19000308Thursday, March 8th, 1900 | View Page | 1135611356 | Our county : its history and early settlement by townships : entry of public lands, present owners, reminiscences of pioneer life, etc., with original poems.Our county : its history and early settlement by townships : entry of public lands, present owners, reminiscences of pioneer life, etc., with original poems. | H A Morrow | 53865386 | H. A. MorrowH. A. Morrow | |
19000809Thursday, August 9th, 1900 | View Page | 1135511355 | Our county : its history and early settlement by townships : entry of public lands, present owners, reminiscences of pioneer life, etc., with original poems.Our county : its history and early settlement by townships : entry of public lands, present owners, reminiscences of pioneer life, etc., with original poems. | Edward Noland | 53945394 | Edward NolandEdward Noland | |
19000828Tuesday, August 28th, 1900 | View Page | 1135511355 | Our county : its history and early settlement by townships : entry of public lands, present owners, reminiscences of pioneer life, etc., with original poems.Our county : its history and early settlement by townships : entry of public lands, present owners, reminiscences of pioneer life, etc., with original poems. | Gilbert Woodyard | 54405440 | Gilbert WoodyardGilbert Woodyard | |
19010215Friday, February 15th, 1901 | View Page | 1135511355 | Our county : its history and early settlement by townships : entry of public lands, present owners, reminiscences of pioneer life, etc., with original poems.Our county : its history and early settlement by townships : entry of public lands, present owners, reminiscences of pioneer life, etc., with original poems. | Mrs R. A. Callison | 52975297 | Mrs. R. A. CallisonMrs. R. A. Callison | |
19010527Monday, May 27th, 1901 | View Page | 1135511355 | Our county : its history and early settlement by townships : entry of public lands, present owners, reminiscences of pioneer life, etc., with original poems.Our county : its history and early settlement by townships : entry of public lands, present owners, reminiscences of pioneer life, etc., with original poems. | R. C. Elahauyer | 56485648 | R. C. ElabargerR. C. Elabarger | |
19011123Saturday, November 23rd, 1901 | View Page | 1135611356 | Our county : its history and early settlement by townships : entry of public lands, present owners, reminiscences of pioneer life, etc., with original poems.Our county : its history and early settlement by townships : entry of public lands, present owners, reminiscences of pioneer life, etc., with original poems. | Mrs. Jas Reiley | 59565956 | Mrs. Jas. ReileyMrs. Jas. Reiley | |