 44754475 | M. R. SpradlingM. R. Spradling | |
18961202Wednesday, December 2nd, 1896 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Fred Snyder | 43944394 | Fred SnyderFred Snyder | fixed patron number (orig. 4294) |
18961216Wednesday, December 16th, 1896 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Fred Snyder | 43944394 | Fred SnyderFred Snyder | fixed patron number (orig. 4294) |
18961228Monday, December 28th, 1896 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Claude Reasoner | 35563556 | Claude ReasonerClaude Reasoner | |
18970202Tuesday, February 2nd, 1897 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Austin Case | 20632063 | Arthur CaseArthur Case | |
18970209Tuesday, February 9th, 1897 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Idella Marlin | 28912891 | Roy MartinRoy Martin | |
18970215Monday, February 15th, 1897 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Frank Bayless | 33683368 | Frank BaylessFrank Bayless | |
18970226Friday, February 26th, 1897 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Karl G. Sample | 31303130 | Karl G. SampleKarl G. Sample | |
18970301Monday, March 1st, 1897 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Frank Bayless | 33683368 | Frank BaylessFrank Bayless | |
18970320Saturday, March 20th, 1897 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Mary M Brady | 16211621 | M M BradyM M Brady | |
18970429Thursday, April 29th, 1897 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Mrs Kate Kessler | 14641464 | Kate KesslerKate Kessler | |
18970522Saturday, May 22nd, 1897 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Harry Miller | 45504550 | Harry MillerHarry Miller | |
18970603Thursday, June 3rd, 1897 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Clifford Langdon | 32133213 | Clifford LangdonClifford Langdon | Number 57 marked after patron's name |
18970611Friday, June 11th, 1897 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Loys Saxon | 33403340 | Loys SaxonLoys Saxon | |
18970820Friday, August 20th, 1897 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Frank Burt | 40554055 | Frank E. BurtFrank E. Burt | |
18971231Friday, December 31st, 1897 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | J. F. Kiser | 38643864 | J. F. KiserJ. F. Kiser | |
18980108Saturday, January 8th, 1898 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Fred D Rose | 42294229 | Fred D. RoseFred D. Rose | |
18980121Friday, January 21st, 1898 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Fred Rose | 42294229 | Fred D. RoseFred D. Rose | |
18980129Saturday, January 29th, 1898 | View Page | 1034310343 | Civil government in the United States.Civil government in the United States. | Estella McClelland | 45364536 | Estella McClellandEstella McClelland | |
18980226Saturday, February 26th, 1898 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Katie Garst | 11441144 | Katie GarstKatie Garst | |
18980510Tuesday, May 10th, 1898 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Pearl Gettys | 44854485 | Pearl GettysPearl Gettys | |
18980921Wednesday, September 21st, 1898 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Wallie Moreland | 29432943 | Wattia MarchWattia March | |
18980929Thursday, September 29th, 1898 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Elliott Bayless | 43054305 | Elliott BaylessElliott Bayless | |
18981112Saturday, November 12th, 1898 | View Page | 1034310343 | Civil government in the United States.Civil government in the United States. | Reba Richey | 32233223 | Reba RicheyReba Richey | Number 108 written next to patron's name |
18981222Thursday, December 22nd, 1898 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Walter Smith | 46994699 | Walter SmithWalter Smith | |
18990114Saturday, January 14th, 1899 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Charlie Turner | 47254725 | Charlie TurnerCharlie Turner | |
18990123Monday, January 23rd, 1899 | View Page | 1207812078 | Old Virginia and her neighbors.Old Virginia and her neighbors. | Mrs H M Denslow | 35303530 | Mrs. H. M. DenslowMrs. H. M. Denslow | |
18990128Saturday, January 28th, 1899 | View Page | 1034310343 | Civil government in the United States.Civil government in the United States. | Claude Hughes | 48304830 | Claude HughesClaude Hughes | |
