Patron # 6037 Patron Name: Coffin, Helen Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 253 Date Joined Friday, February 7th,1902 Patron # 6037
Patron Information Name Helen Coffin Nickname Residence Riverside
Guarantor Information Name H.L.C. Coffeen Residence W. Main
Relationship to patron
Additional Info

+Supplemental Data

City Directory Name Address Occupation Directory Year
Additional Info no listing
Census Data Name
Background Information Race Sex Female Marital Status # Years Married
Origin Info Birthplace Year of Birth
Birthplace of Father Birthplace of Mother
Naturalization Status Year of Immigration
Residence Info Residential Status # Boarders # Servants
Occupation Info Occupation
Occupation Note
Occupation Group Occupational Rank
Additional Info no listing

+Transaction History (8)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19021020Monday, October 20th, 1902View Page091739173Margaret Davis, tutor.Margaret Davis, tutor.Helen Coffeen60376037Helen CoffinHelen Coffin
19020930Tuesday, September 30th, 1902View Page082198219Jo's boys and how they turned out : a sequel to "Little men".Jo's boys and how they turned out : a sequel to "Little men".Helen Coffeen60376037Helen CoffinHelen Coffin
19020918Thursday, September 18th, 1902View Page1183311833Under the lilacs.Under the lilacs.Helen Coffman60376037Helen CoffinHelen Coffin
19020903Wednesday, September 3rd, 1902View Page1183311833Under the lilacs.Under the lilacs.Hedin Coffeen60376037Helen CoffinHelen Coffin
19020412Saturday, April 12th, 1902View Page1024810248Be e ; or, Two little wooden shoes.Be e ; or, Two little wooden shoes.Helen Coffeen60376037Helen CoffinHelen Coffin
19020329Saturday, March 29th, 1902View Page091969196Elsie Dinsmore.Elsie Dinsmore.Helen Coffeen60376037Helen CoffinHelen Coffin
19020315Saturday, March 15th, 1902View Page091969196Elsie Dinsmore.Elsie Dinsmore.Helen Coffeen60376037Helen CoffinHelen Coffin
19020228Friday, February 28th, 1902View Page1183511835Little men : life at Plumfield with Jo's boys.Little men : life at Plumfield with Jo's boys.Helen Coffeen60376037Helen CoffinHelen Coffin