Accession # 8383 Title: Samantha-at-Saratoga Author: Marietta Holly (Josiah Allen's wife) Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 161
Accession # 8383
Accession Date Standardized Date: Monday, October 17th, 1892
Written Text: Oct 17 1892
Discard Date Standardized Date:
Written Text:
Book Information Author: Marietta Holly (Josiah Allen's wife)
Title: Samantha-at-Saratoga
Where Published: Phila Pa. Publisher: When Published: 1891 # Vols: 1 Size: 12 # Pages: 588 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: Purchased by City Cost: Nature of Origin: Additional Info:

+Book Record

Author Holley, Marietta, 1836-1926. Pen Name:
Title: Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Where Published: Philadelphia, PA
Additional Info:

+Transaction History (99)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19020915Monday, September 15th, 1902View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Seymour Cohen30443044S. B. SampsonS. B. Sampson
19020823Saturday, August 23rd, 1902View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Pearl Buck54155415Pearl BuckPearl Buck
19020808Friday, August 8th, 1902View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Pearl Buck54155415Pearl BuckPearl Buck
19020616Monday, June 16th, 1902View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs. H.L. Beardsley31213121Harriet F BeardsleyHarriet F Beardsley
19020602Monday, June 2nd, 1902View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs. H.F. Beardsley31213121Harriet F BeardsleyHarriet F Beardsley
19020516Friday, May 16th, 1902View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Herbert Houze34943494Herbert HouzeHerbert Houze
19020502Friday, May 2nd, 1902View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Herbert Houze34943494Herbert HouzeHerbert Houze
19020303Monday, March 3rd, 1902View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".W.S. Howard57075707W. S. HowardW. S. Howard
19020218Tuesday, February 18th, 1902View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Oscar Hedger53175317Oscar HedgerOscar Hedger
19020201Saturday, February 1st, 1902View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Victor Carver59145914Victor CarverVictor Carverfixed patron number (orig. 4914)
19020129Wednesday, January 29th, 1902View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Marguerite Langford58175817Marg LangfordMarg Langford
19020107Tuesday, January 7th, 1902View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs. Ella Douglass59845984Ella. DouglassElla. Douglass
19010830Friday, August 30th, 1901View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Florence Kennedy58365836Florence KennedyFlorence Kennedy
19010409Tuesday, April 9th, 1901View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Kate M Garst39543954May KellerMay Keller
19010210Sunday, February 10th, 1901View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Con Hanley56725672Con HanleyCon Hanley
18990325Saturday, March 25th, 1899View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Archie Reece35843584Archie RaceArchie RaceNumber 18 written next to patron's name
18990317Friday, March 17th, 1899View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Carl Skinner38353835Carl SkinnerCarl Skinner
18990227Monday, February 27th, 1899View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Pearl Scott49174917Pearl ScottPearl Scott
18990223Thursday, February 23rd, 1899View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs Kate Knowlton28142814Bobbie KnowltonBobbie Knowlton"Quox" written after patron's name
18990206Monday, February 6th, 1899View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Clara Jane Craner49614961Miss. Clara J CranerMiss. Clara J Craner
18990128Saturday, January 28th, 1899View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Maude Farrington49554955Maud FarringtonMaud Farrington
18981202Friday, December 2nd, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mable McComb48444844Mabel McCombMabel McComb
18981118Friday, November 18th, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mable McComb48444844Mabel McCombMabel McComb
18981029Saturday, October 29th, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Guy Tweedy33083308Guy TweedyGuy Tweedy
18981013Thursday, October 13th, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Chester Hazer48114811Chester HazerChester Hazer
18980919Monday, September 19th, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Maude Hammers47944794Maude HammersMaude Hammers
18980906Tuesday, September 6th, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Gertrude Boomer39343934Gertrude BoomerGertrude Boomer
18980831Wednesday, August 31st, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Kittie Smith47484748kittie smithkittie smith
18980822Monday, August 22nd, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Omer Mitchell24522452Omer MitchellOmer Mitchell
18980804Thursday, August 4th, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs. E. Q. Thayer47344734Mrs. E. Q. ThayerMrs. E. Q. Thayer
18980727Wednesday, July 27th, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".E. W. Turner36473647E. W. YounceE. W. YounceNumber 51written after patron's name
18980706Wednesday, July 6th, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".A H Olin43024302A. H. OlinA. H. Olin
18980525Wednesday, May 25th, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mary B. Craig33863386Mary CraigMary Craig
18980511Wednesday, May 11th, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mary B. Craig33863386Mary CraigMary Craig
18980425Monday, April 25th, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs Jessie Richeypatron ID partially illegible: 425?
