18970419Monday, April 19th, 1897 | View Page | 084318431 | Joe Wayring at home, or, The adventures of a fly-rod.Joe Wayring at home, or, The adventures of a fly-rod. | Arthur Ward | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |
18970320Saturday, March 20th, 1897 | View Page | 086728672 | The silence of Dean Maitland : a novel.The silence of Dean Maitland : a novel. | Mrs. Mag Bottwell | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |
18970318Thursday, March 18th, 1897 | View Page | 086508650 | That beautiful wretch : a Brighton story.That beautiful wretch : a Brighton story. | Mrs. Mary Batterall | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |
18970303Wednesday, March 3rd, 1897 | View Page | 084418441 | Ester Ried yet speaking.Ester Ried yet speaking. | Mrs. M. Battreall | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |
18970301Monday, March 1st, 1897 | View Page | 010001000 | Ester Ried : asleep and awake.Ester Ried : asleep and awake. | Mrs. May Battreall | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |
18970226Friday, February 26th, 1897 | View Page | 084428442 | Three people.Three people. | Mrs. May Battreall | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |
18970219Friday, February 19th, 1897 | View Page | 084408440 | Christie's Christmas.Christie's Christmas. | Mrs Mary Batteroll | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |
18970217Wednesday, February 17th, 1897 | View Page | 084388438 | The king's daughter.The king's daughter. | Mrs. Mary Batterall | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |
18970213Saturday, February 13th, 1897 | View Page | 00872872 | A simple story.A simple story. | Mrs. Mary Bothwell | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | "71" is written above patron last name. |
18970116Saturday, January 16th, 1897 | View Page | 086498649 | My heart's darling.My heart's darling. | Mrs. Mary Bothratt | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |
18961231Thursday, December 31st, 1896 | View Page | 085348534 | A penniless girl : a novel.A penniless girl : a novel. | Mrs. Mary Bothwelt | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |
18961223Wednesday, December 23rd, 1896 | View Page | 066016601 | Twice-told tales.Twice-told tales. | Mrs. Mary Bollervile | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |
18961219Saturday, December 19th, 1896 | View Page | 098169816 | Madcap Violet.Madcap Violet. | Mrs May Botherall | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |
18961209Wednesday, December 9th, 1896 | View Page | 085218521 | A daughter of Heth.A daughter of Heth. | Mrs May Battreall | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |
18961203Thursday, December 3rd, 1896 | View Page | 085298529 | A fair barbarian.A fair barbarian. | Mrs May Battreall | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |
18961119Thursday, November 19th, 1896 | View Page | 085008500 | The English orphans : or A home in the New world.The English orphans : or A home in the New world. | Mrs. Mary Battreall | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |
18961112Thursday, November 12th, 1896 | View Page | 083848384 | Josiah Allen's wife as a P.A. and P.I. : Samantha at the Centennial. Designed as a bright and shining light, to pierce the fogs of error and injustice that surround society and Josiah, and to bring more clearly to view the path that leads straight on to virtue and happiness.Josiah Allen's wife as a P.A. and P.I. : Samantha at the Centennial. Designed as a bright and shining light, to pierce the fogs of error and injustice that surround society and Josiah, and to bring more clearly to view the path that leads straight on to virtue and happiness. | Mrs May Battreall | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |
18961105Thursday, November 5th, 1896 | View Page | 076967696 | Queechy.Queechy. | Mrs Mary Battreall | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |
18961030Friday, October 30th, 1896 | View Page | 076957695 | The wide, wide world.The wide, wide world. | Mrs May Battreall | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |
18951017Thursday, October 17th, 1895 | View Page | 086588658 | Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs. | Mrs May Battreall | 22842284 | May BattreallMay Battreall | |