Patron # 6064 Patron Name: Davis, H Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 253 Date Joined Thursday, March 6th,1902 Patron # 6064
Patron Information Name H L Davis Nickname Residence 709 W Howa
Guarantor Information Name C.W. Sherritt Residence 323_E. Gilbert
Relationship to patron
Additional Info entry crossed out

+Supplemental Data

City Directory Name Address 414 s Mulberry Occupation Directory Year 0
Additional Info listing from 1903-1904 MCD
Census Data Name
Background Information Race Sex Male Marital Status # Years Married
Origin Info Birthplace Year of Birth
Birthplace of Father Birthplace of Mother
Naturalization Status Year of Immigration
Residence Info Residential Status # Boarders # Servants
Occupation Info Occupation
Occupation Note
Occupation Group Occupational Rank
Additional Info no listing

+Transaction History (17)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19021119Wednesday, November 19th, 1902View Page1313113131The WashingtoniansThe WashingtoniansH.L. Davis60646064H L DavisH L Davis
19021106Thursday, November 6th, 1902View Page089898989Perlycross : a novel.Perlycross : a novel.H.L. Davis60646064H L DavisH L Davis
19021103Monday, November 3rd, 1902View Page1333813338RockhavenRockhavenH.L. Davis60646064H L DavisH L Davis
19021025Saturday, October 25th, 1902View Page1302613026D'ri and I : a tale of daring deeds in the second war with the British. Being the memoirs of Colonel Ramon Bell, U.S.A.D'ri and I : a tale of daring deeds in the second war with the British. Being the memoirs of Colonel Ramon Bell, U.S.A.H.L. Davis60646064H L DavisH L Davis
19021020Monday, October 20th, 1902View Page1194311943Sophia : a romance.Sophia : a romance.H.L. Davis60646064H L DavisH L Davis
19021008Wednesday, October 8th, 1902View Page1101511015Red Rock : a chronicle of Reconstruction.Red Rock : a chronicle of Reconstruction.H.L. Davis60646064H L DavisH L Davis
19021007Tuesday, October 7th, 1902View Page1191511915Unleavened bread.Unleavened bread.H.C. Davis60646064H L DavisH L Davis
19020626Thursday, June 26th, 1902View Page1180511805The Princess Aline.The Princess Aline.H.L. Davis60646064H L DavisH L Davis
19020612Thursday, June 12th, 1902View Page1291212912The adventurers : a tale of treasure trove.The adventurers : a tale of treasure trove.H.L. Davis60646064H L DavisH L Davis
19020523Friday, May 23rd, 1902View Page1218512185Eben Holden : a tale of the north country.Eben Holden : a tale of the north country.H.L. Davis60646064H L DavisH L Davis
19020515Thursday, May 15th, 1902View Page1256212562Stringtown on the pike.Stringtown on the pike.H.L. Davis60646064H L DavisH L Davis
19020509Friday, May 9th, 1902View Page1106811068The story of an untold love.The story of an untold love.H.L. Davies60646064H L DavisH L Davis
19020426Saturday, April 26th, 1902View Page1303113031Electricity simplified : the practice and theory of electricity.Electricity simplified : the practice and theory of electricity.H.L. Davis60646064H L DavisH L Davis
19020412Saturday, April 12th, 1902View Page1196011960The house of the wolf : a romance.The house of the wolf : a romance.H.L. Davis60646064H L DavisH L Davis
19020331Monday, March 31st, 1902View Page1314013140Let not man put asunder : a novelLet not man put asunder : a novelH.L. Davies60646064H L DavisH L Davis
19020319Wednesday, March 19th, 1902View Page1279812798When blades are out and love's afieldWhen blades are out and love's afieldH.L. Davis60646064H L DavisH L Davis
19020308Saturday, March 8th, 1902View Page1297812978King Noanett : a story of old Virginia and the Massachusetts BayKing Noanett : a story of old Virginia and the Massachusetts BayH.L. Davies60646064H L DavisH L Davis