Accession # 9639 Title: The second jungle book Author: Kipling, Rudyard Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 194
Accession # 9639
Accession Date Standardized Date: Wednesday, January 22nd, 1896
Written Text: Jan. 22, 1896
Discard Date Standardized Date: Friday, March 1st, 1912
Written Text: March 1912
Book Information Author: Kipling, Rudyard
Title: The second jungle book
Where Published: New York Publisher: When Published: 1895 # Vols: 2 Size: 12 # Pages: 324 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: City of Muncie Cost: $1.15 Nature of Origin: Additional Info:

+Book Record

Author Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936. Pen Name:
Title: The second jungle book.
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Where Published: New York, NY
Additional Info:

+Transaction History (84)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19021029Wednesday, October 29th, 1902View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Robert Best61646164Robert BestRobert Best
19020628Saturday, June 28th, 1902View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Myrtle Gettys55265526Ivy Myrtle GettysIvy Myrtle Gettys
19020405Saturday, April 5th, 1902View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Wm Steinberg60946094William SteinbergWilliam Steinberg
19020301Saturday, March 1st, 1902View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Carrie Little60096009Miss. Carrie LittleMiss. Carrie Little
19020115Wednesday, January 15th, 1902View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Clarence McCreery59835983Clarence McCreeryClarence McCreery
19011120Wednesday, November 20th, 1901View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Maybelle Batey58395839Maybelle BateyMaybelle Batey
19011107Thursday, November 7th, 1901View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Edna Heckenhouer52455245Edna HeckenhouerEdna Heckenhouer
19011011Friday, October 11th, 1901View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Irving Morrow55635563Lee M. GlassLee M. Glass
19010514Tuesday, May 14th, 1901View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Emma Walling39983998Emma WallingEmma Walling
19010502Thursday, May 2nd, 1901View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Flora B Walling39983998Emma WallingEmma WallingLine crossed through entire transaction entry
19010328Thursday, March 28th, 1901View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Irwin Morrow55635563Lee M. GlassLee M. Glass
19010226Tuesday, February 26th, 1901View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Ethel Johnson49314931Ethel JohnsonEthel Johnson
19010124Thursday, January 24th, 1901View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Virginia Claypool29282928Virginia ClaypoolVirginia Claypool
19001207Friday, December 7th, 1900View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Virginia Claypool29282928Virginia ClaypoolVirginia Claypool
19001126Monday, November 26th, 1900View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.W. P. Stevens56105610W. P. StevensW. P. Stevens
19001119Monday, November 19th, 1900View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Rev. Geo Sisson55475547Geo. H. SissonGeo. H. Sisson
19001015Monday, October 15th, 1900View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Harry Johnson31513151Harry JohnsonHarry Johnson
19000510Thursday, May 10th, 1900View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Bessie Harris54295429Bessie HarrisBessie Harris
19000228Wednesday, February 28th, 1900View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Rev J H McNeill53165316J. H. Mac NeillJ. H. Mac Neill
19000129Monday, January 29th, 1900View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Guy Tweedy33083308Guy TweedyGuy Tweedy
18991226Tuesday, December 26th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.French Jolliffe48434843Frenda JolliffeFrenda Jolliffe
18991206Wednesday, December 6th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Frank Harrold51785178Frank HarroldFrank Harrold
18991128Tuesday, November 28th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Lillian Bain50465046Lilian BainLilian Bain
18991114Tuesday, November 14th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Lillian Borin50465046Lilian BainLilian Bain
18991103Friday, November 3rd, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Leonard Leslie49794979Leonard LeslieLeonard Leslie
18991027Friday, October 27th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Roscoe Jones51675167Roscoe RossRoscoe Ross
18991025Wednesday, October 25th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Roscoe Lorentz39273927Roscoe LorentzRoscoe Lorentz
18991013Friday, October 13th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Frank Davis38823882Frank DavisFrank Davis
18990928Thursday, September 28th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Emma Gouden20572057Emma GoodinEmma Goodin
18990914Thursday, September 14th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Emma Gordon20572057Emma GoodinEmma Goodin
18990817Thursday, August 17th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Harry Ault34873487Harry AultHarry Ault"37" written after patron's name
18990811Friday, August 11th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Harold Patterson51295129Harold PattersonHarold Patterson
18990429Saturday, April 29th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Beulah McElfresh33363336Miss. Beulah McElfreshMiss. Beulah McElfresh
18990415Saturday, April 15th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Paul Richey21962196Albert RicheyAlbert Richey"2 Jufe" written next to patron's name
18990406Thursday, April 6th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Mrs Fannie Cohn37433743Mrs. Fannie CohnMrs. Fannie Cohn
18990330Thursday, March 30th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Herbert Smith31493149Herbert H. SmithHerbert H. SmithNumber 76 written next to patron's name
18990317Friday, March 17th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Rose Martin49894989Rose MartinRose Martin
18990309Thursday, March 9th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Frank Everett0175175Frank EverettFrank Everett
18990222Wednesday, February 22nd, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.W.A. Burton39803980W. A. BurtonW. A. Burton