18980411Monday, April 11th, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Walter Chambers36523652Walter ChambersWalter Chambers
18980402Saturday, April 2nd, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Lizzie Hardie34953495Lizzie HardieLizzie Hardie
18980319Saturday, March 19th, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Lizzie Hardie34953495Lizzie HardieLizzie Hardie
18980305Saturday, March 5th, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs. Emma Huber34203420Emma ThompsonEmma Thompson
18980226Saturday, February 26th, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs Alice Vickery40314031Mrs. Alice VickeryMrs. Alice Vickery
18980115Saturday, January 15th, 1898View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Joseph Booker38873887Jef BrookerJef Brooker
18971213Monday, December 13th, 1897View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Sam'l Sutton38043804S. R. SuttonS. R. Sutton
18971127Saturday, November 27th, 1897View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".James F. Smith37573757James F. SmithJames F. Smith
18971112Friday, November 12th, 1897View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Emma Helvie45554555Emma HelvieEmma Helvie
18971025Monday, October 25th, 1897View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".F. E. Chandler37863786F. E. ChandlerF. E. Chandler
18971007Thursday, October 7th, 1897View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Ms. Mary Neal31153115Mrs. Mary NealMrs. Mary Neal
18970818Wednesday, August 18th, 1897View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Ms. T. H. Gracey26592659Mrs. D. L. GraceyMrs. D. L. Gracey
18970715Thursday, July 15th, 1897View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".George Hottinger27952795Katie HottingerKatie Hottinger
18970619Saturday, June 19th, 1897View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs Mary Hopping15791579Mary A. HoppingMary A. Hopping
18970527Thursday, May 27th, 1897View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Harry Ault34873487Harry AultHarry Ault
18970419Monday, April 19th, 1897View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Herschel Greer40614061Herschel GreerHerschel Greer
18970412Monday, April 12th, 1897View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".E A Voil36853685E. A. VailE. A. Vail
18970323Tuesday, March 23rd, 1897View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs. C H Church30373037Mrs. C. H. ChurchMrs. C. H. Church
18970227Saturday, February 27th, 1897View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs. Elsie Best34823482Mrs. Elsie BestMrs. Elsie Best
18970210Wednesday, February 10th, 1897View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Bird Richardson35413541Miss. Bird RichardsonMiss. Bird Richardson
18970123Saturday, January 23rd, 1897View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs. H. Reynolds32013201Mrs. H. ReynoldsMrs. H. Reynolds
18970102Saturday, January 2nd, 1897View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".J.P. Moher32753275J. P. MaherJ. P. Maher
18961219Saturday, December 19th, 1896View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Lizzie Diermiller45624562Lizzie DiermillerLizzie Diermiller
18961202Wednesday, December 2nd, 1896View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Ella Anderson34663466Ella AndersonElla Anderson
18961022Thursday, October 22nd, 1896View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs Mary Hopping15791579Mary A. HoppingMary A. Hopping
18960928Monday, September 28th, 1896View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Albert Ault32223222Albert AultAlbert Ault
18960829Saturday, August 29th, 1896View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Nora McLain42364236Nora McLainNora McLain
18960815Saturday, August 15th, 1896View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Lillian Thomas45864586Mrs. Lillian ThomasMrs. Lillian Thomas
18960807Friday, August 7th, 1896View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Fred Jewelt30163016Miss. Sue StevensonMiss. Sue Stevenson
18960729Wednesday, July 29th, 1896View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Lizzie Jones27222722Lizzie JonesLizzie Jones
18960723Thursday, July 23rd, 1896View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs. Lizzie Shea47174717Lizzie SheaLizzie Shea
18960714Tuesday, July 14th, 1896View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Daisy Richard34743474Daisy RichardsDaisy Richards
18960527Wednesday, May 27th, 1896View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Cleora Shuttleworth43344334Clara ShuttleworthClara Shuttleworth