18990131Tuesday, January 31st, 1899 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Fred Leslie | 33523352 | Fred LeslieFred Leslie | |
18990201Wednesday, February 1st, 1899 | View Page | 1207912079 | Old Virginia and her neighbors.Old Virginia and her neighbors. | Mrs H M Denslow | 35303530 | Mrs. H. M. DenslowMrs. H. M. Denslow | |
18990207Tuesday, February 7th, 1899 | View Page | 1207812078 | Old Virginia and her neighbors.Old Virginia and her neighbors. | Mrs Hattie Hamilton | 34373437 | Harriet HamiltonHarriet Hamilton | |
18990216Thursday, February 16th, 1899 | View Page | 1207912079 | Old Virginia and her neighbors.Old Virginia and her neighbors. | Mrs Hattie Hamilton | 34373437 | Harriet HamiltonHarriet Hamilton | |
18990227Monday, February 27th, 1899 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Karl Nutting | 33313331 | Karl NuttingKarl Nutting | |
18990301Wednesday, March 1st, 1899 | View Page | 1207812078 | Old Virginia and her neighbors.Old Virginia and her neighbors. | Mable Ballard | 39613961 | Mabel F. BallardMabel F. Ballard | |
18990306Monday, March 6th, 1899 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Wallie Mercer | 48234823 | Walter MercerWalter Mercer | fixed patron number (orig. 4423) |
18990321Tuesday, March 21st, 1899 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Carl Skinner | 38353835 | Carl SkinnerCarl Skinner | |
18990403Monday, April 3rd, 1899 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Loys Saxon | 33403340 | Loys SaxonLoys Saxon | |
18990805Saturday, August 5th, 1899 | View Page | 1207812078 | Old Virginia and her neighbors.Old Virginia and her neighbors. | Mrs. F. Kingsburry | 38073807 | Florence KingsburryFlorence Kingsburry | |
18990810Thursday, August 10th, 1899 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | J. F. Masters | 35653565 | Victor RefeldVictor Refeld | "(Jane Ward)" written after patron's name |
18991101Wednesday, November 1st, 1899 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Arthur Walling | 38963896 | Arthur WallingArthur Walling | |
18991215Friday, December 15th, 1899 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Warren Mock | 46144614 | Warren MockWarren Mock | |
19000118Thursday, January 18th, 1900 | View Page | 1034310343 | Civil government in the United States.Civil government in the United States. | Mrs Kate Knowlton | 28142814 | Bobbie KnowltonBobbie Knowlton | |
19000207Wednesday, February 7th, 1900 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Walter Smith | 46994699 | Walter SmithWalter Smith | |
19000305Monday, March 5th, 1900 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Morell Bunch | 50365036 | Morrell BunchMorrell Bunch | |
19000310Saturday, March 10th, 1900 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Fred D Rose | 42294229 | Fred D. RoseFred D. Rose | |
19000313Tuesday, March 13th, 1900 | View Page | 1207812078 | Old Virginia and her neighbors.Old Virginia and her neighbors. | Mrs Mary Louick | 0957957 | Mary J. LuickMary J. Luick | |
19000314Wednesday, March 14th, 1900 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Edward Noland | 53945394 | Edward NolandEdward Noland | |
19000317Saturday, March 17th, 1900 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Mrs S O Budd | 0305305 | S. O. BuddS. O. Budd | |
19000412Thursday, April 12th, 1900 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | S.O. Budd | 0305305 | S. O. BuddS. O. Budd | |
19000508Tuesday, May 8th, 1900 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | C.M. Fogle | 54375437 | C. M. FogleC. M. Fogle | |
19000609Saturday, June 9th, 1900 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Arthur Walling | 38963896 | Arthur WallingArthur Walling | |
19000627Wednesday, June 27th, 1900 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Ford Rose | 42294229 | Fred D. RoseFred D. Rose | |
19000709Monday, July 9th, 1900 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Fred Rose | 42294229 | Fred D. RoseFred D. Rose | |
19000911Tuesday, September 11th, 1900 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Simon Humfeldt | 54025402 | Reba HooverReba Hoover | Patron ID "5402" is registered to "Reba Hoover." Patron ID "5404" is registered to "Gilbert Humfeld" and the guarantor is "Simon Humfeld" |
