Patron # 5753 Patron Name: Johnson, Grace Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 245 Date Joined Friday, March 22nd,1901 Patron # 5753
Patron Information Name Grace Johnson Nickname Residence 330 E. Washington St.
Guarantor Information Name Mrs. A.L. Johnson Residence 330 E. Washington
Relationship to patron
Additional Info

+Supplemental Data

City Directory Name Address Occupation Directory Year
Additional Info No Listing
Census Data Name
Background Information Race Sex Female Marital Status # Years Married
Origin Info Birthplace Year of Birth
Birthplace of Father Birthplace of Mother
Naturalization Status Year of Immigration
Residence Info Residential Status # Boarders # Servants
Occupation Info Occupation
Occupation Note
Occupation Group Occupational Rank
Additional Info no listing

+Transaction History (9)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19020412Saturday, April 12th, 1902View Page092879287World's Columbian Exposition illustrated.World's Columbian Exposition illustrated.Grace Johnson57535753Grace JohnsonGrace Johnson
19020407Monday, April 7th, 1902View Page082118211The book of the Indians of North America : illustrating their manners, customs, and present state.The book of the Indians of North America : illustrating their manners, customs, and present state.Chas Langdon57535753Grace JohnsonGrace Johnson
19020324Monday, March 24th, 1902View Page1034610346The swordmaker's son.The swordmaker's son.Chas Langdon57535753Grace JohnsonGrace Johnson
19020314Friday, March 14th, 1902View PageGrace Johnson57535753Grace JohnsonGrace Johnson"June 1901 M of Art" listed as book ID
19020312Wednesday, March 12th, 1902View PageGrace Johnson57535753Grace JohnsonGrace JohnsonBook Id partially illegible "Nov 1900 M? Art"
19020225Tuesday, February 25th, 1902View Page1130611306The cruise of the Cachalot : round the world after sperm whales.The cruise of the Cachalot : round the world after sperm whales.Chas Langdon57535753Grace JohnsonGrace Johnson
19020107Tuesday, January 7th, 1902View Page1044210442The cloister and the hearth : or, Maid, wife, and widow; a matter-of-fact romance.The cloister and the hearth : or, Maid, wife, and widow; a matter-of-fact romance.Charles Langdon57535753Grace JohnsonGrace Johnson
19011216Monday, December 16th, 1901View Page1169011690Knights in fustian : a war time story of Indiana.Knights in fustian : a war time story of Indiana.Chas Lampton57535753Grace JohnsonGrace Johnson
19010322Friday, March 22nd, 1901View Page088328832Harper's new monthly magazine.Harper's new monthly magazine.Grace Johnson57535753Grace JohnsonGrace Johnson