Patron # 2346 Patron Name: Wachtell, Hallie Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 132 Date Joined Thursday, January 14th,1886 Patron # 2346
Patron Information Name Hallie Wachtell Nickname Residence West Adams st
Guarantor Information Name J A Wachtell Residence West Adams st
Relationship to patron
Additional Info

+Supplemental Data

City Directory Name Address River Side ave, River Side Occupation Directory Year 1893
Additional Info
Census Data Name
Background Information Race Sex Female Marital Status # Years Married
Origin Info Birthplace Year of Birth
Birthplace of Father Birthplace of Mother
Naturalization Status Year of Immigration
Residence Info Residential Status # Boarders # Servants
Occupation Info Occupation
Occupation Note
Occupation Group Occupational Rank
Additional Info no listing

+Transaction History (14)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
18980730Saturday, July 30th, 1898View Page1041110411Remember the Alamo.Remember the Alamo.Hallie Wachtell23462346Hallie WachtellHallie Wachtell
18980709Saturday, July 9th, 1898View Page1026510265Prisoners of conscience.Prisoners of conscience.Hallie Wachtell23462346Hallie WachtellHallie Wachtell
18980627Monday, June 27th, 1898View Page1031310313The queen of Sheba.The queen of Sheba.Hallie Wachtell23462346Hallie WachtellHallie Wachtell
18980528Saturday, May 28th, 1898View Page1051510515A son of Hagar : a romance of our timeA son of Hagar : a romance of our timeHallie Wachtell23462346Hallie WachtellHallie Wachtell
18980521Saturday, May 21st, 1898View Page089868986Don Orsino.Don Orsino.Hallie Wachtell23462346Hallie WachtellHallie Wachtell
18980507Saturday, May 7th, 1898View Page089878987Sant' Ilario.Sant' Ilario.Hallie Wachtell23462346Hallie WachtellHallie Wachtell
18980430Saturday, April 30th, 1898View Page086598659Saracinesca.Saracinesca.Hallie Wachtell23462346Hallie WachtellHallie Wachtell
18980416Saturday, April 16th, 1898View Page1044210442The cloister and the hearth : or, Maid, wife, and widow; a matter-of-fact romance.The cloister and the hearth : or, Maid, wife, and widow; a matter-of-fact romance.Hallie Wachtell23462346Hallie WachtellHallie Wachtell
18980409Saturday, April 9th, 1898View Page082488248Lake Bonneville.Lake Bonneville.Hallie Wachtell23462346Hallie WachtellHallie Wachtell
18980402Saturday, April 2nd, 1898View Page031593159Hidden perils.Hidden perils.Hallie Wachtell23462346Hallie WachtellHallie Wachtell
18980324Thursday, March 24th, 1898View Page090469046The lady with the rubies.The lady with the rubies.Hattie Wachtell23462346Hallie WachtellHallie Wachtell
18980316Wednesday, March 16th, 1898View Page1040410404Amos Judd.Amos Judd.Hallie Wachtell23462346Hallie WachtellHallie Wachtell
18980303Thursday, March 3rd, 1898View Page1022610226All adrift, or, The Goldwing Club.All adrift, or, The Goldwing Club.Hallie Wachtell23462346Hallie WachtellHallie Wachtellnumber 19 marked next to patron's name
18980224Thursday, February 24th, 1898View Page1052010520A rose of yesterday.A rose of yesterday.Hallie Wachtell23462346Hallie WachtellHallie Wachtell