Accession # 8982 Title: John Bodewin's Testimony Author: Foote, Mary Hallock Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 177
Accession # 8982
Accession Date Standardized Date: Friday, July 27th, 1894
Written Text: July 27, 1894
Discard Date Standardized Date:
Written Text:
Book Information Author: Foote, Mary Hallock
Title: John Bodewin's Testimony
Where Published: Boston, Mass Publisher: When Published: 1886 # Vols: 1 Size: 12 # Pages: 344 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: Purchased by City Cost: $1.16 Nature of Origin: Additional Info:

+Book Record

Author Foote, Mary Hallock, 1847-1938. Pen Name:
Title: John Bodewin's testimony.
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Where Published: Boston, MA
Additional Info:

+Transaction History (57)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19021122Saturday, November 22nd, 1902View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Mrs. W.G. Morgan62996299Catherine BellryanCatherine Bellryan
19021115Saturday, November 15th, 1902View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Bessie Braunell57195719Anna StuckeyAnna Stuckey
19021113Thursday, November 13th, 1902View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Lon M. Neely0803803Lon M. NeelyLon M. Neely
19021028Tuesday, October 28th, 1902View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.H.W. Lingle42104210H. F. LingleH. F. Lingle
19021017Friday, October 17th, 1902View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Lyle Turner54725472Lyle TurnerLyle Turner
19011129Friday, November 29th, 1901View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Carl Bartle39153915Carl BartleCarl Bartle
19010313Wednesday, March 13th, 1901View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Carolyn Cohn37423742Carrie CohnCarrie Cohn
19010311Monday, March 11th, 1901View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Dr. A J Phinney11031103A. J. PhinneyA. J. Phinney
19010306Wednesday, March 6th, 1901View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Clifford Bower38723872Clifford BowerClifford Bower
18991214Thursday, December 14th, 1899View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Mrs Bertha Gilliam49684968Mrs. Bertha GilliamMrs. Bertha Gilliam
18990106Friday, January 6th, 1899View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Will Arnold44604460Willie ArnoldWillie Arnold
18990105Thursday, January 5th, 1899View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.L.E. Williams46394639L. E. WilliamsL. E. Williams
18980521Saturday, May 21st, 1898View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Carolyn Cohn37423742Carrie CohnCarrie Cohn
18980514Saturday, May 14th, 1898View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Ruth Winters33893389Ruth WintersRuth Winters
18980430Saturday, April 30th, 1898View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Janet Turner38503850Janett TurnerJanett Turner
18980405Tuesday, April 5th, 1898View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Mrs A M Sawvain38863886A M SanvamA M Sanvam
18980301Tuesday, March 1st, 1898View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Florence Campbell37283728Florance CampbellFlorance Campbell
18980222Tuesday, February 22nd, 1898View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Frank Riegle24842484Frak RiegleFrak Riegle
18971218Saturday, December 18th, 1897View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Fred Fisher34573457Fred FisherFred Fisher
18971004Monday, October 4th, 1897View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Ella Carey31703170Ella CareyElla Carey
18970813Friday, August 13th, 1897View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Loring Tyner0590590C. TynerC. TynerPatron ID of C. Tyner
18970730Friday, July 30th, 1897View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Claude Smith32713271Claud SmithClaud Smith
18970605Saturday, June 5th, 1897View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Mrs E K Keuchman0981981E. K. KuechmannE. K. Kuechmann
18970517Monday, May 17th, 1897View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.I B Saxon33253325I. B. SaxonI. B. Saxon
18970410Saturday, April 10th, 1897View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.M D Garrett44464446Mr. M. D. GarrettMr. M. D. Garrett
18970329Monday, March 29th, 1897View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Valery Payton39353935C. E. BurnettC. E. Burnett
18970206Saturday, February 6th, 1897View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Clara Walker34433443Clara WalkerClara Walker
18970118Monday, January 18th, 1897View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Dr. I N. Trent45304530I. N. TrentI. N. Trent
18961216Wednesday, December 16th, 1896View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.A. N. Shuttleworth18981898A N ShuttleworthA N Shuttleworth
18961202Wednesday, December 2nd, 1896View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.A. N. Shuttleworth18981898A N ShuttleworthA N Shuttleworth
18961121Saturday, November 21st, 1896View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Chas Blease32143214Chas BleaseChas Blease
18960926Saturday, September 26th, 1896View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Mrs. Florence Blease33633363Florence BleaseFlorence Blease
18960921Monday, September 21st, 1896View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Dwight Denslow34993499Dwight DenslowDwight Denslow
18960609Tuesday, June 9th, 1896View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Mrs Nellie Spooner33583358Nellie SpoonerNellie Spooner
18960201Saturday, February 1st, 1896View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Vida Cassady23442344Vida CassadyVida Cassady
18960114Tuesday, January 14th, 1896View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Mrs Lizzie Banks28532853Lizzie BanksLizzie Banks
18960106Monday, January 6th, 1896View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.May Thomas42744274Mae ThomasMae Thomas
18960103Friday, January 3rd, 1896View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Mrs C B Lingle42394239Mrs. Cora B. LingleMrs. Cora B. Lingle
18951213Friday, December 13th, 1895View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Geo. E. Hill43114311G. Edw. HillG. Edw. Hill
18951129Friday, November 29th, 1895View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Robt Hemingray25332533Mark CarvelMark Carvel
18951109Saturday, November 9th, 1895View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Mamie Case16361636Mamie WilsonMamie Wilson
18951026Saturday, October 26th, 1895View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.D K Freeman30003000D. K. FreemanD. K. Freeman
18951012Saturday, October 12th, 1895View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Mrs. G.C. Janney31933193Mrs. G. C. JanneyMrs. G. C. Janney
18951002Wednesday, October 2nd, 1895View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Mrs S.C. Goshorn26752675Mrs. S. L. GoshornMrs. S. L. Goshorn
18950518Saturday, May 18th, 1895View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Mr. J. M. Gable42984298J. M. GableJ. M. Gable
18950419Friday, April 19th, 1895View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Lucy Larimore40404040Mrs. Thos. LarimoreMrs. Thos. Larimorefixed borrower's name (orig. "Larmore")
18950412Friday, April 12th, 1895View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Kate Garst11441144Katie GarstKatie Garst"42" written after patron's name
18950401Monday, April 1st, 1895View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Lora M. Neely0803803Lon M. NeelyLon M. Neely
18950323Saturday, March 23rd, 1895View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.H. M. Winans002727H. M. WinansH. M. Winans
18950302Saturday, March 2nd, 1895View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Katie Keuchman26072607Katie KuechmannKatie Kuechmann
18950209Saturday, February 9th, 1895View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Mrs Ed Bishop18381838Elsie BishopElsie Bishop
18950116Wednesday, January 16th, 1895View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Miss M Hickok44424442Mae HickokMae Hickok
18950110Thursday, January 10th, 1895View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Ethel Brady28602860Ethel BradyEthel Brady
18941215Saturday, December 15th, 1894View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Wm Patterson0160160Will M. PattersonWill M. Patterson
18941203Monday, December 3rd, 1894View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Miss L. Kusick30393039Lizzie KusickLizzie Kusick
18941124Saturday, November 24th, 1894View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Mrs F. G. Brownell41084108Mrs. F G BrownellMrs. F G Brownellfixed borrower's name (orig. Brownwell)
18941110Saturday, November 10th, 1894View Page089828982John Bodewin's testimony.John Bodewin's testimony.Omer Mitchel24522452Omer MitchellOmer Mitchell