19000915Saturday, September 15th, 1900 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Carrie Andrews | 20652065 | Carrie AndrewsCarrie Andrews | |
19000918Tuesday, September 18th, 1900 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Earl Nutting | 27832783 | Earl NuttingEarl Nutting | |
19001201Saturday, December 1st, 1900 | View Page | 1207812078 | Old Virginia and her neighbors.Old Virginia and her neighbors. | Thomas Larmore | 48634863 | Lucy LarmoreLucy Larmore | |
19010107Monday, January 7th, 1901 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Harold McArthur | 56015601 | Winnie MuirWinnie Muir | |
19010110Thursday, January 10th, 1901 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Wm McMiller | 55845584 | Wm McMillianWm McMillian | |
19010206Wednesday, February 6th, 1901 | View Page | 1207812078 | Old Virginia and her neighbors.Old Virginia and her neighbors. | Mrs. D A. Auter | 47804780 | D. A. AuterD. A. Auter | Book ID 12078 listed twice |
19010415Monday, April 15th, 1901 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Carl Riblett | 56405640 | Carl RiblettCarl Riblett | |
19010416Tuesday, April 16th, 1901 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Ervin Mitchell | 39843984 | Ervin MitchellErvin Mitchell | |
19010601Saturday, June 1st, 1901 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | W. T. Gibbs | 57975797 | W. T. GibbsW. T. Gibbs | Entire transaction crossed out |
19010603Monday, June 3rd, 1901 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | W. T. Gibbs | 57975797 | W. T. GibbsW. T. Gibbs | |
19010610Monday, June 10th, 1901 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Gertrude Boomer | 39343934 | Gertrude BoomerGertrude Boomer | |
19010625Tuesday, June 25th, 1901 | View Page | 1034310343 | Civil government in the United States.Civil government in the United States. | Maude Gray | 57225722 | Maude GrayMaude Gray | |
19010627Thursday, June 27th, 1901 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Hoover Dragoo | 50585058 | Hoover DragooHoover Dragoo | |
19010716Tuesday, July 16th, 1901 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Zulena Wilcoxen | 0699699 | Zulena WilcoxonZulena Wilcoxon | |
19010824Saturday, August 24th, 1901 | View Page | 021702170 | Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based on the doctrine of evolution.Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based on the doctrine of evolution. | Ed Hayward | 51765176 | Edgar HaymondEdgar Haymond | |
19010827Tuesday, August 27th, 1901 | View Page | 021702170 | Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based on the doctrine of evolution.Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based on the doctrine of evolution. | Deo Banta | 54445444 | Deo L. BantaDeo L. Banta | |
19010916Monday, September 16th, 1901 | View Page | 1207812078 | Old Virginia and her neighbors.Old Virginia and her neighbors. | Mrs May Sample | 007878 | Kate WilsonKate Wilson | Book ID 12079 also checked out by patron on same transaction |
19011108Friday, November 8th, 1901 | View Page | 1034310343 | Civil government in the United States.Civil government in the United States. | Ethel Cates | 53755375 | Frank LeonFrank Leon | |
19011230Monday, December 30th, 1901 | View Page | 1207812078 | Old Virginia and her neighbors.Old Virginia and her neighbors. | E.A. Edwards | 45654565 | E. A. EdwardsE. A. Edwards | |
19020114Tuesday, January 14th, 1902 | View Page | 1034310343 | Civil government in the United States.Civil government in the United States. | Arthur Richards | 34523452 | Arthur J. RichardsArthur J. Richards | |
19020513Tuesday, May 13th, 1902 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Clifton Stewart | 61086108 | Clifton StewartClifton Stewart | |
19021015Wednesday, October 15th, 1902 | View Page | 1034310343 | Civil government in the United States.Civil government in the United States. | Edward Noland | 53945394 | Edward NolandEdward Noland | |
19021117Monday, November 17th, 1902 | View Page | 091269126 | Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology.Myths and myth-makers : old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. | Ralph Foehner | 62296229 | Ralph FahrnerRalph Fahrner | |