18960518Monday, May 18th, 1896View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Loys Saxon33403340Loys SaxonLoys Saxonlast name indicated by ditto marks
18960501Friday, May 1st, 1896View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Harry Ward44154415Harry WardHarry Ward
18960406Monday, April 6th, 1896View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Elmer E. Sutton32033203Elmer E. SuttonElmer E. Sutton
18960319Thursday, March 19th, 1896View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs Lida Donson30513051Mrs. Lida DonsonMrs. Lida Donson
18960309Monday, March 9th, 1896View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Guy Sutton33203320Guy SuttonGuy Sutton
18960222Saturday, February 22nd, 1896View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mr S.W. McGwin33953395S. W. McGwainS. W. McGwain
18951219Thursday, December 19th, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Margaret Young45164516Margaret YoungMargaret Young
18951111Monday, November 11th, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs Lizzie Jewett42414241Mrs. Frank JewettMrs. Frank Jewett
18951108Friday, November 8th, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Lily Snyder26322632Lily SnyderLily Snyder
18951026Saturday, October 26th, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs. G.W. Peterson44654465Geo. N. PetersonGeo. N. Peterson
18950831Saturday, August 31st, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Lois Hobson46674667Lois HobsonLois Hobson
18950824Saturday, August 24th, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".C.A. Calvert10991099C A CalvertC A Calvertfixed patron number (org. 1079)
18950807Wednesday, August 7th, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Georgie Cole42464246Georgia ColeGeorgia Cole"July 7" recorded as date but should be "August 7"
18950722Monday, July 22nd, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs. H.F. Beardsly31213121Harriet F BeardsleyHarriet F Beardsley
18950708Monday, July 8th, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs. H. F. Beardsley31213121Harriet F BeardsleyHarriet F Beardsley
18950627Thursday, June 27th, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Charles Beardsly12011201Charles BeardslyCharles Beardslyfixed borrower's name (orig. "Beardsley")
18950613Thursday, June 13th, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Charles Beardsly12011201Charles BeardslyCharles Beardslyfixed borrower's name (orig. "Beardsley")
18950603Monday, June 3rd, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Harry Ward44154415Harry WardHarry Ward
18950521Tuesday, May 21st, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".J. H. Fenton46974697J. H. FentonJ. H. Fenton
18950409Tuesday, April 9th, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs. J. C. Leatherman43584358Mrs. J. C. LeathermanMrs. J. C. Leathermanfixed borrower's name (orig. Keothine)
18950325Monday, March 25th, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Sam'l Higgitt43724372Samuel HiggittSamuel Higgittfixed borrower's name (orig. Higgett)
18950312Tuesday, March 12th, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mr. N.G. Francis43484348Mrs. N. G. FrancisMrs. N. G. Francis
18950211Monday, February 11th, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".George Stephenson44394439Geo. W. StephensonGeo. W. Stephenson
18950202Saturday, February 2nd, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mr A. W. Carey43324332Mr. A. W. CareyMr. A. W. Carey
18950114Monday, January 14th, 1895View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mrs Alice Vickery40314031Mrs. Alice VickeryMrs. Alice Vickeryfixed borrower's name (orig. "Vickey")
18941229Saturday, December 29th, 1894View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Maggie McBreen44704470Maggie McBreenMaggie McBreen
18941226Wednesday, December 26th, 1894View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mr F. R. Merrell45734573F. R. MerrellF. R. Merrell
18941211Tuesday, December 11th, 1894View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mr G. E. Hill43114311G. Edw. HillG. Edw. Hill
18941210Monday, December 10th, 1894View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Fannie James43454345Fannie JamesFannie James
18941124Saturday, November 24th, 1894View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Mable Reigle45334533Mabel ReigleMabel Reigle
18941106Tuesday, November 6th, 1894View Page083838383Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Samantha at Saratoga, or, "Flirtin' with fashion".Miss Bertha Wood21382138Miss. Bertha WoodMiss. Bertha Wood