18990210Friday, February 10th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Jacob Vogt23242324Jacob VogtJacob Vogt
18990128Saturday, January 28th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.J.A. Harvey36343634J. A. HarveyJ. A. Harvey
18990127Friday, January 27th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.L.E. Williams46394639L. E. WilliamsL. E. Williams
18990123Monday, January 23rd, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Frank Host49744974Frank HostFrank Host
18990107Saturday, January 7th, 1899View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Mary Powers37923792Mary PowersMary Powers
18981216Friday, December 16th, 1898View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Will Crawford28122812Willie CrawfordWillie Crawford
18981119Saturday, November 19th, 1898View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Mrs Sarah Goodin003434Belle ThomasBelle Thomasdash marked after patron ID
18981112Saturday, November 12th, 1898View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Edgar Freeman38493849Edgar FreemanEdgar Freeman
18981104Friday, November 4th, 1898View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.G N Peterson44654465Geo. N. PetersonGeo. N. Peterson
18981029Saturday, October 29th, 1898View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Carl Skinner38353835Carl SkinnerCarl Skinner
18981026Wednesday, October 26th, 1898View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Guy Tweedy33083308Guy TweedyGuy Tweedy
18981011Tuesday, October 11th, 1898View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.S.O. Budd0305305S. O. BuddS. O. Budd
18980920Tuesday, September 20th, 1898View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Pearl Perkins34323432Pearl PerkinsPearl Perkins
18980912Monday, September 12th, 1898View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Mrs Sarah Goodin34893489Sarah GoodinSarah Goodin
18980827Saturday, August 27th, 1898View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Marian Case24172417Miriam CaseMiriam Case
18980803Wednesday, August 3rd, 1898View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Marie Case24172417Miriam CaseMiriam Case
18980722Friday, July 22nd, 1898View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Miriam Case24172417Miriam CaseMiriam Case
18980711Monday, July 11th, 1898View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Adgie Kelly30913091Aggie KellyAggie Kelly
18980514Saturday, May 14th, 1898View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Ralph Fohrner35993599Ralph FahrnerRalph Fahrner
18980409Saturday, April 9th, 1898View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Madge Walling16521652Mary WallingMary Walling"2 Jungle" ? listed as book ID; does not appear to be magazine title
18980326Saturday, March 26th, 1898View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Madge Walling16521652Mary WallingMary Walling
18980224Thursday, February 24th, 1898View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Mrs E White43894389Mrs. E. M. WhiteMrs. E. M. Whitefixed patron number (orig. 4387)
18980209Wednesday, February 9th, 1898View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.H H Wolf37713771H. H. WolfH. H. Wolfentire transaction crossed out
18971129Monday, November 29th, 1897View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Ray Martin28912891Roy MartinRoy Martin
18970821Saturday, August 21st, 1897View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Clifford Langdon32133213Clifford LangdonClifford Langdon
18970223Tuesday, February 23rd, 1897View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Herbert Houze34943494Herbert HouzeHerbert Houze
18970202Tuesday, February 2nd, 1897View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Claude Smith32713271Claud SmithClaud Smith
18961111Wednesday, November 11th, 1896View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Jimmy Ross41734173Jimmy RossJimmy Ross
18961017Saturday, October 17th, 1896View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Harry Ward44154415Harry WardHarry Ward
18960926Saturday, September 26th, 1896View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Merril Skinner43804380Merril SkinnerMerril Skinner
18960827Thursday, August 27th, 1896View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Jimmie Baldwin30873087Jimmie BaldwinJimmie Baldwin
18960804Tuesday, August 4th, 1896View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Mrs Sarah Cohen33763376Bessie CohenBessie Cohenpatron ID of Bessie Cohen
18960724Friday, July 24th, 1896View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Lida Neville40324032Mrs. Lida NevilleMrs. Lida Nevillefixed borrower's name (orig. "Neterills")
18960509Saturday, May 9th, 1896View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Mrs Eliz Gable46334633Elizabeth GableElizabeth Gable
18960418Saturday, April 18th, 1896View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Mrs A.S. Templer33813381Addison TemplerAddison Templer
18960409Thursday, April 9th, 1896View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Albert Richey21962196Albert RicheyAlbert Richey
18960331Tuesday, March 31st, 1896View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Robt Roof47014701Robert RoofRobert Roof
18960311Wednesday, March 11th, 1896View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Robbie Scott29862986Robbie ScottRobbie Scott
18960302Monday, March 2nd, 1896View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Ashley Hemingray27982798Ashley HemingrayAshley Hemingray
18960229Saturday, February 29th, 1896View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Ray Thornburg40004000Ray ThornburgRay Thornburg
18960215Saturday, February 15th, 1896View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.John McMillen25342534Allie L. McMillanAllie L. McMillan
18960204Tuesday, February 4th, 1896View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Mrs Jennie Boomer42944294Mrs. Jennie EvansMrs. Jennie Evans
18960131Friday, January 31st, 1896View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Herschel Greer40614061Herschel GreerHerschel Greer
18960127Monday, January 27th, 1896View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Dwight Green29462946Charlie KiserCharlie Kiser
18960125Saturday, January 25th, 1896View Page096399639The second jungle book.The second jungle book.Charles Blease32143214Chas BleaseChas Blease